If you voted for biden and democrats, you voted for this: New York Police to citizens...on your own in subways......

An unarmed populace is much easier to control Just Ask Chairman Xi. It's why we have a 2nd Amendment.

There is a little more to it than that. Each party wants to expand the tent as they say. The two largest groups in the Democrat party are government dependents and victims. Victims love Democrats and Democrat loves victims.

The Democrat party doesn't care that we have guns, what they care about is we can use them for self-defense. When Americans can take care of themselves, there is no use for Democrats.

The Democrats are not stupid, they only like to appear that way. They know if they can disarm the law abiding citizens, the criminals will always have guns. So they create this society where only the police and criminals have fire power, and that leaves the rest of us helpless.

If they could ever create such a society, then we all become victims. We can no longer defend ourselves. So how do you address big crime? The same way they've addressed big business, big pharma, big tobacco, and that is with a bigger government.

Now that we are victims, it gives the Democrat party the ability to capitalize on this new group of victims for political power.
like a great majority of the country wants period so you were full of Bologna propaganda as always. Doesn't bother you a bit does it, hater dupe?

No, the majority of the country doesn't want everybody to have to obtain a license from the government to buy or own a gun.
Wrong again and always. Change the channel hater dupe.....

View attachment 428401PBS
Most Americans support these 4 types of gun legislation, poll says
View attachment 428402
Sep 10, 2019 — Members of the public have called for Congressional action, and several ... adults said a person should be required to obtain a license before buying a gun.

View attachment 428403NPR
Poll: Most Americans Want To See Congress Pass Gun Restrictions
View attachment 428404
Sep 10, 2019 — Democrats and Republicans agree that Congress should ... and requiring gun licenses all get broad bipartisan support as ...

PBS and NPR. :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

Where is the Mother Jones poll? :auiqs.jpg:
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Try the real world period 90% of the country was for background checks in all cases until the GOP propaganda machine got to work. Still over 75% easily. Confiscation is not even a possibility. Banning sales of military style could happen someday....

You don't even know the agenda of your leader? Try going to his website and reading what Creepy Joe wants to do with firearms in this country. He wants a mandatory federal license to own a gun. He wants to remove liability protection gun manufacturers and sellers currently have. That means cities, states and even individuals, right down to a criminal that gets shot by a police officer can sue them out of business. After that takes place and we won't have anyplace to buy firearms, he's going to have a regulation that prohibits Americans from buying guns, ammo and gun repair parts off the internet.
This is what I found about gun licensing on the Biden website. Biden's plan for gun control. as always you are totally full of s*** just like the media that you listen to.
Give states incentives to set up gun licensing programs. Biden will enact legislation to give states and local governments grants to require individuals to obtain a license prior to purchasing a gun.

What is the reason for licensing people to own a gun? You guys can never explain that. We know why the politicians want to license people...to make it harder for them to get access to guns....but why do morons like you want it, and then explain how it will do what you say you want it to do.....
Try the real world period 90% of the country was for background checks in all cases until the GOP propaganda machine got to work. Still over 75% easily. Confiscation is not even a possibility. Banning sales of military style could happen someday....

You don't even know the agenda of your leader? Try going to his website and reading what Creepy Joe wants to do with firearms in this country. He wants a mandatory federal license to own a gun. He wants to remove liability protection gun manufacturers and sellers currently have. That means cities, states and even individuals, right down to a criminal that gets shot by a police officer can sue them out of business. After that takes place and we won't have anyplace to buy firearms, he's going to have a regulation that prohibits Americans from buying guns, ammo and gun repair parts off the internet.
Good, federal license would be a background check operation. Good good and good.

What is good about them? Care to try to explain? Criminals ignore background checks....they either steal the guns they have or use straw buyers who can pass any background check...

So....since the reason you want guns isn't going to be achieved, why again do you insist on background checks?
The democrat party is returning New York to the 1970s under democrat party control. The subways are now a police free zone and New Yorkers are on their own. If you voted for joe biden and the democrats, this is what you voted for.....

According to Police Benevolent Association president Pat Lynch, the “politicians have made it abundantly clear that they don’t want cops enforcing transit system rules, connecting the homeless with services, engaging with seriously mentally ill people or doing any of the things necessary to prevent these terrifying random attacks.”

“While our elected leaders are closing their eyes and wishing the problem away, we recommend that all New Yorkers keep both eyes wide open while in our transit system,” he added.

Most, if not all of these shoving attacks are being blamed on people who are mentally ill but also a sense of lawlessness that’s crept over the city ever since far-left Mayor Bill de Blasio caved to the terrorists in Black Lives Matter.

People who shouldn’t be released on bail are being released. Law enforcement is being told to ignore small crimes, like subway jumpers who do not pay their fares, and a sense of lawlessness has taken over the city, especially the subway tunnels.

What saved New York 25 years ago was then-Mayor Rudy Giuliani’s broken windows police, a policy where law enforcement created a law-abiding atmosphere by enforcing the law — even small laws like loitering. The idea being that if you see a building with broken windows, you are going to think it’s okay to throw a few rocks yourself. If there are no broken windows, you don’t even consider picking up a rock.

we could actually tax the rich and giant corporations their fair share and have a real mental health system instead of this mess where supposedly 26% of the people are somewhat insane at least. Of course what you say is total b*******, Democrats want the police to be trained in de-escalation and have some social worker police.... Our cops are way too over aggressive and gun happy. Law and order gone mad.... Trump could have ended all this mess by saying police should have body cams tasers and de-escalation training but he's more interested in dividing and screwing over the country...

You are a stupid human being...
What is the reason for licensing people to own a gun? You guys can never explain that. We know why the politicians want to license people...to make it harder for them to get access to guns....but why do morons like you want it

For the same exact reason.
The democrat party is returning New York to the 1970s under democrat party control. The subways are now a police free zone and New Yorkers are on their own. If you voted for joe biden and the democrats, this is what you voted for.....

According to Police Benevolent Association president Pat Lynch, the “politicians have made it abundantly clear that they don’t want cops enforcing transit system rules, connecting the homeless with services, engaging with seriously mentally ill people or doing any of the things necessary to prevent these terrifying random attacks.”

“While our elected leaders are closing their eyes and wishing the problem away, we recommend that all New Yorkers keep both eyes wide open while in our transit system,” he added.

Most, if not all of these shoving attacks are being blamed on people who are mentally ill but also a sense of lawlessness that’s crept over the city ever since far-left Mayor Bill de Blasio caved to the terrorists in Black Lives Matter.

People who shouldn’t be released on bail are being released. Law enforcement is being told to ignore small crimes, like subway jumpers who do not pay their fares, and a sense of lawlessness has taken over the city, especially the subway tunnels.

What saved New York 25 years ago was then-Mayor Rudy Giuliani’s broken windows police, a policy where law enforcement created a law-abiding atmosphere by enforcing the law — even small laws like loitering. The idea being that if you see a building with broken windows, you are going to think it’s okay to throw a few rocks yourself. If there are no broken windows, you don’t even consider picking up a rock.

DeBlasio's homeless solution is to pay them and given them a bus ticket to florida-----------he has been doing so for several years at a minimum now.
The democrat party is returning New York to the 1970s under democrat party control. The subways are now a police free zone and New Yorkers are on their own. If you voted for joe biden and the democrats, this is what you voted for.....

According to Police Benevolent Association president Pat Lynch, the “politicians have made it abundantly clear that they don’t want cops enforcing transit system rules, connecting the homeless with services, engaging with seriously mentally ill people or doing any of the things necessary to prevent these terrifying random attacks.”

“While our elected leaders are closing their eyes and wishing the problem away, we recommend that all New Yorkers keep both eyes wide open while in our transit system,” he added.

Most, if not all of these shoving attacks are being blamed on people who are mentally ill but also a sense of lawlessness that’s crept over the city ever since far-left Mayor Bill de Blasio caved to the terrorists in Black Lives Matter.

People who shouldn’t be released on bail are being released. Law enforcement is being told to ignore small crimes, like subway jumpers who do not pay their fares, and a sense of lawlessness has taken over the city, especially the subway tunnels.

What saved New York 25 years ago was then-Mayor Rudy Giuliani’s broken windows police, a policy where law enforcement created a law-abiding atmosphere by enforcing the law — even small laws like loitering. The idea being that if you see a building with broken windows, you are going to think it’s okay to throw a few rocks yourself. If there are no broken windows, you don’t even consider picking up a rock.

Twice in a week, people were shoved off subway platforms.

Bleeding hearts try to excuse this kind of behavior on mental illness.

No! It is because those perps are horrible human beings.

It's because certain folks are not being punished anymore.

Such crime is disgusting and sickening.

Those liberals who allow this nonsense would change their minds if it happened to their loved ones. But then again, many liberals would not be caught dead using public transportation!
They don't use it because they could be "found dead" there are psychos out there that will push you in front of a train, or rob you, or attack for no apparent reason, because they can, however once they are identified and arrested they become the poor misunderstood victim of society...…while another family grieves.. shameful

It is fair to say, IMHO, that under the new administration, there will be even more violence, for many appointees of his are people who really, really, really believe that bad people are "victims," not perps.

Of course, the federal capital punishment option will again be off the table, as it was before President Trump started to use it again.

Yes, you're right: Shameful. But there is nothing one can do about it. If the election was honest (as claimed by the Dems), that is the kind of leniency that the American people voted for.
Of course, the federal capital punishment option will again be off the table, as it was before President Trump started to use it again.

Of course it will. Democrats don't like killing traitors and murderers--only babies. And if you're a Dem rep sleeping with a Chinese spy, you get rewarded by keeping your position on the House Intelligence Committee.
Of course, the federal capital punishment option will again be off the table, as it was before President Trump started to use it again.

Of course it will. Democrats don't like killing traitors and murderers--only babies. And if you're a Dem rep sleeping with a Chinese spy, you get rewarded by keeping your position on the House Intelligence Committee.

I think it is fair to say that if a Republican member of the House had had a romantic relationship with an alleged spy from China, the Dems would be demanding -- and rightly so -- that he (at the very least) be removed from the committee on intelligence.
I think it is fair to say that if a Republican member of the House had had a romantic relationship with an alleged spy from China, the Dems would be demanding -- and rightly so -- that he (at the very least) be removed from the committee on intelligence.

What's being reported is that Piglosi has known about this for some time and kept it in her closet with everything else. Just like the media hid the Hunter Biden situation, they didn't want anything to leak out that would have tainted the Democrats or Biden just before an election.
Of course, the federal capital punishment option will again be off the table, as it was before President Trump started to use it again.

Of course it will. Democrats don't like killing traitors and murderers--only babies. And if you're a Dem rep sleeping with a Chinese spy, you get rewarded by keeping your position on the House Intelligence Committee.

I think it is fair to say that if a Republican member of the House had had a romantic relationship with an alleged spy from China, the Dems would be demanding -- and rightly so -- that he (at the very least) be removed from the committee on intelligence.
right wingers don't care about express laws.
Of course it will. Democrats don't like killing traitors and murderers--only babies. And if you're a Dem rep sleeping with a Chinese spy, you get rewarded by keeping your position on the House Intelligence Committee.

Hey, if he was able to bang THIS hottie, more power to him!!!


Oh, wait, she's a woman of color.... Ray is probably frothing at the mouth.
Of course, the federal capital punishment option will again be off the table, as it was before President Trump started to use it again.

Of course it will. Democrats don't like killing traitors and murderers--only babies. And if you're a Dem rep sleeping with a Chinese spy, you get rewarded by keeping your position on the House Intelligence Committee.

Don't forget the Chinese spy working in Feinsteins office for 20 years.
Of course it will. Democrats don't like killing traitors and murderers--only babies. And if you're a Dem rep sleeping with a Chinese spy, you get rewarded by keeping your position on the House Intelligence Committee.

Hey, if he was able to bang THIS hottie, more power to him!!!

View attachment 428566

Oh, wait, she's a woman of color.... Ray is probably frothing at the mouth.

You realize, right, that you are the only one here obsessed with race?
Of course it will. Democrats don't like killing traitors and murderers--only babies. And if you're a Dem rep sleeping with a Chinese spy, you get rewarded by keeping your position on the House Intelligence Committee.

Hey, if he was able to bang THIS hottie, more power to him!!!

View attachment 428566

Oh, wait, she's a woman of color.... Ray is probably frothing at the mouth.
She could easily convince me it is about ancient Tradition and may take a long time.
Of course it will. Democrats don't like killing traitors and murderers--only babies. And if you're a Dem rep sleeping with a Chinese spy, you get rewarded by keeping your position on the House Intelligence Committee.

Hey, if he was able to bang THIS hottie, more power to him!!!

View attachment 428566

Oh, wait, she's a woman of color.... Ray is probably frothing at the mouth.

You realize, right, that you are the only one here obsessed with race?

Hey, if he was able to bang THIS hottie, more power to him!!!


Oh, wait, she's a woman of color.... Ray is probably frothing at the mouth.

Correct, more power to him, but not when she's possibly getting government information her boss wants from him. You don't sell out your country because you want to bang a hot chick. Woman of color? What color is she?
Correct, more power to him, but not when she's possibly getting government information her boss wants from him. You don't sell out your country because you want to bang a hot chick. Woman of color? What color is she?

Yellow.. Of course Asian people aren't really "Yellow", Caucasians aren't really white and African Americans aren't really "black". But never mind.

Big deal. The Chinese spy on us, we spy on them... Just can't get worked up about it.

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