If you voted for biden and democrats, you voted for this: New York Police to citizens...on your own in subways......

Just another ridiculous scandal dredged up years later this time because they have nothing else to talk about on Fox noise etc etc....

At least it's real, a threat, didn't spend two years investigating, and didn't cost the taxpayers 25 million dollars like the phony Russia collusion thing your people went on about.
The Trump campaign met with Russians 30 times, lied about it and never wrote anything down. On the other hand Trump publicly told them to hack Hillary which they did a couple of hours later and told them to go ahead and help him as much as they could period why would anyone want Trump idiots to try and help anyway. Do you even know that it has been proven that the Russians helped Trump and hacked the DNC and did all kinds of Bologna on social media? Most GOP dupes don't.... Despite the fact that every Republican on the Congressional intelligence committees said there was no doubt they did....

Pure bull. Trump is the leader of the US. He met with all kinds of international leaders and associates. That's what's called normal. You humorless leftists even take jokes Trump made and try to turn them into something serious. The DNC hacking came from within. There is no trace of internet hacking meaning that somebody who had the ability to get by those computers copied information on a jump drive or similar device. The Democrats knew it too which is why they refused to let the FBI examine those computers.
No 'Hoax': Bipartisan Senate Report Confirms Russian 2016 Role ...

Russians hacked the DNC computer from www.forbes.com

Aug 18, 2020 — ... Putin ordered the hack of the Democratic National Committee servers. ... Putin “ordered the Russian effort to hack computer networks and accounts affiliated ...
Pure bologna from right-wing garbage propaganda.No president has ever talked to Russians without somebody listening in before. The Democrats gave an exact copy of the data from the computer and nobody cares about this except brainwashed functional morons.

Yes, a copy. A copy can be manipulated. Why not just let them come in and examine the real thing?
Just another ridiculous scandal dredged up years later this time because they have nothing else to talk about on Fox noise etc etc....

At least it's real, a threat, didn't spend two years investigating, and didn't cost the taxpayers 25 million dollars like the phony Russia collusion thing your people went on about.
The Trump campaign met with Russians 30 times, lied about it and never wrote anything down. On the other hand Trump publicly told them to hack Hillary which they did a couple of hours later and told them to go ahead and help him as much as they could period why would anyone want Trump idiots to try and help anyway. Do you even know that it has been proven that the Russians helped Trump and hacked the DNC and did all kinds of Bologna on social media? Most GOP dupes don't.... Despite the fact that every Republican on the Congressional intelligence committees said there was no doubt they did....

Pure bull. Trump is the leader of the US. He met with all kinds of international leaders and associates. That's what's called normal. You humorless leftists even take jokes Trump made and try to turn them into something serious. The DNC hacking came from within. There is no trace of internet hacking meaning that somebody who had the ability to get by those computers copied information on a jump drive or similar device. The Democrats knew it too which is why they refused to let the FBI examine those computers.
View attachment 428821Forbes
No 'Hoax': Bipartisan Senate Report Confirms Russian 2016 Role ...
Russians hacked the DNC computer from www.forbes.com
Aug 18, 2020 — ... Putin ordered the hack of the Democratic National Committee servers. ... Putin “ordered the Russian effort to hack computer networks and accounts affiliated ...
If you only listen to The GOP propaganda machine, you miss all the real news. Unbelievable
Pure bologna from right-wing garbage propaganda.No president has ever talked to Russians without somebody listening in before. The Democrats gave an exact copy of the data from the computer and nobody cares about this except brainwashed functional morons.

Yes, a copy. A copy can be manipulated. Why not just let them come in and examine the real thing?
not this copy everyone was involved and you are a brainwashed functional moron. the United States justice department is not stupid except for lately. Nor corrupt. Ditto
Pure bologna from right-wing garbage propaganda.No president has ever talked to Russians without somebody listening in before. The Democrats gave an exact copy of the data from the computer and nobody cares about this except brainwashed functional morons.

Yes, a copy. A copy can be manipulated. Why not just let them come in and examine the real thing?
They did look at it then they copied all the data on it. You need a diagram this is just typical. absolute it is idiocy like all your posts. I know you're intelligent because you know every detail of pure crap and all the talking points and distractions.... Try anything outside your tiny little GOP garbage propaganda machine period Rupert Murdoch is pure scum like all his ignoramus pundits....
There is no evidence at all. One of the commies made up the story out of thin air and you sheep buy it hands down. Even if it did happen, what kind of damage could a hooker do to the US?

A whole bunch if she's able to blackmail him. Which is what Stormy Daniels actually did.

She didn't work and drove around in a new Mercedies and nobody asked questions? She was screwing all kinds of Democrat politicians in the Bay area of California. She was screwing her way to get in the inner Democrat circle where she could move up to the federal level, while at the same time, hoping to get connections to Silicon Valley. China apparently selected who she should go after that had the best chances to advance to Washington. That way she could come along for the ride and did.

Or she was just some floozy who liked hanging around men of power... Again, still waiting for actual evidence, and not innuendo.

Few had any type of relationship with Russia and the ones who did had nothing to do with Trump. Fang disappeared five years ago amid an FBI investigation and hasn't been seen since. Nobody has any idea what she learned or who she might have influenced that would favor the Chinese Communist Party. So no, nobody can bring charges against him unless something else surfaces.

Uh, Mueller was able to indict 17 Russian individuals for their role in the 2016 election. If they had evidence against Ms. Fang, let's see an indictment. Suspicion of having a sideways hoo-ha isn't a crime.
A whole bunch if she's able to blackmail him. Which is what Stormy Daniels actually did.

And that hurt the country how?

Or she was just some floozy who liked hanging around men of power... Again, still waiting for actual evidence, and not innuendo.

The FBI had her under surveillance for months. That's how they knew she was screwing several Democrat Mayors and officials. The only way they found out about her is they were watching another Chinese spy. After a while, they noted she kept meeting with him and so they started to watch her too. That's not innuendo. How could a woman with no income drive around in a car like that? The Communist Party provided that for her.

Uh, Mueller was able to indict 17 Russian individuals for their role in the 2016 election. If they had evidence against Ms. Fang, let's see an indictment. Suspicion of having a sideways hoo-ha isn't a crime.

Your comprehension skills are still suffering. Like I told you, she took off in the middle of the night while they were still investigating her. After they told the Democrat officials she was humping what was going on, one of the traitors likely told her the FBI was on to her, so she took off before the investigation could be completed.
A whole bunch if she's able to blackmail him. Which is what Stormy Daniels actually did.

And that hurt the country how?

Or she was just some floozy who liked hanging around men of power... Again, still waiting for actual evidence, and not innuendo.

The FBI had her under surveillance for months. That's how they knew she was screwing several Democrat Mayors and officials. The only way they found out about her is they were watching another Chinese spy. After a while, they noted she kept meeting with him and so they started to watch her too. That's not innuendo. How could a woman with no income drive around in a car like that? The Communist Party provided that for her.

Uh, Mueller was able to indict 17 Russian individuals for their role in the 2016 election. If they had evidence against Ms. Fang, let's see an indictment. Suspicion of having a sideways hoo-ha isn't a crime.

Your comprehension skills are still suffering. Like I told you, she took off in the middle of the night while they were still investigating her. After they told the Democrat officials she was humping what was going on, one of the traitors likely told her the FBI was on to her, so she took off before the investigation could be completed.
Amazing how your scumbag ex Coke head DJ pundits know all this classified information lol....... By the way as a landlord you should be for Democrats who want to help regular people which would make your job a lot easier and more profitable. Go browns! I'm for rust belt teams and the bills will qualify for the playoffs if the browns win.
Amazing how your scumbag ex Coke head DJ pundits know all this classified information lol....... By the way as a landlord you should be for Democrats who want to help regular people which would make your job a lot easier and more profitable. Go browns! I'm for rust belt teams and the bills will qualify for the playoffs if the browns win.

My tenants are fine. They are all working and paying rent. As for the Browns, I could care less. The NFL hasn't been invited to my living room in three years. The commies can disrespect our flag, anthem and our police all they want. It won't be seen here.
Amazing how your scumbag ex Coke head DJ pundits know all this classified information lol....... By the way as a landlord you should be for Democrats who want to help regular people which would make your job a lot easier and more profitable. Go browns! I'm for rust belt teams and the bills will qualify for the playoffs if the browns win.

My tenants are fine. They are all working and paying rent. As for the Browns, I could care less. The NFL hasn't been invited to my living room in three years. The commies can disrespect our flag, anthem and our police all they want. It won't be seen here.
What would be an optimum minimum wage for your sector?
Amazing how your scumbag ex Coke head DJ pundits know all this classified information lol....... By the way as a landlord you should be for Democrats who want to help regular people which would make your job a lot easier and more profitable. Go browns! I'm for rust belt teams and the bills will qualify for the playoffs if the browns win.

My tenants are fine. They are all working and paying rent. As for the Browns, I could care less. The NFL hasn't been invited to my living room in three years. The commies can disrespect our flag, anthem and our police all they want. It won't be seen here.
So your entire life is run by garbage hateful propaganda. Very sad. They're quite a few bad apples in the police and a lot of them have the same viewing data as you. Everyone in the US is brainwashed about blacks in many many ways. Their roles in Hollywood. And of course all the innuendo on your hate machine.... Poor people tend to be criminals. Black people tend to be poor through little of their own fault in the face of GOP screw job of opportunity and racism.
So your entire life is run by garbage hateful propaganda. Very sad. They're quite a few bad apples in the police and a lot of them have the same viewing data as you. Everyone in the US is brainwashed about blacks in many many ways. Their roles in Hollywood. And of course all the innuendo on your hate machine.... Poor people tend to be criminals. Black people tend to be poor through little of their own fault in the face of GOP screw job of opportunity and racism.

Why would I patronize people that offend me? I don't even watch television shows or go to movies because many actors are commie socialists.
The FBI had her under surveillance for months. That's how they knew she was screwing several Democrat Mayors and officials. The only way they found out about her is they were watching another Chinese spy. After a while, they noted she kept meeting with him and so they started to watch her too. That's not innuendo. How could a woman with no income drive around in a car like that? The Communist Party provided that for her.

Or maybe she gives really good head and had boyfriends who took care of her. Point was, what the FBI didn't have. enough evidence to make an arrest.

Unlike all the Trump associates who were arrested, tried, convicted and are waiting for their pardons for keeping their mouths shut.

Your comprehension skills are still suffering. Like I told you, she took off in the middle of the night while they were still investigating her. After they told the Democrat officials she was humping what was going on, one of the traitors likely told her the FBI was on to her, so she took off before the investigation could be completed.

yeah, that's one theory. Here's another. She was a woman of color who didn't want to subject herself to our racist justice system.

Anyway, the FBI had five years to make a case against her, to indict her in abstentia, and they haven't.
yeah, that's one theory. Here's another. She was a woman of color who didn't want to subject herself to our racist justice system.

Anyway, the FBI had five years to make a case against her, to indict her in abstentia, and they haven't.

My God Joe, you can slip race into anything, can't you?

The FBI wasn't watching her for five years.
So your entire life is run by garbage hateful propaganda. Very sad. They're quite a few bad apples in the police and a lot of them have the same viewing data as you. Everyone in the US is brainwashed about blacks in many many ways. Their roles in Hollywood. And of course all the innuendo on your hate machine.... Poor people tend to be criminals. Black people tend to be poor through little of their own fault in the face of GOP screw job of opportunity and racism.

Why would I patronize people that offend me? I don't even watch television shows or go to movies because many actors are commie socialists.
In the real world, communists want dictatorship, socialists are always democratic.and the only Communists are those with a gun to their head in China North Vietnam and cuba. Yes I have plenty of trumpster brainwashed friends, they can't watch anything but Fox can't read anything except that published by Rupert Murdoch also-can't watch any talk shows, totally contain themselves to about 1% of media and 1% of the truth. Poor America....Meanwhile the entire world thinks they're nuts. You are the definition of a brainwashed fool for greedy idiot mega Rich racist Republicans.
If they didn't know she was a spy most of those years, how would they build a case for her?

They knew (or thought) she was a spy in 2015, when they gave Swalwell a defensive warning. They've had five years to interview everyone she's been in contact with to assess if she did any damage. They realized she probably didn't, but then Trump tells toady Barr to release a lot of inuendo to slander a political opponent.
If they didn't know she was a spy most of those years, how would they build a case for her?

They knew (or thought) she was a spy in 2015, when they gave Swalwell a defensive warning. They've had five years to interview everyone she's been in contact with to assess if she did any damage. They realized she probably didn't, but then Trump tells toady Barr to release a lot of inuendo to slander a political opponent.

It didn't come from Barr, it came from an investigation by the news source Axios. The FBI warned all the Democrat politicians she was screwing. Now let's see, how did she find out the feds were on to her? :eusa_shhh:

Democrats are traitors and always will be. They'd sell their own mother for power and coverup.

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