If you like your doctor you can keep your whining to yourself. The new American healthcare: Only the rich get doctors.

I think that last part really gets to the core of the problem. So many of us want to pretend that doctors and hospitals are, or should pretend to be, something other than businesses that need to turn a profit. We deify doctors and imagine that health care is a "good will" service that should (somehow) be free for all. That's just not reality, and denying reality never ends well.

I think that there absolutely needs to be fields that are organized for the primary purpose of being "good will" services so society as a whole, including healthcare and education. But there's no need to exclude a middle ground.

Regarding the subject at hand, anyone who believes that healthcare should be organized to provide the "greater good" for society will need to accept that it would be a disaster to have a two tier system of healthcare, where only the rich can have the benefit of a primary care physician while everyone else has to settle for nurses putting band-aids on boo-boos. Combating that ill from becoming the norm ill need significant involvement from the private sector's free market.
Why should we pay for your social security? Fuck you too.
You ain't paying jackshit Moon Bat.

During my 30 years of working the goddamn government took 7.5% of my money and my employer had to throw in another 7.5%. That amounted to hundreds of thousands of dollars over my 30 year career not counting the lost of interest.

Give me the money back that was paid in with reasonable interest and I will call it even.
I think that there absolutely needs to be fields that are organized for the primary purpose of being "good will" services so society as a whole, including healthcare and education. But there's no need to exclude a middle ground.

Regarding the subject at hand, anyone who believes that healthcare should be organized to provide the "greater good" for society will need to accept that it would be a disaster to have a two tier system of healthcare, where only the rich can have the benefit of a primary care physician while everyone else has to settle for nurses putting band-aids on boo-boos. Combating that ill from becoming the norm ill need significant involvement from the private sector's free market.
The People being served by two tiers would be VASTLY better than the current shit show.

But Boomers...
Aging/dying Boomers soaking up resources.

It'll be a mess for a few years, but in 10, nearly half will be gone, and in 20, nearly all.

That's when affordable healthcare could at least theoretically happen, including socialized medicine.
The same can be said for Social Security. Generation X is half the size. Millennials are twice the size of Gen. X. Only Millennials will be somewhat poorer. The first generation in American history to be so than the preceding ones.
Sounds and awful lot like a "concierge medicine service" to me.
I thought most private practice internal medicine physician were like this. We inquired before seeing them the first time. It could be that I am in the south in a town of only 68,000 people, a county of only 98,823, about halfway between Memphis and Nashville, being a hub for several counties and having significant medical facilities, specialist, and infrastructure. PJ did insurance and billing for West Tennessee Healthcare and Jackson Madison County General Hospital for 22 years before retirement, the largest medical group in this end of the state, outside of Memphis.
The same can be said for Social Security. Generation X is half the size. Millennials are twice the size of Gen. X. Only Millennials will be somewhat poorer. The first generation in American history to be so than the preceding ones.
No; the wealth hoarded by the Boomers will once again be circulating.

If the criminal capitalists don't gobble it all up that is.
I thought most private practice internal medicine physician were like this. We inquired before seeing them the first time. It could be that I am in the south in a town of only 68,000 people, a county of only 98,823, about halfway between Memphis and Nashville, being a hub for several counties and having significant medical facilities, specialist, and infrastructure. PJ did insurance and billing for West Tennessee Healthcare and Jackson Madison County General Hospital for 22 years before retirement, the largest medical group in this end of the state, outside of Memphis.
You're a VERY fortunate individual.

Most aren't.
'We' don't 'write-off' anything, moron. The Doctors and hospitals "Cost-Shift" the expenses onto those who can pay for it.

And the goobermint is the worst offender. A doctor or a hospital is lucky to get 50 cents on the dollar from the goobermint. The losses are cost-shifted onto those who have private insurance. So a procedure that would normally cost $1,000 is billed at $2,000 to your private carrier. And guess where they get their money? idiots

This is another thread with 3rd graders discussing Relativity. Very, very, tiresome.

babble on
Ummm...you’re quite ignorant of what goes on in a major metropolitan hospital.
I think those with private insurance deserve to get to step up to the plate first because they are the producers paying for all the SSDI, Medicaid, and other assorted deadbeats that clog-up our medical system.

We had one doctor in town (passed a couple of years ago) that only accepted cash. He was my go to for the small stuff.

A straight-up $35.00 charge.....His "staff" consisted of three people, one of which was his wife who was a NP.

You would be surprised at how orderly the office was ran.....I would always see my peer group (producers) in there too, not a bunch of deadbeats and illegals.
I thought most private practice internal medicine physician were like this. We inquired before seeing them the first time. It could be that I am in the south in a town of only 68,000 people, a county of only 98,823, about halfway between Memphis and Nashville, being a hub for several counties and having significant medical facilities, specialist, and infrastructure. PJ did insurance and billing for West Tennessee Healthcare and Jackson Madison County General Hospital for 22 years before retirement, the largest medical group in this end of the state, outside of Memphis.

I think the problem is that what you personally have access to is already becoming a legacy approach to healthcare as it is, and that Congress seems to be keen to formally expedite that by legislating a new system into place.
I think the problem is that what you personally have access to is already becoming a legacy approach to healthcare as it is, and that Congress seems to be keen to formally expedite that by legislating a new system into place.
HMMMM. You could easily be correct. It makes me glad all our kids are in the mid 30s to mid 40s.
... We need more medical schools. We need more nursing schools ...

This is prohibitive expensive ... tuition would be astronomical, even the Rich couldn't afford it ... the average CEO gets $17 million a year ... the average doctor $1 million ... who's smarter? ...

The Cuban government goes through all the schools on the island and picks out the best and the brightest, sends them to Medical School ... when they get back, they're assigned a village and that's their entire career ... tending to the medical needs of a few hundred people ... health care as a government service, no profit ... of course this works in a communist country where profit is profaned ...

Here in the USA, our best and brightest become engineers, investment bankers, CEOs or lawyers ... strictly third or fourth rate students that study biology, and the losers from there become nurses and doctors ...

Two solutions:
1] Triple insurance premiums, and then triple pay across the board, from the custodian to facilities manager ... we have pharmacists working cash registers here because no one is going to work that job for $20/hr ... cashiers need to be paid $60/hr if we want them to do a good job ... and then add another 15% on top of that for re-insurance ... or double taxes on the Middle Class ...
2} "Print" money ...


If it looks like an economical bubble, sounds like an economical bubble, tastes like an economical bubble and feels like an economical bubble ...

Maybe it's an economical bubble ... see #2 above ...
I think that last part really gets to the core of the problem. So many of us want to pretend that doctors and hospitals are, or should pretend to be, something other than businesses that need to turn a profit. We deify doctors and imagine that health care is a "good will" service that should (somehow) be free for all. That's just not reality, and denying reality never ends well.
Half of US hospitals are non-profit and they will sue your butt for an unpaid bill just as readily as a for-profit one.
HMMMM. You could easily be correct. It makes me glad all our kids are in the mid 30s to mid 40s.

If there aren't enough physicians to go around now, it's gonna look bad for them when they get to be your age.

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