If you like your doctor you can keep your whining to yourself. The new American healthcare: Only the rich get doctors.

The problem with our healthcare system is DemocRATS! Dems F over doctors and nurses and healthcare providers at every turn. Dems have their parasite FANGS sunk deep into the Healthcare system and have sucked it dry. Doctors and nurses are one of the Dem's favorite groups to DEMONIZE.

Who is surprised to learn that yet again it's Democrats who have F'ed something up?
The desire to offload minor procedures to nurses and physician assistants is proper

Not it's not. At best, it's the equivalent of a little kid shifting their food around on their plates trying to convince you they've eaten most of their peas.
I worked in a place one time for a few Months. We had a Haitian guy that worked there. He did menial labor.

He also had a family. We offered insurance, group insurance that the Company picked up 75% of the cost. Very reasonable, very good plan.

He wouldn't buy it. We tried and tried. And tried some more. No way. He just wouldn't do it.

So he's out one night being an idiot Haitian and crashes his car. Bad. Real bad. He almost died. But the doctors and the hospital saved him.

Do you know how much that Doctor got paid for getting out of bed at 3:00AM in the morning, slicing through gore, broken bones, tendons, traumatized flesh, severed arteries, burned skin, etc, etc?


Know how much the Hospital recovered for supplying the Nurses, the anesthesia, the anesthetist, the supplies, cleaning the room, etc, etc, etc, etc ad nauseam?

Take a guess. Go ahead dims, take a fucking guess.

Waiting...... Try -- Nothing.

Here's what you lefties are too stupid to understand -- Socialized Medicine isn't free, it's just a way for Health Care providers to force people to pay into it.

The government FORCES you to pay premiums into it. Somehow. Taxes of some kind, some where.

The problem is -- It's the government and, as we all know, government is corrupt and crooked. Not just ours, not the UK's not Russia's -- ALL of them are. Every last one of them are corrupt.

Switzerland has the answer. But you won't look at it. Because....... The word 'stupid' comes to mind

Every word I tell you is true. If none of you can face the truth, that is your problem

Your company brought him here by offering the job,
No refugee status is the law. Few funds for border enforcement IS the law.
International law says a refugee cannot travel through a free nation to seek refuge in another.
Mexico is a free nation. America has zero obligation to take anyone.
Hmmm….more Twilight Zone shit here I see.
The same people bitching about our healthcare system are the same people, in effect, begging Mexico’s people to invade our nation by the tens of millions….the same people lobbying to provide Mexico’s people with free healthcare.
WTF….are you people fucking retarded? What impact does 50 million broke as fuck human cockroaches have on ANY healthcare system?
Why can’t you bleeding heart wackos allow yourselves to get out of your own way?

dblack Golfing Gator pknopp , you see this shit? This alone is why you should vote this retarded as fuck shit down by voting Republican.
Boomers = The problem
Your incoherent thread craps don't have a "premise", just your screeching fear.
When I can’t offer a logical refutation I make the claim that the opposing view has no premise…and I call it nothing more than “screeching” as well.
You’re in over your head with me…you’re outclassed big-time. You ought to put me on ignore like Mac1958 did after he finally realized I owned his fucking sorry, pathetic ass.
I worked in a place one time for a few Months. We had a Haitian guy that worked there. He did menial labor.

He also had a family. We offered insurance, group insurance that the Company picked up 75% of the cost. Very reasonable, very good plan.

He wouldn't buy it. We tried and tried. And tried some more. No way. He just wouldn't do it.

So he's out one night being an idiot Haitian and crashes his car. Bad. Real bad. He almost died. But the doctors and the hospital saved him.

Do you know how much that Doctor got paid for getting out of bed at 3:00AM in the morning, slicing through gore, broken bones, tendons, traumatized flesh, severed arteries, burned skin, etc, etc?


Know how much the Hospital recovered for supplying the Nurses, the anesthesia, the anesthetist, the supplies, cleaning the room, etc, etc, etc, etc ad nauseam?

Take a guess. Go ahead dims, take a fucking guess.

Waiting...... Try -- Nothing.

Here's what you lefties are too stupid to understand -- Socialized Medicine isn't free, it's just a way for Health Care providers to force people to pay into it.

The government FORCES you to pay premiums into it. Somehow. Taxes of some kind, some where.

The problem is -- It's the government and, as we all know, government is corrupt and crooked. Not just ours, not the UK's not Russia's -- ALL of them are. Every last one of them are corrupt.

Switzerland has the answer. But you won't look at it. Because....... The word 'stupid' comes to mind

Every word I tell you is true. If none of you can face the truth, that is your problem
I pay zero for healthcare from the VA.
Aging/dying Boomers soaking up resources.

It'll be a mess for a few years, but in 10, nearly half will be gone, and in 20, nearly all.

That's when affordable healthcare could at least theoretically happen, including socialized medicine.

Dont worry,your time is coming.
Sounds like you're a Soylent Green type of person for now.
How you got there I have no idea.

My pointing out the society-breaking consequences of a generation too large to be accommodated by those following it does not equal...

Ooops - don't wanna spoil the movie! :)
Must suck a bit for you, as you too will become old
and you too will fall into your own aging trap.
You seem to have missed my point.

Boomers = Too many

That's it; nothing else.

Well, except criminal capitalism making things worse.
Just eat the pill and lie down, darling.
You first.

But only if you wish to.

Sadly this story could be told a million times over…what reason do foreigners have to purchase healthcare like the rest of us?
It’s too bad bleeding heart globalist fools like dblack and Golfing Gator can’t see the obvious.
They know, they all know. They're scum, not stupid. Well, they're mostly stupid but they're aware. Put it that way.

They want socialism. Period. It's all they care about.

The Swiss system is so excellent, so reasonable, performs flawlessly and the only thing goobermint does is enforce it.

Very simple -- Health Insurance is mandated. You MUST have it. period. There are several approved plans that are provided by PRIVATE Health Insurance companies.

If a citizen or a legal immigrant can't afford one, the government will buy it for them. Simple. And it works.

The complete and TOTAL scumbag Barak Hussein Davis-obama could have gotten a Swiss-Style system if he had tried to. It would have been difficult, but it could have been done. Our States are a bit tougher than Switzerland's Cantons but it could have been done.

The truth is what I am telling you -- dimocrap FILTH don't care about Health Care. They only care about the acquisition of power. Whether that is through them controlling our energy, our health care...... Whatever. It's all they care about.
Almost funny, a guy named Payne (pain) tells us we won't be able to keep a doctor unless we are rich. I'm not rich and I have a doctor and pretty good medical care. Granted hospitals in certain areas are under staffed and overflowing with patients but that's partly to blame for Biden's open borders policy that invited illegal aliens who have never seen a doctor in their entire sorry lives to infect the country.
There's one way to find out what the article says. Click the link and read the article.

Why are you so insistent on passing judgment without knowing what the article says? You're really stuck on this. You sound like an insurrectionist hellbent on believing conspiracy theories about stolen elections.
Learn how to present a coherent opening idea.

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