Zone1 If You Haven't Been Paying Attention The Uniparty Seems To Be Against Everything That's Good For Us

Some went farther than others.
I live in TN, and they didn't mandate vaccines.
Some states still mandate the wearing of masks in state government buildings.
There was a worldwide pandemic that killed millions of people and they had the gall to ask you to do some simple things. For yourself and your fellow man. And that was just too much.

You are a big disappointment to Jesus
I checked the Owners Manual that came with the Republic. It said if things ever get this bad, hit Ctl Alt Del twice and reboot the system.

Alternatively we can wipe and replace back to the government pre 1913
I think the first thing we need to do is assure fair&accurate elections.

Most of the other minutia could be easily dealt with if that was assured.

Election fraud assures that the wrong person gets elected.

The second more important thing is remove fraud and return integrity and trust in our media outlets.
That means that anyone who defrauds the public loses their license to broadcast.
I think the first thing we need to do is assure fair&accurate elections.

Most of the other minutia could be easily dealt with if that was assured.

Election fraud assures that the wrong person gets elected.

The second more important thing is remove fraud and return integrity and trust in our media outlets.
That means that anyone who defrauds the public loses their license to broadcast.
Agreed! But it won’t be the Republican Party to step up here. We the People need to step up like the Black Panthers and make sure there is an accurate count. And even so, what do we do about the vote rigging machines tied to a central “counter”????
There was a worldwide pandemic that killed millions of people and they had the gall to ask you to do some simple things. For yourself and your fellow man. And that was just too much.

You are a big disappointment to Jesus
I tend to question the validity of any pandemic that wasn't adhered to by our leaders.

Vaccines and COVID screening was imposed on the NFL, and other sports, and DOD employees, but White House staff, members of congress and their congressional aides, as well as the masses of illegals were quietly exempt from vaccine mandates and COVID screening.
I think the first thing we need to do is assure fair&accurate elections.

Most of the other minutia could be easily dealt with if that was assured.

Election fraud assures that the wrong person gets elected.

The second more important thing is remove fraud and return integrity and trust in our media outlets.
That means that anyone who defrauds the public loses their license to broadcast.
That’s what at the crux of this entire thing: a media doing the Democrats’ bidding and suppressing the truth from the Republican side.

We need to correct for that before we can even hope for a fair election.
Agreed! But it won’t be the Republican Party to step up here. We the People need to step up like the Black Panthers and make sure there is an accurate count. And even so, what do we do about the vote rigging machines tied to a central “counter”????
Dominion should lose their contract to provide vote counting machines.
They're too easily hacked and are easily tampered with.
They also have a problem with security when it comes to the internet.
But one of the top problems with Dominion is their software.
They allow people to count the same ballot over and over.
One woman in Fulton County Georgia admitted she delivered over 100 thousand extra votes to Biden and was given a Freedom Medal for her services.
Dominion should lose their contract to provide vote counting machines.
They're too easily hacked and are easily tampered with.
They also have a problem with security when it comes to the internet.
But one of the top problems with Dominion is their software.
They allow people to count the same ballot over and over.
One woman in Fulton County Georgia admitted she delivered over 100 thousand extra votes to Biden and was given a Freedom Medal for her services.
She ADMITTED that? She needs to be summoned to testify in the GA witch-hunt trial.
She ADMITTED that? She needs to be summoned to testify in the GA witch-hunt trial.
Rubie Freeman bragged about giving the presidency to Biden.....and Biden gave her a Freedom Medal.

Here's the video of Biden awarding the Medal of Freedom to many of his co-conspirators in stealing the 2020 election.

Rubie Freeman bragged about giving the presidency to Biden.....and Biden gave her a Freedom Medal.

Here's the video of Biden awarding the Medal of Freedom to many of his co-conspirators in stealing the 2020 election.

I couldn’t even watch it. The Democrats reward those who cheat on their behalf with awards. Sickening.
Our elections are controlled by organized crime.
Sadly….I agree. The best scenario at this point is to keep a low profile so you don’t end up on the Democrat DOJ hit list, move your retirement funds to safe(r) places, and stock your pantry with some essentials now to make the continuing inflation more survivable.
Sadly….I agree. The best scenario at this point is to keep a low profile so you don’t end up on the Democrat DOJ hit list, move your retirement funds to safe(r) places, and stock your pantry with some essentials now to make the continuing inflation more survivable.
They'll eventually try to come for my guns.

They're cutting off our food so we'll have to prevent roving bands of FBI agents or Islamic migrants from coming into our homes and taking our supplies.

I just hope I'm not alive when it gets to that because it's not going to be pretty.

I'm just going to make sure my remains are burned so they can't harvest my organs.
Ever get the idea that the powers that be no-longer have our best interests in mind?

As a matter of fact, they seem to want to cause as much harm as they possibly can.

We cannot trust them to know what they're doing. What they're doing is designed to not only make our lives miserable, but quite possibly hazardous. I'm sure we had our suspicions before COVID hit, but since then the reckless behavior of our leaders has gotten out of control.

  • They can't afford to allow us to have good feelings about our lives
  • The American Dream is a thing of the past
  • COVID gave them the opportunity to invade our homes and destroy our families
  • COVID was the excuse they needed to release millions of criminals from our prisons who are as we speak beating us, stealing from us, or raping and killing us
  • Racial harmony of any kind must be discouraged
  • Common-sense government has been thrown out the window
  • Our open border presents growing threats against our safety and peace of mind
  • Our president doesn't seem to care about his own voters, which indicates that he wasn't elected fairly
  • The left simply doesn't want to get along with anyone and thus they don't want us getting along with each other. Divide & Conquer
  • The left is systematically destroying every single facet of our society
  • Inspirational movies are popular yet have become a target for destruction by the left
  • No good deed goes unpunished

"Some people" can never be satisfied
Worst of all, the Left used COVID as an excuse for a massive mail-in ballot election, enabling their way to cheating to a win and putting Biden in. We have being paying the price ever since.
I think lockdowns are coming back.
I hope everyone refuses to participate
Your bullheaded approach to everything seems to be preventing you from understand the concept of freedom of choice in any free society.

You refuse to take lessons learned and apply them to your own personal life....and soon will follow the next government imposed oppression with no complaints.

You would make an excellent party member in the new Nazi Party.

You have mindless ranting down pat.
You have mindless ranting down pat.
It's only mindless to a person who considers the source before anything.

If CNN, or some other leftist news source, tells you that feces ain't brown, you'll swear all day long that it's whatever color they say it is.
It's only mindless to a person who considers the source before anything.

If CNN, or some other leftist news source, tells you that feces ain't brown, you'll swear all day long that it's whatever color they say it is.

You are the one constantly quoting Maddow like she's some expert on everything.
Rubie Freeman bragged about giving the presidency to Biden.....and Biden gave her a Freedom Medal.

Here's the video of Biden awarding the Medal of Freedom to many of his co-conspirators in stealing the 2020 election.

GOOD GOD ALMIGHTY!!! that is like a SAT night live skit!!! all the animals being praised for the Fraud they implemented. They were the worst of the worst!!!!

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