If you thought that birtherism was dying...

...well, think again.

This is a real gem, maybe even on that could make RWNJs here in USMB recoil a little in fear.

Behold (and this is from yesterday...):

Obama Was Hand-Picked NOT a Natural Born Citizen - Congress Knew It Protected Him - Freedom Outpost

In 1975 a representative named Joe Bingham introduced an amendment to remove the "natural born citizen" constitutional requirement to become President.

Why is that important?

Because it was not until almost 30 years later that the issue would be addressed again. And it was not addressed only once, but multiple times. This is all part of congressional record.

Remarkably, it just so happened to coincide with the meteoric rise of a man named Barack Obama who currently sits in the People's House.

I am about to share with you a brilliant piece of research from the Article II Political Action Committee. After reading it the foremost question on my mind is, "If the natural born citizen definition only requires one citizen parent then why did they seemingly try so hard to change the law for Barack Obama?"

There are multiple links to official congressional documents throughout, contained in the research below, so I would urge you to draw your own conclusions.

But from my point of view this research either strongly, or at least partly, validates the following conclusions:

  1. Barack Obama was hand-picked to be President.
  2. Some members of Congress, on both sides, understood that Obama was not "natural born" and tried to pass laws to pave the way for his arrival.
  3. In the end they used a deflection tactic to shine light on John McCain's eligibility status, hoping that Obama's own status would not be brought into question.
It appears to have worked.

There is much, much, much more at this wonderful blog.

Take moment to think about this important stuff.

Now, back to the OP link about birtherism flourishing again.

More from that fun link:

Bingham's work lay dormant for twenty-six years when it was resurrected again in 2003 as Democrat members of Congress made no less than eight (8) attempts in twenty-two (22) months, to either eliminate the natural-born requirement, or redefine natural-born to accommodate Barack Hussein Obama II in advance of his rise to power. The evidence is right in the congressional record…

...Finally on April 10, 2008, unable to alter or remove the natural born citizen requirement to clear the way for Barack Obama, the U.S. Senate acts to shift focus before the election, introducing and passing S.R.511: – declaring Sen. John McCain a "natural born citizen" eligible to run for and hold the office of president. There was never any honest doubt about McCain, the son of a U.S. Navy Commander. The Sponsor of the resolution is Democrat Senator Claire McCaskill, [MO]...

...Once again, as the political left was unable to alter the U.S. Constitution by way of legitimate constitutional process, they resorted to altering the constitution via precedent setting, in short, knowingly electing and getting away with seating an unconstitutional president in order to alter Article II requirements for the office via breaking those constitutional requirements.

Before the sage comments come in, in order to understand this man's message better, I recommend that you wear one of these first:


Discuss. Is birtherism dead, or is there still a nook or cranny of this important phenomenon to discuss?

OH! Cool... So we want to change the subject from your chronic plea for special rights for homosexuals to usurp the means of Christians to exercise their God-given rights... with the irrational fear of the Birth origins of the individual who has spent 6 years promoting the interests of the Islamic enemies of the United States.

LOL! Now how precious is THAT?

Why are you so desperate to derail this thread and make it about the nutter fundies taking rights away from gays?

Why don't you just address the OP?

Preferably without lies about President Obama.
Brace yourself because Barry will be visiting Kenya later this year.

Don't know if Mitzi is going too but that will surely bring the burfur nutters out from under their rocks.

I heard Barry is going to do a photo shoot dancing around a campfire wearing nothing but a pair of shark teeth ankle bracelets and a bone in his nose and carrying a 10 foot spear. It will be the basis for a new Kenyan coin.
Yes....I'm sure you've heard that.

It's amazing what you hear if you just sit quietly and listen to the voices in your head.

Please do tell.... I am all ears!

Shhh.... Boehner's doing a tap dance routine with Clinton and they getting to the hard part. tippy tap tap

Ahh, the good old drunken, orange-sun-tan "I am crying for some reason" Waltz in G-major.

Yes, I've heard it a couple of times.
I think BHO is very much a US citizen. Born and raised. However, for him to be able to go to school in Indonesia he would have been required to renounce his US citizenship. They're not nearly so nice with aliens as we are it seems. Then, when he applied to Columbia he stated he was a citizen of Indonesia instead of the USA because it's far easier to get in to an Ivy League school as one of...well probably one applicant as opposed to the thousands of US citizens.

Thus he had to commit fraud to get into Columbia and that is why no one has ever seen, nor likely will EVER see a college record, from this most "transparent" of presidents.


A child cannot renounce American citizenship. Nor can a parent renounce a minor child's citizenship.

The US allows dual citizenship; Indonesia does not.

He did not attend Columbia as a foreign student. He did not get financial aid as a foreign student.

If I am wrong, please feel free to post proof from a creditable source.

You are absolutely correct about this. This is US law on the subject:

Renunciation of U.S. Nationality


Citizenship is a status that is personal to the U.S. citizen. Therefore parents may not renounce the citizenship of their minor children. Similarly, parents/legal guardians may not renounce the citizenship of individuals who are mentally incompetent. Minors seeking to renounce their U.S. citizenship must demonstrate to a consular officer that they are acting voluntarily and that they fully understand the implications/consequences attendant to the renunciation of U.S. citizenship.


Finally, those contemplating a renunciation of U.S. citizenship should understand that the act is irrevocable, except as provided in section 351 of the INA (8 U.S.C. 1483), and cannot be canceled or set aside absent successful administrative or judicial appeal."

This means that, were Westwall correct, Pres. Obama would have had to personally applied to revoke his own citizenship at the age of 6. This would be on record.

I need to leave the room to laugh some more, now...

Yes. It was simply impossible that the president be ONLY a citizen of Indonesia or that he went to college as a foreign citizen.

I don't know why this lie is repeated so often but it doesn't seem to matter how many times the facts are spoon fed to them ...
WHO sits around and thinks up these STUPID names and sayings...birtherisms

It;s damn insulting to anyone with intelligence.
that must mean they don't see you the people as being very bright.
Are you ready to roll steph?
I think BHO is very much a US citizen. Born and raised. However, for him to be able to go to school in Indonesia he would have been required to renounce his US citizenship. They're not nearly so nice with aliens as we are it seems. Then, when he applied to Columbia he stated he was a citizen of Indonesia instead of the USA because it's far easier to get in to an Ivy League school as one of...well probably one applicant as opposed to the thousands of US citizens.

Thus he had to commit fraud to get into Columbia and that is why no one has ever seen, nor likely will EVER see a college record, from this most "transparent" of presidents.


A child cannot renounce American citizenship. Nor can a parent renounce a minor child's citizenship.

The US allows dual citizenship; Indonesia does not.

He did not attend Columbia as a foreign student. He did not get financial aid as a foreign student.

If I am wrong, please feel free to post proof from a creditable source.

You are absolutely correct about this. This is US law on the subject:

Renunciation of U.S. Nationality


Citizenship is a status that is personal to the U.S. citizen. Therefore parents may not renounce the citizenship of their minor children. Similarly, parents/legal guardians may not renounce the citizenship of individuals who are mentally incompetent. Minors seeking to renounce their U.S. citizenship must demonstrate to a consular officer that they are acting voluntarily and that they fully understand the implications/consequences attendant to the renunciation of U.S. citizenship.


Finally, those contemplating a renunciation of U.S. citizenship should understand that the act is irrevocable, except as provided in section 351 of the INA (8 U.S.C. 1483), and cannot be canceled or set aside absent successful administrative or judicial appeal."

This means that, were Westwall correct, Pres. Obama would have had to personally applied to revoke his own citizenship at the age of 6. This would be on record.

I need to leave the room to laugh some more, now...

Yes. It was simply impossible that the president be ONLY a citizen of Indonesia or that he went to college as a foreign citizen.

I don't know why this lie is repeated so often but it doesn't seem to matter how many times the facts are spoon fed to them ...

The lie will continue to be repeated so long as there are people who want to believe it. It doesn't matter how much evidence is presented, now many claims debunked. They want it to be true and so it is true. Arguing with them is pointless, except for pure entertainment.
Well until they show us the actual official BC.

which has never been actually shown.

Poor stats. Disgrace to his own people.

Disgraceful Jewish American liberals.

What shame you have. Pure shame.
I think BHO is very much a US citizen. Born and raised. However, for him to be able to go to school in Indonesia he would have been required to renounce his US citizenship. They're not nearly so nice with aliens as we are it seems. Then, when he applied to Columbia he stated he was a citizen of Indonesia instead of the USA because it's far easier to get in to an Ivy League school as one of...well probably one applicant as opposed to the thousands of US citizens.

Thus he had to commit fraud to get into Columbia and that is why no one has ever seen, nor likely will EVER see a college record, from this most "transparent" of presidents.


A child cannot renounce American citizenship. Nor can a parent renounce a minor child's citizenship.

The US allows dual citizenship; Indonesia does not.

He did not attend Columbia as a foreign student. He did not get financial aid as a foreign student.

If I am wrong, please feel free to post proof from a creditable source.

You are absolutely correct about this. This is US law on the subject:

Renunciation of U.S. Nationality


Citizenship is a status that is personal to the U.S. citizen. Therefore parents may not renounce the citizenship of their minor children. Similarly, parents/legal guardians may not renounce the citizenship of individuals who are mentally incompetent. Minors seeking to renounce their U.S. citizenship must demonstrate to a consular officer that they are acting voluntarily and that they fully understand the implications/consequences attendant to the renunciation of U.S. citizenship.


Finally, those contemplating a renunciation of U.S. citizenship should understand that the act is irrevocable, except as provided in section 351 of the INA (8 U.S.C. 1483), and cannot be canceled or set aside absent successful administrative or judicial appeal."

This means that, were Westwall correct, Pres. Obama would have had to personally applied to revoke his own citizenship at the age of 6. This would be on record.

I need to leave the room to laugh some more, now...

Yes. It was simply impossible that the president be ONLY a citizen of Indonesia or that he went to college as a foreign citizen.

I don't know why this lie is repeated so often but it doesn't seem to matter how many times the facts are spoon fed to them ...

It could almost be funny were it not so tragic that a small number of whackazoids have invested SO much energy into propagating the myth that our President, the first one since Eisenhower to be elected twice in a row with more than 51% of the NPV, and only one of 6 presidents ever to be elected twice with more than 300 EV both times, is somehow an "alien", a "fake", an "imposter".

It's really kind of sad.

Logic is just lost on these people. They are absolutely beyond help. They really, truly believe that this is a cosmic plot to destroy the USA.
WHO sits around and thinks up these STUPID names and sayings...birtherisms

It;s damn insulting to anyone with intelligence.
that must mean they don't see you the people as being very bright.
Anyone get as much of a chuckle out of that as I did? :lol:


Well - its Stephanie so I did feel the tiniest twinge of guilt.

Thing is, the birthers are like the "teabaggers".

They named themselves.

But stoopid steph is right that they're not very bright.

Syriusly was right about the OP:

Referencing the year 2003- it was Republican Orin Hatch offering up an amendment so Schwartzennegger would be eligible.
In 1974 it was Kissinger.

It had nothing at all to do with President Obama.

Well until they show us the actual official BC.

which has never been actually shown.

Poor stats. Disgrace to his own people.

Disgraceful Jewish American liberals.

What shame you have. Pure shame.

The BC, both short and long form, have been presented. Only an utter fool would question this now, in the 7th year of Obama's presidency.

The rest of your posting is nothing more than a meaningless ad hom, par for the course for you.
Well until they show us the actual official BC.

which has never been actually shown.

Poor stats. Disgrace to his own people.

Disgraceful Jewish American liberals.

What shame you have. Pure shame.

Case in point.


Right on cue and he even managed to work in a scummy anti-Semite insult.

And not a shred of proof to back his claim.

There are no "sealed records" and the bc is just like every one elses.
I think BHO is very much a US citizen. Born and raised. However, for him to be able to go to school in Indonesia he would have been required to renounce his US citizenship. They're not nearly so nice with aliens as we are it seems. Then, when he applied to Columbia he stated he was a citizen of Indonesia instead of the USA because it's far easier to get in to an Ivy League school as one of...well probably one applicant as opposed to the thousands of US citizens.

Thus he had to commit fraud to get into Columbia and that is why no one has ever seen, nor likely will EVER see a college record, from this most "transparent" of presidents.
No one has to renounce their US citizenship to go to a school overseas, anywhere. What an idiotic assertion.
I think BHO is very much a US citizen. Born and raised. However, for him to be able to go to school in Indonesia he would have been required to renounce his US citizenship. They're not nearly so nice with aliens as we are it seems. Then, when he applied to Columbia he stated he was a citizen of Indonesia instead of the USA because it's far easier to get in to an Ivy League school as one of...well probably one applicant as opposed to the thousands of US citizens.

Thus he had to commit fraud to get into Columbia and that is why no one has ever seen, nor likely will EVER see a college record, from this most "transparent" of presidents.


A child cannot renounce American citizenship. Nor can a parent renounce a minor child's citizenship.

The US allows dual citizenship; Indonesia does not.

He did not attend Columbia as a foreign student. He did not get financial aid as a foreign student.

If I am wrong, please feel free to post proof from a creditable source.

You are absolutely correct about this. This is US law on the subject:

Renunciation of U.S. Nationality


Citizenship is a status that is personal to the U.S. citizen. Therefore parents may not renounce the citizenship of their minor children. Similarly, parents/legal guardians may not renounce the citizenship of individuals who are mentally incompetent. Minors seeking to renounce their U.S. citizenship must demonstrate to a consular officer that they are acting voluntarily and that they fully understand the implications/consequences attendant to the renunciation of U.S. citizenship.


Finally, those contemplating a renunciation of U.S. citizenship should understand that the act is irrevocable, except as provided in section 351 of the INA (8 U.S.C. 1483), and cannot be canceled or set aside absent successful administrative or judicial appeal."

This means that, were Westwall correct, Pres. Obama would have had to personally applied to revoke his own citizenship at the age of 6. This would be on record.

I need to leave the room to laugh some more, now...

Yes. It was simply impossible that the president be ONLY a citizen of Indonesia or that he went to college as a foreign citizen.

I don't know why this lie is repeated so often but it doesn't seem to matter how many times the facts are spoon fed to them ...

It could almost be funny were it not so tragic that a small number of whackazoids have invested SO much energy into propagating the myth that our President, the first one since Eisenhower to be elected twice in a row with more than 51% of the NPV, and only one of 6 presidents ever to be elected twice with more than 300 EV both times, is somehow an "alien", a "fake", an "imposter".

It's really kind of sad.

Logic is just lost on these people. They are absolutely beyond help. They really, truly believe that this is a cosmic plot to destroy the USA.

Look at the special interests that would have liked to oust the president:

The entire GOP (they even said so)
Cheesehead Trump
Senile Arpaio
Oily whatever her name is
The Muslim Saudi Arab oil prince who controls Fox programming

Literally billions of dollars have been thrown at trying to prove he's not a citizen and/or born in Kenya - all with the goal of ousting him.

And they've still got bupkis.

Well, except for the pathetic nutters like Theowl32 who hang on and on.
I think BHO is very much a US citizen. Born and raised. However, for him to be able to go to school in Indonesia he would have been required to renounce his US citizenship. They're not nearly so nice with aliens as we are it seems. Then, when he applied to Columbia he stated he was a citizen of Indonesia instead of the USA because it's far easier to get in to an Ivy League school as one of...well probably one applicant as opposed to the thousands of US citizens.

Thus he had to commit fraud to get into Columbia and that is why no one has ever seen, nor likely will EVER see a college record, from this most "transparent" of presidents.
No one has to renounce their US citizenship to go to a school overseas, anywhere. What an idiotic assertion.

Yeah, that's kinda bizarre.

US citizens attend school in foreign countries all the time.

Maybe westwall will come back and explain what the heck that's about.
I think BHO is very much a US citizen. Born and raised. However, for him to be able to go to school in Indonesia he would have been required to renounce his US citizenship. They're not nearly so nice with aliens as we are it seems. Then, when he applied to Columbia he stated he was a citizen of Indonesia instead of the USA because it's far easier to get in to an Ivy League school as one of...well probably one applicant as opposed to the thousands of US citizens.

Thus he had to commit fraud to get into Columbia and that is why no one has ever seen, nor likely will EVER see a college record, from this most "transparent" of presidents.
No one has to renounce their US citizenship to go to a school overseas, anywhere. What an idiotic assertion.

Yeah, that's kinda bizarre.

US citizens attend school in foreign countries all the time.

Maybe westwall will come back and explain what the heck that's about.
I am actually extremely familiar with the issue of international education. There are literally millions of US citzens attending schools outside the US, including pre-school and K-12 as well as higher education. It is a huge world wide industry.
I think BHO is very much a US citizen. Born and raised. However, for him to be able to go to school in Indonesia he would have been required to renounce his US citizenship. They're not nearly so nice with aliens as we are it seems. Then, when he applied to Columbia he stated he was a citizen of Indonesia instead of the USA because it's far easier to get in to an Ivy League school as one of...well probably one applicant as opposed to the thousands of US citizens.

Thus he had to commit fraud to get into Columbia and that is why no one has ever seen, nor likely will EVER see a college record, from this most "transparent" of presidents.
No one has to renounce their US citizenship to go to a school overseas, anywhere. What an idiotic assertion.

Yeah, that's kinda bizarre.

US citizens attend school in foreign countries all the time.

Maybe westwall will come back and explain what the heck that's about.


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