If you voted for biden and democrats, you voted for this: New York Police to citizens...on your own in subways......

It didn't come from Barr, it came from an investigation by the news source Axios. The FBI warned all the Democrat politicians she was screwing. Now let's see, how did she find out the feds were on to her? :eusa_shhh:

Democrats are traitors and always will be. They'd sell their own mother for power and coverup.

Yeah, you don't think this was leaked by Barr... isn't that special.

"Hey, breaking news... Five years ago, Eric Swalwell banged a Chinese babe!!!"

Um. Okay. Good for him, I guess.
It didn't come from Barr, it came from an investigation by the news source Axios. The FBI warned all the Democrat politicians she was screwing. Now let's see, how did she find out the feds were on to her? :eusa_shhh:

Democrats are traitors and always will be. They'd sell their own mother for power and coverup.

Yeah, you don't think this was leaked by Barr... isn't that special.

"Hey, breaking news... Five years ago, Eric Swalwell banged a Chinese babe!!!"

Um. Okay. Good for him, I guess.

How would Barr leak it if it was reported by a public news source? Nothing was leaked. They found out about this babe and investigated it.

The better question is when did Piglosi know about it and why didn't she do something?
How would Barr leak it if it was reported by a public news source? Nothing was leaked. They found out about this babe and investigated it.

The better question is when did Piglosi know about it and why didn't she do something?

Because there was nothing to do.

Who did they find out about this babe from?

Again let's review. This woman came her and started relationships with low-level politicians... and worked her way up to maybe meeting Swalwell and raising some money for him... and that was kind of it. No evidence she got any useful information, and she fled back to China when the FBI started looking into her.

So how is this a story again? Would it even be a story if she wasn't cute?
How would Barr leak it if it was reported by a public news source? Nothing was leaked. They found out about this babe and investigated it.

The better question is when did Piglosi know about it and why didn't she do something?

Because there was nothing to do.

Who did they find out about this babe from?

Again let's review. This woman came her and started relationships with low-level politicians... and worked her way up to maybe meeting Swalwell and raising some money for him... and that was kind of it. No evidence she got any useful information, and she fled back to China when the FBI started looking into her.

So how is this a story again? Would it even be a story if she wasn't cute?

Because the commies kept it hidden, there was never an investigation as to what he may have told her, or what influence she had for the satisfaction of the CCP. What did I want her to do? Not have him in the House Intelligence Committee for one. Those people are provided top secret information none of the other Congress critters are privy to. There should be only the highest trusted representatives on that committee. If he is so careless to be sleeping with a Chinese spy, then obviously he's not to be trusted and has terrible judgement.
Because the commies kept it hidden, there was never an investigation as to what he may have told her, or what influence she had for the satisfaction of the CCP. What did I want her to do? Not have him in the House Intelligence Committee for one. Those people are provided top secret information none of the other Congress critters are privy to. There should be only the highest trusted representatives on that committee. If he is so careless to be sleeping with a Chinese spy, then obviously he's not to be trusted and has terrible judgement.

How was he supposed to know she was a Chinese Spy? I mean other than the slanty eyes and the side-ways hoo-ha.

Hey, I want a president who doesn't have secret meetings with Putin and then refuses to turn over transcripts of what was talked about to Congress.
How would Barr leak it if it was reported by a public news source? Nothing was leaked. They found out about this babe and investigated it.

The better question is when did Piglosi know about it and why didn't she do something?

Because there was nothing to do.

Who did they find out about this babe from?

Again let's review. This woman came her and started relationships with low-level politicians... and worked her way up to maybe meeting Swalwell and raising some money for him... and that was kind of it. No evidence she got any useful information, and she fled back to China when the FBI started looking into her.

So how is this a story again? Would it even be a story if she wasn't cute?

Because the commies kept it hidden, there was never an investigation as to what he may have told her, or what influence she had for the satisfaction of the CCP. What did I want her to do? Not have him in the House Intelligence Committee for one. Those people are provided top secret information none of the other Congress critters are privy to. There should be only the highest trusted representatives on that committee. If he is so careless to be sleeping with a Chinese spy, then obviously he's not to be trusted and has terrible judgement.

Joe is a shill for any totalitarian regime.....his world view is so skewed he can't see straight. He thinks the U.S. is a problem, but the genocidal Chinese communists are simply rice farmers...
Joe is a shill for any totalitarian regime.....his world view is so skewed he can't see straight. He thinks the U.S. is a problem, but the genocidal Chinese communists are simply rice farmers...

I'm sure China is an awful place to live. It was an awful place to live before the Communist took over. Its also not my problem.

Maybe we should start worrying about our problems instead of theirs.
How was he supposed to know she was a Chinese Spy? I mean other than the slanty eyes and the side-ways hoo-ha.

Hey, I want a president who doesn't have secret meetings with Putin and then refuses to turn over transcripts of what was talked about to Congress.

When a hot young foreign girl wants to get involved with you as a politician, you bet you should at least suspect something. Go to the FBI and have her checked out. Okay, so he made a mistake, but Piglosi knew about it and said nothing, nor did anything.

The Bay area has been a hot spot for China before she even entered the picture. Our agencies are quite aware of that which is why they give it so much attention. They come here as foreign students and manage to procure a job with politicians. For crying out loud, the Chinese spy that drove Feinstein around worked for her for 20 years. You mean in all that time, she didn't have the ability to have him checked out?

It seems to me these Democrats don't care. They fall over each other if anybody mentions Russia, but our number one enemy they are totally careless about.
When a hot young foreign girl wants to get involved with you as a politician, you bet you should at least suspect something. Go to the FBI and have her checked out. Okay, so he made a mistake, but Piglosi knew about it and said nothing, nor did anything.

Hey, Honey, before we go on a date, let's get you an FBI background check.... Yeah, that's a pickup line that will get you laid.

The Bay area has been a hot spot for China before she even entered the picture. Our agencies are quite aware of that which is why they give it so much attention. They come here as foreign students and manage to procure a job with politicians. For crying out loud, the Chinese spy that drove Feinstein around worked for her for 20 years. You mean in all that time, she didn't have the ability to have him checked out?

Or it just wasn't that important.

It seems to me these Democrats don't care. They fall over each other if anybody mentions Russia, but our number one enemy they are totally careless about.

Russia openly screwed with our election. If the Chinese are doing anything, they are just gathering information. If that.

Not sure why you think China is "the enemy". Frankly, when I was in procurement, I did a lot of business with China. Most of them were very nice. They didn't become the enemy until they failed to be impressed by Trump, I guess.
Hey, Honey, before we go on a date, let's get you an FBI background check.... Yeah, that's a pickup line that will get you laid.

So who says you have to tell her? Is this guy that Fn stupid?

Or it just wasn't that important.

Not to Democrats apparently.

Russia openly screwed with our election. If the Chinese are doing anything, they are just gathering information. If that.

Not sure why you think China is "the enemy". Frankly, when I was in procurement, I did a lot of business with China. Most of them were very nice. They didn't become the enemy until they failed to be impressed by Trump, I guess.

Russia didn't screw anything. They posted some Facebook ads, like anybody bases their vote on what they see on Facebook. Your black messiah screwed with Israel's elections just like Russia did. But not a bad word to say about him I'm sure. Yes, Russia does want to gather information. That's why they want to get their claws in silicon valley. They've been ripping us off for years in trade, and stealing our intellectual secrets for many years. If not for Trump, their military would be stronger than ours now. What do you mean they're not our enemy.
Russia didn't screw anything.

17 Intelligence Agencies say different. Oh, and this week, we found out they hacked all our computer systems.

But oh my Gosh, some Chinese babe slept with a low level mayor. Everyone panic!!!!!

Your black messiah screwed with Israel's elections just like Russia did. But not a bad word to say about him I'm sure.

Um, yeah. Because the fucking Zionist Entity keeps dragging us into wars, and they have their hands in our wallets up to the elbow. that's why he was concerned as to who won over there. Frankly, we should cut the bastards off and if the Arabs drive them into the sea, sucks to be them.
17 Intelligence Agencies say different. Oh, and this week, we found out they hacked all our computer systems.

But oh my Gosh, some Chinese babe slept with a low level mayor. Everyone panic!!!!!

And she also slept with a member of the House Intelligence committee. Russia played with our elections like they always try to do. No evidence that it had anything to do with the outcome. Countries have been doing it for years including the United States.

Um, yeah. Because the fucking Zionist Entity keeps dragging us into wars, and they have their hands in our wallets up to the elbow. that's why he was concerned as to who won over there. Frankly, we should cut the bastards off and if the Arabs drive them into the sea, sucks to be them.

Great idea Joe, let's cut ties with the only democracy and real ally we have in the middle-east. Now you see why you people shouldn't be in charge of the dog kennels yet alone the country?
I voted blue for this:

The defense and protection of the state and of the United States is an obligation of all persons within the state. The legislature shall provide for the discharge of this obligation and for the maintenance and regulation of an organized militia.

Because Right Wingers don't care about express law, they prefer their Right Wing bigotry and practice the abomination of hypocrisy (unto god), it may even seem to some, and also just for fun.
And she also slept with a member of the House Intelligence committee. Russia played with our elections like they always try to do. No evidence that it had anything to do with the outcome. Countries have been doing it for years including the United States.

So let me get this straight. She MAYBE slept with a congressman, and that's A HUGE DEAL!!!! But Russia hacks all our sensitive computer systems and interferes in our elections, and meh, no biggie.

Great idea Joe, let's cut ties with the only democracy and real ally we have in the middle-east. Now you see why you people shouldn't be in charge of the dog kennels yet alone the country?

The Zionist Entity isn't a Democracy. If it were, it's Arab Majority would vote it out of existence.

Fuck the Zionists, what have they ever really done for us? I mean other than drag us into their wars for the last 50 years.
So let me get this straight. She MAYBE slept with a congressman, and that's A HUGE DEAL!!!! But Russia hacks all our sensitive computer systems and interferes in our elections, and meh, no biggie.

I never said it was no biggie. What I said is it didn't have any affect on the election outcome. My point is that the MSM who brainwashes people like you would have you believe it only happened because of Trump. It's been happening to us for years, just no success unless we find China involvement in this last election since Biden is their buddy. The only people who dealt with the Russians to try and change the election was Hillary Clinton and the DNC.

This was not just some Congressman, this was a guy in the House Intelligence Committee.

The Zionist Entity isn't a Democracy. If it were, it's Arab Majority would vote it out of existence.

Fuck the Zionists, what have they ever really done for us? I mean other than drag us into their wars for the last 50 years.

No, it's just that you're a Jew hater as you've stated repeatedly.
I never said it was no biggie. What I said is it didn't have any affect on the election outcome. My point is that the MSM who brainwashes people like you would have you believe it only happened because of Trump. It's been happening to us for years, just no success unless we find China involvement in this last election since Biden is their buddy. The only people who dealt with the Russians to try and change the election was Hillary Clinton and the DNC.

Okay, buddy, you need to turn off the Fox News... you really do.

17 Intel Agencies said the Russians were helping Trump. Period. Full stop. Whether or not Trump was a willing co-conspirator or a useful idiot is up for debate, but their intereference isn't.

This was not just some Congressman, this was a guy in the House Intelligence Committee.

And the only thing we've proven is she got her picture taken with him, once.

That was it.

No, it's just that you're a Jew hater as you've stated repeatedly.

You are avoiding the point. What value is the Zionist Entity as an "Ally"? The rest of the region hates us for supporting them, so they are probably a hinderence. it's a case of the tail wagging the dog, when Bibi comes over here and lectures us. Or tries to.
Okay, buddy, you need to turn off the Fox News... you really do.

17 Intel Agencies said the Russians were helping Trump. Period. Full stop. Whether or not Trump was a willing co-conspirator or a useful idiot is up for debate, but their intereference isn't.
Hunter is not in public office nor running for public office. I guess we should not feel too sorry for Flynn.
Okay, buddy, you need to turn off the Fox News... you really do.

17 Intel Agencies said the Russians were helping Trump. Period. Full stop. Whether or not Trump was a willing co-conspirator or a useful idiot is up for debate, but their intereference isn't.

But it doesn't prove it had any affect on our outcome for President. The Russians were not trying to get Trump elected, they were just trying to screw with our elections. If Trump was predicted to be the clear expected winner, they would have done the same for Hillary.

And the only thing we've proven is she got her picture taken with him, once.

That was it.

Yet he hasn't come out and say "I never had sex with that woman...............Christine Fang."

You are avoiding the point. What value is the Zionist Entity as an "Ally"? The rest of the region hates us for supporting them, so they are probably a hinderence. it's a case of the tail wagging the dog, when Bibi comes over here and lectures us. Or tries to.

What value are any of our allies? They don't have to be an asset to us, but free countries should always support each other.
But it doesn't prove it had any affect on our outcome for President. The Russians were not trying to get Trump elected, they were just trying to screw with our elections. If Trump was predicted to be the clear expected winner, they would have done the same for Hillary.

Wow, the mental handstands you do to support Trump. "The Russians weren't trying to help Trump, they were just trying to screw with the election, which they had absolutely no effect on, but they spent millions doing it."

Yet he hasn't come out and say "I never had sex with that woman...............Christine Fang."

Why should he? Would you believe him if he did?

What value are any of our allies? They don't have to be an asset to us, but free countries should always support each other.

Actually, our other allies are definitely of value. NATO has kept the peace in Europe for 70 years. Most of our other allies have been in the fight with us in WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Gulf War, War on Terror.

The Zionist Entity either didn't show up, or couldn't participate because everyone else in the conflict on our side hated them more than whoever we were fighting.

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