If you had to become another race , which one would you pick and why?

I mean " Suppose" you will now be turned into another totally different culture, color, nationality. And you had to live like that for a year. What race would you pick? And why?

I will give my answer when I decide , because its not easy thinking about this. I never have thought about it. And then after the change, will my thoughts and convictions change as well? What will it do to a person?

Maybe a Texan, they have evolved to digest hush puppies
I'd be a big fat black woman.

I'd specialize in saying "oh no you di-int!" , "not on up in here", and "MmmmmmHmmmm".

Ya no what um sayin?
I mean " Suppose" you will now be turned into another totally different culture, color, nationality. And you had to live like that for a year. What race would you pick? And why?

I will give my answer when I decide , because its not easy thinking about this. I never have thought about it. And then after the change, will my thoughts and convictions change as well? What will it do to a person?
Japanese. Have you seen Japanese girls? But I don't like fish or uncooked crap.
Chinese have hot babes too.
Cambodians all look like short models.
oooOOO Polynesian.
I wouldn't change my race for another.
That really is racist!

No it's not. Explain how this is racist.
It's the epitome of racism. I don't care, I wouldn't want to be anything but white. Certainly no dark skinned race

Why is it the epitome of racism? Me wanting to stay myself is now racist. That's how stupid some whites get with trying to make everyone else a racist. I'm not putting down other races like you have done. THAT, is racist.
I'd stay Asian. We're good at math and building electronic things with lots of blinking lights.

I like Asians too. I think I'll go American Indian. Blackfeet tribe! I got a little of their blood in me anyhow.
I was thinking native American too, but Cherokee. They're a cool-looking people and they receive all that government money.

C'mon. Somehow I think this thread is going to turn out to be a bad idea.
I mean " Suppose" you will now be turned into another totally different culture, color, nationality. And you had to live like that for a year. What race would you pick? And why?

I will give my answer when I decide , because its not easy thinking about this. I never have thought about it. And then after the change, will my thoughts and convictions change as well? What will it do to a person?
Japanese. Have you seen Japanese girls? But I don't like fish or uncooked crap.
Chinese have hot babes too.
Cambodians all look like short models.
oooOOO Polynesian.

I have not met many Polynesians , and yes I have seen Japanese girls. I love fish myself , but not that raw stuff, has to develop a taste for it.
I'd stay Asian. We're good at math and building electronic things with lots of blinking lights.

I like Asians too. I think I'll go American Indian. Blackfeet tribe! I got a little of their blood in me anyhow.
I was thinking native American too, but Cherokee. They're a cool-looking people and they receive all that government money.

My Grandmother was a full blooded Cheokee, she had two braids on the side of hear head, both of which touched the ground. My Grandmother on my Fathers side was White. So I have mixed bloodlines.

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