If you got the shot but also got COVID, why arent you frustrated for being lied to?

Gotcha, so he read the label. Wow, that was brilliant, he even kept his pants on while he said it.
Regardless of whatever childish way you want to phrase it the fact remains the OP was being dishonest.
You are a fool intent on delegitimizing the Biden Administration.

It has already been said, over a year ago by experts as they found out how covid worked, that YES, people can get the covid virus more than once.

It HAS been verified, but you want to STICK it to Biden, at least once a month, if not once a week.
They did everything they could to force people to take it and itcdid no good. I caught it before I got vaxxed, 2 shots of Moderna and 1 booster and got it again in that order. Absolutely no reason to take those experimental shots.
I skipped to the end of the thread. Anyone, vaxxed or not, was lied to. They were lied to by Fuaci, Biden, the media, big tech and big Pharma. That is a fact that can be easily proven. Now, if you believe you were not lied to.....You are lying to yourself.
Fauci knew day one that he had funded a lab in Wuhan that had leaked this into our world. The only lab of it's kind in China that was conducting gain of function research on Covid was in Wuhan. The outbreak was initially sighted in Wuhan . China is a big place. Did Fauci think this was just a q-winky-dink?? Of course not. They showed the live bat market on T.V.. Then Fauci got busy emailing, and 21 of his fellow "scientist" all stated that it could not have come from the lab. The irony of this is that the very same idiotic good doctor just so happens to be placed into the position of leading America through the pandemic...
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Is Tony an idiot??? What kind of person would be told that these "gain of function experiments" AKA developing bioweapons, is far to dangerous to be done in America,,,,, and then thinks it's a great idea to do this kind of work in China???? (or Ukraine)?????? Think about it!!!! Fauci knew full well that America was sending millions of dollars to that (crappy) lab in China , to do that kind of research. Is that not idiotic????? Tony is the highest paid government official in America.....Clownworld.
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Right now Tony is advocating jabbing infants..multiple times. He knows full well that the risk from the "vaccine" harm is far, far greater than the NON-EXISTENT BENEFITS,,, for 100% of infants getting jabbed ,,,, yet he insists that parents should be using their children as lab rats.
well dude, you can't have it both ways. If Trump was responsible, then so is xiden. hypocrite. Take back that trump caused deaths then.

COVID was a nuisance for Trump. Remember he threw out the pandemic handbook that was used to fight Ebola and Zika.
The Branch Covidians have consistently moved the goal posts for vaccine effectiveness. They won't admit we didn't get what we were told. They'll also never admit that we grossly overreacted and allowed one of the biggest power grabs in American history to distort our lives.

We did these things too. I will never, ever let them forget. Never.



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