If you secede, you forfeit your SS and Medicare

This is supposed to be a downside argument?

Yeah and it gets worse.

Farmers, corporations, small businesses, universities, law enforcement would crumble without federal aid. The federal government would halt all grants, contracts, matching funds and tax breaks.

The US would impose sanctions on the recalcitrant states: power grids, pipelines, shipping lanes, satellite and internet communications would be blocked. Without federal regulations on food safety, clean water, clean air and without the Center for Disease Control, rampant disease would spread. Inflation on medicines would skyrocket as the demand increased. Black markets would spring up in every town.

The individual states economies aren't capable of competing in the global market. Eventually, the states which seceded would be reduced to third world status. The good news is China, which has been known to support rogue countries over the years, would probably continue to stock the shelves of the Walmarts with all their cheap crap....... although the seceded states debt to China would then quadruple from what it is now.....
I don't whether to laugh uproariously or be scared to death that you actually believe all that crap.

I vote for laughing at this ignorant shit.
I think the lawyers would first be too busy arguing whether secession was illegal and an act of treason as defined by the Constitution before they broached the subject of financial separation. I wonder if these secession idiots understand that by pushing to secede, they are categorically rejecting the United States, it's Constitution as well as the idea behind the Pledge of Allegiance which specifically says "indivisible" right after the word "God"..... everything the whiney crybaby conservatives hold sacrosanct.

It's not treason per the constitution. It was treason per Dishonest Abe.

It was treason per the Supreme Court in Texas v. White.
Texas v. White, decided after the war by Lincoln appointees, isnt much of a rebuttal argument.
This is supposed to be a downside argument?

Yeah and it gets worse.

Farmers, corporations, small businesses, universities, law enforcement would crumble without federal aid. The federal government would halt all grants, contracts, matching funds and tax breaks.

The US would impose sanctions on the recalcitrant states: power grids, pipelines, shipping lanes, satellite and internet communications would be blocked. Without federal regulations on food safety, clean water, clean air and without the Center for Disease Control, rampant disease would spread. Inflation on medicines would skyrocket as the demand increased. Black markets would spring up in every town.

The individual states economies aren't capable of competing in the global market. Eventually, the states which seceded would be reduced to third world status. The good news is China, which has been known to support rogue countries over the years, would probably continue to stock the shelves of the Walmarts with all their cheap crap....... although the seceded states debt to China would then quadruple from what it is now.....
I don't whether to laugh uproariously or be scared to death that you actually believe all that crap.

I don't have to believe jackass..... go ahead and do it. See where it gets you.
I think the lawyers would first be too busy arguing whether secession was illegal and an act of treason as defined by the Constitution before they broached the subject of financial separation. I wonder if these secession idiots understand that by pushing to secede, they are categorically rejecting the United States, it's Constitution as well as the idea behind the Pledge of Allegiance which specifically says "indivisible" right after the word "God"..... everything the whiney crybaby conservatives hold sacrosanct.

It's not treason per the constitution. It was treason per Dishonest Abe.

It was treason per the Supreme Court in Texas v. White.

Would that be the same Supreme Court that upheld the alien and sedition acts? The same court that required Northern states to return slaves to their Southern owners, leading to nullification by Northern states?

Whatever you say...
Yeah and it gets worse.

Farmers, corporations, small businesses, universities, law enforcement would crumble without federal aid. The federal government would halt all grants, contracts, matching funds and tax breaks.

The US would impose sanctions on the recalcitrant states: power grids, pipelines, shipping lanes, satellite and internet communications would be blocked. Without federal regulations on food safety, clean water, clean air and without the Center for Disease Control, rampant disease would spread. Inflation on medicines would skyrocket as the demand increased. Black markets would spring up in every town.

The individual states economies aren't capable of competing in the global market. Eventually, the states which seceded would be reduced to third world status. The good news is China, which has been known to support rogue countries over the years, would probably continue to stock the shelves of the Walmarts with all their cheap crap....... although the seceded states debt to China would then quadruple from what it is now.....
I don't whether to laugh uproariously or be scared to death that you actually believe all that crap.

I don't have to believe jackass..... go ahead and do it. See where it gets you.
Oooooo....Looks like I hit the keyboard kommando mighty close to the mark, to get him all riled up like that! :rofl:
Poor carby...Look what happened to his "clever" thread! :lol:


I don't see a single person making an intelligent counterpoint to anything I've pointed out.
Yeah and it gets worse.

Farmers, corporations, small businesses, universities, law enforcement would crumble without federal aid. The federal government would halt all grants, contracts, matching funds and tax breaks.

The US would impose sanctions on the recalcitrant states: power grids, pipelines, shipping lanes, satellite and internet communications would be blocked. Without federal regulations on food safety, clean water, clean air and without the Center for Disease Control, rampant disease would spread. Inflation on medicines would skyrocket as the demand increased. Black markets would spring up in every town.

The individual states economies aren't capable of competing in the global market. Eventually, the states which seceded would be reduced to third world status. The good news is China, which has been known to support rogue countries over the years, would probably continue to stock the shelves of the Walmarts with all their cheap crap....... although the seceded states debt to China would then quadruple from what it is now.....
I don't whether to laugh uproariously or be scared to death that you actually believe all that crap.

I vote for laughing at this ignorant shit.


And I vote for laughing at YOU....

None of you people are capable of thinking ahead. That's why you all lost the election.
Like if Mexico moved in to take back Texas after secession, would Obama send in the military to help?
This is supposed to be a downside argument?

Yeah and it gets worse.

Farmers, corporations, small businesses, universities, law enforcement would crumble without federal aid. The federal government would halt all grants, contracts, matching funds and tax breaks.

The US would impose sanctions on the recalcitrant states: power grids, pipelines, shipping lanes, satellite and internet communications would be blocked. Without federal regulations on food safety, clean water, clean air and without the Center for Disease Control, rampant disease would spread. Inflation on medicines would skyrocket as the demand increased. Black markets would spring up in every town.

The individual states economies aren't capable of competing in the global market. Eventually, the states which seceded would be reduced to third world status. The good news is China, which has been known to support rogue countries over the years, would probably continue to stock the shelves of the Walmarts with all their cheap crap....... although the seceded states debt to China would then quadruple from what it is now.....
I don't whether to laugh uproariously or be scared to death that you actually believe all that crap.

I agree. I'm sitting here LMAO at his posts. My God. He thinks no one could survive without the Govt??

Holy Fuck. What planet does he live on??
I don't whether to laugh uproariously or be scared to death that you actually believe all that crap.

I vote for laughing at this ignorant shit.


And I vote for laughing at YOU....

None of you people are capable of thinking ahead. That's why you all lost the election.
Guess what, Skeezix, not everybody kneels and genuflects at the altar of Big Daddy Big Gubmint like dour, hand-wringing little cultists like you. :lol:
Yeah and it gets worse.

Farmers, corporations, small businesses, universities, law enforcement would crumble without federal aid. The federal government would halt all grants, contracts, matching funds and tax breaks.

The US would impose sanctions on the recalcitrant states: power grids, pipelines, shipping lanes, satellite and internet communications would be blocked. Without federal regulations on food safety, clean water, clean air and without the Center for Disease Control, rampant disease would spread. Inflation on medicines would skyrocket as the demand increased. Black markets would spring up in every town.

The individual states economies aren't capable of competing in the global market. Eventually, the states which seceded would be reduced to third world status. The good news is China, which has been known to support rogue countries over the years, would probably continue to stock the shelves of the Walmarts with all their cheap crap....... although the seceded states debt to China would then quadruple from what it is now.....
I don't whether to laugh uproariously or be scared to death that you actually believe all that crap.

I agree. I'm sitting here LMAO at his posts. My God. He thinks no one could survive without the Govt??
Holy Fuck. What planet does he live on??


What's funny is that you think you could.

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