If you thought sending a letter to the Iranian Mullahs was bad, this could be worse

Oh my....Another right wing committee is going to investigate something that they hope will help their 2016 chances. Here's an idea......Why don't they investigate how to quit acting like a bunch of spoiled children and get to working for the good of the country? That is something they haven't shown any interest in yet.
Probably because the President vetoes every good thing for the country.....A true obstructionist, your president.

Typical right wing delusion
A substantiated fact. The bastard even brags that he will veto this that and the other before they are brought to vote.

That's the other half of his "power of the pen"! He can either create bad laws by EO or abort good laws by veto.

I guess you forgot about those 12 vetoes from shrub, of which 4 were overridden. I think Obama's count is up to 3 with none overridden. Suck it teabagger. That's the way our government works.
In the meantime Netanyahu showed considerable disrespect by speaking to Congress when he did, by leaking key elements of the negotiations which led to Israel being excluded.

Actually he didn't reveal ant critical parts of the negotiations. I watched the entire speech.

I wasn't talking about the speech - this occurred some time back and was what led to Israel being sidelined.

Link me

BBC News - Iran nuclear talks US accuses Israel of leaks
U.S. accuses Israel of inaccurate leaks on Iran nuclear talks Reuters

In regards to your first link: Weren't you just getting after me about "unnamed sources?"

True, except that while there was one reference to "Unnamed US officials" - there were also comments by several named officials.
Not so much. It's about the election for Bibi.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

And it wasn't for Obama?

Keeping up the pressure on external threats like Iran prevents him from having to address domestic issues.

And Obama fled the pressure here at home by fleeing to other countries and taking taxpayer funded vacations. This isn't new, nor is it unique to Netanyahu.

Bull. That isn't new nor is it unique to Obama. "Fleeing"? Hardly.
Obama is guilty for doing what every other president does: go on vacation.

Compare the number of O's holidays with Bush or Clinton or Bush the Elder.
Let this sink in for a moment, you have 47 Senators sending a letter to the Iranian Mullahs letting them know any nuclear deal Obama strikes with them with have to go through the Senate. The backlash is enormous, thus making one wonder if the letter was even worth it (it was).

Now, imagine if you have an American presidential administration possibly attempting to influence the elections of another sovereign nation. This could be the case here, as the U.S. Senate investigatory committee is investigating claims that the Obama Administration is funding efforts to unseat Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in this year's Israeli presidential elections. Whoa. Back up. They are accusing the Obama administration of doing what?

Read for yourself:

A powerful U.S. Senate investigatory committee has launched a bipartisan probe into an American nonprofit’s funding of efforts to oust Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu after the Obama administration’s State Department gave the nonprofit taxpayer-funded grants, a source with knowledge of the panel's activities told FoxNews.com.

The fact that both Democratic and Republican sides of the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations have signed off on the probe could be seen as a rebuke to President Obama, who has had a well-documented adversarial relationship with the Israeli leader.

The development comes as Netanyahu told Israel’s Channel Two television station this week that there were “governments” that wanted to help with the “Just Not Bibi” campaigning -- Bibi being the Israeli leader’s nickname.

It also follows a FoxNews.com report on claims the Obama administration has been meddling in the Israeli election on behalf of groups hostile to Netanyahu. A spokesperson for Sen. Rob Portman, Ohio Republican and chairman of the committee, declined comment, and aides to ranking Democratic Sen. Claire McCaskill, of Missouri, did not immediately return calls.

The Senate subcommittee, which has subpoena power, is the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs’ chief investigative body with jurisdiction over all branches of government operations and compliance with laws.

“The Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations does not comment on ongoing investigations,” Portman spokeswoman Caitlin Conant told Foxnews.com.

But a source familiar with the matter confirmed for FoxNews.com that the probe -- undisclosed until now -- was both underway and bipartisan in nature.

Source Senate panel probing possible Obama administration ties to anti-Netanyahu effort Fox News
One is not the same as the other,,,thread fail...
Once you figure out that it is not illegal for American PAC's in Israel, just like Israel PAC's in the USA....
Obama is guilty for doing what every other president does: go on vacation.

Compare the number of O's holidays with Bush or Clinton or Bush the Elder.
Compare the cost of them.
Does the cost go down with frequent flyer miles?
Not when it costs $200,000.00 an hour to fly AF1 and support.

Obubba flew to California the other day for a fund raiser...in AF1. Michelle flew to California the same day to be on the Oprah...in another identical plane.

Bush would 'vacation' at his own ranch. The Obamas take large parties on vacation to Hawaii and Africa. Guess which costs the least.
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Obama is guilty for doing what every other president does: go on vacation.

Compare the number of O's holidays with Bush or Clinton or Bush the Elder.
Compare the cost of them.
Does the cost go down with frequent flyer miles?
Not when it costs $200,000.00 an hour to fly AF1 and support.

Obubba flew to California the other day for a fund raiser...in AF1. Michelle flew to California the same day to be on the Oprah...in another identical plane.

Bush would vacation at his own ranch. The Obamas take large parties on vacation to Hawaii and Africa. Guess which costs the least.

Bush s vacations costly
The problem is that Bush wasn’t thrifty. He was the most expensive vacation president in U.S. history. Not only did Bush spend more days on vacation than any other president, but he used Air Force One more often while on vacation than any other president.
Obama is guilty for doing what every other president does: go on vacation.

Compare the number of O's holidays with Bush or Clinton or Bush the Elder.
Compare the cost of them.
Does the cost go down with frequent flyer miles?
Not when it costs $200,000.00 an hour to fly AF1 and support.

Obubba flew to California the other day for a fund raiser...in AF1. Michelle flew to California the same day to be on the Oprah...in another identical plane.

Bush would vacation at his own ranch. The Obamas take large parties on vacation to Hawaii and Africa. Guess which costs the least.
If the event is not political in nature dealing with govt. work, then the Treasury Dept sends them a bill for the cost of the flight..That's the regs..
Obama is guilty for doing what every other president does: go on vacation.

Compare the number of O's holidays with Bush or Clinton or Bush the Elder.
Compare the cost of them.
Does the cost go down with frequent flyer miles?
Not when it costs $200,000.00 an hour to fly AF1 and support.

Obubba flew to California the other day for a fund raiser...in AF1. Michelle flew to California the same day to be on the Oprah...in another identical plane.

Bush would vacation at his own ranch. The Obamas take large parties on vacation to Hawaii and Africa. Guess which costs the least.

Bush s vacations costly
The problem is that Bush wasn’t thrifty. He was the most expensive vacation president in U.S. history. Not only did Bush spend more days on vacation than any other president, but he used Air Force One more often while on vacation than any other president.
Proved, Asaritis, although since it was TK's nonsense, he should have provided the evidence, but he fled to another country in his basement on vacation.
Oh my....Another right wing committee is going to investigate something that they hope will help their 2016 chances. Here's an idea......Why don't they investigate how to quit acting like a bunch of spoiled children and get to working for the good of the country? That is something they haven't shown any interest in yet.
Probably because the President vetoes every good thing for the country.....A true obstructionist, your president.

Typical right wing delusion
No delusion to know that everything Obama stands for is NOT good for this country.
Oh my....Another right wing committee is going to investigate something that they hope will help their 2016 chances. Here's an idea......Why don't they investigate how to quit acting like a bunch of spoiled children and get to working for the good of the country? That is something they haven't shown any interest in yet.
Probably because the President vetoes every good thing for the country.....A true obstructionist, your president.

Typical right wing delusion
No delusion to know that everything Obama stands for is NOT good for this country.

Sure it is.....Right wing delusion.
Oh my....Another right wing committee is going to investigate something that they hope will help their 2016 chances. Here's an idea......Why don't they investigate how to quit acting like a bunch of spoiled children and get to working for the good of the country? That is something they haven't shown any interest in yet.
Probably because the President vetoes every good thing for the country.....A true obstructionist, your president.

Typical right wing delusion
No delusion to know that everything Obama stands for is NOT good for this country.

Sure it is.....Right wing delusion.
When they are reduced to insulting you and not attacking the argument, it means they have run out of ability. There never has been a progressive idea that could be remotely thought of as 'good for our country'......

Have a nice morning.
Oh my....Another right wing committee is going to investigate something that they hope will help their 2016 chances. Here's an idea......Why don't they investigate how to quit acting like a bunch of spoiled children and get to working for the good of the country? That is something they haven't shown any interest in yet.
Probably because the President vetoes every good thing for the country.....A true obstructionist, your president.

Typical right wing delusion
No delusion to know that everything Obama stands for is NOT good for this country.

Sure it is.....Right wing delusion.
When they are reduced to insulting you and not attacking the argument, it means they have run out of ability. There never has been a progressive idea that could be remotely thought of as 'good for our country'......

Have a nice morning.

Your argument is a joke, and not worth adult discussion.
The interwebs strike again...outing Obama's hypocrisy one more time!

As Breitbart explains: […] Biden, like his boss, fails to do his homework before making outlandish statements or else chooses conveniently to overlook the facts.

Livid over the GOP letter, Biden proclaimed: “In thirty-six years in the United States Senate, I cannot recall another instance in which Senators wrote directly to advise another country.”

Directing his venom at the Senate’s Republican majority, Biden claimed the GOP letter was “expressly designed to undercut a sitting President in the midst of sensitive international negotiations…(an act) beneath the dignity of an institution I revere.”

Biden need not go back that far to find a senator who sent advice to a foreign power when similar “sensitive” negotiations were ongoing. Seven years back is far enough.

According to Pajamas Media columnist Michael Ledeen, in 2008, a Democratic senator sent a personal emissary to Tehran encouraging the mullahs not to sign an agreement with the outgoing Bush Administration as negotiations would take on a much friendlier tone following President Bush’s departure from office.

That senator was a presidential candidate at the time. His name was Barack Obama.
(read more)

2008 Candidate Senator Obama Sent U.S. Secret Emissary To Iran Telling Them Not To Negotiate With George Bush Said Wait For Him To Be Elected . The Last Refuge
Seriously? According to :


Pajamas media eh? Where is this 2008 reporting from them....I can't find a link for the actual 2008 reporting, do you have one? there are links to Mark Levin, and a gazillion other right wing sites all doing a circle jerk and linking to each other....but nada, from 2008 when this was supposedly reported???

Be nice to know if this happened at all, and if it did happen, was it before or after he was President Elect? By finding this original reporting on it and the date of such reporting by Pajamas Media, it might give us this answer....?

When you can't challenge the content, attack the source.

Obama undermined the Bush Admin's diplomacy efforts.

She attacked the content as being unsubstantiated. Substantiate it.
Not so much. It's about the election for Bibi.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

And it wasn't for Obama?

Keeping up the pressure on external threats like Iran prevents him from having to address domestic issues.

And Obama fled the pressure here at home by fleeing to other countries and taking taxpayer funded vacations. This isn't new, nor is it unique to Netanyahu.

Bull. That isn't new nor is it unique to Obama. "Fleeing"? Hardly.

Oh? So, where exactly does he go? Camp David?

Lets not get too excited, okay?
Obama is guilty for doing what every other president does: go on vacation.

Compare the number of O's holidays with Bush or Clinton or Bush the Elder.
Compare the cost of them.
Does the cost go down with frequent flyer miles?
Not when it costs $200,000.00 an hour to fly AF1 and support.

Obubba flew to California the other day for a fund raiser...in AF1. Michelle flew to California the same day to be on the Oprah...in another identical plane.

Bush would vacation at his own ranch. The Obamas take large parties on vacation to Hawaii and Africa. Guess which costs the least.

Bush s vacations costly
The problem is that Bush wasn’t thrifty. He was the most expensive vacation president in U.S. history. Not only did Bush spend more days on vacation than any other president, but he used Air Force One more often while on vacation than any other president.

Citing an opinion which in itself cites Media Matters. Dubious source at best. Even still

Lets do the math:

1) According to the opinion you cited, Bush spent $43,995,899 during his entire term on trips to his vacations

2) Obama as of July 2014 spent $44,351,777 (and counting). He spent 119 days abroad, which is more than any other president at that point in their terms. Bush spent 116.

3) In 2013 alone, Obama's family trip to Sub-Saharan Africa cost American taxpayers anywhere between $60 and $100 million.

You should avoid cherrypicking Coyote. You really should.
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