If you had a choice of owning a gun or owning a car, what would you choose

If you had a choice of owning a gun or owning a car, what would you choose. A car provides more freedom, for me, than any gun.
I would be more concerned with the government taking away everyone's vehicles than everyone's guns.

The government should allow cars and guns.
Put the same regulations on guns as you do cars for the same reason, the safety of all citizens.
Driving is a privilege. Gun ownership is a right.
I have no doubt that the thought is that higher prices will change people's habits. It sort of worked in the past where people changed buying habits for vehicles and you saw far fewer low MPH vehicles on the road.

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The way the Brandon administration seems to be headed, a horse and a gun might be the best choice.
Yet Little Mikey will still have a security team around him fully armed. hypocrisy by the elite is limitless.
Bloomberg telling the peasants they need to be disarmed:

some of you may die sacrifice.jpg
Driving is a privilege. Gun ownership is a right.
Arms ownership is a right. The arms ownership, promised in the second amendment has been modified substantially since written. Americans are only allowed to own a fraction of the arms available in today's world.
It is a right that our laws, today, that can be taken from someone.
Changing regulations, today, is no different than changes made to the full rights of the 2nd ammendment for centuries.
Arms ownership is a right. The arms ownership, promised in the second amendment has been modified substantially since written. Americans are only allowed to own a fraction of the arms available in today's world.
It is a right that our laws, today, that can be taken from someone.
Changing regulations, today, is no different than changes made to the full rights of the 2nd ammendment for centuries.
I have very little understanding of what you were attempting to say there. A right is a right. A privilege is not a right. We have a 2d Amendment right to have arms, meaning guns. There are some limits in some rights. But there are lots more restrictions on privileges.
Arms ownership is a right. The arms ownership, promised in the second amendment has been modified substantially since written. Americans are only allowed to own a fraction of the arms available in today's world.
It is a right that our laws, today, that can be taken from someone.
Changing regulations, today, is no different than changes made to the full rights of the 2nd ammendment for centuries.
I have very little understanding of what you were attempting to say there. A right is a right. A privilege is not a right. We have a 2d Amendment right to have arms, meaning guns. There are some limits in some rights. But there are lots more restrictions on privileges.
The second amendment has been reduced in scope like no other right promised in the Constitution. It was written at a time arms were a single shot pistol, a single shot long gun and cannons. Founding Fathers had no idea of the arms that would be available in the 21st century. As the arms became deadlier we have reduced the arms citizens can own. We are down to some guns. We need to continue to modify gun rights as the world changes, just like the US has been doing since the 1800's.
Cars were not around in the 1700's. My question was hypothetical. If you had your choice, in the 21st century, between a car and a gun, what would you choose. The answer is easy, a car for most sane people. Only 30% of the US population own a gun.
If all you want are guns because of the 2nd amendment you would be neglecting many arms promised in the 2nd amendment. The founding Fathers promised the same arms as the government. Get some balls and go after tanks, missiles, automatic guns, bazookas etc.
If not, you are accepting some of the rights of the 2nd amendment are not being granted, as written by the founding Fathers.
If all you want are guns because of the 2nd amendment you would be neglecting many arms promised in the 2nd amendment. The founding Fathers promised the same arms as the government. Get some balls and go after tanks, missiles, automatic guns, bazookas etc.
If not, you are accepting some of the rights of the 2nd amendment are not being granted, as written by the founding Fathers.
You get some balls and stop crying about what firearms people legally own.
You have a point but if we licensed guns we could minimize the individuals owning guns who hijack cars.
Anyone that licensed a gun is probably not going to hijack your car. Those likely to hijack your car is going to own a gun illegally, that is how it is today.
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The second amendment has been reduced in scope like no other right promised in the Constitution. It was written at a time arms were a single shot pistol, a single shot long gun and cannons. Founding Fathers had no idea of the arms that would be available in the 21st century. As the arms became deadlier we have reduced the arms citizens can own. We are down to some guns. We need to continue to modify gun rights as the world changes, just like the US has been doing since the 1800's.
Cars were not around in the 1700's. My question was hypothetical. If you had your choice, in the 21st century, between a car and a gun, what would you choose. The answer is easy, a car for most sane people. Only 30% of the US population own a gun.
So what?
Anyone that licensed a gun is probably not going to hijack your car. Those likely to hijack your car is going to own a gun illegally, that is how it is today.
Thieves, many times, use licensed cars to commit crimes. Most thieves are dumb as stumps.
If you mandate registering guns at purchase, you will have thieves using licensed guns. Guns used in crime can be traced to help in crimes.

If you think the government will come and confiscate registered guns, you are bat shit crazy. 400,000,000 guns. You are not that stupid.
Adjusting gun regulations has been done since the beginning of our country.
This bullshit about not tramping on my 2nd amendment rights. Those rights have changed substantially since written. Why should this generation be any different.

Those yelling the loudest can be given a penis enlargement instead of sei-automatic gun. That can help their feeling of inadequacy,
If you had a choice of owning a gun or owning a car, what would you choose. A car provides more freedom, for me, than any gun.
I would be more concerned with the government taking away everyone's vehicles than everyone's guns.

The government should allow cars and guns.
Put the same regulations on guns as you do cars for the same reason, the safety of all citizens.

As an Aspie I do not drive! I definitely do not own a gun!
Thieves, many times, use licensed cars to commit crimes. Most thieves are dumb as stumps.
If you mandate registering guns at purchase, you will have thieves using licensed guns. Guns used in crime can be traced to help in crimes.

If you think the government will come and confiscate registered guns, you are bat shit crazy. 400,000,000 guns. You are not that stupid.
Hey, dumbass, where did I say government would confiscate my guns? You stupid imbecile, I don’t even own a gun. You need to comprehend what you read and quit making shit up.
Adjusting gun regulations has been done since the beginning of our country.
This bullshit about not tramping on my 2nd amendment rights. Those rights have changed substantially since written. Why should this generation be any different.

Those yelling the loudest can be given a penis enlargement instead of sei-automatic gun. That can help their feeling of inadequacy,
Another moronic comment by the idiot that can’t read. Time for you to grow up Cletus.

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