If you didn't support Trump in 2016 do you regret it and will you support him in 2020

What was & is now your position on Trump

  • I voted for him in 2016 and will again.

  • I voted for someone else but will vote Trump this time.

  • I am a Democrat who will support him.

  • I'm a republican who wont support him.

  • I'm a troll who can't vote because you made the votes public

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Hate the United States much?
Love the United States, disheartened with the Man of Lawlessness and what he has done to our Nation!

What has he done to our nation? Everyone I know is doing very well. If you aren't, then maybe you are to blame?

He is causing deterioration of our institutions. He’s damaging our credibility. He is weakening our leadership. It’s not something you can put a price tag on.

I think you have him confused with the last guy that had his job. You describe him to a tee.
How do you figure?

Easy. Our institutions. DumBama weaponized the FBI and IRS to use against his political opponents. They used the AG office to grant Hillary a waiver on her crimes. They abused the FISA court system by misleading the judges. He weakened our leadership by reducing military spending, and allowing sissies in dresses to join the armed forces.
Nobody in the republican party is talking about socialism, so why would they fear the party? The opposite threat? What would that be? Freedom?

Please answer my question above. What do the leftists fear about the republican party, especially since you stated it was the "opposite threat."
Absolute rule by hard right wing support of an unchecked single strongman leader. You know it was not what the framers had in mind, but looks like the direction the further right wants to go.

You can't be serious. Lol. NOBODY wants that. WE want democrats to come to their senses and to follow what the framers had in mind and not try to move us down the path of socialism, and not try to impeach presidents simply because they don't like him, and because they don't like him, they try to make people like you FEAR him. Ridiculous. Being a businessman, he wants America to be prosperous.
I could be wrong. You did not ask about me. You asked "What do the leftists fear about the republican party," so I took a guess at it. Never been one of those "dreaded leftists". I'm a conservative American patriot who served my country honorably and have a stable productive person in private and in public all my life. My brother wasn't around to answer and is probably drunk anyway. I think him a committed Deomcrat strongly leaning left, but he's the only brother I have left, so I love him and try to overlook his ill considered viewpoints.

Yet you believe the dems manufactured Russian collusion conspiracy theory.
I read the report. Mueller wasn't looking for collusion. he was looking for prosecutor crimes.
Please answer my question above. What do the leftists fear about the republican party, especially since you stated it was the "opposite threat."
Absolute rule by hard right wing support of an unchecked single strongman leader. You know it was not what the framers had in mind, but looks like the direction the further right wants to go.

You can't be serious. Lol. NOBODY wants that. WE want democrats to come to their senses and to follow what the framers had in mind and not try to move us down the path of socialism, and not try to impeach presidents simply because they don't like him, and because they don't like him, they try to make people like you FEAR him. Ridiculous. Being a businessman, he wants America to be prosperous.
I could be wrong. You did not ask about me. You asked "What do the leftists fear about the republican party," so I took a guess at it. Never been one of those "dreaded leftists". I'm a conservative American patriot who served my country honorably and have a stable productive person in private and in public all my life. My brother wasn't around to answer and is probably drunk anyway. I think him a committed Deomcrat strongly leaning left, but he's the only brother I have left, so I love him and try to overlook his ill considered viewpoints.

Yet you believe the dems manufactured Russian collusion conspiracy theory.
I read the report. Mueller wasn't looking for collusion. he was looking for prosecutor crimes.

There is absolutely no proof of any collusion. Period. End of story.
Why would he tone down the rhetoric? To whose benefit.

To his own benefit. He could probably garner more voters if he wouldn't be so arrogant. Some of us are able to overlook that as a human flaw, but others cannot . . . obviously.
So when the Marxists complain about his tweets and tell him to tone it down....you think they are doing it for his benefit?

Of course not, but there are others who are not Marxists who also are not fond of his sometimes over the top exaggerations/rhetoric and arrogance. Honestly though, I doubt if he is really any more arrogant than other presidents, he just isn't as good at hiding it.

I’m not speaking of them. The unified opinion of the left is that he should stop tweeting and be more polite. I’m sure they are just waiting to vote for him when he does.

Nobody voted for the woman who called them “deplorable” simply because Trump is bombastic. The days of them reigning us in are over.

The reason they want him to stop Tweeting is to silence him. With 93% negative reporting on Trump since he took office, in spite of his accomplishments, only leaves him one major news source to get his message out. So he communicates with the public through Tweets.
Suspect his negative coverage and poll numbers would not be as bad, if he had left his iphone on the steps when he took to oath to the constitution.
To his own benefit. He could probably garner more voters if he wouldn't be so arrogant. Some of us are able to overlook that as a human flaw, but others cannot . . . obviously.
So when the Marxists complain about his tweets and tell him to tone it down....you think they are doing it for his benefit?

Of course not, but there are others who are not Marxists who also are not fond of his sometimes over the top exaggerations/rhetoric and arrogance. Honestly though, I doubt if he is really any more arrogant than other presidents, he just isn't as good at hiding it.

I’m not speaking of them. The unified opinion of the left is that he should stop tweeting and be more polite. I’m sure they are just waiting to vote for him when he does.

Nobody voted for the woman who called them “deplorable” simply because Trump is bombastic. The days of them reigning us in are over.

The reason they want him to stop Tweeting is to silence him. With 93% negative reporting on Trump since he took office, in spite of his accomplishments, only leaves him one major news source to get his message out. So he communicates with the public through Tweets.
Suspect his negative coverage and poll numbers would not be as bad, if he had left his iphone on the steps when he took to oath to the constitution.

Really? Is that what you really think? :D Ha ha! Well then, you are one naïve person and not nearly as "smart" as you seem to think you are.
They used to be a common sense part, but certainly not under Big Don. You are correct on Kavanaugh. Russian collusion is and always was a republican hoax, often advanced by Donald Trump, who quite rightly said "So What?" There is no federal law against collustion. So collusion is exactly what he wanted out front. The question was whether he or his campaign were in contact and conspired, seeking to coordinated the release of information, the campaign knew was stolen by Russia, (within hours after he called for Russia to look for Hillary's emails) and coordinated the use and release of stolen property, indirectly from Russian intelligence. I have a marked up Pdf, (downloaded directly from Justice Department) mis- characterized by Barr for over two weeks in order to get out ahead of the story. It is indeed pretty shady, but a very long read.
You can tell what Trump thinks of minorities by how many he has cabinet positions and other appointments. Apparently there were few who could qualify for this high standards we have seen him employee to make his selections. I agree Trump could care less about women in general unless they are good looking and are impressed by his money and fame. I understand if you are rich and famous, you can grab them by the private parts and they don't mind a bit. If he gets a stirring, morals go out the window, along with cares about his wives and kids, but this is OK with modern Republicans.
He is not the type of President they taught you about in civic class or held up as an example and quoted in history class, and this is fine with modern Republicans. He is more like the kind of guy you discussed case-law about in college classes. Republicans used to remind me of the US Senate, kind of a bulwark against flighty populous movements. They worked with the Democrats, but from a different point of view. They certainly never forsook their own core values to embrace a life-long Democrat populist as their party leader and standard bearer.
You asked my opinion, so there you have it.

You are an idiot...but worse you expect us to be too idiotic to remember that the KGB passed Hillary the Steele dossier? That Shiff tried to meet with Russians at the Ukrainian embassy to get what he thought were compromising photos of Trump? That Obama said on a hot mic tell vlad I’ll be free to pursue his interests after this pesky election?

You lost. Thank God. America won.
Thanks for the nice intellectual name calling. Near as I can tell, everybody and their brother and sister were paying for that "Steele dossier" (sounds like something out of a Bond flick) at on time or another. Don't bother with the name calling. You know I will only start skipping your posts whether they have merit or not.

Not who was paying for it. Where it came from. KGB. To Hillary.
It appears Hillary lost (thank goodness, too bad they both couldn't have lost), but don't feel butt hurt. Trump go lots of help from Russia in the form of stolen emails and thirteen state twitter/facebook/social media campaign, as well as a lot of funding from NRA that was sponsored by Russia.

You are as far gone as your defeated candidate.
You mean that libertarian guy, I vote for instead of either of the two low lifes? Well, I haven't heard anything out of him lately. Never thought he would win. I was an anybody but either of those two POS.
To his own benefit. He could probably garner more voters if he wouldn't be so arrogant. Some of us are able to overlook that as a human flaw, but others cannot . . . obviously.
So when the Marxists complain about his tweets and tell him to tone it down....you think they are doing it for his benefit?

Of course not, but there are others who are not Marxists who also are not fond of his sometimes over the top exaggerations/rhetoric and arrogance. Honestly though, I doubt if he is really any more arrogant than other presidents, he just isn't as good at hiding it.

I’m not speaking of them. The unified opinion of the left is that he should stop tweeting and be more polite. I’m sure they are just waiting to vote for him when he does.

Nobody voted for the woman who called them “deplorable” simply because Trump is bombastic. The days of them reigning us in are over.

The reason they want him to stop Tweeting is to silence him. With 93% negative reporting on Trump since he took office, in spite of his accomplishments, only leaves him one major news source to get his message out. So he communicates with the public through Tweets.
Suspect his negative coverage and poll numbers would not be as bad, if he had left his iphone on the steps when he took to oath to the constitution.

Within 11 minutes of taking his oath the Wash Post and New York Times were demanding impeachment.

So you are obviously wrong.
You are an idiot...but worse you expect us to be too idiotic to remember that the KGB passed Hillary the Steele dossier? That Shiff tried to meet with Russians at the Ukrainian embassy to get what he thought were compromising photos of Trump? That Obama said on a hot mic tell vlad I’ll be free to pursue his interests after this pesky election?

You lost. Thank God. America won.
Thanks for the nice intellectual name calling. Near as I can tell, everybody and their brother and sister were paying for that "Steele dossier" (sounds like something out of a Bond flick) at on time or another. Don't bother with the name calling. You know I will only start skipping your posts whether they have merit or not.

Not who was paying for it. Where it came from. KGB. To Hillary.
It appears Hillary lost (thank goodness, too bad they both couldn't have lost), but don't feel butt hurt. Trump go lots of help from Russia in the form of stolen emails and thirteen state twitter/facebook/social media campaign, as well as a lot of funding from NRA that was sponsored by Russia.

You are as far gone as your defeated candidate.
You mean that libertarian guy, I vote for instead of either of the two low lifes? Well, I haven't heard anything out of him lately. Never thought he would win. I was an anybody but either of those two POS.

What libertarian guy?
Thanks for the nice intellectual name calling. Near as I can tell, everybody and their brother and sister were paying for that "Steele dossier" (sounds like something out of a Bond flick) at on time or another. Don't bother with the name calling. You know I will only start skipping your posts whether they have merit or not.

Not who was paying for it. Where it came from. KGB. To Hillary.
It appears Hillary lost (thank goodness, too bad they both couldn't have lost), but don't feel butt hurt. Trump go lots of help from Russia in the form of stolen emails and thirteen state twitter/facebook/social media campaign, as well as a lot of funding from NRA that was sponsored by Russia.

You are as far gone as your defeated candidate.
You mean that libertarian guy, I vote for instead of either of the two low lifes? Well, I haven't heard anything out of him lately. Never thought he would win. I was an anybody but either of those two POS.

What libertarian guy?

Gary Johnson. He can't even remember his NAME though. Lol.
To his own benefit. He could probably garner more voters if he wouldn't be so arrogant. Some of us are able to overlook that as a human flaw, but others cannot . . . obviously.
So when the Marxists complain about his tweets and tell him to tone it down....you think they are doing it for his benefit?

Of course not, but there are others who are not Marxists who also are not fond of his sometimes over the top exaggerations/rhetoric and arrogance. Honestly though, I doubt if he is really any more arrogant than other presidents, he just isn't as good at hiding it.

I’m not speaking of them. The unified opinion of the left is that he should stop tweeting and be more polite. I’m sure they are just waiting to vote for him when he does.

Nobody voted for the woman who called them “deplorable” simply because Trump is bombastic. The days of them reigning us in are over.

The reason they want him to stop Tweeting is to silence him. With 93% negative reporting on Trump since he took office, in spite of his accomplishments, only leaves him one major news source to get his message out. So he communicates with the public through Tweets.
Suspect his negative coverage and poll numbers would not be as bad, if he had left his iphone on the steps when he took to oath to the constitution.

They would be as bad no matter what he did unless he became another leftist ass kisser like past Presidents. He's getting negative coverage because he made them look like fools by winning. If the country were in this great of shape under Hil-Liar, they would be having parades in the street once a month. Unless you are naive, you understand the MSM is nothing more than an extension of the Democrat party.

Using the power of suggestion, they are able to manipulate weak minds, and have them thinking as the MSM desires. They control people, and that is why Trump considers them a threat to our nation.

CNN, MSNBC said 'racist' more than 4,100 times from July 14-21
So when the Marxists complain about his tweets and tell him to tone it down....you think they are doing it for his benefit?

Of course not, but there are others who are not Marxists who also are not fond of his sometimes over the top exaggerations/rhetoric and arrogance. Honestly though, I doubt if he is really any more arrogant than other presidents, he just isn't as good at hiding it.

I’m not speaking of them. The unified opinion of the left is that he should stop tweeting and be more polite. I’m sure they are just waiting to vote for him when he does.

Nobody voted for the woman who called them “deplorable” simply because Trump is bombastic. The days of them reigning us in are over.

The reason they want him to stop Tweeting is to silence him. With 93% negative reporting on Trump since he took office, in spite of his accomplishments, only leaves him one major news source to get his message out. So he communicates with the public through Tweets.
Suspect his negative coverage and poll numbers would not be as bad, if he had left his iphone on the steps when he took to oath to the constitution.

They would be as bad no matter what he did unless he became another leftist ass kisser like past Presidents. He's getting negative coverage because he made them look like fools by winning. If the country were in this great of shape under Hil-Liar, they would be having parades in the street once a month. Unless you are naive, you understand the MSM is nothing more than an extension of the Democrat party.

Using the power of suggestion, they are able to manipulate weak minds, and have them thinking as the MSM desires. They control people, and that is why Trump considers them a threat to our nation.

CNN, MSNBC said 'racist' more than 4,100 times from July 14-21

Poster is very naïve, obviously.
So when the Marxists complain about his tweets and tell him to tone it down....you think they are doing it for his benefit?

Of course not, but there are others who are not Marxists who also are not fond of his sometimes over the top exaggerations/rhetoric and arrogance. Honestly though, I doubt if he is really any more arrogant than other presidents, he just isn't as good at hiding it.

I’m not speaking of them. The unified opinion of the left is that he should stop tweeting and be more polite. I’m sure they are just waiting to vote for him when he does.

Nobody voted for the woman who called them “deplorable” simply because Trump is bombastic. The days of them reigning us in are over.

The reason they want him to stop Tweeting is to silence him. With 93% negative reporting on Trump since he took office, in spite of his accomplishments, only leaves him one major news source to get his message out. So he communicates with the public through Tweets.
Suspect his negative coverage and poll numbers would not be as bad, if he had left his iphone on the steps when he took to oath to the constitution.

They would be as bad no matter what he did unless he became another leftist ass kisser like past Presidents. He's getting negative coverage because he made them look like fools by winning. If the country were in this great of shape under Hil-Liar, they would be having parades in the street once a month. Unless you are naive, you understand the MSM is nothing more than an extension of the Democrat party.

Using the power of suggestion, they are able to manipulate weak minds, and have them thinking as the MSM desires. They control people, and that is why Trump considers them a threat to our nation.

CNN, MSNBC said 'racist' more than 4,100 times from July 14-21

And I'm sure Kathy Griffin wouldn't have posted a picture of herself holding a decapitated Trump head either, if only he were more agreeable with the leftists. Lol!
I admit highly educated and trained people can more efficiently screw you over, but idiots in command are never to be counted on. They never learned to discipline their mind and often their emotions.

I don't think Donald Trump is as much an idiot as you think he is. A blow hard? Sure. Arrogant? Sure. Gets irritated and says some stupid things sometimes? Sure.
I am not so sure, but readily admit it could be part of strategy to sew division, discourse and confusion, just to take advantage of opportunities or vulnerabilities found in making moves in the height of confusion.

Yep, he is just like a James Bond villain! Lol! Or maybe the Brain from Pinky and the Brain! Narf!

I admit, I do lean more toward him being and good old fashioned f#cking idiot lacking in self control, good judgement, low on morals, long on mouth,etc,etd...

Okay, leftist. Lol!
I get it. Anyone who does not approve is a leftist of marxist or some other current right wing trope. Real adult. Thanks for proving loyal to your leader, and typical of the new republic party.
Not who was paying for it. Where it came from. KGB. To Hillary.
It appears Hillary lost (thank goodness, too bad they both couldn't have lost), but don't feel butt hurt. Trump go lots of help from Russia in the form of stolen emails and thirteen state twitter/facebook/social media campaign, as well as a lot of funding from NRA that was sponsored by Russia.

You are as far gone as your defeated candidate.
You mean that libertarian guy, I vote for instead of either of the two low lifes? Well, I haven't heard anything out of him lately. Never thought he would win. I was an anybody but either of those two POS.

What libertarian guy?

Gary Johnson. He can't even remember his NAME though. Lol.

Libertarians are the most ridiculous specimens of many that you will find in chat rooms. Thank God you don’t see them in real life.
I don't think Donald Trump is as much an idiot as you think he is. A blow hard? Sure. Arrogant? Sure. Gets irritated and says some stupid things sometimes? Sure.
I am not so sure, but readily admit it could be part of strategy to sew division, discourse and confusion, just to take advantage of opportunities or vulnerabilities found in making moves in the height of confusion.

Yep, he is just like a James Bond villain! Lol! Or maybe the Brain from Pinky and the Brain! Narf!

I admit, I do lean more toward him being and good old fashioned f#cking idiot lacking in self control, good judgement, low on morals, long on mouth,etc,etd...

Okay, leftist. Lol!
I get it. Anyone who does not approve is a leftist of marxist or some other current right wing trope. Real adult. Thanks for proving loyal to your leader, and typical of the new republic party.

You are parroting ALL the leftist talking points.
It appears Hillary lost (thank goodness, too bad they both couldn't have lost), but don't feel butt hurt. Trump go lots of help from Russia in the form of stolen emails and thirteen state twitter/facebook/social media campaign, as well as a lot of funding from NRA that was sponsored by Russia.

You are as far gone as your defeated candidate.
You mean that libertarian guy, I vote for instead of either of the two low lifes? Well, I haven't heard anything out of him lately. Never thought he would win. I was an anybody but either of those two POS.

What libertarian guy?

Gary Johnson. He can't even remember his NAME though. Lol.

Libertarians are the most ridiculous specimens of many that you will find in chat rooms. Thank God you don’t see them in real life.

I like them, most of the time. At least they are on the side of freedom and the constitution, unlike leftists.
Does not even have to be a leftist mind.

To be so cruel to her and her children? Yes, yes it does.
Luckily she will not matter. Analysis or evaluation of her and those against her no longer matter. Much like Hillary, only not as long around, she was here to strut and fret her hour upon the stage, and then be heard no more, a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.

Except she never threatened to take things away from anyone! She wasn't trying to play Robin Hood to hoodwink the dummies!
Hey, send her a check, or a card on her birthday, but you guys need to get over her and the Hill.

You are the one who brought her up!
Only in passing, talking about why McCain lost and why I could not support that ticket. True, I have voted for most Republican tickets but not that ticket.
To be so cruel to her and her children? Yes, yes it does.
Luckily she will not matter. Analysis or evaluation of her and those against her no longer matter. Much like Hillary, only not as long around, she was here to strut and fret her hour upon the stage, and then be heard no more, a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.

Except she never threatened to take things away from anyone! She wasn't trying to play Robin Hood to hoodwink the dummies!
Hey, send her a check, or a card on her birthday, but you guys need to get over her and the Hill.

You are the one who brought her up!
Only in passing, talking about why McCain lost and why I could not support that ticket. True, I have voted for most Republican tickets but not that ticket.

Please. Your posts are here for all to read.
So when the Marxists complain about his tweets and tell him to tone it down....you think they are doing it for his benefit?

Of course not, but there are others who are not Marxists who also are not fond of his sometimes over the top exaggerations/rhetoric and arrogance. Honestly though, I doubt if he is really any more arrogant than other presidents, he just isn't as good at hiding it.

I’m not speaking of them. The unified opinion of the left is that he should stop tweeting and be more polite. I’m sure they are just waiting to vote for him when he does.

Nobody voted for the woman who called them “deplorable” simply because Trump is bombastic. The days of them reigning us in are over.

The reason they want him to stop Tweeting is to silence him. With 93% negative reporting on Trump since he took office, in spite of his accomplishments, only leaves him one major news source to get his message out. So he communicates with the public through Tweets.
Suspect his negative coverage and poll numbers would not be as bad, if he had left his iphone on the steps when he took to oath to the constitution.

They would be as bad no matter what he did unless he became another leftist ass kisser like past Presidents. He's getting negative coverage because he made them look like fools by winning. If the country were in this great of shape under Hil-Liar, they would be having parades in the street once a month. Unless you are naive, you understand the MSM is nothing more than an extension of the Democrat party.

Using the power of suggestion, they are able to manipulate weak minds, and have them thinking as the MSM desires. They control people, and that is why Trump considers them a threat to our nation.

CNN, MSNBC said 'racist' more than 4,100 times from July 14-21

They are indeed a threat to our nation. And they believe they were born to rule.

Trump is seen as a traitor to his class. They don’t mind whatever platitudes it takes to get elected but actually acting on them is how Trump is driving them crazy.
To be so cruel to her and her children? Yes, yes it does.
Luckily she will not matter. Analysis or evaluation of her and those against her no longer matter. Much like Hillary, only not as long around, she was here to strut and fret her hour upon the stage, and then be heard no more, a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.

Except she never threatened to take things away from anyone! She wasn't trying to play Robin Hood to hoodwink the dummies!
Hey, send her a check, or a card on her birthday, but you guys need to get over her and the Hill.

You are the one who brought her up!
Only in passing, talking about why McCain lost and why I could not support that ticket. True, I have voted for most Republican tickets but not that ticket.

I voted for him holding my nose. I see it like this: While I wouldn't want McCain to run our country, I wanted DumBama to run it much less. Third party? Then you are only going to the polls for exercise. I want my vote to actually do something, either get my candidate in, or keep the worse one out.

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