If you had to become another race , which one would you pick and why?

I'd stay Asian. We're good at math and building electronic things with lots of blinking lights.

I like Asians too. I think I'll go American Indian. Blackfeet tribe! I got a little of their blood in me anyhow.
I was thinking native American too, but Cherokee. They're a cool-looking people and they receive all that government money.

C'mon. Somehow I think this thread is going to turn out to be a bad idea.

Why do you say that? Its just speculation. And it can be fun. I find that
we get out of threads, what we put into them, and often the return is stimulating and thought provoking.
There is no alternative to the human race. Imaginary races on other planets are merely that; imagination.
There is no alternative to the human race. Imaginary races on other planets are merely that; imagination.

I agree. This thread is merely speculation. To see if one had the courage to live as another race does. To actually be that race for a day, you know, walk in their shoes.

...I wonder how it would change people??
This dude had courage>

I seriously wonder if i would? especially given those times....

Species 8472

I mean " Suppose" you will now be turned into another totally different culture, color, nationality. And you had to live like that for a year. What race would you pick? And why?

I will give my answer when I decide , because its not easy thinking about this. I never have thought about it. And then after the change, will my thoughts and convictions change as well? What will it do to a person?
Asian. For sure. Smart, ambitious, disciplined and the chicks are hot.
I mean " Suppose" you will now be turned into another totally different culture, color, nationality. And you had to live like that for a year. What race would you pick? And why?

I will give my answer when I decide , because its not easy thinking about this. I never have thought about it. And then after the change, will my thoughts and convictions change as well? What will it do to a person?
Asian. For sure. Smart, ambitious, disciplined and the chicks are hot.

Asians are getting the most votes. Interesting.
For those of you who choose another race , you choose respect and honor, because it requires that to submit to such a change. Interesting that no one has said either Black or White?

And that speaks volumes.
I cannot choose which "race" I would choose, for liberals have drilled into us the idea that "race" does NOT exist.


Therefore, if I had my druthers, I would choose in a
I cannot chose "race," for the liberals have drilled into us the idea that "race" does NOT exist.


Therefore, if I had my druthers, I would choose in a New York minute the nationality of Japanese.


I think the best culture in the world is Japanese because:

1. They act very civilized, at least in public. People are taught self-discipline, at least in public.
2. They are so clean and neat. (Shoes off at home, please.)
3. They are so well organized. (Trains run on time. I do not know whether it is still true, but they used to refund your money if the train arrived late.)
4. They have so little violent crime that I hear (and believe) that you can walk down the street at MIDNIGHT in any BIG city, and no one would think of hurting you. Wow!!!
5. Their country is incredibly beautiful (cherry blossoms, etc.).

I could go on and on, but I shan't.

I am hoping that Japan holds the line on their strict immigration policies so that Japan can remain the land of my dreams.
I mean " Suppose" you will now be turned into another totally different culture, color, nationality. And you had to live like that for a year. What race would you pick? And why?

I will give my answer when I decide , because its not easy thinking about this. I never have thought about it. And then after the change, will my thoughts and convictions change as well? What will it do to a person?
You need to clarify that. Another race or another culture? I wouldnt want to be any other race than Black. I certainly wouldnt want to be white. I lived in Korea for 2 years so that kills being Asian. As far as culture I need to think on that one. Maybe one of the Polynesian culures. I have friends that are Tongan and they look like bigger Black people.
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I mean " Suppose" you will now be turned into another totally different culture, color, nationality. And you had to live like that for a year. What race would you pick? And why?

I will give my answer when I decide , because its not easy thinking about this. I never have thought about it. And then after the change, will my thoughts and convictions change as well? What will it do to a person?
Asian. For sure. Smart, ambitious, disciplined and the chicks are hot.

Asians are getting the most votes. Interesting.
Native Americans are descended from Asians.
I cannot chose "race," for the liberals have drilled into us the idea that "race" does NOT exist.


Therefore, if I had my druthers, I would choose in a New York minute the nationality of Japanese.


I think the best culture in the world is Japanese because:

1. They act very civilized, at least in public. People are taught self-discipline, at least in public.
2. They are so clean and neat. (Shoes off at home, please.)
3. They are so well organized. (Trains run on time. I do not know whether it is still true, but they used to refund your money if the train arrived late.)
4. They have so little violent crime that I hear (and believe) that you can walk down the street at MIDNIGHT in any BIG city, and no one would think of hurting you. Wow!!!
5. Their country is incredibly beautiful (cherry blossoms, etc.).

I could go on and on, but I shan't.

I am hoping that Japan holds the line on their strict immigration policies so that Japan can remain the land of my dreams.
If Asians were smart they would let in most of the westerners who eventually flee to there in order to fortify their defenses against the 3rd world.

As it is they will just be swamped by the globe once the rest of world sinks into the abyss from multiculturalism.
I mean " Suppose" you will now be turned into another totally different culture, color, nationality. And you had to live like that for a year. What race would you pick? And why?

I will give my answer when I decide , because its not easy thinking about this. I never have thought about it. And then after the change, will my thoughts and convictions change as well? What will it do to a person?

For just one year? ok, I would probably choose African race. greatly in part because I do like to swim a lot and get tired of getting messed up hair every time I swim. Seriously, Im kind of jealous about that, they can dive in , hop out again and the hair is still looking great. Also, because I've been to Africa a few times already as a white person and had a lot of trouble blending in , in some areas that were off the beaten path for most tourists, I would like to experience that being non white. And then on top of that, being that I would only be black for one year , I would like to make lots of black friends while being black.... then seeing the look on their face when I turned white again. You have to admit, that would be priceless.
I am "white" and I could literally pick "white" and have an entirely different skin color, nationality, and culture. What does race even mean?

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