If you voted for biden and democrats, you voted for this: New York Police to citizens...on your own in subways......

Correct, more power to him, but not when she's possibly getting government information her boss wants from him. You don't sell out your country because you want to bang a hot chick. Woman of color? What color is she?

Yellow.. Of course Asian people aren't really "Yellow", Caucasians aren't really white and African Americans aren't really "black". But never mind.

Big deal. The Chinese spy on us, we spy on them... Just can't get worked up about it.
Corporate welfare is alive and well; only the right wing prefers the general warfare to the general welfare even with our Commerce Clause in particular.
The democrat party is returning New York to the 1970s under democrat party control. The subways are now a police free zone and New Yorkers are on their own. If you voted for joe biden and the democrats, this is what you voted for.....

According to Police Benevolent Association president Pat Lynch, the “politicians have made it abundantly clear that they don’t want cops enforcing transit system rules, connecting the homeless with services, engaging with seriously mentally ill people or doing any of the things necessary to prevent these terrifying random attacks.”

“While our elected leaders are closing their eyes and wishing the problem away, we recommend that all New Yorkers keep both eyes wide open while in our transit system,” he added.

Most, if not all of these shoving attacks are being blamed on people who are mentally ill but also a sense of lawlessness that’s crept over the city ever since far-left Mayor Bill de Blasio caved to the terrorists in Black Lives Matter.

People who shouldn’t be released on bail are being released. Law enforcement is being told to ignore small crimes, like subway jumpers who do not pay their fares, and a sense of lawlessness has taken over the city, especially the subway tunnels.

What saved New York 25 years ago was then-Mayor Rudy Giuliani’s broken windows police, a policy where law enforcement created a law-abiding atmosphere by enforcing the law — even small laws like loitering. The idea being that if you see a building with broken windows, you are going to think it’s okay to throw a few rocks yourself. If there are no broken windows, you don’t even consider picking up a rock.

we could actually tax the rich and giant corporations their fair share and have a real mental health system instead of this mess where supposedly 26% of the people are somewhat insane at least. Of course what you say is total b*******, Democrats want the police to be trained in de-escalation and have some social worker police.... Our cops are way too over aggressive and gun happy. Law and order gone mad.... Trump could have ended all this mess by saying police should have body cams tasers and de-escalation training but he's more interested in dividing and screwing over the country...

You are a stupid human being...
very clever political argument, brainwashed functional moron ignoramus. I have a master's in history 145 IQ and you have a master's in garbage GOP propaganda and ignorance. Try arguing the facts period of course you can't since everything you know is garbage and you live on an imaginary planet period do you have any actual argument or just stupid ignorant insults?
What is the reason for licensing people to own a gun? You guys can never explain that. We know why the politicians want to license people...to make it harder for them to get access to guns....but why do morons like you want it

For the same exact reason.
Sure sure, conspiracy nut jobs. You have no evidence. Paranoid delusions from the GOP propaganda machine just for ignoramuses like you... Of course it is to keep guns out of the hands of criminals and the insane d u h.
Try the real world period 90% of the country was for background checks in all cases until the GOP propaganda machine got to work. Still over 75% easily. Confiscation is not even a possibility. Banning sales of military style could happen someday....

You don't even know the agenda of your leader? Try going to his website and reading what Creepy Joe wants to do with firearms in this country. He wants a mandatory federal license to own a gun. He wants to remove liability protection gun manufacturers and sellers currently have. That means cities, states and even individuals, right down to a criminal that gets shot by a police officer can sue them out of business. After that takes place and we won't have anyplace to buy firearms, he's going to have a regulation that prohibits Americans from buying guns, ammo and gun repair parts off the internet.
This is what I found about gun licensing on the Biden website. Biden's plan for gun control. as always you are totally full of s*** just like the media that you listen to.
Give states incentives to set up gun licensing programs. Biden will enact legislation to give states and local governments grants to require individuals to obtain a license prior to purchasing a gun.

What is the reason for licensing people to own a gun? You guys can never explain that. We know why the politicians want to license people...to make it harder for them to get access to guns....but why do morons like you want it, and then explain how it will do what you say you want it to do.....
Keep guns away from criminals and the insane. If we had a good ID card that would take care of your other problems except perhaps a 5-year prison sentence for any crime using a gun period etc etc. There are ways to fix these problems. Don't be a doop.
Yellow.. Of course Asian people aren't really "Yellow", Caucasians aren't really white and African Americans aren't really "black". But never mind.

Big deal. The Chinese spy on us, we spy on them... Just can't get worked up about it.

I can if she's sleeping with a member of the House Intelligence Committee. God knows what this clown told her, or what she found in his room when he was sleeping or left her alone in his house. I can get worked up about it when the Speaker of the House knew about this and didn't have him removed from the Committee for being so careless. I mean WTF, why does this guy need a woman from China to be an aid to him? Don't we have enough attractive American women he could hire and hump? How stupid do you have to be to be a ranking member in our federal government and hire a person from a Communist country foe of ours and not suspect anything like Swalweell or Feinstein? God Democrats are Fn stupid.

Sure, China knows we will try to spy on them, but if we sent a beautiful young American woman there to try and sack up with a high ranking member of their government, the first thing they'd suspect is that she's a spy.
I can if she's sleeping with a member of the House Intelligence Committee. God knows what this clown told her, or what she found in his room when he was sleeping or left her alone in his house.

Weren't you the guy who didn't get upset Trump was seeing Russian Hookers?

I can get worked up about it when the Speaker of the House knew about this and didn't have him removed from the Committee for being so careless. I mean WTF, why does this guy need a woman from China to be an aid to him?

She wasn't. She maybe did some fundraising for him. Maybe she slept with him, maybe she didn't. When the FBI got wise to her, he broke off all contact and she fled the country... nobody considered this a big deal at the time, and it kind of sounds like Trump is just getting some payback on political enemy.
Weren't you the guy who didn't get upset Trump was seeing Russian Hookers?

When was that? Rumors only go so far, especially when it's from the left because of how much they lie.

She wasn't. She maybe did some fundraising for him. Maybe she slept with him, maybe she didn't. When the FBI got wise to her, he broke off all contact and she fled the country... nobody considered this a big deal at the time, and it kind of sounds like Trump is just getting some payback on political enemy.

Political enemy? Trump probably never met the guy. The only thing he did was go on about Russia collusion just like every other Democrat in the House. It wasn't a big deal because they kept it a secret and didn't let anybody know about it. He should have had the FBI check her out before he hired her, not during their relationship, and he likely didn't initiate it, the FBI got suspicious for some reason.

And if all she did was some "fund raising" they wouldn't have hesitated to say something to the rest of the Congress. She did a lot more for him than fund raising and screwing him. She wouldn't have carried on like that if she wasn't getting information about our country the commies wanted.
The democrat party is returning New York to the 1970s under democrat party control. The subways are now a police free zone and New Yorkers are on their own. If you voted for joe biden and the democrats, this is what you voted for.....

According to Police Benevolent Association president Pat Lynch, the “politicians have made it abundantly clear that they don’t want cops enforcing transit system rules, connecting the homeless with services, engaging with seriously mentally ill people or doing any of the things necessary to prevent these terrifying random attacks.”

“While our elected leaders are closing their eyes and wishing the problem away, we recommend that all New Yorkers keep both eyes wide open while in our transit system,” he added.

Most, if not all of these shoving attacks are being blamed on people who are mentally ill but also a sense of lawlessness that’s crept over the city ever since far-left Mayor Bill de Blasio caved to the terrorists in Black Lives Matter.

People who shouldn’t be released on bail are being released. Law enforcement is being told to ignore small crimes, like subway jumpers who do not pay their fares, and a sense of lawlessness has taken over the city, especially the subway tunnels.

What saved New York 25 years ago was then-Mayor Rudy Giuliani’s broken windows police, a policy where law enforcement created a law-abiding atmosphere by enforcing the law — even small laws like loitering. The idea being that if you see a building with broken windows, you are going to think it’s okay to throw a few rocks yourself. If there are no broken windows, you don’t even consider picking up a rock.

we could actually tax the rich and giant corporations their fair share and have a real mental health system instead of this mess where supposedly 26% of the people are somewhat insane at least. Of course what you say is total b*******, Democrats want the police to be trained in de-escalation and have some social worker police.... Our cops are way too over aggressive and gun happy. Law and order gone mad.... Trump could have ended all this mess by saying police should have body cams tasers and de-escalation training but he's more interested in dividing and screwing over the country...

You are a stupid human being...
very clever political argument, brainwashed functional moron ignoramus. I have a master's in history 145 IQ and you have a master's in garbage GOP propaganda and ignorance. Try arguing the facts period of course you can't since everything you know is garbage and you live on an imaginary planet period do you have any actual argument or just stupid ignorant insults?

Intelligence doesn't create wisdom.....you have no wisdom.
Try the real world period 90% of the country was for background checks in all cases until the GOP propaganda machine got to work. Still over 75% easily. Confiscation is not even a possibility. Banning sales of military style could happen someday....

You don't even know the agenda of your leader? Try going to his website and reading what Creepy Joe wants to do with firearms in this country. He wants a mandatory federal license to own a gun. He wants to remove liability protection gun manufacturers and sellers currently have. That means cities, states and even individuals, right down to a criminal that gets shot by a police officer can sue them out of business. After that takes place and we won't have anyplace to buy firearms, he's going to have a regulation that prohibits Americans from buying guns, ammo and gun repair parts off the internet.
This is what I found about gun licensing on the Biden website. Biden's plan for gun control. as always you are totally full of s*** just like the media that you listen to.
Give states incentives to set up gun licensing programs. Biden will enact legislation to give states and local governments grants to require individuals to obtain a license prior to purchasing a gun.

What is the reason for licensing people to own a gun? You guys can never explain that. We know why the politicians want to license people...to make it harder for them to get access to guns....but why do morons like you want it, and then explain how it will do what you say you want it to do.....
Keep guns away from criminals and the insane. If we had a good ID card that would take care of your other problems except perhaps a 5-year prison sentence for any crime using a gun period etc etc. There are ways to fix these problems. Don't be a doop.

Moron.....5 years doesn't stop anything......here is my plan

I support a life sentence on any criminal who uses a gun for an actual gun crime..... and 30 years if a criminal is caught in possession of a gun, even if they are not using it at that moment for crime.

This will dry up gun crime over night. Criminals will stop using guns for robberies, rapes and murders.....and those who do will be gone forever......

Criminals will also stop walking around with guns in their pants......which is the leading cause of random gang shootings in our cities. if they are stopped by police, with a gun in their pants, they are gone for 30 years...they will stop carrying those guns, and random gang violence will end.

You implement this with two other things...

1) No More Bargaining Away the Gun Charge.........it must be against the law to bargain away a gun charge as part of a plea deal....this stops.

2) When a criminal is arrested for any crime, and booked in...they will be read the announcement that any use of a crime is a life sentence without parole, owning or carrying a gun as a felon is a 30 year sentence without parole....when they are released from custody...the same will be read to them again....when they meet their parole officer it will be read to them again.....the U.S. government will also buy and send out Public announcements on this policy on t.v. radio. and cable......

That is how you stop gun crime over night.

Mass shooters are different..... but with only 93 people killed in mass public shootings in 2018, they are not the major problem in gun crime.

The value in my plan......it actually targets the individuals actually using guns to commit crimes and murder people....

It does not require new background check laws, it does not require gun licensing, licensing gun owners, gun registration, new taxes, fees or regulations on guns...

By making gun crime a life sentence, criminals will stop using guns for crime and will stop carrying guns around for protection.....

Also....a nurse, with a legal gun, driving from Pennsylvania, to New Jersey, will not be considered a gun criminal.....that will end. Criminals with a record of crime, caught with a gun will get 30 years, no deals.....and criminals who use guns for actual crime...robbing the local store, rape, robbery, murder.....life without parole...

This, of course, eliminates the need for more gun control laws...we can already do this.....

Mass shooters

1) end gun free zones

2) get the media to stop covering mass shootings like it is the Oscars.....

3) We are already seeing this...get people who know these nuts to report these nuts....

4) Make sure the police who know these nuts arrest these nuts when they have the chance so they will pop on background checks....

What does each do to stop mass shooters....

1) keeps shooters from targeting people, since they target gun free zones.

2) The media not covering it like they are the criminal oscars deters copycats...just like they stopped covering teen suicides to stop the copycat effect

3) The only way to stop mass shooters, since they commit no other crime, is for family, coworkers and neighbors to report their violent behavior....the Odessa shooter should have felonies for the crimes he was committing but they didn't report his shooting his weapon from his front porch....

4) The Parkland shooter had 33 contacts with police and numerous contacts with police at his school.....due to Obama's "Promise Program" the police never arrested him for the felonies he committed....so he didn't pop on the background check..
Try the real world period 90% of the country was for background checks in all cases until the GOP propaganda machine got to work. Still over 75% easily. Confiscation is not even a possibility. Banning sales of military style could happen someday....

You don't even know the agenda of your leader? Try going to his website and reading what Creepy Joe wants to do with firearms in this country. He wants a mandatory federal license to own a gun. He wants to remove liability protection gun manufacturers and sellers currently have. That means cities, states and even individuals, right down to a criminal that gets shot by a police officer can sue them out of business. After that takes place and we won't have anyplace to buy firearms, he's going to have a regulation that prohibits Americans from buying guns, ammo and gun repair parts off the internet.
This is what I found about gun licensing on the Biden website. Biden's plan for gun control. as always you are totally full of s*** just like the media that you listen to.
Give states incentives to set up gun licensing programs. Biden will enact legislation to give states and local governments grants to require individuals to obtain a license prior to purchasing a gun.

What is the reason for licensing people to own a gun? You guys can never explain that. We know why the politicians want to license people...to make it harder for them to get access to guns....but why do morons like you want it, and then explain how it will do what you say you want it to do.....
Keep guns away from criminals and the insane. If we had a good ID card that would take care of your other problems except perhaps a 5-year prison sentence for any crime using a gun period etc etc. There are ways to fix these problems. Don't be a doop.

Moron.....5 years doesn't stop anything......here is my plan

I support a life sentence on any criminal who uses a gun for an actual gun crime..... and 30 years if a criminal is caught in possession of a gun, even if they are not using it at that moment for crime.

This will dry up gun crime over night. Criminals will stop using guns for robberies, rapes and murders.....and those who do will be gone forever......

Criminals will also stop walking around with guns in their pants......which is the leading cause of random gang shootings in our cities. if they are stopped by police, with a gun in their pants, they are gone for 30 years...they will stop carrying those guns, and random gang violence will end.

You implement this with two other things...

1) No More Bargaining Away the Gun Charge.........it must be against the law to bargain away a gun charge as part of a plea deal....this stops.

2) When a criminal is arrested for any crime, and booked in...they will be read the announcement that any use of a crime is a life sentence without parole, owning or carrying a gun as a felon is a 30 year sentence without parole....when they are released from custody...the same will be read to them again....when they meet their parole officer it will be read to them again.....the U.S. government will also buy and send out Public announcements on this policy on t.v. radio. and cable......

That is how you stop gun crime over night.

Mass shooters are different..... but with only 93 people killed in mass public shootings in 2018, they are not the major problem in gun crime.

The value in my plan......it actually targets the individuals actually using guns to commit crimes and murder people....

It does not require new background check laws, it does not require gun licensing, licensing gun owners, gun registration, new taxes, fees or regulations on guns...

By making gun crime a life sentence, criminals will stop using guns for crime and will stop carrying guns around for protection.....

Also....a nurse, with a legal gun, driving from Pennsylvania, to New Jersey, will not be considered a gun criminal.....that will end. Criminals with a record of crime, caught with a gun will get 30 years, no deals.....and criminals who use guns for actual crime...robbing the local store, rape, robbery, murder.....life without parole...

This, of course, eliminates the need for more gun control laws...we can already do this.....

Mass shooters

1) end gun free zones

2) get the media to stop covering mass shootings like it is the Oscars.....

3) We are already seeing this...get people who know these nuts to report these nuts....

4) Make sure the police who know these nuts arrest these nuts when they have the chance so they will pop on background checks....

What does each do to stop mass shooters....

1) keeps shooters from targeting people, since they target gun free zones.

2) The media not covering it like they are the criminal oscars deters copycats...just like they stopped covering teen suicides to stop the copycat effect

3) The only way to stop mass shooters, since they commit no other crime, is for family, coworkers and neighbors to report their violent behavior....the Odessa shooter should have felonies for the crimes he was committing but they didn't report his shooting his weapon from his front porch....

4) The Parkland shooter had 33 contacts with police and numerous contacts with police at his school.....due to Obama's "Promise Program" the police never arrested him for the felonies he committed....so he didn't pop on the background check..
There are so many holes in the background check system thanks to the GOP it's ridiculous, and they will never pass anything like you are talking about.
Weren't you the guy who didn't get upset Trump was seeing Russian Hookers?

When was that? Rumors only go so far, especially when it's from the left because of how much they lie.

She wasn't. She maybe did some fundraising for him. Maybe she slept with him, maybe she didn't. When the FBI got wise to her, he broke off all contact and she fled the country... nobody considered this a big deal at the time, and it kind of sounds like Trump is just getting some payback on political enemy.

Political enemy? Trump probably never met the guy. The only thing he did was go on about Russia collusion just like every other Democrat in the House. It wasn't a big deal because they kept it a secret and didn't let anybody know about it. He should have had the FBI check her out before he hired her, not during their relationship, and he likely didn't initiate it, the FBI got suspicious for some reason.

And if all she did was some "fund raising" they wouldn't have hesitated to say something to the rest of the Congress. She did a lot more for him than fund raising and screwing him. She wouldn't have carried on like that if she wasn't getting information about our country the commies wanted.
Just another ridiculous scandal dredged up years later this time because they have nothing else to talk about on Fox noise etc etc....
When was that? Rumors only go so far, especially when it's from the left because of how much they lie.

There's just as much evidence for Trump fucking Russian Hookers as Swalwell fucking Fang Fang.

Probably more, because we know Trump loves his hookers.

Political enemy? Trump probably never met the guy. The only thing he did was go on about Russia collusion just like every other Democrat in the House. It wasn't a big deal because they kept it a secret and didn't let anybody know about it. He should have had the FBI check her out before he hired her, not during their relationship, and he likely didn't initiate it, the FBI got suspicious for some reason.

1) She was never on his payroll. All she did was recommend an intern.
2) GIven this was five years ago, and the FBI didn't brag about how they busted up a Chinese Spy Ring, the evidence was probably scant.
3) It's funny you guys think the FBI is totally on the level here, but man, they were all part of a deep space conspiracy to get Trump, Flynn, etc.

And if all she did was some "fund raising" they wouldn't have hesitated to say something to the rest of the Congress. She did a lot more for him than fund raising and screwing him. She wouldn't have carried on like that if she wasn't getting information about our country the commies wanted.

Wow, that's a lot of speculation.... Tell you what, come back to me when you have a conviction like we have of so many Trump Associates related to Russia.
Just another ridiculous scandal dredged up years later this time because they have nothing else to talk about on Fox noise etc etc....

At least it's real, a threat, didn't spend two years investigating, and didn't cost the taxpayers 25 million dollars like the phony Russia collusion thing your people went on about.
Just another ridiculous scandal dredged up years later this time because they have nothing else to talk about on Fox noise etc etc....

At least it's real, a threat, didn't spend two years investigating, and didn't cost the taxpayers 25 million dollars like the phony Russia collusion thing your people went on about.
The Trump campaign met with Russians 30 times, lied about it and never wrote anything down. On the other hand Trump publicly told them to hack Hillary which they did a couple of hours later and told them to go ahead and help him as much as they could period why would anyone want Trump idiots to try and help anyway. Do you even know that it has been proven that the Russians helped Trump and hacked the DNC and did all kinds of Bologna on social media? Most GOP dupes don't.... Despite the fact that every Republican on the Congressional intelligence committees said there was no doubt they did....
Just another ridiculous scandal dredged up years later this time because they have nothing else to talk about on Fox noise etc etc....

At least it's real, a threat, didn't spend two years investigating, and didn't cost the taxpayers 25 million dollars like the phony Russia collusion thing your people went on about.
The Trump campaign met with Russians 30 times, lied about it and never wrote anything down. On the other hand Trump publicly told them to hack Hillary which they did a couple of hours later and told them to go ahead and help him as much as they could period why would anyone want Trump idiots to try and help anyway. Do you even know that it has been proven that the Russians helped Trump and hacked the DNC and did all kinds of Bologna on social media? Most GOP dupes don't.... Despite the fact that every Republican on the Congressional intelligence committees said there was no doubt they did....
Trump met with the Russian ambassador several times and talked to Putin on the phone with no one listening. Not suspicious at all LOL
The democrat party is returning New York to the 1970s under democrat party control. The subways are now a police free zone and New Yorkers are on their own. If you voted for joe biden and the democrats, this is what you voted for.....

According to Police Benevolent Association president Pat Lynch, the “politicians have made it abundantly clear that they don’t want cops enforcing transit system rules, connecting the homeless with services, engaging with seriously mentally ill people or doing any of the things necessary to prevent these terrifying random attacks.”

“While our elected leaders are closing their eyes and wishing the problem away, we recommend that all New Yorkers keep both eyes wide open while in our transit system,” he added.

Most, if not all of these shoving attacks are being blamed on people who are mentally ill but also a sense of lawlessness that’s crept over the city ever since far-left Mayor Bill de Blasio caved to the terrorists in Black Lives Matter.

People who shouldn’t be released on bail are being released. Law enforcement is being told to ignore small crimes, like subway jumpers who do not pay their fares, and a sense of lawlessness has taken over the city, especially the subway tunnels.

What saved New York 25 years ago was then-Mayor Rudy Giuliani’s broken windows police, a policy where law enforcement created a law-abiding atmosphere by enforcing the law — even small laws like loitering. The idea being that if you see a building with broken windows, you are going to think it’s okay to throw a few rocks yourself. If there are no broken windows, you don’t even consider picking up a rock.

You gonna buy some more guns, Bitch?
Voting is not going to get the communist fangs out of American necks. Communism that has gone this far is never eliminated by peaceful means. The more we futz around with lawful means the more entrenched the communists get.
There's just as much evidence for Trump fucking Russian Hookers as Swalwell fucking Fang Fang.

Probably more, because we know Trump loves his hookers.

There is no evidence at all. One of the commies made up the story out of thin air and you sheep buy it hands down. Even if it did happen, what kind of damage could a hooker do to the US?

1) She was never on his payroll. All she did was recommend an intern.
2) GIven this was five years ago, and the FBI didn't brag about how they busted up a Chinese Spy Ring, the evidence was probably scant.
3) It's funny you guys think the FBI is totally on the level here, but man, they were all part of a deep space conspiracy to get Trump, Flynn, etc.

The difference is the FBI was ran by Comey who was a deep stater no doubt. He was political--not personal. We have the lovers two texts, one of which said "the big guy wants to know everything we're doing." She didn't have to be on his payroll, she was on the China Communist Party payroll. She didn't work and drove around in a new Mercedies and nobody asked questions? She was screwing all kinds of Democrat politicians in the Bay area of California. She was screwing her way to get in the inner Democrat circle where she could move up to the federal level, while at the same time, hoping to get connections to Silicon Valley. China apparently selected who she should go after that had the best chances to advance to Washington. That way she could come along for the ride and did.

Wow, that's a lot of speculation.... Tell you what, come back to me when you have a conviction like we have of so many Trump Associates related to Russia.

Few had any type of relationship with Russia and the ones who did had nothing to do with Trump. Fang disappeared five years ago amid an FBI investigation and hasn't been seen since. Nobody has any idea what she learned or who she might have influenced that would favor the Chinese Communist Party. So no, nobody can bring charges against him unless something else surfaces.
Just another ridiculous scandal dredged up years later this time because they have nothing else to talk about on Fox noise etc etc....

At least it's real, a threat, didn't spend two years investigating, and didn't cost the taxpayers 25 million dollars like the phony Russia collusion thing your people went on about.
The Trump campaign met with Russians 30 times, lied about it and never wrote anything down. On the other hand Trump publicly told them to hack Hillary which they did a couple of hours later and told them to go ahead and help him as much as they could period why would anyone want Trump idiots to try and help anyway. Do you even know that it has been proven that the Russians helped Trump and hacked the DNC and did all kinds of Bologna on social media? Most GOP dupes don't.... Despite the fact that every Republican on the Congressional intelligence committees said there was no doubt they did....

Pure bull. Trump is the leader of the US. He met with all kinds of international leaders and associates. That's what's called normal. You humorless leftists even take jokes Trump made and try to turn them into something serious. The DNC hacking came from within. There is no trace of internet hacking meaning that somebody who had the ability to get by those computers copied information on a jump drive or similar device. The Democrats knew it too which is why they refused to let the FBI examine those computers.
Just another ridiculous scandal dredged up years later this time because they have nothing else to talk about on Fox noise etc etc....

At least it's real, a threat, didn't spend two years investigating, and didn't cost the taxpayers 25 million dollars like the phony Russia collusion thing your people went on about.
The Trump campaign met with Russians 30 times, lied about it and never wrote anything down. On the other hand Trump publicly told them to hack Hillary which they did a couple of hours later and told them to go ahead and help him as much as they could period why would anyone want Trump idiots to try and help anyway. Do you even know that it has been proven that the Russians helped Trump and hacked the DNC and did all kinds of Bologna on social media? Most GOP dupes don't.... Despite the fact that every Republican on the Congressional intelligence committees said there was no doubt they did....

Pure bull. Trump is the leader of the US. He met with all kinds of international leaders and associates. That's what's called normal. You humorless leftists even take jokes Trump made and try to turn them into something serious. The DNC hacking came from within. There is no trace of internet hacking meaning that somebody who had the ability to get by those computers copied information on a jump drive or similar device. The Democrats knew it too which is why they refused to let the FBI examine those computers.
Pure bologna from right-wing garbage propaganda.No president has ever talked to Russians without somebody listening in before. The Democrats gave an exact copy of the data from the computer and nobody cares about this except brainwashed functional morons.

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