If you got the shot but also got COVID, why arent you frustrated for being lied to?

I did not get the shots and also had very mild symptoms.


What about all the people who have died from the shots?

That's just getting started you know.
More misinformation from Typhoid Sue
Seems you still enjoy watching people die
Are you able to read for comprehension?

You realize the gov is hiding all this right? So there's no one place to get "numbers"?

I'm much, much more comfortable being unvaccinated me right now than you. My natural immunity is superior. Yours can never be built. Thanks to the nasty vaccines.

You keep making a claim that the shots are killing people.
I asked you a simple question. "How many people have died from the shots."
You won't answer the question.

So Now the question becomes are you stupid or were you just lying?
They did everything they could to force people to take it and itcdid no good. I caught it before I got vaxxed, 2 shots of Moderna and 1 booster and got it again in that order. Absolutely no reason to take those experimental shots.
It did no good? How do you know that? You are here to tell about it. right? You mjght be dead ifyou have not gottenvaxxed.
You are a fool intent on delegitimizing the Biden Administration.

It has already been said, over a year ago by experts as they found out how covid worked, that YES, people can get the covid virus more than once.

It HAS been verified, but you want to STICK it to Biden, at least once a month, if not once a week.

Trump is the one who initially pushed this deadly snake juice and the masses were climbing on top of each other to take some of his magical potion that was never tested properly in clinical trials.
You mean decide for yourself if you want to spread a deadly virus
Progs weaponized it from the beginning. We deserved to know the truth. We got nothing but flip flopping because of a hatred for Trump. Spending months with not being able to call it a Chinese disease was stupid. We live in a disinformation era. I do not trust the institutions I grew up trusting much anymore. Fauci, the CDC, the FBI and other security agencies are corrupted to the core and even inept. And all are dangerous. Millions of people have been destroyed. They are not forgetting. Whatever that means.
I got the vaccine and survived COVID

Many of the unvaccinated didn’t

Many of the people who did take the mRNA injections died.. There are many that haven't died after taking the injection. I know four people that died from the injection. I don't care who or who hasn't taken it. The problem I have is that the CDC, FDA, pharmas lied and withheld crucial evidence of the thousands that died and had severe reactions in their preliminary trials and did not release that information to the public while the federal govt went along with that lie and big tech was complicit with censorship. The public was never informed of these atrocities.
what book has Xiden followed?

By the time Biden was president we had missed the opportunity to contain COVID. Between early January and March of 2020 was the time to respond and contain the virus... like Obama did with Ebola and Zika.
More misinformation from Typhoid Sue
Seems you still enjoy watching people die
You enjoyed colluding with China, Fauci and Obama to launch a Bioweapons attack on American and our Elections.
You enjoy now colluding with China and Joe Biden to flood our country with Fentanyl manufactured in China tp purposely weaken our country and kill our people.
You enjoyed colluding with Russia to attempt to overthrow our Democracy with Operation Russian Collusion Crossfire Hurricane.
You enjoy flooding our country with illegal aliens who are unvaccinated, and who bring diseases like Polio, Measles, Mumps, AIDS, COVID, and Monkey Pox into our country.
You enjoy the murder of 70 Million Minority Children in your Planned Parenthood Extermination Camps.

You champion genocide, treason, insurrection, suppression of free speech, and the abolishment of individual liberty. You are a horrible person, actually, and do not have one redeeming value that anyone can point to except for The EVIL and Lies you spew that your fellow DemNazis applaud as VIRTUE.

In fact, I would say that THERE IS NOTHING someone like you enjoys more than watching people die for The Glory of The 4th Globalist Reich! You belong to A Death Cult, a Win at All Cost Cult, and like your Father The Devil are a Liar and a Murderer.

Heil Shitler!

Long Live EmperorShitzHizPantz.
How many people died from the vaxx as opposed to those who died of Covid who were not vaxxed? Lets see some numbers
Hard to say, because in the beginning. If a person that committed suicide, but had covid. They were said to die from covid to boost the numbers. Anything to make Trump look bad. Even putting covid patients in a nursing home.
You enjoyed colluding with China, Fauci and Obama to launch a Bioweapons attack on American and our Elections.
You enjoy now colluding with China and Joe Biden to flood our country with Fentanyl manufactured in China tp purposely weaken our country and kill our people.
You enjoyed colluding with Russia to attempt to overthrow our Democracy with Operation Russian Collusion Crossfire Hurricane.
You enjoy flooding our country with illegal aliens who are unvaccinated, and who bring diseases like Polio, Measles, Mumps, AIDS, COVID, and Monkey Pox into our country.
You enjoy the murder of 70 Million Minority Children in your Planned Parenthood Extermination Camps.

You champion genocide, treason, insurrection, suppression of free speech, and the abolishment of individual liberty. You are a horrible person, actually, and do not have one redeeming value that anyone can point to except for The EVIL and Lies you spew that your fellow DemNazis applaud as VIRTUE.

In fact, I would say that THERE IS NOTHING someone like you enjoys more than watching people die for The Glory of The 4th Globalist Reich! You belong to A Death Cult, a Win at All Cost Cult, and like your Father The Devil are a Liar and a Murderer.

Heil Shitler!

Long Live EmperorShitzHizPantz.
you Goofy
Hundreds of thousands of the unvaccinated died

How many of the vaccinated died?
If The Unvaccinated are killing people like Xi's Puppet Faux Joe says, then isn't EmperorShitzHizPantz committing murder every time he allows a single illegal alien to roam free within our borders with zero health screening, and with complete disregard for our immigration laws?

Joe's Illegal Alien "VECTORS" are literally walking bags of infected Puss Bombs he is dropping on The Citizens of America and our communities.

Can you present a lie good enough to defend Joe lying out of both sides of his mouth when it comes to illegal immigration, unvaccinated and unscreened illegals and the diseases they are spreading in this country which were at one time all but extinct?

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