If you take the promise of the chance to get ahead out of capitalism, it will collapse.


Gold Member
Aug 2, 2016
And in this country I think this country will go with it. The incentive to get ahead has been taken away for the last 35 years. Where everyone except the ultra wealthy are gaining only a minute part of the increased wealth of the richest country in the world and along with that ,everyone except the wealthy has increased their debt massively in the same 35 years. so not only is their income not increased in the same manner as the massive new wealth of this country in those 35 years .It also go's nowhere near as far as it did 35 years ago once debt is paid monthly.All this, income and debt go's to the same people. We are being taken over by a group of people who don't give a fuck about us. That is what the right wants for this country.
The wealthy are not the boogieman. The stock market is up huge, guess where the middle class have their retirement savings invested...yes in the stock market.
And in this country I think this country will go with it. The incentive to get ahead has been taken away for the last 35 years. Where everyone except the ultra wealthy are gaining only a minute part of the increased wealth of the richest country in the world and along with that ,everyone except the wealthy has increased their debt massively in the same 35 years. so not only is their income not increased in the same manner as the massive new wealth of this country in those 35 years .It also go's nowhere near as far as it did 35 years ago once debt is paid monthly.All this, income and debt go's to the same people. We are being taken over by a group of people who don't give a fuck about us. That is what the right wants for this country.

Cash deals improve margin.
The wealthy are not the boogieman. The stock market is up huge, guess where the middle class have their retirement savings invested...yes in the stock market.
The wealthy that pushed to get past legislation in taxes and who pushed small hands budget proposal are definitely to blame. So yes the right wing wealthy are the boogy man. because right wing tax law is to blame for the fact that all but a minute part of the increased wealth has gone to the top. But this is what the right wants for this country and you better believe it is against the best interest of this country. Right wing tax law and budgets are always just handout to Big B or the wealthy, usually, as is the case now, the money comes from the money set aside to help the people in need. Vets, the old , the sick , the poor the needy of this country.
The wealthy are not the boogieman. The stock market is up huge, guess where the middle class have their retirement savings invested...yes in the stock market.
The wealthy that pushed to get past legislation in taxes and who pushed small hands budget proposal are definitely to blame. So yes the right wing wealthy are the boogy man. because right wing tax law is to blame for the fact that all but a minute part of the increased wealth has gone to the top. But this is what the right wants for this country and you better believe it is against the best interest of this country. Right wing tax law and budgets are always just handout to Big B or the wealthy, usually, as is the case now, the money comes from the money set aside to help the people in need. Vets, the old , the sick , the poor the needy of this country.

What legislation name it. Name the tax law, name the budget line items, name specifics for any of the crap you are spewing or you are nothing more than an ignorant talking points liberal.

Also Obama already raised taxes on the rich, you liberal drones got your pound of flesh so why are you still bitching and moaning?
The wealthy are not the boogieman. The stock market is up huge, guess where the middle class have their retirement savings invested...yes in the stock market.
The wealthy that pushed to get past legislation in taxes and who pushed small hands budget proposal are definitely to blame. So yes the right wing wealthy are the boogy man. because right wing tax law is to blame for the fact that all but a minute part of the increased wealth has gone to the top. But this is what the right wants for this country and you better believe it is against the best interest of this country. Right wing tax law and budgets are always just handout to Big B or the wealthy, usually, as is the case now, the money comes from the money set aside to help the people in need. Vets, the old , the sick , the poor the needy of this country.

What legislation name it. Name the tax law, name the budget line items, name specifics for any of the crap you are spewing or you are nothing more than an ignorant talking points liberal.

Also Obama already raised taxes on the rich, you liberal drones got your pound of flesh so why are you still bitching and moaning?

The changes to the tax code enacted when Reagan was President are the cause. If you want specifics, google them. You're not completely helpless.

Even Reagan realized he made a mistake and subsequently raised taxes more than any other President since Roosevelt. His former economic advisors are now warning against the Trump tax cuts saying they got it wrong under Reagan.

Not that republicans are listening to them.
The wealthy are not the boogieman. The stock market is up huge, guess where the middle class have their retirement savings invested...yes in the stock market.
The wealthy that pushed to get past legislation in taxes and who pushed small hands budget proposal are definitely to blame. So yes the right wing wealthy are the boogy man. because right wing tax law is to blame for the fact that all but a minute part of the increased wealth has gone to the top. But this is what the right wants for this country and you better believe it is against the best interest of this country. Right wing tax law and budgets are always just handout to Big B or the wealthy, usually, as is the case now, the money comes from the money set aside to help the people in need. Vets, the old , the sick , the poor the needy of this country.

What legislation name it. Name the tax law, name the budget line items, name specifics for any of the crap you are spewing or you are nothing more than an ignorant talking points liberal.

Also Obama already raised taxes on the rich, you liberal drones got your pound of flesh so why are you still bitching and moaning?

The changes to the tax code enacted when Reagan was President are the cause. If you want specifics, google them. You're not completely helpless.

Even Reagan realized he made a mistake and subsequently raised taxes more than any other President since Roosevelt. His former economic advisors are now warning against the Trump tax cuts saying they got it wrong under Reagan.

Not that republicans are listening to them.

Name the changes Reagan signed into law, prove you are not ignorant. I doubt you could name a single example without looking them up. You are just parroting talking points.
If you take the promise of the chance to get ahead out of capitalism, it will collapse.

That is, of course, why socialism and Communism always collapse: Because they don't have that promise. You can't better yourself. You must be content with where the govt puts you, and hope they will grant you enough to live on.

OTOH, capitalism is built on that promise. The leftists are trying hard to change that.
The O.P. wins this week's Federal Plantation Porch Sitter Award....sponsored by the Cuba/Venezuela/CollapsedSoviet Union Coalition to bring Bolshevism to America--also known as The Democratic Party.
And in this country I think this country will go with it. The incentive to get ahead has been taken away for the last 35 years. Where everyone except the ultra wealthy are gaining only a minute part of the increased wealth of the richest country in the world and along with that ,everyone except the wealthy has increased their debt massively in the same 35 years. so not only is their income not increased in the same manner as the massive new wealth of this country in those 35 years .It also go's nowhere near as far as it did 35 years ago once debt is paid monthly.All this, income and debt go's to the same people. We are being taken over by a group of people who don't give a fuck about us. That is what the right wants for this country.

Obama was president for 8 years, and the problem just got worse, moron. Dims are the ones causing the problem by importing coolies from the third world to take away good paying jobs from Americans and drive their wages down.
I wonder why no one can admit that both party's have helped create the problems. & that both party's have contributed to fixing problems.& its there inability to work on solutions together that keeps us in constant turmoil. yes depending on your personal want/need one party may seem to be going in a better direction, but if you remember just like real life you cant usually get things just the way you want. life usually requires compromise.
I wonder why no one can admit that both party's have helped create the problems. & that both party's have contributed to fixing problems.& its there inability to work on solutions together that keeps us in constant turmoil. yes depending on your personal want/need one party may seem to be going in a better direction, but if you remember just like real life you cant usually get things just the way you want. life usually requires compromise.


What do you do when "compromise" means "capitulate" to Bernie Sanders, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Pocachutas, and assorted Bolsheviks?

I haven't seen liberals "compromise" at the very least since the Marxist Obama came along.

Its why Republicans control most of the government; both state and local. But, Democrats never learn.

They think the Pravda-like Press will take care of them, but the New York Media now polls down there with head lice and cockroaches....and calling the rest of us Rubes doesn't seem to improve the polling.



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