If you like your doctor you can keep your whining to yourself. The new American healthcare: Only the rich get doctors.

Congress will not piss off their big business overlords
They don't care if they take the heat from the voter which I understand, what is hard to understand is why Repubs are fooling themselves into believing their party is not a party to the immigration problem.
I am not bitching about our healthcare system..Again you tried to pigeonhole every poster you quoted instead of demanding from yourself what you demanded from me, your tail is already tucked and you are fucked because you are a vindictive hypocrite...
As expected, you offer a non-sensical word salad because you have nothing logical or rational to say.
If you had half of a ball-sack and were half sane you would have said….
”Yep, you are right, wetbacks are fucking up our healthcare system.”
They don't care if they take the heat from the voter which I understand, what is hard to understand is why Repubs are fooling themselves into believing their party is not a party to the immigration problem.

because all they care about is what the party says, not what it actually does.
Boomers are breaking the system.

Far fewer of them of course.
Sounds like you're a Soylent Green type of person for now. Must suck a bit for you, as you too will become old
and you too will fall into your own aging trap. Just eat the pill and lie down, darling.
From your point of view? Probably. But while you were emptying bed pans I was on the financial services end. And since that IS what we're supposed to be talking about..... Seems to me like you're the ignorant one.

As usual

I don't think you read the article, either.
The problem with our healthcare system, like ALL of our problems is fucking simple… We have too many disgusting, degenerate, non-contributing foreigners weighing the system down.
Jesus fuck. Are you ever not bitching about brown people???
If the Repubs had any answers you would maybe have a point.

But even your beloved Trump did not slow the flow of illegals until 2020 and that was due to COVID and not Trump.
Hmmm…should we trust the word of a TDS’ing lefty in cyberspace or the word from the Chief BP agent?

Which Party has fought to provide free healthcare for Mexico’s people?
Which Party has fought for sanctuary for Mexico’s criminals?
Which Party has fought against mandatory e-verify?

Come on man…time to pull head from ass.
Jesus fuck. Are you ever not bitching about brown people???
Jesus fuck. Are you ever not bitching about brown people???
NOPE, NEVER….I focus my efforts…I only bitch about the things that deserve to be bitched about.
Mean tweets and mean rhetoric and orange skin and bad hair and porn star fucking and pussy grabbing has no impact on my life….Wetbacks destroy everything…FACT!
End free healthcare for wetbacks and send 50 million wetbacks home to their shitholes…lets start there.
I worked in a place one time for a few Months. We had a Haitian guy that worked there. He did menial labor.

He also had a family. We offered insurance, group insurance that the Company picked up 75% of the cost. Very reasonable, very good plan.

He wouldn't buy it. We tried and tried. And tried some more. No way. He just wouldn't do it.

So he's out one night being an idiot Haitian and crashes his car. Bad. Real bad. He almost died. But the doctors and the hospital saved him.

Do you know how much that Doctor got paid for getting out of bed at 3:00AM in the morning, slicing through gore, broken bones, tendons, traumatized flesh, severed arteries, burned skin, etc, etc?


Know how much the Hospital recovered for supplying the Nurses, the anesthesia, the anesthetist, the supplies, cleaning the room, etc, etc, etc, etc ad nauseam?

Take a guess. Go ahead dims, take a fucking guess.

Waiting...... Try -- Nothing.

Here's what you lefties are too stupid to understand -- Socialized Medicine isn't free, it's just a way for Health Care providers to force people to pay into it.

The government FORCES you to pay premiums into it. Somehow. Taxes of some kind, some where.

The problem is -- It's the government and, as we all know, government is corrupt and crooked. Not just ours, not the UK's not Russia's -- ALL of them are. Every last one of them are corrupt.

Switzerland has the answer. But you won't look at it. Because....... The word 'stupid' comes to mind

Every word I tell you is true. If none of you can face the truth, that is your problem
If the article says only the rich get doctors, they’re full of shit.

There's one way to find out what the article says. Click the link and read the article.

Why are you so insistent on passing judgment without knowing what the article says? You're really stuck on this. You sound like an insurrectionist hellbent on believing conspiracy theories about stolen elections.
The desire to offload minor procedures to nurses and physician assistants is proper but $100 million in grants to train more nurses is a pittance.
I worked in a place one time for a few Months. We had a Haitian guy that worked there. He did menial labor.

He also had a family. We offered insurance, group insurance that the Company picked up 75% of the cost. Very reasonable, very good plan.

He wouldn't buy it. We tried and tried. And tried some more. No way. He just wouldn't do it.

So he's out one night being an idiot Haitian and crashes his car. Bad. Real bad. He almost died. But the doctors and the hospital saved him.

Do you know how much that Doctor got paid for getting out of bed at 3:00AM in the morning, slicing through gore, broken bones, tendons, traumatized flesh, severed arteries, burned skin, etc, etc?


Know how much the Hospital recovered for supplying the Nurses, the anesthesia, the anesthetist, the supplies, cleaning the room, etc, etc, etc, etc ad nauseam?

Take a guess. Go ahead dims, take a fucking guess.

Waiting...... Try -- Nothing.

Here's what you lefties are too stupid to understand -- Socialized Medicine isn't free, it's just a way for Health Care providers to force people to pay into it.

The government FORCES you to pay premiums into it. Somehow. Taxes of some kind, some where.

The problem is -- It's the government and, as we all know, government is corrupt and crooked. Not just ours, not the UK's not Russia's -- ALL of them are. Every last one of them are corrupt.

Switzerland has the answer. But you won't look at it. Because....... The word 'stupid' comes to mind

Every word I tell you is true. If none of you can face the truth, that is your problem
Sadly this story could be told a million times over…what reason do foreigners have to purchase healthcare like the rest of us?
It’s too bad bleeding heart globalist fools like dblack and Golfing Gator can’t see the obvious.

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