If you didn't support Trump in 2016 do you regret it and will you support him in 2020

What was & is now your position on Trump

  • I voted for him in 2016 and will again.

  • I voted for someone else but will vote Trump this time.

  • I am a Democrat who will support him.

  • I'm a republican who wont support him.

  • I'm a troll who can't vote because you made the votes public

Results are only viewable after voting.
So who started that?

Not sure. By the time I realized what a$$holes in manner and civility the two parties had become, it was well enough established, I knew not, who to pint the finger toward. Doesn't matter. Democrats have always been more a populous party. The Republican a bit more restrained. If there are no adults in the room, kids, never progressing past adolescence will F#uck everything. Just look at the impressive AOC.

I don't think the Republican leaders ever considered Democrats as the enemy. It's quite the other way around. Political bloggers such as myself? Without a doubt I see them as the enemy.

Why? Because they are basically power hungry Socialists. The Communists stated decades ago they would take over the United States of America, but they will do so without one shot being fired. They will takeover from within, and that's what we see with the Democrat party today.

Bottom line is I see a party that wants to dismantle this country, and reassemble it to mirror other Socialist shitholes. I don't want to see that happen to my country. People who want that kind of system already have places they can go to live it for a while. They can go to Cuba, Venezuela, North Korea. And when they find it's not what it was cracked up to be, they can always come home to the good ole United States of America, if their new country lets them.

But once you change this place and find out it's not what you thought it would be, there is no other USA to move back to. It will be gone forever. There will be no place left to go, because the United States in it's current form is unique and unduplicated. There is no other country like it in the world. We are the only one. So let's not surrender it.

Understand how you think and feel. Many of the the Democrats view your party the same way, but not viewing themselves from your mindset, see the opposite threat to the union and the two party system. Both mindsets are wrong, only reacting to the fringes, not the central part of the party. It is the kids fighting in the back seat on a long trip. That is just my opinion.

Nobody in the republican party is talking about socialism, so why would they fear the party? The opposite threat? What would that be? Freedom?

Please answer my question above. What do the leftists fear about the republican party, especially since you stated it was the "opposite threat."

Absolute rule by hard right wing support of an unchecked single strongman leader. You know it was not what the framers had in mind, but looks like the direction the further right wants to go.
Oh okay, President Trump is just a dummy who has never read a book. Talk about hyperbole. AS much as some of you hate Trump, he is not stupid. He wouldn't be where he was today if he was stupid. And if he IS stupid, as you claim, then he is one hella hard worker to be where he is today.

Correct, a stupid billionaire who was a successful businessman and entertainer. I wish I could be that stupid.
Skill sets in the Private Sector do not always translate well into the Public Sector, as we see presently with Trump.

Correct. We need less people working. We need people with less money in their pocket. Our stock market is doing too well. We need to tone that down with taxes. We need higher unemployment. We need higher energy costs. Not to worry though, Warren said her first day in office, she's signing an executive order to stop all fracking in the US, you know, the process that's responsible for our reasonable fuel prices.

I don't know what we were thinking when we voted for Trump. Without a doubt, we see his skill set isn't the public sector.
If a booming economy comes with too high a price tag in other areas than it's still not enough... nowhere near enough.

That factor (a booming economy) does not excuse a largely failed domestic provisioning for the underprivileged...

That factor does not excuse a markedly failed foreign policy and the alienation of one ally after another...

That factor does not excuse the idiocy and knee-jerk reactions we see from that ignorant, arrogant clod in a vast array of public dealings...

That factor does not excuse a wannabe autocrat from continually attempting to subvert co-equal rule by the other branches of government...

That factor does not excuse a wannabe dictator who continually assails a Free Press as the Enemy of the People...

Both Mussolini and Hitler also boasted booming economies and they made the trains run on time...

In the end, their booming economies came at too high a price...

What are you talking about? How about you just answer the question like a normal person? Let me ask you again, what is it about POTUS that you don't like?

A "Moderate"? Oh, yeah, I overlooked that overly kind and gentle word for a RINO.

As to my apprehensions about President Trump's campaign back when you likely were a fledgling Girl Scout....I repeat. Dr. Fell Syndrome. A condition well known to those who enjoy literature - and that does not include comic books. It's is an epigram, said to have been written by satirical English poet Tom Brown in 1680. The condition is not treatable nor should treatment be attempted. I included a clip from Wikipedia that might help with your inability or unwillingness to use a browser.

Have fun child!
Question. Would you say that most white racist vote Republican and support Trump, while most black racist vote democrat and will support whoever the Dem of the moment is? Or is that completely off base?

Of course white racists will vote against the Democrat party, and all whites really should. As I already stated, the Democrat party became the anti-white party. Who in their right mind would support a party that is trying to politically wipe them off the face of this country?
Wake up Ray. If, as you say, the Democrat party is the anti-white party, why would white racists support that party. Under your theory, that would be like the KKK joining the Black Panthers. I don't think so, although I can understand why non-leadership Republican party follower, as yourself would hope the white racist folk would join and support the other party. They will embarrass you time and time again.

Who said white racists did support the Democrats? I didn't. If anything, they'd be against the Democrats like every aware white person should be.
So I misunderstood. I agree. White racists support Trump and the new Republican party white power on the down-low. You guys need a purge. Don't bitch at me, I'm just sayin.

Where is your evidence who they support? Even if they did, so what? These tiny fringe groups are going to change the Republican party?
Already have. They are violent, destructive, growing again, tolerated better by the current party in power by their silence, and you already know or tacitly approve of them.
Not sure. By the time I realized what a$$holes in manner and civility the two parties had become, it was well enough established, I knew not, who to pint the finger toward. Doesn't matter. Democrats have always been more a populous party. The Republican a bit more restrained. If there are no adults in the room, kids, never progressing past adolescence will F#uck everything. Just look at the impressive AOC.

I don't think the Republican leaders ever considered Democrats as the enemy. It's quite the other way around. Political bloggers such as myself? Without a doubt I see them as the enemy.

Why? Because they are basically power hungry Socialists. The Communists stated decades ago they would take over the United States of America, but they will do so without one shot being fired. They will takeover from within, and that's what we see with the Democrat party today.

Bottom line is I see a party that wants to dismantle this country, and reassemble it to mirror other Socialist shitholes. I don't want to see that happen to my country. People who want that kind of system already have places they can go to live it for a while. They can go to Cuba, Venezuela, North Korea. And when they find it's not what it was cracked up to be, they can always come home to the good ole United States of America, if their new country lets them.

But once you change this place and find out it's not what you thought it would be, there is no other USA to move back to. It will be gone forever. There will be no place left to go, because the United States in it's current form is unique and unduplicated. There is no other country like it in the world. We are the only one. So let's not surrender it.
Understand how you think and feel. Many of the the Democrats view your party the same way, but not viewing themselves from your mindset, see the opposite threat to the union and the two party system. Both mindsets are wrong, only reacting to the fringes, not the central part of the party. It is the kids fighting in the back seat on a long trip. That is just my opinion.

Nobody in the republican party is talking about socialism, so why would they fear the party? The opposite threat? What would that be? Freedom?

Please answer my question above. What do the leftists fear about the republican party, especially since you stated it was the "opposite threat."
Absolute rule by hard right wing support of an unchecked single strongman leader. You know it was not what the framers had in mind, but looks like the direction the further right wants to go.

You can't be serious. Lol. NOBODY wants that. WE want democrats to come to their senses and to follow what the framers had in mind and not try to move us down the path of socialism, and not try to impeach presidents simply because they don't like him, and because they don't like him, they try to make people like you FEAR him. Ridiculous. Being a businessman, he wants America to be prosperous.
Of course white racists will vote against the Democrat party, and all whites really should. As I already stated, the Democrat party became the anti-white party. Who in their right mind would support a party that is trying to politically wipe them off the face of this country?
Wake up Ray. If, as you say, the Democrat party is the anti-white party, why would white racists support that party. Under your theory, that would be like the KKK joining the Black Panthers. I don't think so, although I can understand why non-leadership Republican party follower, as yourself would hope the white racist folk would join and support the other party. They will embarrass you time and time again.

Who said white racists did support the Democrats? I didn't. If anything, they'd be against the Democrats like every aware white person should be.
So I misunderstood. I agree. White racists support Trump and the new Republican party white power on the down-low. You guys need a purge. Don't bitch at me, I'm just sayin.

Where is your evidence who they support? Even if they did, so what? These tiny fringe groups are going to change the Republican party?
Already have. They are violent, destructive, growing again, tolerated better by the current party in power by their silence, and you already know or tacitly approve of them.

Good Lord, you are way more far out there than I thought. Lol!
Of course white racists will vote against the Democrat party, and all whites really should. As I already stated, the Democrat party became the anti-white party. Who in their right mind would support a party that is trying to politically wipe them off the face of this country?
Wake up Ray. If, as you say, the Democrat party is the anti-white party, why would white racists support that party. Under your theory, that would be like the KKK joining the Black Panthers. I don't think so, although I can understand why non-leadership Republican party follower, as yourself would hope the white racist folk would join and support the other party. They will embarrass you time and time again.

Who said white racists did support the Democrats? I didn't. If anything, they'd be against the Democrats like every aware white person should be.
So I misunderstood. I agree. White racists support Trump and the new Republican party white power on the down-low. You guys need a purge. Don't bitch at me, I'm just sayin.

Where is your evidence who they support? Even if they did, so what? These tiny fringe groups are going to change the Republican party?
Already have. They are violent, destructive, growing again, tolerated better by the current party in power by their silence, and you already know or tacitly approve of them.

I do? When did I say I approve of them? What I said is they are not changing our party. That racist thing is something the Democrats created decades ago. It was old then, and it's old now. It doesn't work anymore, and I don't think ever has. So they replaced racism and homophobia with Putin and Russia. And they're going to run with that throughout Trump's second term.
What are you talking about? How about you just answer the question like a normal person? Let me ask you again, what is it about POTUS that you don't like?

A "Moderate"? Oh, yeah, I overlooked that overly kind and gentle word for a RINO.

As to my apprehensions about President Trump's campaign back when you likely were a fledgling Girl Scout....I repeat. Dr. Fell Syndrome. A condition well known to those who enjoy literature - and that does not include comic books. It's is an epigram, said to have been written by satirical English poet Tom Brown in 1680. The condition is not treatable nor should treatment be attempted. I included a clip from Wikipedia that might help with your inability or unwillingness to use a browser.

Have fun child!

Well, excuuuuse me! Sorry if I'm not an old man like yourself. Lol! No need for all the bad attitude over a simple question though. Just because I am not familiar with your Dr. Fell syndrome, does not mean that you have to be such a disrespectful jerk. After your crappy attitude, I don't even care why you don't like him, and I'm glad that you don't.
What are you talking about? How about you just answer the question like a normal person? Let me ask you again, what is it about POTUS that you don't like?

A "Moderate"? Oh, yeah, I overlooked that overly kind and gentle word for a RINO.

As to my apprehensions about President Trump's campaign back when you likely were a fledgling Girl Scout....I repeat. Dr. Fell Syndrome. A condition well known to those who enjoy literature - and that does not include comic books. It's is an epigram, said to have been written by satirical English poet Tom Brown in 1680. The condition is not treatable nor should treatment be attempted. I included a clip from Wikipedia that might help with your inability or unwillingness to use a browser.

Have fun child!

Pompous ass.
Possibly is the crime of the century whether practiced by whites or blacks. Purposely threw one down two flights of stairs once, because when they attacked, I selfishly wished to live, regardless of their racial animus. As for purging? Understandably hard to do. Could do a better job of screening donations for starters and having a strict policy to decline or return aide from them, but heck, Big Don says he will accept and us aid from foreign powers, such as Russia. Not likely he will turn down money from the KKK. Reminding himself to speak out against them, as he is supposed to represent that beacon on the hill, would not hurt.

And Hillary and other candidates have also accepted foreign donations. Why do you hold Trump to a different standard? He is certainly not any worse than any of them, and his policies are MUCH better. Nobody is a PERFECT person.
Glad I never supported the Hill. Neither party should be accepting foreign born donations in our political process. I do not accept there place at our political table as legitimate stake holder in selecting our leaders. Do you?

No, but they all do, so you can't just pick out one out of the bunch.
They should not. I believe it is against the law in most cases. Both parties should lock it down. Just because the other party does, it is still does not justify. Two wrongs don't make a right and (the right) will not be majorly disadvantaged, by choosing to do the right thing.

So, why are you ONLY talking about Trump accepting foreign donations, when you know damn well that the others did so too? NOW, you want to change it? Lol! Okay.

Neither party should be accepting foreign born donations in our political process. I do not accept there place at our political table as legitimate stake holder in selecting our leaders. Do you?

They should not. I believe it is against the law in most cases. Both parties should lock it down. Just because the other party does, it is still does not justify. Two wrongs don't make a right and (the right) will not be majorly disadvantaged, by choosing to do the right thing

Which of the two paragraphs above did you fail to understand? You never answered by question of, do you think foreign governments and individuals are legitimate stake holders, that should be given a place in helping pick our leaders. Either you support or you do not support. I do not. I will side with the framers of our constitution.
And Hillary and other candidates have also accepted foreign donations. Why do you hold Trump to a different standard? He is certainly not any worse than any of them, and his policies are MUCH better. Nobody is a PERFECT person.
Glad I never supported the Hill. Neither party should be accepting foreign born donations in our political process. I do not accept there place at our political table as legitimate stake holder in selecting our leaders. Do you?

No, but they all do, so you can't just pick out one out of the bunch.
They should not. I believe it is against the law in most cases. Both parties should lock it down. Just because the other party does, it is still does not justify. Two wrongs don't make a right and (the right) will not be majorly disadvantaged, by choosing to do the right thing.

So, why are you ONLY talking about Trump accepting foreign donations, when you know damn well that the others did so too? NOW, you want to change it? Lol! Okay.

Neither party should be accepting foreign born donations in our political process. I do not accept there place at our political table as legitimate stake holder in selecting our leaders. Do you?

They should not. I believe it is against the law in most cases. Both parties should lock it down. Just because the other party does, it is still does not justify. Two wrongs don't make a right and (the right) will not be majorly disadvantaged, by choosing to do the right thing

Which of the two paragraphs above did you fail to understand? You never answered by question of, do you think foreign governments and individuals are legitimate stake holders, that should be given a place in helping pick our leaders. Either you support or you do not support. I do not. I will side with the framers of our constitution.

I did answer the question. Go back and look again!
Oh okay, President Trump is just a dummy who has never read a book. Talk about hyperbole. AS much as some of you hate Trump, he is not stupid. He wouldn't be where he was today if he was stupid. And if he IS stupid, as you claim, then he is one hella hard worker to be where he is today.

Correct, a stupid billionaire who was a successful businessman and entertainer. I wish I could be that stupid.
Skill sets in the Private Sector do not always translate well into the Public Sector, as we see presently with Trump.

Correct. We need less people working. We need people with less money in their pocket. Our stock market is doing too well. We need to tone that down with taxes. We need higher unemployment. We need higher energy costs. Not to worry though, Warren said her first day in office, she's signing an executive order to stop all fracking in the US, you know, the process that's responsible for our reasonable fuel prices.

I don't know what we were thinking when we voted for Trump. Without a doubt, we see his skill set isn't the public sector.
If a booming economy comes with too high a price tag in other areas than it's still not enough... nowhere near enough.

That factor (a booming economy) does not excuse a largely failed domestic provisioning for the underprivileged...

That factor does not excuse a markedly failed foreign policy and the alienation of one ally after another...

That factor does not excuse the idiocy and knee-jerk reactions we see from that ignorant, arrogant clod in a vast array of public dealings...

That factor does not excuse a wannabe autocrat from continually attempting to subvert co-equal rule by the other branches of government...

That factor does not excuse a wannabe dictator who continually assails a Free Press as the Enemy of the People...

Both Mussolini and Hitler also boasted booming economies and they made the trains run on time...

In the end, their booming economies came at too high a price...

A failed domestic provision for the underprivileged? Care to give me an example. And if you can, point to the article in the Constitution that says provisions for the underprivileged is the responsibility of a US President. One ally after another? Care to name a few? Trump is not trying to subvert any other branch, they are trying to subvert him.

Yeah, that ever so dependable free press.

And Hillary and other candidates have also accepted foreign donations. Why do you hold Trump to a different standard? He is certainly not any worse than any of them, and his policies are MUCH better. Nobody is a PERFECT person.
Glad I never supported the Hill. Neither party should be accepting foreign born donations in our political process. I do not accept there place at our political table as legitimate stake holder in selecting our leaders. Do you?

No, but they all do, so you can't just pick out one out of the bunch.
They should not. I believe it is against the law in most cases. Both parties should lock it down. Just because the other party does, it is still does not justify. Two wrongs don't make a right and (the right) will not be majorly disadvantaged, by choosing to do the right thing.

So, why are you ONLY talking about Trump accepting foreign donations, when you know damn well that the others did so too? NOW, you want to change it? Lol! Okay.

Neither party should be accepting foreign born donations in our political process. I do not accept there place at our political table as legitimate stake holder in selecting our leaders. Do you?

They should not. I believe it is against the law in most cases. Both parties should lock it down. Just because the other party does, it is still does not justify. Two wrongs don't make a right and (the right) will not be majorly disadvantaged, by choosing to do the right thing

Which of the two paragraphs above did you fail to understand? You never answered by question of, do you think foreign governments and individuals are legitimate stake holders, that should be given a place in helping pick our leaders. Either you support or you do not support. I do not. I will side with the framers of our constitution.

So why are you complaining about this NOW. It is not something new! Why are you holding Trump to a different set of standards?
She always struck me as an inexperienced, uneducated flake somebody foolishly invited to the big stage. A starter, but not a finisher (except for finishing McCain), the first majorly unqualified inexperienced populous candidate on their major party ticket.

How was she any more unqualified than Obama?
Educationally and intellectually, to say the least. I did not know you held him in that high esteem.

I never said Obama was dumb. That is what makes people like him so dangerous.
I admit highly educated and trained people can more efficiently screw you over, but idiots in command are never to be counted on. They never learned to discipline their mind and often their emotions.

I don't think Donald Trump is as much an idiot as you think he is. A blow hard? Sure. Arrogant? Sure. Gets irritated and says some stupid things sometimes? Sure.
I am not so sure, but readily admit it could be part of strategy to sew division, discourse and confusion, just to take advantage of opportunities or vulnerabilities found in making moves in the height of confusion.
I will admit, I am less than impressed with the honor involved in tactics applied to Kavanaugh. Maybe failure to even allow a hearing for Obama's supreme court nominee for 10 months prior to the election is when both sides decided the gloves came off.

Or how the left absolutely demonizes any republican running for office - Sara Palin, Romney, McCain, etc., etc. I mean, they were really brutal to Sara Palin and her family, even going so low as to make fun of her disabled baby boy. Yuck, they are just disgusting, have absolutely NO integrity or honor and never had, since I've been following politics. They push identity politics on us constantly, and don't you DARE disagree. I've had it with them.

The Democrat party are supposedly the party that promotes female causes, and celebrates their success......that is until they find females not marching in lockstep like Palin and Condi Rice. Then they are the demon incarnate.
Could be. Do you ever rail against Pelosi, Hillary, or the fringe nutball "squad much? Trump certainly does not have much respect for women. Ask his wife. He has taken over the party and eggs on the food fights, rather than attempting to settle the food fights and move on with the banquet. He is the leader of the free world, or at least should be.

I'm pointing out the hypocrisy of the left. The right never claimed to be the savior of women, that was the Democrats.
Did not realize that was the purview and responsibility of the Democrats alone. Thank you for pointing it out.

You learn something new every day don’t you?
How was she any more unqualified than Obama?
Educationally and intellectually, to say the least. I did not know you held him in that high esteem.

I never said Obama was dumb. That is what makes people like him so dangerous.
I admit highly educated and trained people can more efficiently screw you over, but idiots in command are never to be counted on. They never learned to discipline their mind and often their emotions.

I don't think Donald Trump is as much an idiot as you think he is. A blow hard? Sure. Arrogant? Sure. Gets irritated and says some stupid things sometimes? Sure.
I am not so sure, but readily admit it could be part of strategy to sew division, discourse and confusion, just to take advantage of opportunities or vulnerabilities found in making moves in the height of confusion.

So basically, you do think Donald Trump is a genius who is intent on taking over the world! Hilarious!
How was she any more unqualified than Obama?
Educationally and intellectually, to say the least. I did not know you held him in that high esteem.

I never said Obama was dumb. That is what makes people like him so dangerous.
I admit highly educated and trained people can more efficiently screw you over, but idiots in command are never to be counted on. They never learned to discipline their mind and often their emotions.

I don't think Donald Trump is as much an idiot as you think he is. A blow hard? Sure. Arrogant? Sure. Gets irritated and says some stupid things sometimes? Sure.
I am not so sure, but readily admit it could be part of strategy to sew division, discourse and confusion, just to take advantage of opportunities or vulnerabilities found in making moves in the height of confusion.

Yep, he is just like a James Bond villain! Lol! Or maybe the Brain from Pinky and the Brain! Narf!

Palin was a flake. Doesn’t matter. McCain was naive enough to think he could cater to the left by picking a woman while the right were too emasculated to complain. He thought it was a freebie so he could choose a nutcase and still get brownie points. He found out differently. McCain was useful to the left as a fifth columnist inside the GOP...not as president. And they despise women. She became just another punching bag for them. And you are right...they moralized on her children constantly. These puritan leftists are the most hypocritical people you can imagine.

The GOP has to learn that time and again. And if you doubt it just watch what they do to the next SC pick if she is female (though Trump is refreshingly not bound to quota picks.) The left uses sexist gender appeals to divide America and gain power. But they loathe femininity...except when found in males.

I partially agree with your post, but I don't think Sara was a flake. That is just how the leftist media portrayed her.
She made it easy. It was not her year to make it to the stage. Possibly a filly brought along to fast, by poor judgement of the handlers.

She made what easy? For leftists to portray her in a negative light? In the leftist mind, I suppose that is true.
Does not even have to be a leftist mind.

To be so cruel to her and her children? Yes, yes it does.
Luckily she will not matter. Analysis or evaluation of her and those against her no longer matter. Much like Hillary, only not as long around, she was here to strut and fret her hour upon the stage, and then be heard no more, a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.
where's the 'i'm an indy, who never would consider voting for trump, past or in the future' option?

'cause that would be my choice.
Or republican who took a chance on trump but are sorry now. Hillary would have had the same numbers and less debt because she wouldn’t have passed that unnecessary gift to the rich trump passed.

If a frog had wings it wouldn’t bump its ass. Will you ever get over Hillary?
I partially agree with your post, but I don't think Sara was a flake. That is just how the leftist media portrayed her.
She made it easy. It was not her year to make it to the stage. Possibly a filly brought along to fast, by poor judgement of the handlers.

She made what easy? For leftists to portray her in a negative light? In the leftist mind, I suppose that is true.
Does not even have to be a leftist mind.

To be so cruel to her and her children? Yes, yes it does.
Luckily she will not matter. Analysis or evaluation of her and those against her no longer matter. Much like Hillary, only not as long around, she was here to strut and fret her hour upon the stage, and then be heard no more, a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.

Except she never threatened to take things away from anyone! She wasn't trying to play Robin Hood to hoodwink the dummies!

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