If you met an alien, would you be scared?

Based on the report, they are just interested.

They don't threaten, they're just there, and nobody can explain them. We're worried that they're interested in nuclear facilities, but they're not aggressive. They have shut down nuclear bases in the past though.
I'm not aware of any "nuclear bases" (whatever you mean by that vague term) having been "shut down". There are a report or two about temporary deactivate launch systems at ICBM bases.
I would first say, "Man that must of been a long long ride to get here." Than I'd asked, "Can I get ya a beer?
Here's the Brightwaters/Rendelsham incident, where UFO's beamed lights down on the nukes. This is Britain's "Roswell"

It is not a "Roswell".
The "legend" regards the Roswell episode is that an UFO crashed and the military recovered the wreckage, sanitized the site, then covered these actions with a tight security blanket and major disinformation agenda.

There was no report of a crash site or recovery of "foreign" object in the case of "Brightwaters/Rendelsham".
Aliens came before scriptures. So scriptures are just bullshit trying to convince people otherwise. But Sumerians wrote about the Anunnaki. They are the aliens. That gave us everything. Created us, saved us, taught us.

And after they left, religions set in like fucking vultures.

But they aren't the present day UFO's/UAP's.
Not so certain the Anunnaki "left"; more likely they ceased any major and overt contact with humans and human governments/rulers.

Also, it's probable that Sitchin was a bit mistaken regards what Nibiru is and where it's orbit is. For one, if undertaking an interstellar colonization effort, one might send out a fairly large expedition with much supplies and equipment, possibly using a very large vessel of sorts to carry all the crew and gear, and then begin with some bases on assorted moons and or in useful orbits. That large vessel might be an asteroid with portions hollowed out inside for habitat and storage, etc.

One candidate is this moon of Saturn's, though it looks as if the "vessel" may have been damaged a bit.

I go into more detail, with multiple examples and references in this thread on this board;
The Geminga Scenario
No. That is incidental. I am arguing from basic concepts related to intelligence. Note how I can argue from the same concepts regarding dogs and chimps. Not just humans. I am arguing what i think will be likely.
That is because you are also anthropomorphizing dogs and chimps. There is a difference between eliciting a trained response and real two-way communication of complex ideas. You don't get the same level of understanding from the wild dog or monkey- to him, your smile is a threat. Or he may even see you as food..

"They would understand us as sentient and aspossessing a language with syntax, abstract concepts, etc. I believe this would almost certainly be true, because I believe they would also necessarily possess language."

These are all things you possess. They are human attributes.

Dolphins are mammals, very similar to us. We can train them to do tricks, and we know they communicate with each other. We consider them intelligent. But we cannot know their thoughts and we can't decode their sounds.

When they surf the bow wake, they look to me like they are having fun. But can I say that's why they do it? Maybe they are just being lazy and hitching a ride. Or maybe they like the boat because the sharks don't. Or maybe they are just hungry and they think there might be something to eat.

I can't attribute their behavior to a human desire or fear or emotion- they are not human. They can have motivations that I have no hope of comprehending.

Compared to the aliens, dolphins are practically our twins.

Your aliens seem to me like the Star Trek aliens. Basically funny-looking people. I don't deny the possibility, but I don't give it more weight than any of the other infinite possibilities, like the flying ammonia jellyfish.

If I met an alien would I be scared? Hell yes! I have no idea what I am dealing with.
That is because you are also anthropomorphizing dogs and chimps. There is a difference between eliciting a trained response and real two-way communication of complex ideas
No, I don't think they can communicate complex ideas at all. I made sure to delineate that difference. Yet they can communicate certain things to me. This communication is ultimately limited by their lesser abilities.
Your aliens seem to me like the Star Trek aliens. Basically funny-looking people. I
Haha, no. But I do think they will share analogous structures, like some form of eyes to sense light, and some appendages for locomotion in a gravity environment. And appendages for physical manipulation of objects.

I also believe they will understand abstract ideas. Like, affection.
Haha, no. But I do think they will share analogous structures, like some form of eyes to sense light, and some appendages for locomotion in a gravity environment. And appendages for physical manipulation of objects.

I also believe they will understand abstract ideas. Like, affection.
I'm guilty of the same thing I accuse you of- it's very easy to do.

In my first post on this thread I said they would want to observe us. That is anthropomorphizing. I am assuming they are curious creatures (like me), but I have absolutely no basis to make that assumption. Maybe they are just foraging and stumbled across earth on accident- who can say?

We imagine our aliens to be like us, no matter how hard we try not to. Your aliens have eyes and arms and legs and hands, or at least their analogues that perform the same functions.

The closest I have ever been to an alien is probably scuba diving. Most of the creatures I encounter are not really interested in me. I'm not food, neither am I a predator. They will try to get away If I try to catch them, but other than that I am mostly ignored...
guilty of the

I'm guilty of the same thing I accuse you of- it's very easy to do.
Yes , definitely it is, but communication is a universal idea. And I find it a safe bet that there would be certain commonalities, both physically (analogous structures) and conceptually (a social construct, sentence, introspective self awareness).

I dob't pretend that a dog thinks. Nevertheless, the dog does communicate to us its desires. I think an error you are making (just as easy and common) is to overly anthropomorphize humans! I.E., attribute special attributes that don't exist where we attribute them.

Much of our behavior is not conscious. Free will is basically an illusion. We like to think we are more complicated than dogs,l at all times and In all things. But what is often the only thing more complicated is our ability to analyze an event after the fact, using language and concepts and introspective self awareness. The affection and some social constructs hardwired into us are only different from dogs or chimps in degree, not kind. Our love of babies, for example. Hardwired. We love cute pictures with big eyes on little faces. We can't even help it. All we Can do is talk about it and maybe pretend it is more complicated than it is.

This is no doubt a hardwired tendency that evolved alongside mammalian parental care.

The same pressures that produced these hardwired tendencies would exist for any species, here or on another planet. The ones who respond a certain way to these pressures develop some combination of intelligence, language,, societies, empathy, technology, etc.

That isn't anthropomorphic. Saying it is is to put the cart before the horse. We are the product of these pressures and the resulting hardware and software, not the other way around.
There are a few species on earth that we can sort of communicate with. Some primates, smart birds, dogs. They kind of understand us some of the time (if they've spent the time to get to know us).

I figure if it's that hard to communicate with species that evolved right alongside us, the chances of communicating with something that evolved totally separate is more than a little bit remote.

They would observe us, and we would observe them, but communicate? It would probably be like talking to a fish...
I totally agree. But perhaps they have developed a way to talk down to us?

There are stories where the government had tried to communicate with them one-on-one in the 1950's. Not saying it's true, but the result was that the person said it was like watching 7 movies at once, streaming into your head from all angles. I don't know if that's true, but it does seem like the description fits the scenario.
I'm not aware of any "nuclear bases" (whatever you mean by that vague term) having been "shut down". There are a report or two about temporary deactivate launch systems at ICBM bases.

Malmstrom is well-documented. Google it.

The Pentagon and US Navy have acknowledged that they pose a threat to national security, and they don't know what they are.
And yes, they have serious interests in our nuclear bases. I haven't even started yet.

Another one to look up is the famous Rendlesham incident, that was documented by our Air Force in Bentwaters. Here's the document sent by the Deputy Base Commander... Bentwaters was a very known place to house US Nukes, though it was secret at the time.

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