If you didn't support Trump in 2016 do you regret it and will you support him in 2020

What was & is now your position on Trump

  • I voted for him in 2016 and will again.

  • I voted for someone else but will vote Trump this time.

  • I am a Democrat who will support him.

  • I'm a republican who wont support him.

  • I'm a troll who can't vote because you made the votes public

Results are only viewable after voting.
Curious to see how many like me voted for someone else (Walker in my case) but will support him this time around.

Voted for him first time and will again. My neighbor was not as sure, still voted for him but swore "much as I hat to say it Hillary is your next president" I explained the power of positive thinking to him.
Curious to see how many like me voted for someone else (Walker in my case) but will support him this time around.
There is no option for “I voted for someone else last time and I will vote for some else this time”.

That is my choice.
Bernie Sanders appreciates your support.

putin appreciated yours.

OY Vey Didn't Bernie Sanders enjoy a honeymoon in the USSR? Your guy...bernie sanders.
Curious to see how many like me voted for someone else (Walker in my case) but will support him this time around.

Voted for him first time and will again. My neighbor was not as sure, still voted for him but swore "much as I hat to say it Hillary is your next president" I explained the power of positive thinking to him.

Your neighbor succumbed to media disinformation. He was winning but he didnt even know it.
There is no option for “I voted for someone else last time and I will vote for some else this time”.

That is my choice.
Bernie Sanders appreciates your support.

putin appreciated yours.
Actually he didn’t because I live in a blue state and it did not count. You’re so uneducated and a drunk.

you are pushing russian propaganda like a good little putin puppet.

RT... LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

^^ Says a Mao loving Chinese propaganda puppet.
Playtime is a communist. They have hated Russia since it threw off the communist yoke.

Well..and she has ethnic reasons...isnt that right playtime? Want to explain those to us goy?
Look in the mirror. Anyone who disagrees with Leftists is labeled a Russian agent. Even veteran Tulsi Gabbard. Have another.

i said you were a puppet. learn to read. who cares about tulsi - she's not a concern unless she runs 3rd party. she said she wouldn't, but she's probably a liar like you. no wonder you like her.
You’re a pathetic piece of filth and a failure in life. There is no reasoning with you. Brag you do about your lack of debt but fail you did with your family. Priorities...now run along and stop harassing me.

^^^ triggered. & don't ferget who followed who here to this thread troll boy.

He followed your stench! :D

meowwwwwwwwwwww..................hisss................................... wow that really stung... lol... yep,... 2 pods. go get him chrissy!

Chrissy made you look silly and humiliated.
Not me. Didn't support him last time. Shown me little I cared about except confirmations of his total lack of character, abandonment of allied forces in a combat area,and a successful attack on a know terrorist target of opportunity. My bank account was fine and I had financial stability before and he certainly has not caused me any financial harm. He has needlessly degraded EPA (which the Republicans started to combat pollution and to protect society from it's effects), is an example of deregulation for deregulation sake. I don't like his style any better than I did. Strikes me as a spoiled little rich diva chick, who lacks self discipline, has bad hiring practices, including nepotism and hiring shady criminal-like people to executive positions. I don't like what he did to the Republican party even though I am an independent. I will not vote for him this time either.

The treatment of Kavanaugh pushed me over the top to vote for him in 2020. I thought Kavanaugh was railroaded.
The treatment of Kavanaugh truly was shameful, but Pelosi is not running for President. I have no problem with Justice Kavanaugh. Hard to say if it was actually that much worse than Moscow Mitch refusing to even consider the previous administration's submittal for a year before election day. It was quieter and less vulgar in some ways, though still reprehensible.

They wanted to ruin a man's career and life based on baseless allegations from a deranged woman. The Democrat senators holier than thou attitude further angered me. That case would have never seen a courtroom based on the flimsy to none evidence yet that poor father was humiliated. As a father of two girls myself I could feel his pain and to me the Democrats behavior was atrocious. Especially from that witch Kamala Harris.

They are worse than a "basket of deplorables" any day! :71:
About equal, really. You got to appreciate how the two parties have been competing to live down to the lowest common denonminators, or divisors as the case may be.

I disagree, especially after reading WikiLeaks and the Russian collusion reports! Good lord, save us from the democrat socialists.
Repubs sure forgot about deficits. I don't see how we can afford more trump. By his own standards we have weak gdp growth. By his own standards unemployment isn't good, labor force participation is still really low. Repubs sure love mediocrity.
How is difficult to say "I don't like him because of . . . . " Why do we have to solve riddles to find out why you don't like a person? Just say why.
Repubs sure forgot about deficits. I don't see how we can afford more trump. By his own standards we have weak gdp growth. By his own standards unemployment isn't good, labor force participation is still really low. Repubs sure love mediocrity.

And dems have forgotten how unimportant the deficit was while Obama was in office. Hmm.

Democrats are just miserable and never happy. I say, just ignore them and let them bitch.
I also like that President Trump encourages us to do better, to be better, instead of Obama's "new normal," where he told us we had better tighten our belts and get used to this. These jobs are NEVER coming back. Go on social service programs, socialism lite! Yeah! Lol.
Repubs sure forgot about deficits. I don't see how we can afford more trump. By his own standards we have weak gdp growth. By his own standards unemployment isn't good, labor force participation is still really low. Repubs sure love mediocrity.

And dems have forgotten how unimportant the deficit was while Obama was in office. Hmm.

Democrats are just miserable and never happy. I say, just ignore them and let them bitch.
You think repubs ever sound happy? Neither party is ever happy cause they are both dishing out crap. Again, by his own standards trump is not doing well. HUGE deficits. Remember when he made fun of Obama for never hitting 3% gdp for the year? Well that's trump now. Remember when real unemployment was 20% cause labor force participation rate was so low? Well it's still low.
I also like that President Trump encourages us to do better, to be better, instead of Obama's "new normal," where he told us we had better tighten our belts and get used to this. These jobs are NEVER coming back. Go on social service programs, socialism lite! Yeah! Lol.
You love encouragement while getting nothing. Go repubs!
I also like that President Trump encourages us to do better, to be better, instead of Obama's "new normal," where he told us we had better tighten our belts and get used to this. These jobs are NEVER coming back. Go on social service programs, socialism lite! Yeah! Lol.
You love encouragement while getting nothing. Go repubs!

What? America is chugging along great. Exactly what issues do you disagree with the president on?
Repubs sure forgot about deficits. I don't see how we can afford more trump. By his own standards we have weak gdp growth. By his own standards unemployment isn't good, labor force participation is still really low. Repubs sure love mediocrity.

And dems have forgotten how unimportant the deficit was while Obama was in office. Hmm.

Democrats are just miserable and never happy. I say, just ignore them and let them bitch.
You think repubs ever sound happy? Neither party is ever happy cause they are both dishing out crap. Again, by his own standards trump is not doing well. HUGE deficits. Remember when he made fun of Obama for never hitting 3% gdp for the year? Well that's trump now. Remember when real unemployment was 20% cause labor force participation rate was so low? Well it's still low.

I'm happy! I'm doing really well now.
I also like that President Trump encourages us to do better, to be better, instead of Obama's "new normal," where he told us we had better tighten our belts and get used to this. These jobs are NEVER coming back. Go on social service programs, socialism lite! Yeah! Lol.
You love encouragement while getting nothing. Go repubs!

What? America is chugging along great. Exactly what issues do you disagree with the president on?
You can't read? DEFICITS!!!!!! It is as irresponsible as can be to run huge deficits while we are chugging along. This is a credit card economy. He can't hit 3% gdp growth with all this spending? Pathetic.
Repubs sure forgot about deficits. I don't see how we can afford more trump. By his own standards we have weak gdp growth. By his own standards unemployment isn't good, labor force participation is still really low. Repubs sure love mediocrity.

And dems have forgotten how unimportant the deficit was while Obama was in office. Hmm.

Democrats are just miserable and never happy. I say, just ignore them and let them bitch.
You think repubs ever sound happy? Neither party is ever happy cause they are both dishing out crap. Again, by his own standards trump is not doing well. HUGE deficits. Remember when he made fun of Obama for never hitting 3% gdp for the year? Well that's trump now. Remember when real unemployment was 20% cause labor force participation rate was so low? Well it's still low.

So you are angry that Trump criticized Obama? At least Trump is trying to make things better for America and Americans.

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