If You Think Kari Lake, Dr Oz and Herschel Walker Lost without a Rigged Election, You’re an Idiot

Open borders will do it by itself you moron.
Make up your mind BooBoo. Whine about one thing at the time. Admit you don't have the slightest idea why you are upset about Twitter, and then I'll make you look like a fool about the border.
I can hardly wait for the personal attacks on this guy. This a political opinion. He needs nothing to back it up. That sound familiar to peddling the narrative.

Oz is the most likely to have lost fair-and-square....He was a really shitty candidate that turned off a significant number of the base.

IMO, there's no way that Kemp coattails don't drag Walker across the finish line in a legit count, and the AZ thing is so in-your-face corrupt that it beggars belief.
Make up your mind BooBoo. Whine about one thing at the time. Admit you don't have the slightest idea why you are upset about Twitter, and then I'll make you look like a fool about the border.
I am not upset about Twitter, I am ecstatic.
I can hardly wait for the personal attacks on this guy. This a political opinion. He needs nothing to back it up. That sound familiar to peddling the narrative.

They lost because they were shitty candidates with nothing to offer voters beyond MAGAt lunacy.

Pretty much PERIOD.
Oz is the most likely to have lost fair-and-square....He was a really shitty candidate that turned off a significant number of the base.

IMO, there's no way that Kemp coattails don't drag Walker across the finish line in a legit count, and the AZ thing is so in-your-face corrupt that it beggars belief.
I think that election will have to be held again.
This kind of apathy is why they get away with it. When/if enough people get so sick of the appearance of fraud that they no longer trust elections and sit them out, the Left may think they've won but in truth they'll have merely brought the nation one step closer to dissolution. If DC is illegitimate then so are their laws. Believe it or not, that whole "consent of the governed" matters. The Nazis in DC don't have enough cops or cells to handle a widespread movement of civil disobedience.

I vote every election, and I have a special kind of hatred for those who sit them out. What I'm saying is, show me that some action is going to be taken, or someone bigger than some guy on the internet we've never heard of confirm it, etc. Right now it's stuck in a conspiracy theory limbo. No one in power takes it seriously, no authorities are doing anything about it. So until someone does something about it, I'll just drink my coffee and smirk at these kinds of threads.

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