If you oppose the death penalty than you think an illegal alien cop killer is entitled...

This isn't 1975. We have ways to positively identify people who commit crimes, particularly when DNA or video is evidence.

Not really. It's just as easy to convict an innocent man now as it was in 1975.

Crooked cops, inept public defenders.

This illegal who was busted twice for DUI in our country before, and was deported before, is the killer. Standard police procedure is to call in a license plate before an officer even initiates his warning lights. They found him hiding thanks to other illegal friends of his (who were also deported before) they found the murder weapon, and I'm sure before the court date, they will find gun powder inside the vehicle. He did it. Time to fry him like french fries.

When they fry a rich white person for murder, then I will be okay with you frying poor people of color.
This isn't 1975. We have ways to positively identify people who commit crimes, particularly when DNA or video is evidence.

Not really. It's just as easy to convict an innocent man now as it was in 1975.

Crooked cops, inept public defenders.

This illegal who was busted twice for DUI in our country before, and was deported before, is the killer. Standard police procedure is to call in a license plate before an officer even initiates his warning lights. They found him hiding thanks to other illegal friends of his (who were also deported before) they found the murder weapon, and I'm sure before the court date, they will find gun powder inside the vehicle. He did it. Time to fry him like french fries.

When they fry a rich white person for murder, then I will be okay with you frying poor people of color.

I'm for them frying anybody who kills another person for no reason.
I'm for them frying anybody who kills another person for no reason.

Really? How about this kid? His name is Ethan Couch


He killed these four people.


He argued that because of "Affluenza' (which is an official term for being a rich douche-bag), he should get probation for killing those nice people while driving drunk.

He violated his probation, fled to Mexico, which sent him back and he got to serve a whopping TWO YEARS in prison.

So, hey, if he got two years for killing four people, this undocumented immigrant should get, what, six months? Seems fair to me.
I'm for them frying anybody who kills another person for no reason.

Really? How about this kid? His name is Ethan Couch


He killed these four people.


He argued that because of "Affluenza' (which is an official term for being a rich douche-bag), he should get probation for killing those nice people while driving drunk.

He violated his probation, fled to Mexico, which sent him back and he got to serve a whopping TWO YEARS in prison.

So, hey, if he got two years for killing four people, this undocumented immigrant should get, what, six months? Seems fair to me.

DUI offenders often get light sentences, and nobody was on this guys (or his mothers) side. There is a difference between an accident where people get killed and a guy who takes a gun and kills a police officer deliberately. Death is not the same in every instance. That's why I said kill "for no reason."

If somebody breaks into a home and ends up getting carried out by the people from the morgue, that's a justified killing to me. It's not a murder. The guy who breaks into a home deserves it.
I view his free room and board for life as one of the least objectionable ways my tax dollars are spent.
DUI offenders often get light sentences, and nobody was on this guys (or his mothers) side. There is a difference between an accident where people get killed and a guy who takes a gun and kills a police officer deliberately. Death is not the same in every instance. That's why I said kill "for no reason."

There was no reason for this kid to get drunk and run down four people.

But he got a slap on the wrist, regardless, because he was rich and white.

If somebody breaks into a home and ends up getting carried out by the people from the morgue, that's a justified killing to me. It's not a murder. The guy who breaks into a home deserves it.

Which isn't what we we discussing.

We were discussing how a rich white kid got two years for killing four people AFTER he violated the probation he got because the poor dear was brought up rich and didn't learn right from wrong, the poor thing.

What were those Plebians doing on his road, anyway?

When rich white people get the same sentences that poor people of color get, THEN you can come back to me and say, "We need a more extreme punishment!"
There was no reason for this kid to get drunk and run down four people.

But he got a slap on the wrist, regardless, because he was rich and white.

There is no reason anybody should get drunk and run down people for no reason. But getting drunk was a deliberate action--killing other people was not. The deaths were the result from his first mistake.

Which isn't what we we discussing.

We were discussing how a rich white kid got two years for killing four people AFTER he violated the probation he got because the poor dear was brought up rich and didn't learn right from wrong, the poor thing.

What were those Plebians doing on his road, anyway?

When rich white people get the same sentences that poor people of color get, THEN you can come back to me and say, "We need a more extreme punishment!"

You mean like OJ?

No, YOU were discussing his race. Like so many other times, race had nothing to do with this OP. You brought race into this topic like you do all the time.

Rich? Yes, that likely had something to do with it. His family probably supported the judge when he was running for the bench or something; maybe the Mayor. Who knows?

But it's not uncommon for DUI offenders to get light sentences. The politicians have it rigged that way in case they get drunk and kill somebody. The judges many times give the maximum sentence they are allowed to give, even if they'd love to dish out a harsher penalty.

My neighbor and I were discussing this a couple of days ago. Many years ago he was engaged to be married. He was a biker back then and his fiancee went with his drunk best friend on a motorcycle. He was speeding and crashed a red light. They were t-boned by a car and she died on the scene. HIs former best friend only got 9 months in jail for killing his WHITE fiancee.
You mean like OJ?

No, YOU were discussing his race. Like so many other times, race had nothing to do with this OP. You brought race into this topic like you do all the time.

Well, yeah, it does when we disproportionately execute people of color.

Didn't hear you screaming that we need to execute this kid, for some reason.

My neighbor and I were discussing this a couple of days ago. Many years ago he was engaged to be married. He was a biker back then and his fiancee went with his drunk best friend on a motorcycle. He was speeding and crashed a red light. They were t-boned by a car and she died on the scene. HIs former best friend only got 9 months in jail for killing his WHITE fiancee.

You are kind of making my point, aren't you? If you are white, you get a light sentence.
Well, yeah, it does when we disproportionately execute people of color.

Didn't hear you screaming that we need to execute this kid, for some reason.

You can't execute somebody for manslaughter or vehicular homicide no matter what the race of the suspect is.

You are kind of making my point, aren't you? If you are white, you get a light sentence.

No, a lot of people got light sentences years ago because drinking and driving was almost a necessary evil in our society. It's situations like his that got people petitioning our politicians to do something about drunken drivers. Years ago you could get a DUI every six months and little was done about it. And actually, what brought up the conversation we had was his roommate rear ended a BLACK PERSON at a stoplight up the street. It was his third DUI and they sentenced him to a year in prison.
No, a lot of people got light sentences years ago because drinking and driving was almost a necessary evil in our society. It's situations like his that got people petitioning our politicians to do something about drunken drivers. Years ago you could get a DUI every six months and little was done about it. And actually, what brought up the conversation we had was his roommate rear ended a BLACK PERSON at a stoplight up the street. It was his third DUI and they sentenced him to a year in prison.

Affluenza Teen wasn't "Years ago", it was 2013.
Its amazing to watch...An illegal alien shoots and kills a cop and if anyone thinks that cop was his first victim think again....this scumbag has killed before and who knows what else he has done....but while this is breaking news...

Do you have evidence this guy killed anyone else?

Trump is at the white house waiting for Schumer and Pelosi to come over and work on a deal....and Pelosi is in Hawaii exposing her wrinkled flesh on some resort beach...no one can tell me she gives one thought to the cop and his young family....anyone who voted for her and Schumer has that cops blood on your hands...

hope you can sleep at night....

I sleep just fine. The people who flood our streets with guns don't lose sleep over the 33,000 gun fatalties, I don't get all that upset this guy shot someone.

We have 20,000 gun laws.... we sleep just fine...the democrat party, the party that allows repeat, violent gun offenders out of jail over and over again, they need to answer for those criminals.
We have 20,000 gun laws.... we sleep just fine...the democrat party, the party that allows repeat, violent gun offenders out of jail over and over again, they need to answer for those criminals.

We lock up 2 million people.. Locking people up isn't the answer.
No, a lot of people got light sentences years ago because drinking and driving was almost a necessary evil in our society. It's situations like his that got people petitioning our politicians to do something about drunken drivers. Years ago you could get a DUI every six months and little was done about it. And actually, what brought up the conversation we had was his roommate rear ended a BLACK PERSON at a stoplight up the street. It was his third DUI and they sentenced him to a year in prison.

Affluenza Teen wasn't "Years ago", it was 2013.

Outside of you trying to turn this into a race issue, I don’t know what your point is. I’m not aware of one person that supported the ruling in this case. At least on right wing radio, the judge was condemned repeatedly by every host I listened to.

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Outside of you trying to turn this into a race issue, I don’t know what your point is. I’m not aware of one person that supported the ruling in this case. At least on right wing radio, the judge was condemned repeatedly by every host I listened to.

Again, that is the point. You think a poor black kid would have gotten probation after drunkenly running down four people? Heck, he'd be lucky to make it to the police station alive.
Outside of you trying to turn this into a race issue, I don’t know what your point is. I’m not aware of one person that supported the ruling in this case. At least on right wing radio, the judge was condemned repeatedly by every host I listened to.

Again, that is the point. You think a poor black kid would have gotten probation after drunkenly running down four people? Heck, he'd be lucky to make it to the police station alive.

OJ got off murdering two people. I'll agree with you on the money part, but race has nothing to do with it. What it really boils down to is who can afford the best lawyers.
OJ got off murdering two people. I'll agree with you on the money part, but race has nothing to do with it. What it really boils down to is who can afford the best lawyers.

OJ got off because the cops and prosecutors conducted an utterly incompetent case in front of a jury that was already pissed off from Riots the year before.

Yeah, it's pretty easy getting off when your star witness was caught ON TAPE lying, using ethnic slurs and admitting he planted evidence in other cases.
OJ got off murdering two people. I'll agree with you on the money part, but race has nothing to do with it. What it really boils down to is who can afford the best lawyers.

OJ got off because the cops and prosecutors conducted an utterly incompetent case in front of a jury that was already pissed off from Riots the year before.

Yeah, it's pretty easy getting off when your star witness was caught ON TAPE lying, using ethnic slurs and admitting he planted evidence in other cases.

It had nothing to do with it. Like who in this country never used the N word in private their entire lives?

It had to do with his ability to hire the top lawyers in the country. It had to do with his popularity among sports fans. If anybody else (white or black) was prosecuted in the same case and no financial ability but to hire a run-of-the-mill lawyer, they'd still be in prison today.
It had nothing to do with it. Like who in this country never used the N word in private their entire lives?

Oh, I'm sure you do all the time.

But, yeah, when you lie about using the word, and then you are caught on tape using it, and also bragging about how you beat confessions out of suspects and planted evidence, and you are the KEY GUY who found most of the evidence, that's "reasonable doubt".

It had to do with his ability to hire the top lawyers in the country. It had to do with his popularity among sports fans. If anybody else (white or black) was prosecuted in the same case and no financial ability but to hire a run-of-the-mill lawyer, they'd still be in prison today.

So what does that say that if you got decent legal representation, you could probably get off? You kind of just made my point, that affluent people get off and poor people get railroaded. Which is why we shouldn't have a death penalty.

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