If you oppose the death penalty than you think an illegal alien cop killer is entitled...

It had nothing to do with it. Like who in this country never used the N word in private their entire lives?

Oh, I'm sure you do all the time.

But, yeah, when you lie about using the word, and then you are caught on tape using it, and also bragging about how you beat confessions out of suspects and planted evidence, and you are the KEY GUY who found most of the evidence, that's "reasonable doubt".

It had to do with his ability to hire the top lawyers in the country. It had to do with his popularity among sports fans. If anybody else (white or black) was prosecuted in the same case and no financial ability but to hire a run-of-the-mill lawyer, they'd still be in prison today.

So what does that say that if you got decent legal representation, you could probably get off? You kind of just made my point, that affluent people get off and poor people get railroaded. Which is why we shouldn't have a death penalty.

I would only want to see the death penalty in cases where there is indisputable evidence and no doubt. Even in the OJ case, I couldn't support the dead penalty because there is a fraction of 1% he may not have done it.

In the case of this cop killer, there is no doubt and he should be hung like the good ole days.
I would only want to see the death penalty in cases where there is indisputable evidence and no doubt. Even in the OJ case, I couldn't support the dead penalty because there is a fraction of 1% he may not have done it.

Um, okay. Actually, the DA took the DP off the table before a single bit of evidence was heard in court...

In the case of this cop killer, there is no doubt and he should be hung like the good ole days.

Again, when you are poor and brown, you are always 'guilty".
Again, when you are poor and brown, you are always 'guilty".

No, when your vehicle was called in by a police officer and the murder weapon found in your possession is why you are guilty. When all forensic evidence is in and provides empirical evidence you are the murderer is what makes you guilty.
No, when your vehicle was called in by a police officer and the murder weapon found in your possession is why you are guilty. When all forensic evidence is in and provides empirical evidence you are the murderer is what makes you guilty.

again, in IL, we had 13 people we had to let go from Death Row because the "Evidence" collected by police was either fraudulently obtained or mistakenly interpreted.

They also had a shitload of "Forensic" evidence against OJ that didn't hold up on examination.

So again, you give every poor minority person a "Dream Team", we could empty out the jails.
No, when your vehicle was called in by a police officer and the murder weapon found in your possession is why you are guilty. When all forensic evidence is in and provides empirical evidence you are the murderer is what makes you guilty.

again, in IL, we had 13 people we had to let go from Death Row because the "Evidence" collected by police was either fraudulently obtained or mistakenly interpreted.

They also had a shitload of "Forensic" evidence against OJ that didn't hold up on examination.

So again, you give every poor minority person a "Dream Team", we could empty out the jails.

It depends on the case and the accuracy of the evidence. Fifteen years ago was a long time from our advancements we have today. Today, DNA is empirical evidence of a crime because nobody else has your DNA but you.
It depends on the case and the accuracy of the evidence. Fifteen years ago was a long time from our advancements we have today. Today, DNA is empirical evidence of a crime because nobody else has your DNA but you.

DNA is not available in most cases. In fact, only 10-20% of cases have testable DNA.

It also doesn't stop corrupt cops from framing people with DNA.
It depends on the case and the accuracy of the evidence. Fifteen years ago was a long time from our advancements we have today. Today, DNA is empirical evidence of a crime because nobody else has your DNA but you.

DNA is not available in most cases. In fact, only 10-20% of cases have testable DNA.

It also doesn't stop corrupt cops from framing people with DNA.

The police use much more than DNA in most cases. Forensic evidence has come a long way from years ago when a simple witness could say he seen somebody murder another or a woman claiming rape. Today cameras are everywhere and not detectable as they were years ago when the housing of the camera was 6X6 and a foot long. Today they are the size of a cigarette or smaller and no longer need heat to operate in the winter, so no more housing. I don't know, but it's likely that this police officer in CA was wearing a body cam and also had a dash cam that caught the murder.

If so, hang this lowlife from the highest tree.
The police use much more than DNA in most cases. Forensic evidence has come a long way from years ago when a simple witness could say he seen somebody murder another or a woman claiming rape. Today cameras are everywhere and not detectable as they were years ago when the housing of the camera was 6X6 and a foot long. Today they are the size of a cigarette or smaller and no longer need heat to operate in the winter, so no more housing. I don't know, but it's likely that this police officer in CA was wearing a body cam and also had a dash cam that caught the murder.

And when you present evidence, I'll consider it.

The thing isn't about "evidence", it's about how cops will often use shortcuts to close a case, and then have a very hard time admitting they fucked up in the first place.

I give you the case of Rolando Cruz. Rolando and two of his buddies were arrested for the murder of Jeanine Nicarrico, a 10 year old who was killed during a home invasion. Now, he stupidly tried to claim he had information to collect an award, and the cops decided they liked him for it.

Well, halfway through is first trial, another POS named Brian Dugan doing time for two other murders said, "Nope, I did that, and I'll swear to it in open court if you take the DP off the table." Except the cops had Cruz! And dammit, they weren't about to give that up! This was suppressed by the prosecutors during the first trial.

He won an appeal, but once again, the cops now tried to claim that he and Dugan were accomplices, even though they had never met and they could find no connection between them. Once again, a jury convicted because, hey, racism. This conviction was overturned because it was found that most of the evidence was fraudulent.

They were halfway through a third trial when they finally DNA tested the evidence, and guess what, it was Dugan and ONLY Dugan's DNA.

They put the 7 prosecutors and cops involved in this case on trial, but they were acquitted and then went out and had drinks with the Jury. Welcome to DuPage County, where this is considered normal.

So we had a poor person of color convicted twice and sentenced to death TWICE because cops lied, and suffered no consequences for doing so.

So, no. No Death Penalty, I don't care what fucking "evidence" you have.
....to free room and board for life at taxpayer expense.

I'm sorry, but that does NOT cut it.

Ohhh let’s not talk about how he was able to get a gun . Cause of the lax gun laws in this country .
....to free room and board for life at taxpayer expense.

I'm sorry, but that does NOT cut it.

Ohhh let’s not talk about how he was able to get a gun . Cause of the lax gun laws in this country .

So who has tougher gun laws in this country than California? Speaking of which, another mass shooting there this morning as well.

Seems those laws don't work all that well.
The police use much more than DNA in most cases. Forensic evidence has come a long way from years ago when a simple witness could say he seen somebody murder another or a woman claiming rape. Today cameras are everywhere and not detectable as they were years ago when the housing of the camera was 6X6 and a foot long. Today they are the size of a cigarette or smaller and no longer need heat to operate in the winter, so no more housing. I don't know, but it's likely that this police officer in CA was wearing a body cam and also had a dash cam that caught the murder.

And when you present evidence, I'll consider it.

The thing isn't about "evidence", it's about how cops will often use shortcuts to close a case, and then have a very hard time admitting they fucked up in the first place.

I give you the case of Rolando Cruz. Rolando and two of his buddies were arrested for the murder of Jeanine Nicarrico, a 10 year old who was killed during a home invasion. Now, he stupidly tried to claim he had information to collect an award, and the cops decided they liked him for it.

Well, halfway through is first trial, another POS named Brian Dugan doing time for two other murders said, "Nope, I did that, and I'll swear to it in open court if you take the DP off the table." Except the cops had Cruz! And dammit, they weren't about to give that up! This was suppressed by the prosecutors during the first trial.

He won an appeal, but once again, the cops now tried to claim that he and Dugan were accomplices, even though they had never met and they could find no connection between them. Once again, a jury convicted because, hey, racism. This conviction was overturned because it was found that most of the evidence was fraudulent.

They were halfway through a third trial when they finally DNA tested the evidence, and guess what, it was Dugan and ONLY Dugan's DNA.

They put the 7 prosecutors and cops involved in this case on trial, but they were acquitted and then went out and had drinks with the Jury. Welcome to DuPage County, where this is considered normal.

So we had a poor person of color convicted twice and sentenced to death TWICE because cops lied, and suffered no consequences for doing so.

So, no. No Death Penalty, I don't care what fucking "evidence" you have.

The crime happened in 1983, during Reagan's first term for crying out loud.
So who has tougher gun laws in this country than California? Speaking of which, another mass shooting there this morning as well.

Seems those laws don't work all that well.

Well, they work just fine in countries that actually have them.


"Toughest gun laws in the country" is like "Leper with the most fingers."
The crime happened in 1983, during Reagan's first term for crying out loud.

Cops and Prosecutors have become more honest and less racist since then?

The fact it took nearly 20 years for this poor guy to be exonerated is the problem here, bud.
The crime happened in 1983, during Reagan's first term for crying out loud.

Cops and Prosecutors have become more honest and less racist since then?

The fact it took nearly 20 years for this poor guy to be exonerated is the problem here, bud.

As I stated numerous times, the death penalty should only be carried out with undisputed evidence. We didn't have that back in the early 80's. Today we do.

You can't go anywhere these days without the good possibility of being recorded. Nearly every business has cameras on the inside and outside of their establishment. Nearly every citizen has a camera in their phone, and very few people today live without their cell phone. We have cameras in doorbells and motion detector lights. Most police units have recording devices. They are everywhere.

Studies have found that less than 1% of police officers are bad cops. A lifelong friend of mine has a son that finally became a police officer. In fact he's the one that hosted our CCW class at my apartment. Besides the psychological exam, they went to the neighborhood he grew up in, and interviewed several neighbors, several teachers he had in school, and even the family. So this "racist cop" thing is mostly a myth you carry around with you. If authorities find anything suspicious about an applicant, they don't get to become cops.
So who has tougher gun laws in this country than California? Speaking of which, another mass shooting there this morning as well.

Seems those laws don't work all that well.

Well, they work just fine in countries that actually have them.


"Toughest gun laws in the country" is like "Leper with the most fingers."

They work fine in white countries. But we don't have an all white country, we have a very diverse country. Taking minorities out of the mix, the US has around the same murder rate those anti-gun countries have because if somebody wants to kill, they will kill no matter what.

The Captain's Journal » Do Gun Bans Reduce Violent Crime? Ask the Aussies and Brits

London's murder rate surpasses New York's for 1st time ever

Guns and race: The different worlds of black and white Americans
....to free room and board for life at taxpayer expense.

I'm sorry, but that does NOT cut it.

Ohhh let’s not talk about how he was able to get a gun . Cause of the lax gun laws in this country .

So who has tougher gun laws in this country than California? Speaking of which, another mass shooting there this morning as well.

Seems those laws don't work all that well.

Where did he get the gun? He obviously didn’t walk into a Cali gun store and buy it .
As I stated numerous times, the death penalty should only be carried out with undisputed evidence. We didn't have that back in the early 80's. Today we do.

No, we really don't. Do you think anyone who wrongfully convicted people were absolutely sure that they had "undisputed" evidence.

Here's the thing, if there is ANY dispute in evidence at all, the guy should go free.

We probably got the right guy is never good enough.

Even for the Darkies.

They work fine in white countries. But we don't have an all white country, we have a very diverse country.

Yeah, Ray brought the Racism again! Ray always bringing the racism!

Um, last time I checked, the Japanese weren't very White. They have the lowest gun violence rates of anyone.
So who has tougher gun laws in this country than California? Speaking of which, another mass shooting there this morning as well.

Seems those laws don't work all that well.

Well, they work just fine in countries that actually have them.


"Toughest gun laws in the country" is like "Leper with the most fingers."

They work fine in white countries. But we don't have an all white country, we have a very diverse country. Taking minorities out of the mix, the US has around the same murder rate those anti-gun countries have because if somebody wants to kill, they will kill no matter what.

The Captain's Journal » Do Gun Bans Reduce Violent Crime? Ask the Aussies and Brits

London's murder rate surpasses New York's for 1st time ever

Guns and race: The different worlds of black and white Americans

Wow . In one post U say racist cops are a myth and in the next u spew racist propaganda.
No, a lot of people got light sentences years ago because drinking and driving was almost a necessary evil in our society. It's situations like his that got people petitioning our politicians to do something about drunken drivers. Years ago you could get a DUI every six months and little was done about it. And actually, what brought up the conversation we had was his roommate rear ended a BLACK PERSON at a stoplight up the street. It was his third DUI and they sentenced him to a year in prison.

Affluenza Teen wasn't "Years ago", it was 2013.

Outside of you trying to turn this into a race issue, I don’t know what your point is. I’m not aware of one person that supported the ruling in this case. At least on right wing radio, the judge was condemned repeatedly by every host I listened to.

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He has no point and rarely does. Joey is a True Believer.
So who has tougher gun laws in this country than California? Speaking of which, another mass shooting there this morning as well.

Seems those laws don't work all that well.

Well, they work just fine in countries that actually have them.


"Toughest gun laws in the country" is like "Leper with the most fingers."

They work fine in white countries. But we don't have an all white country, we have a very diverse country. Taking minorities out of the mix, the US has around the same murder rate those anti-gun countries have because if somebody wants to kill, they will kill no matter what.

The Captain's Journal » Do Gun Bans Reduce Violent Crime? Ask the Aussies and Brits

London's murder rate surpasses New York's for 1st time ever

Guns and race: The different worlds of black and white Americans

Wow . In one post U say racist cops are a myth and in the next u spew racist propaganda.

Truth is not propaganda, truth is truth and propaganda is propaganda.

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