If you didn't support Trump in 2016 do you regret it and will you support him in 2020

What was & is now your position on Trump

  • I voted for him in 2016 and will again.

  • I voted for someone else but will vote Trump this time.

  • I am a Democrat who will support him.

  • I'm a republican who wont support him.

  • I'm a troll who can't vote because you made the votes public

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Why would he tone down the rhetoric? To whose benefit.

To his own benefit. He could probably garner more voters if he wouldn't be so arrogant. Some of us are able to overlook that as a human flaw, but others cannot . . . obviously.
So when the Marxists complain about his tweets and tell him to tone it down....you think they are doing it for his benefit?

Of course not, but there are others who are not Marxists who also are not fond of his sometimes over the top exaggerations/rhetoric and arrogance. Honestly though, I doubt if he is really any more arrogant than other presidents, he just isn't as good at hiding it.

I’m not speaking of them. The unified opinion of the left is that he should stop tweeting and be more polite. I’m sure they are just waiting to vote for him when he does.

Nobody voted for the woman who called them deplorable simply because Trump is bombastic. The days of them reigning us in are over.

Hey, when he is right, he is right. But he sometimes jumps the gun. I just wish he wouldn't do that. It just gives them more ammo.

Blanks apparently.
Why would he tone down the rhetoric? To whose benefit.

To his own benefit. He could probably garner more voters if he wouldn't be so arrogant. Some of us are able to overlook that as a human flaw, but others cannot . . . obviously.
So when the Marxists complain about his tweets and tell him to tone it down....you think they are doing it for his benefit?

Of course not, but there are others who are not Marxists who also are not fond of his sometimes over the top exaggerations/rhetoric and arrogance. Honestly though, I doubt if he is really any more arrogant than other presidents, he just isn't as good at hiding it.

I’m not speaking of them. The unified opinion of the left is that he should stop tweeting and be more polite. I’m sure they are just waiting to vote for him when he does.

Nobody voted for the woman who called them “deplorable” simply because Trump is bombastic. The days of them reigning us in are over.

The reason they want him to stop Tweeting is to silence him. With 93% negative reporting on Trump since he took office, in spite of his accomplishments, only leaves him one major news source to get his message out. So he communicates with the public through Tweets.

Well, I don't have a problem with the tweets. I like that he is communicating directly with the people. I think that is wonderful. I do have a problem when he speaks without knowing all the facts though, or when he lowers himself to the level of a leftist. I just think he would be doing himself a world of good if he would try to nip that in the bud, and maybe just ignore the leftists sometimes.
Never in a million gazillion years would I vote for this man of lawlessness....

That wasn't a choice, but should have been!!!! :D
Hate the United States much?
Love the United States, disheartened with the Man of Lawlessness and what he has done to our Nation!

What has he done to our nation? Everyone I know is doing very well. If you aren't, then maybe you are to blame?
Never in a million gazillion years would I vote for this man of lawlessness....

That wasn't a choice, but should have been!!!! :D
Hate the United States much?
Love the United States, disheartened with the Man of Lawlessness and what he has done to our Nation!

What has he done to our nation? Everyone I know is doing very well. If you aren't, then maybe you are to blame?

He is causing deterioration of our institutions. He’s damaging our credibility. He is weakening our leadership. It’s not something you can put a price tag on.
To his own benefit. He could probably garner more voters if he wouldn't be so arrogant. Some of us are able to overlook that as a human flaw, but others cannot . . . obviously.
So when the Marxists complain about his tweets and tell him to tone it down....you think they are doing it for his benefit?

Of course not, but there are others who are not Marxists who also are not fond of his sometimes over the top exaggerations/rhetoric and arrogance. Honestly though, I doubt if he is really any more arrogant than other presidents, he just isn't as good at hiding it.

I’m not speaking of them. The unified opinion of the left is that he should stop tweeting and be more polite. I’m sure they are just waiting to vote for him when he does.

Nobody voted for the woman who called them “deplorable” simply because Trump is bombastic. The days of them reigning us in are over.

The reason they want him to stop Tweeting is to silence him. With 93% negative reporting on Trump since he took office, in spite of his accomplishments, only leaves him one major news source to get his message out. So he communicates with the public through Tweets.

Well, I don't have a problem with the tweets. I like that he is communicating directly with the people. I think that is wonderful. I do have a problem when he speaks without knowing all the facts though, or when he lowers himself to the level of a leftist. I just think he would be doing himself a world of good if he would try to nip that in the bud, and maybe just ignore the leftists sometimes.

I agree he doesn't do enough research before Tweeting or talking, but I also understand he's a pretty busy guy, fighting the left, trying to continue our great economy, keeping in contact with our military and border people. But all in all, I would say his less than accurate claims are relatively harmless, and sometimes entertaining. As for the people that get upset by them, they have no intention of voting for him anyway. Like I said, they are just trying to shut him up no matter what he says.
Never in a million gazillion years would I vote for this man of lawlessness....

That wasn't a choice, but should have been!!!! :D
Hate the United States much?
Love the United States, disheartened with the Man of Lawlessness and what he has done to our Nation!

What has he done to our nation? Everyone I know is doing very well. If you aren't, then maybe you are to blame?

He is causing deterioration of our institutions. He’s damaging our credibility. He is weakening our leadership. It’s not something you can put a price tag on.

No he isn't.
Never in a million gazillion years would I vote for this man of lawlessness....

That wasn't a choice, but should have been!!!! :D
Hate the United States much?
Love the United States, disheartened with the Man of Lawlessness and what he has done to our Nation!

What has he done to our nation? Everyone I know is doing very well. If you aren't, then maybe you are to blame?

He is causing deterioration of our institutions. He’s damaging our credibility. He is weakening our leadership. It’s not something you can put a price tag on.

I think you have him confused with the last guy that had his job. You describe him to a tee.
To his own benefit. He could probably garner more voters if he wouldn't be so arrogant. Some of us are able to overlook that as a human flaw, but others cannot . . . obviously.
So when the Marxists complain about his tweets and tell him to tone it down....you think they are doing it for his benefit?

Of course not, but there are others who are not Marxists who also are not fond of his sometimes over the top exaggerations/rhetoric and arrogance. Honestly though, I doubt if he is really any more arrogant than other presidents, he just isn't as good at hiding it.

I’m not speaking of them. The unified opinion of the left is that he should stop tweeting and be more polite. I’m sure they are just waiting to vote for him when he does.

Nobody voted for the woman who called them “deplorable” simply because Trump is bombastic. The days of them reigning us in are over.

The reason they want him to stop Tweeting is to silence him. With 93% negative reporting on Trump since he took office, in spite of his accomplishments, only leaves him one major news source to get his message out. So he communicates with the public through Tweets.

Well, I don't have a problem with the tweets. I like that he is communicating directly with the people. I think that is wonderful. I do have a problem when he speaks without knowing all the facts though, or when he lowers himself to the level of a leftist. I just think he would be doing himself a world of good if he would try to nip that in the bud, and maybe just ignore the leftists sometimes.

He did himself a world of good just as he is. Why change that?
Wake up Ray. If, as you say, the Democrat party is the anti-white party, why would white racists support that party. Under your theory, that would be like the KKK joining the Black Panthers. I don't think so, although I can understand why non-leadership Republican party follower, as yourself would hope the white racist folk would join and support the other party. They will embarrass you time and time again.

Who said white racists did support the Democrats? I didn't. If anything, they'd be against the Democrats like every aware white person should be.
So I misunderstood. I agree. White racists support Trump and the new Republican party white power on the down-low. You guys need a purge. Don't bitch at me, I'm just sayin.

Where is your evidence who they support? Even if they did, so what? These tiny fringe groups are going to change the Republican party?
Already have. They are violent, destructive, growing again, tolerated better by the current party in power by their silence, and you already know or tacitly approve of them.

I do? When did I say I approve of them? What I said is they are not changing our party. That racist thing is something the Democrats created decades ago. It was old then, and it's old now. It doesn't work anymore, and I don't think ever has. So they replaced racism and homophobia with Putin and Russia. And they're going to run with that throughout Trump's second term.
I don't think of you as a racist, Ray. I just think I have never heard a president and party more silent of a direct violent threatening, subversive collection of organizations, that I have been brief on professionally and officially during yeas of service. They are a closer threat to us than the Russia. At it's basic level, I think it is an amoebic like xenophobic reaction to foreign stimulus, like many that have triggered the fight or flight instinct encouraged the survival of the species. I just reject the violent historic nature of those that have embraced it as an accepted societal reaction.
Dang, this has become a far ranging thread, yet by in large far more civil than many threads on this board.
Never in a million gazillion years would I vote for this man of lawlessness....

That wasn't a choice, but should have been!!!! :D
Hate the United States much?
Love the United States, disheartened with the Man of Lawlessness and what he has done to our Nation!

What has he done to our nation? Everyone I know is doing very well. If you aren't, then maybe you are to blame?

He is causing deterioration of our institutions. He’s damaging our credibility. He is weakening our leadership. It’s not something you can put a price tag on.

No he isn't.
I disagree.

He has convinced people everyone in government is corrupt. He has deteriorated our state department into a shell of itself. He is forcing out people at all levels including highly skilled employees because.

His words are empty and often meaningless. Foreign leaders don’t take him seriously. They laugh at him behind his back. They talk about how to manipulate him.

He has no intention of leading NATO, the UN or any international coalition. They are moving forward without our input because we aren’t there.
Never in a million gazillion years would I vote for this man of lawlessness....

That wasn't a choice, but should have been!!!! :D
Hate the United States much?
Love the United States, disheartened with the Man of Lawlessness and what he has done to our Nation!

What has he done to our nation? Everyone I know is doing very well. If you aren't, then maybe you are to blame?

He is causing deterioration of our institutions. He’s damaging our credibility. He is weakening our leadership. It’s not something you can put a price tag on.

I think you have him confused with the last guy that had his job. You describe him to a tee.
How do you figure?
Glad I never supported the Hill. Neither party should be accepting foreign born donations in our political process. I do not accept there place at our political table as legitimate stake holder in selecting our leaders. Do you?

No, but they all do, so you can't just pick out one out of the bunch.
They should not. I believe it is against the law in most cases. Both parties should lock it down. Just because the other party does, it is still does not justify. Two wrongs don't make a right and (the right) will not be majorly disadvantaged, by choosing to do the right thing.

So, why are you ONLY talking about Trump accepting foreign donations, when you know damn well that the others did so too? NOW, you want to change it? Lol! Okay.

Neither party should be accepting foreign born donations in our political process. I do not accept there place at our political table as legitimate stake holder in selecting our leaders. Do you?

They should not. I believe it is against the law in most cases. Both parties should lock it down. Just because the other party does, it is still does not justify. Two wrongs don't make a right and (the right) will not be majorly disadvantaged, by choosing to do the right thing

Which of the two paragraphs above did you fail to understand? You never answered by question of, do you think foreign governments and individuals are legitimate stake holders, that should be given a place in helping pick our leaders. Either you support or you do not support. I do not. I will side with the framers of our constitution.

So why are you complaining about this NOW. It is not something new! Why are you holding Trump to a different set of standards?
Simply because he does not appear to be being held to societal norms as every other Republican and Democratic party leader in my memory. Ultimately Democrats cannot control a Republic president any more than Republicans can control a Democratic president, but the party in power should be responsible for their standard bearer, not to their standard bearer, and he is the standard bearer du jour.
Educationally and intellectually, to say the least. I did not know you held him in that high esteem.

I never said Obama was dumb. That is what makes people like him so dangerous.
I admit highly educated and trained people can more efficiently screw you over, but idiots in command are never to be counted on. They never learned to discipline their mind and often their emotions.

I don't think Donald Trump is as much an idiot as you think he is. A blow hard? Sure. Arrogant? Sure. Gets irritated and says some stupid things sometimes? Sure.
I am not so sure, but readily admit it could be part of strategy to sew division, discourse and confusion, just to take advantage of opportunities or vulnerabilities found in making moves in the height of confusion.

So basically, you do think Donald Trump is a genius who is intent on taking over the world! Hilarious!
No. Do you?
I never said Obama was dumb. That is what makes people like him so dangerous.
I admit highly educated and trained people can more efficiently screw you over, but idiots in command are never to be counted on. They never learned to discipline their mind and often their emotions.

I don't think Donald Trump is as much an idiot as you think he is. A blow hard? Sure. Arrogant? Sure. Gets irritated and says some stupid things sometimes? Sure.
I am not so sure, but readily admit it could be part of strategy to sew division, discourse and confusion, just to take advantage of opportunities or vulnerabilities found in making moves in the height of confusion.

So basically, you do think Donald Trump is a genius who is intent on taking over the world! Hilarious!
No. Do you?

No. Like I said before, he is a business man who is interested in making America more prosperous.
No, but they all do, so you can't just pick out one out of the bunch.
They should not. I believe it is against the law in most cases. Both parties should lock it down. Just because the other party does, it is still does not justify. Two wrongs don't make a right and (the right) will not be majorly disadvantaged, by choosing to do the right thing.

So, why are you ONLY talking about Trump accepting foreign donations, when you know damn well that the others did so too? NOW, you want to change it? Lol! Okay.

Neither party should be accepting foreign born donations in our political process. I do not accept there place at our political table as legitimate stake holder in selecting our leaders. Do you?

They should not. I believe it is against the law in most cases. Both parties should lock it down. Just because the other party does, it is still does not justify. Two wrongs don't make a right and (the right) will not be majorly disadvantaged, by choosing to do the right thing

Which of the two paragraphs above did you fail to understand? You never answered by question of, do you think foreign governments and individuals are legitimate stake holders, that should be given a place in helping pick our leaders. Either you support or you do not support. I do not. I will side with the framers of our constitution.

So why are you complaining about this NOW. It is not something new! Why are you holding Trump to a different set of standards?
Simply because he does not appear to be being held to societal norms as every other Republican and Democratic party leader in my memory. Ultimately Democrats cannot control a Republic president any more than Republicans can control a Democratic president, but the party in power should be responsible for their standard bearer, not to their standard bearer, and he is the standard bearer du jour.

Elections have consequences, right?
Educationally and intellectually, to say the least. I did not know you held him in that high esteem.

I never said Obama was dumb. That is what makes people like him so dangerous.
I admit highly educated and trained people can more efficiently screw you over, but idiots in command are never to be counted on. They never learned to discipline their mind and often their emotions.

I don't think Donald Trump is as much an idiot as you think he is. A blow hard? Sure. Arrogant? Sure. Gets irritated and says some stupid things sometimes? Sure.
I am not so sure, but readily admit it could be part of strategy to sew division, discourse and confusion, just to take advantage of opportunities or vulnerabilities found in making moves in the height of confusion.

Yep, he is just like a James Bond villain! Lol! Or maybe the Brain from Pinky and the Brain! Narf!

I admit, I do lean more toward him being and good old fashioned f#cking idiot lacking in self control, good judgement, low on morals, long on mouth,etc,etd...
I never said Obama was dumb. That is what makes people like him so dangerous.
I admit highly educated and trained people can more efficiently screw you over, but idiots in command are never to be counted on. They never learned to discipline their mind and often their emotions.

I don't think Donald Trump is as much an idiot as you think he is. A blow hard? Sure. Arrogant? Sure. Gets irritated and says some stupid things sometimes? Sure.
I am not so sure, but readily admit it could be part of strategy to sew division, discourse and confusion, just to take advantage of opportunities or vulnerabilities found in making moves in the height of confusion.

Yep, he is just like a James Bond villain! Lol! Or maybe the Brain from Pinky and the Brain! Narf!

I admit, I do lean more toward him being and good old fashioned f#cking idiot lacking in self control, good judgement, low on morals, long on mouth,etc,etd...

Okay, leftist. Lol!
She made it easy. It was not her year to make it to the stage. Possibly a filly brought along to fast, by poor judgement of the handlers.

She made what easy? For leftists to portray her in a negative light? In the leftist mind, I suppose that is true.
Does not even have to be a leftist mind.

To be so cruel to her and her children? Yes, yes it does.
Luckily she will not matter. Analysis or evaluation of her and those against her no longer matter. Much like Hillary, only not as long around, she was here to strut and fret her hour upon the stage, and then be heard no more, a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.

Except she never threatened to take things away from anyone! She wasn't trying to play Robin Hood to hoodwink the dummies!
Hey, send her a check, or a card on her birthday, but you guys need to get over her and the Hill.
She made what easy? For leftists to portray her in a negative light? In the leftist mind, I suppose that is true.
Does not even have to be a leftist mind.

To be so cruel to her and her children? Yes, yes it does.
Luckily she will not matter. Analysis or evaluation of her and those against her no longer matter. Much like Hillary, only not as long around, she was here to strut and fret her hour upon the stage, and then be heard no more, a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.

Except she never threatened to take things away from anyone! She wasn't trying to play Robin Hood to hoodwink the dummies!
Hey, send her a check, or a card on her birthday, but you guys need to get over her and the Hill.

You are the one who brought her up!

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