"If you like your plan, you can keep your plan. For a year. Period"

This is obozo's new idea just announced this morning. He's told the insurance companies not to cancel anyone's plan for the next year!! How can he do this.? First obamacare forced the companies to cancel millions of plans and now obozo tells them to just ignore what the law says.

The insurance companies must be going nuts. The president is telling them to break his own law.

it's the law of the land they must follow the law,
slowly, very slowly, the media is turning on him. Its very hard for them since they devoted their very survival to supporting his lies, but they are turning on him. Major Garret destroyed him this morning.

Sure looks that way though i don't know why. They were very supportive of bush too until katrina hit. That also happened in year 5 of his 8 years.
This is obozo's new idea just announced this morning. He's told the insurance companies not to cancel anyone's plan for the next year!! How can he do this.? First obamacare forced the companies to cancel millions of plans and now obozo tells them to just ignore what the law says.

The insurance companies must be going nuts. The president is telling them to break his own law.

Blame for this mess belongs to many, including Republicans who delayed the implementation of the website by trying to get the ACA repealed over and over again. But here is the dumbest thing of all; as much as people are crying their eyes out that their insurance has been cancelled, hardly any of them have even bothered to check out their state's exchange to actually see what is now available to them. If they had, the majority of them would find that they can now purchase a plan similar to what they had at a very comparable price, or they might even be able to purchase a better plan at a lower price when taking into account the subsidy, if they are eligible. Yes, some people will find that it is going to cost them more, but we are not hearing from any of the people who are going to save money, because they haven't even bothered to look what's available.

I am purchasing a plan that is going to be just a bit cheaper than what I had, but the deductible is going up from $2500 to $5000. This high deductible thing scares a lot of people, but the fact is that most people never would hit a $2500 deductible, so what is the difference if it is $5000. To sweeten the deal, all preventative care is now covered 100%, so out of pocket costs will actually drop for most people. BTW, preventative care covers a lot more than what people think. My old plan already had this and I haven't had to pay for shit this past year, which included a colonoscopy and an upper endoscopy, as well as X-rays. I have some medical issues, and my out of pocket last year was only around $1200. That will drop next year even further.

If people would take the time to look what is out there, a lot will find that they can get some really good deals and probably same themselves some money.
This is obozo's new idea just announced this morning. He's told the insurance companies not to cancel anyone's plan for the next year!! How can he do this.? First obamacare forced the companies to cancel millions of plans and now obozo tells them to just ignore what the law says.

The insurance companies must be going nuts. The president is telling them to break his own law.

Blame for this mess belongs to many, including Republicans who delayed the implementation of the website by trying to get the ACA repealed over and over again. But here is the dumbest thing of all; as much as people are crying their eyes out that their insurance has been cancelled, hardly any of them have even bothered to check out their state's exchange to actually see what is now available to them. If they had, the majority of them would find that they can now purchase a plan similar to what they had at a very comparable price, or they might even be able to purchase a better plan at a lower price when taking into account the subsidy, if they are eligible. Yes, some people will find that it is going to cost them more, but we are not hearing from any of the people who are going to save money, because they haven't even bothered to look what's available.

I am purchasing a plan that is going to be just a bit cheaper than what I had, but the deductible is going up from $2500 to $5000. This high deductible thing scares a lot of people, but the fact is that most people never would hit a $2500 deductible, so what is the difference if it is $5000. To sweeten the deal, all preventative care is now covered 100%, so out of pocket costs will actually drop for most people. BTW, preventative care covers a lot more than what people think. My old plan already had this and I haven't had to pay for shit this past year, which included a colonoscopy and an upper endoscopy, as well as X-rays. I have some medical issues, and my out of pocket last year was only around $1200. That will drop next year even further.

If people would take the time to look what is out there, a lot will find that they can get some really good deals and probably same themselves some money.

We've been through this before. You're insurance costs have gone up $208.30 a month. You know this. It has been pointed out to you, and yet you still tell the same lies. As I have also said previously, your monthly costs will go up 64.8%.

Your initial lie was "I never hit my deductible." Fine, then why do you need insurance? You obviously will never get sick or have an accident, right?

You have an increased insurance cost of $2500 a year at minimum. That does not include the higher taxes you will pay for any medical devices you get under this law.

Please stop being like Obama and continue to tell the same lie over and over hoping people will believe you. Like Obama....it really hurts your credibility.
Take your pick



This is obozo's new idea just announced this morning. He's told the insurance companies not to cancel anyone's plan for the next year!! How can he do this.? First obamacare forced the companies to cancel millions of plans and now obozo tells them to just ignore what the law says.

The insurance companies must be going nuts. The president is telling them to break his own law.

And when the insurance companies say they simply are incapable of reinstating those plans as they were, Obama gets a pass. It's not his shitty law that forced the insurance companies in the first place, it's those greedy insurance companies that obeyed the law.

But no one's plans have actually been cancelled yet. Right now they are still in force. That is the beauty of this whole thing.
This is obozo's new idea just announced this morning. He's told the insurance companies not to cancel anyone's plan for the next year!! How can he do this.? First obamacare forced the companies to cancel millions of plans and now obozo tells them to just ignore what the law says.

The insurance companies must be going nuts. The president is telling them to break his own law.

And when the insurance companies say they simply are incapable of reinstating those plans as they were, Obama gets a pass. It's not his shitty law that forced the insurance companies in the first place, it's those greedy insurance companies that obeyed the law.

But no one's plans have actually been cancelled yet. Right now they are still in force. That is the beauty of this whole thing.

:eusa_whistle: Stop it with the stupid shit, you god damn idiot.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=miVoe7U6Lx4]Judge Dredd - I NEVER BROKE THE LAW... I AM THE LAW! - YouTube[/ame]
This is obozo's new idea just announced this morning. He's told the insurance companies not to cancel anyone's plan for the next year!! How can he do this.? First obamacare forced the companies to cancel millions of plans and now obozo tells them to just ignore what the law says.

The insurance companies must be going nuts. The president is telling them to break his own law.

And when the insurance companies say they simply are incapable of reinstating those plans as they were, Obama gets a pass. It's not his shitty law that forced the insurance companies in the first place, it's those greedy insurance companies that obeyed the law.

Of course he does.

Because what insurance companies were doing, were trying to game the system.

And you folks cheer that shit on.

These "policies" were dreamed up after ObamaCare was passed. And they were all tests to see how far the limits were.

It was almost like clockwork.

They gave customers cheap, shitty insurance which they knew they would have to jack up once ObamaCare went into effect. And they thought it would be great fun to blame the government for the price increases.

But because of Republican rancor about just about everything Obama does, he was able to flip the switch on them.

Now the ball is in their court. :lol:
Quit the faux conservative act.

There is no need to deflect for obama anymore, the jig is over the news is out the curtain has been raised and we now see what's behind door number 3. So do yourself a favor STOP IT, IT'S OVER.
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Now the ball is in their court.

Exaclty. Well played Obammy. Well played.

Quit the faux conservative act.

There is no need to deflect for obama anymore, the jig is over the news is out the current has been raised and we now see what's behind door number 3. So do yourself a favor STOP IT, IT'S OVER.

Deflect my ass. Did you just make a rep request?
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This is obozo's new idea just announced this morning. He's told the insurance companies not to cancel anyone's plan for the next year!! How can he do this.? First obamacare forced the companies to cancel millions of plans and now obozo tells them to just ignore what the law says.

The insurance companies must be going nuts. The president is telling them to break his own law.

The thing EVERYONE should oppose about ACA or OBAMACARE is this:

Affordable Care Act is about government control

July 08, 2012 12:00 am • By Doug Ross,

The Affordable Care Act consists primarily of taking away many of our liberties by advocating health care for the less fortunate.

The government does not possess the authority to require an individual to purchase health insurance, so why try trick the uniformed into thinking the government knows what is best for them?

The Affordable Care Act is about government control over a large market and the welfare of those people. As more companies drop their health insurance plans, those individuals will be required to join a government-controlled health plan and be subservient to that ideology.

This is just what the socialistic president wants — more people dependent on government and therefore more control over those individual lives. Again, just smoke and mirrors. Watch this hand while I steal your liberties.

— Jack Jaros, Whiting

Affordable Care Act is about government control
Now the ball is in their court.

Exaclty. Well played Obammy. Well played.

Quit the faux conservative act.

There is no need to deflect for obama anymore, the jig is over the news is out the current has been raised and we now see what's behind door number 3. So do yourself a favor STOP IT, IT'S OVER.

Deflect my ass. Did you just make a rep request?

Yes you're deflecting for the bitch STOP IT.

Blame for this mess belongs to many, including Republicans who delayed the implementation of the website by trying to get the ACA repealed over and over again. .

HAHAHA. Another liberal blaming the repubs for this mess!!!

Not a single repub voted for the ACA you numbskull. And how does trying to repeal ACA delay the implementation of the website????

This is all the dems fault.
Apparently entirely ignorant of the process of buying insurance, the president decided to demand an overhaul of the entire insurance industry, building the purchasing mechanism himself."

"The animating feature of Obama’s leadership style is simply making pronouncements. Making them about things he knows, things he knows not, and waiting for everyone and everything to fall in line. And, when things don’t magically come together, he pronounces his disappointment and anger. Wash, rinse, repeat."

The ignorant omniscience of President Obama « Hot Air

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