If you have some injun blood you are more american?

What is a american for you? Explain.

Foundational values like WASP work ethic and moral standards. Pretty basic cultural norms for those. Don't have to be 'white' for those, and of course feral savages like indians hardly ever qualify. Lots of books on that stuff already.
and of course feral savages like indians hardly ever qualify. Lots of books on that stuff already.

Which non-white races do you respect if you do not respect, blacks, gypsies and injuns? I got so far that you hate gypsies, blacks and injuns so which non-white races you have no problem with?
Which non-white races do you respect if you do not respect, blacks, gypsies and injuns? I got so far that you hate gypsies, blacks and injuns so which non-white races you have no problem with?

Your inferiority complexes and neuroses are not my problem, they're yours. Cultural values matter, whether you like them or not is of no importance.
Your inferiority complexes and neuroses are not my problem, they're yours.
how? When you say things you do "feral savage indians never qualify" so you think now it is my inferiority complex that you say that or is that racist what you say?
how? When you say things you do "feral savage indians never qualify" so you think now it is my inferiority complex that you say that or is that racist what you say?

You don't like it when distinctions are made between cultural choices? You assume it means All indians, blacks, etc. because your own racism and bigotry influences your perceptions and then you apply a defective value system to your fantasy interpretations. You mostly are just projecting.
You don't like it when distinctions are made between cultural choices? You assume it means All indians, blacks, etc. because your own racism and bigotry influences your perceptions and then you apply a defective value system to your fantasy interpretations. You mostly are just projecting.

Do you see that im not afraid of you

Do you see that im not afraid of you

Actually they were, and still are. Most criminally inclined feral bandit cultures and tribes hate and fear white people same as you and other gypsies do. Ironic given how WASP cultural values are more tolerant of diversity than any other culture on the planet. Indians and gypsies are a lot more bigoted and exclusionary.
Actually they were, and still are. Most criminally inclined feral bandit cultures and tribes hate and fear white people same as you and other gypsies do. Ironic given how WASP cultural values are more tolerant of diversity than any other culture on the planet.
You say things which are not true and which you copied from a debate in media or something like "woke" vs. "left or POC" etc. and then you say i say these things. I dont say that i hate white people or that they are all racist and intolerant. You apply this logic on me. I think thats funny and that you are funny.
You say things which are not true and which you copied from a debate in media or something like "woke" vs. "left or POC" etc. and then you say i say these things. I dont say that i hate white people or that they are all racist and intolerant. You apply this logic on me. I think thats funny and that you are funny.

All my words are my own. Unlike you, and I don't need to copy anybody, I;m well read and up to date on many topics, while you just march out a parade of rubbish about 'racism' to hide your own obsessions. You think you're 'excluded' from something or other while at the same time babbling about your own insular tribal values. You think white people need to assimilate to your cultural failures. We don't, and in fact we don't need 'variety' at all, we're perfectly fine and self-sufficient all on our own. You whine because you see Whitey as practicing the same self-interested 'tribalism' you do, meanwhile you live off a white state welfare system.
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All my words are my own. unlike you, and I don't need to copy anybody, I;m well read and up to date on many topics, while you just march out a parade of rubbish about 'racism' to hide your own obsessions.
I call a spade a spade, you say racist things like "feral bandit tribes" that is obviously racist, you say im racist, and such things which is funny because i never said anything racist. Just normal reasonable stuff and often im just "joking or funny" like posting some movies which are not serious. I never said i hate white people "or all white people are racist" or even "that white is racist" or something. I never said that. You did said that blacks, gypsies, and injuns and some others are feral bandit tribes. did you said it or not? And if you step one foot back and think about it from another perspective do you think its racist?
You think you're 'excluded' from something or other while at the same time babbling about your own insular tribal values. You think white people need to assimilate to your cultural failures. We don't, and in fact we don't need 'variety' at all, we're perfectly fine and self-sufficient all on our own.
How do you know i say this? And how do you know something or most of it is wrong or right or what i say? How do you know that? Because you copy from a white nationalist text, i didnt even debated this. Thats why its funny, that you throw such things at me. Its like a kid throwing shit at you.
All my words are my own. Unlike you, and I don't need to copy anybody, I;m well read and up to date on many topics, while you just march out a parade of rubbish about 'racism' to hide your own obsessions. You think you're 'excluded' from something or other while at the same time babbling about your own insular tribal values. You think white people need to assimilate to your cultural failures. We don't, and in fact we don't need 'variety' at all, we're perfectly fine and self-sufficient all on our own. You whine because you see Whitey as practicing the same self-interested 'tribalism' you do, meanwhile you live off a white state welfare system.
How do you know i practice tribalism and criminal values, and did i even debated this? And if you stop being you one for moment dont you think its really racist and not just fake and made up saying that i do just because you think that i have a different ancestry? Or that you perceive me as "other" and you think i must say this? Do you think i say really this or you say it? Stop being you for one moment and try to be honest for once.
How do you know i say this? And how do you know something or most of it is wrong or right or what i say? How do you know that? Because you copy from a white nationalist text, i didnt even debated this. Thats why its funny, that you throw such things at me. Its like a kid throwing shit at you.

Now you're upset because we see through you.lol

Why aren't your fellow gypsies taking care of you instead of the evil white State?
Now you're upset because we see through you.lol

Why aren't your fellow gypsies taking care of you instead of the evil white State?

Its wrong to exclude roma from the state, because they are inherently citizens by birth. Just like someone who has ancestry back in the colonies or all his grandparents and great great parents are born in the colonies, and he is american citizen, and now excluding him from the american state, would be persecuting your own citizens, like hitler persecuted jews because of perceived otherness and racial inferiority roma are similar to jews and inherently natural born citizens. Just saying what you say is racist, and you say im racist, which is funny, im not racist.
Now you're upset because we see through you.lol

Why aren't your fellow gypsies taking care of you instead of the evil white State?
Just talking about the "white state" is racist or white nationalist. Because its neo-nazis who want a aryan or white state, the state is not white or aryan per se.
I only know that I am part Cherokee Indian, part German, and part Irish.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. I was born in Florida.

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