if you voted for the puppet joe biden, you voted to end women's sports.....you are a misogynist.

If you voted for trump, you voted for women to endure forced pregnancy, and you never said how you were going to raise, care for, and pay for the babies they were forced to carry. And you never said how you were going to compensate these women for their physical pain, medical risks, and loss of jobs and income, much less how you are going to pay for the hospital bills.

When you come to the hospital to get these babies, what are you going to do with them?

If you believe that, you've read second-rate novels like "The Handmaid's Tale" too many times, and should try reading a well-written book once in a while.

No one's "forcing" pregnancy on anyone, and I'm very tired of hearing bitter, self-loathing feminazis like you treating the female reproductive system as a terrible curse and birth defect you want to eradicate.

I get it. You hate that women get pregnant and give birth . . . or you're just resentful that no one's interested in including you in that process. Don't know, don't care. Please stop projecting your misogyny onto other women, and fighting for us to have the "right" to abhor our biology the way you do.

Easily done. Keep your state out of our private medical decisions.
Stop demanding we underwrite what goes on in your bedroom.
If you voted for trump, you voted for women to endure forced pregnancy, and you never said how you were going to raise, care for, and pay for the babies they were forced to carry. And you never said how you were going to compensate these women for their physical pain, medical risks, and loss of jobs and income, much less how you are going to pay for the hospital bills.

When you come to the hospital to get these babies, what are you going to do with them?

If you believe that, you've read second-rate novels like "The Handmaid's Tale" too many times, and should try reading a well-written book once in a while.

No one's "forcing" pregnancy on anyone, and I'm very tired of hearing bitter, self-loathing feminazis like you treating the female reproductive system as a terrible curse and birth defect you want to eradicate.

I get it. You hate that women get pregnant and give birth . . . or you're just resentful that no one's interested in including you in that process. Don't know, don't care. Please stop projecting your misogyny onto other women, and fighting for us to have the "right" to abhor our biology the way you do.

Easily done. Keep your state out of our private medical decisions.
Stop demanding we underwrite what goes on in your bedroom.

Nobody has. Stop demanding that we underwrite what goes on in your church or your bedroom. The rest of the world does not live according to whatever choices that you, as an individual, make. Stop demanding this. We are all individuals who make our own choices.
If you voted for trump, you voted for women to endure forced pregnancy, and you never said how you were going to raise, care for, and pay for the babies they were forced to carry. And you never said how you were going to compensate these women for their physical pain, medical risks, and loss of jobs and income, much less how you are going to pay for the hospital bills.

When you come to the hospital to get these babies, what are you going to do with them?

If you believe that, you've read second-rate novels like "The Handmaid's Tale" too many times, and should try reading a well-written book once in a while.

No one's "forcing" pregnancy on anyone, and I'm very tired of hearing bitter, self-loathing feminazis like you treating the female reproductive system as a terrible curse and birth defect you want to eradicate.

I get it. You hate that women get pregnant and give birth . . . or you're just resentful that no one's interested in including you in that process. Don't know, don't care. Please stop projecting your misogyny onto other women, and fighting for us to have the "right" to abhor our biology the way you do.

Easily done. Keep your state out of our private medical decisions.
Stop demanding we underwrite what goes on in your bedroom.

Nobody has. Stop demanding that we underwrite what goes on in your church or your bedroom. The rest of the world does not live according to whatever choices that you, as an individual, make. Stop demanding this. We are all individuals who make our own choices.
Nobody has demanded we underwrite what goes on in their bedrooms?

Well, that's absolutely untrue.

It's so ridiculously easy to not get pregnant. Non-PIV sex is free. Abstinence is free.

What you want is the freedom from the consequences of your actions.
If you voted for trump, you voted for women to endure forced pregnancy, and you never said how you were going to raise, care for, and pay for the babies they were forced to carry. And you never said how you were going to compensate these women for their physical pain, medical risks, and loss of jobs and income, much less how you are going to pay for the hospital bills.

When you come to the hospital to get these babies, what are you going to do with them?

If you believe that, you've read second-rate novels like "The Handmaid's Tale" too many times, and should try reading a well-written book once in a while.

No one's "forcing" pregnancy on anyone, and I'm very tired of hearing bitter, self-loathing feminazis like you treating the female reproductive system as a terrible curse and birth defect you want to eradicate.

I get it. You hate that women get pregnant and give birth . . . or you're just resentful that no one's interested in including you in that process. Don't know, don't care. Please stop projecting your misogyny onto other women, and fighting for us to have the "right" to abhor our biology the way you do.

Easily done. Keep your state out of our private medical decisions.
Stop demanding we underwrite what goes on in your bedroom.
Stop trying to make our personal medical decisions illegal.
Here is a video from Prager University......a teenage girl athlete who lost to boys pretending to be girls......brought to you by the democrat party and the hand puppet, joe biden...

What a stretch from that to misogynist. No, not a stretch. A fail.
Not really. Pandering to transwomen in sports means ciswomen aren't going to succeed.

What's your advice to ciswomen competing against transwomen? "Get gud"? "Learn to code"?

Two different issues.

One - that this is misogyny (it's not). It's a complicated issue.

Two - that I support transgender women participating as women. I don't. The biology is unfair.
One: Are you ever going to explain why it's not misogyny, or are you just going to continue saying it's not?

Two: I agree.

One: Definition of misogyny - dislike of, contempt for, or ingrained prejudice against women.

The argument about transgender rights in sports has nothing to do with like or dislike of women, but rather what constitutes a woman in sports and why men and women compete separately in sports.
The intent perhaps isn't misogynistic...but the results are.
No. The results are not either. The results are a clash of competing rights.
If you voted for trump, you voted for women to endure forced pregnancy, and you never said how you were going to raise, care for, and pay for the babies they were forced to carry. And you never said how you were going to compensate these women for their physical pain, medical risks, and loss of jobs and income, much less how you are going to pay for the hospital bills.

When you come to the hospital to get these babies, what are you going to do with them?

If you believe that, you've read second-rate novels like "The Handmaid's Tale" too many times, and should try reading a well-written book once in a while.

No one's "forcing" pregnancy on anyone, and I'm very tired of hearing bitter, self-loathing feminazis like you treating the female reproductive system as a terrible curse and birth defect you want to eradicate.

I get it. You hate that women get pregnant and give birth . . . or you're just resentful that no one's interested in including you in that process. Don't know, don't care. Please stop projecting your misogyny onto other women, and fighting for us to have the "right" to abhor our biology the way you do.

Easily done. Keep your state out of our private medical decisions.
Stop demanding we underwrite what goes on in your bedroom.

Nobody has. Stop demanding that we underwrite what goes on in your church or your bedroom. The rest of the world does not live according to whatever choices that you, as an individual, make. Stop demanding this. We are all individuals who make our own choices.
Nobody has demanded we underwrite what goes on in their bedrooms?

Well, that's absolutely untrue.

It's so ridiculously easy to not get pregnant. Non-PIV sex is free. Abstinence is free.

What you want is the freedom from the consequences of your actions.

We do underwrite what people do in their bedrooms. We give tax breaks for every kid a couple produces and we provide these kids with a free education, even if they are the Duggars and screw like bunnies.

Your hatred and fear of female sexuality is obvious. You are oblivious to the fact that heterosexual women want to avoid unwanted pregnancies while having normal relationships and have wanted this from ancient times. You want to stop people from getting birth control, which would give them the freedom to decide what is right for them. You people even want to stop people from even talking about birth control and abortion. What ever happened to free speech? Why are these topics subject to gag rules? Yet the same "religious" types who push this crap always want tax exemptions and handouts from the taxpayers.

You clowns crack me up. I think that you voted for trump, a person known for his wild promiscuity and sexual assaults. Of course, you guys were all virgins until your wedding night, and you are busy raising all those kids who arrive annually. You must have a family as big as the Duggars and are happy to not have any sex unless your partner wants a baby. Or you don't like sex and don't have any.

The articles you linked to actually make good points.

Now go and learn how to mind your own business.
If you voted for trump, you voted for women to endure forced pregnancy, and you never said how you were going to raise, care for, and pay for the babies they were forced to carry. And you never said how you were going to compensate these women for their physical pain, medical risks, and loss of jobs and income, much less how you are going to pay for the hospital bills.

When you come to the hospital to get these babies, what are you going to do with them?

If you believe that, you've read second-rate novels like "The Handmaid's Tale" too many times, and should try reading a well-written book once in a while.

No one's "forcing" pregnancy on anyone, and I'm very tired of hearing bitter, self-loathing feminazis like you treating the female reproductive system as a terrible curse and birth defect you want to eradicate.

I get it. You hate that women get pregnant and give birth . . . or you're just resentful that no one's interested in including you in that process. Don't know, don't care. Please stop projecting your misogyny onto other women, and fighting for us to have the "right" to abhor our biology the way you do.

Easily done. Keep your state out of our private medical decisions.

Okay. Let's start by ending all government funding for Planned Parenthood, and you can privately pay for your private medical decisions. If they can't fund what they want to do solely on their private business behavior, too bad, because Coyote the Hypocrite has decreed that there's to be no state involved in private medical decisions.

Not only are you a lonely frustrated grotesque bitch you don't have a clue about Planned Parenthood. You don't know shit you filthy dumbass. Public health monies through Title X are made available. Planned Parenthood applies for these funds. Not one cent is spent on abortions you idiot.
Democrats believe women are nothing more than their genitals, interested only in abortion and free birth control.

Democrat women support this view.

You never see Democrat women protesting wearing brain costumes.

View attachment 418443

Republicans believe women are nothing more than breasts and vaginas created to conceive.

Got anything better?
Completely false.

You forgot about the sandwiches.
If you voted for trump, you voted for women to endure forced pregnancy, and you never said how you were going to raise, care for, and pay for the babies they were forced to carry. And you never said how you were going to compensate these women for their physical pain, medical risks, and loss of jobs and income, much less how you are going to pay for the hospital bills.

When you come to the hospital to get these babies, what are you going to do with them?

If you believe that, you've read second-rate novels like "The Handmaid's Tale" too many times, and should try reading a well-written book once in a while.

No one's "forcing" pregnancy on anyone, and I'm very tired of hearing bitter, self-loathing feminazis like you treating the female reproductive system as a terrible curse and birth defect you want to eradicate.

I get it. You hate that women get pregnant and give birth . . . or you're just resentful that no one's interested in including you in that process. Don't know, don't care. Please stop projecting your misogyny onto other women, and fighting for us to have the "right" to abhor our biology the way you do.

Easily done. Keep your state out of our private medical decisions.

Okay. Let's start by ending all government funding for Planned Parenthood, and you can privately pay for your private medical decisions. If they can't fund what they want to do solely on their private business behavior, too bad, because Coyote the Hypocrite has decreed that there's to be no state involved in private medical decisions.

Remind me...how does government funding of clinics involve the government in my personal medical choices...made between myself and my doctor? For some odd reason it only seems to involve women and reproduction.

Newsflash: paying for your medical decisions is participating in your medical decisions. Perhaps you should look up the word "private" before prattling sanctimoniously about it.

And no, it doesn't only involve women and reproduction. It's just that that's the only time you're outraged by government involvement. If, however, the government is mandating how many people you can have in your private home that you paid for to eat a private dinner which you also paid for, that's fine and dandy. Government wants to mandate how big a soda you can buy with your own money and drink with your own body? Public health. Government thinks that forking over millions of tax dollars to an infanticide factory gives them the right to say that killing babies is a bad thing, or to even suggest that maybe the corpse assembly line should meet safety standards? OMG, outrageous!! How DARE you!! Shut your damned mouth, and keep the money flowing.

Don't even try to make a lofty, moral case on the basis of "I want to do whatever I want and silence you, but I also want to steal your money to pay for it."
Here is a video from Prager University......a teenage girl athlete who lost to boys pretending to be girls......brought to you by the democrat party and the hand puppet, joe biden...

What a stretch from that to misogynist. No, not a stretch. A fail.
Not really. Pandering to transwomen in sports means ciswomen aren't going to succeed.

What's your advice to ciswomen competing against transwomen? "Get gud"? "Learn to code"?

Two different issues.

One - that this is misogyny (it's not). It's a complicated issue.

Two - that I support transgender women participating as women. I don't. The biology is unfair.
One: Are you ever going to explain why it's not misogyny, or are you just going to continue saying it's not?

Two: I agree.

One: Definition of misogyny - dislike of, contempt for, or ingrained prejudice against women.

The argument about transgender rights in sports has nothing to do with like or dislike of women, but rather what constitutes a woman in sports and why men and women compete separately in sports.

Nice cognitive dissonance. "There's nothing misogynistic about demanding that men be allowed to compete in women's sports, it's just that we need to talk about why men and women don't compete against each other in sports."

Way to deny what you're saying, while continuing to say it as proof that you're not saying it. It's a miracle your head doesn't explode.

Repeat, since it doesn't seem to have sunk in:

One: Definition of misogyny - dislike of, contempt for, or ingrained prejudice against women.

Repeat, since you seem to only be listening to yourself.

I know what it means, and it was meant exactly that way.

If you think you love and respect women by allowing them to be marginalized and telling them to shut up about it, you're not only a misogynist, you're an ignorant misogynist.

But hey, you're all in favor of women having abortions, and that's the only right they really need, isn't it?
If you voted for trump, you voted for women to endure forced pregnancy, and you never said how you were going to raise, care for, and pay for the babies they were forced to carry. And you never said how you were going to compensate these women for their physical pain, medical risks, and loss of jobs and income, much less how you are going to pay for the hospital bills.

When you come to the hospital to get these babies, what are you going to do with them?

If you believe that, you've read second-rate novels like "The Handmaid's Tale" too many times, and should try reading a well-written book once in a while.

No one's "forcing" pregnancy on anyone, and I'm very tired of hearing bitter, self-loathing feminazis like you treating the female reproductive system as a terrible curse and birth defect you want to eradicate.

I get it. You hate that women get pregnant and give birth . . . or you're just resentful that no one's interested in including you in that process. Don't know, don't care. Please stop projecting your misogyny onto other women, and fighting for us to have the "right" to abhor our biology the way you do.

Easily done. Keep your state out of our private medical decisions.
Stop demanding we underwrite what goes on in your bedroom.
Stop trying to make our personal medical decisions illegal.

Right, because making personal decisions illegal is only for leftists.
Here is a video from Prager University......a teenage girl athlete who lost to boys pretending to be girls......brought to you by the democrat party and the hand puppet, joe biden...

What a stretch from that to misogynist. No, not a stretch. A fail.
Not really. Pandering to transwomen in sports means ciswomen aren't going to succeed.

What's your advice to ciswomen competing against transwomen? "Get gud"? "Learn to code"?

Two different issues.

One - that this is misogyny (it's not). It's a complicated issue.

Two - that I support transgender women participating as women. I don't. The biology is unfair.
One: Are you ever going to explain why it's not misogyny, or are you just going to continue saying it's not?

Two: I agree.

One: Definition of misogyny - dislike of, contempt for, or ingrained prejudice against women.

The argument about transgender rights in sports has nothing to do with like or dislike of women, but rather what constitutes a woman in sports and why men and women compete separately in sports.
The intent perhaps isn't misogynistic...but the results are.
No. The results are not either. The results are a clash of competing rights.

So you're saying when people opposed ratification of the 19th Amendment, that wasn't misogyny, but just a "clash of competing rights"? Why do I think you're not nearly so supportive of the "right" of men to marginalize women when they aren't men you can use as poster children to advance your personal agenda?
If you voted for trump, you voted for women to endure forced pregnancy, and you never said how you were going to raise, care for, and pay for the babies they were forced to carry. And you never said how you were going to compensate these women for their physical pain, medical risks, and loss of jobs and income, much less how you are going to pay for the hospital bills.

When you come to the hospital to get these babies, what are you going to do with them?

If you believe that, you've read second-rate novels like "The Handmaid's Tale" too many times, and should try reading a well-written book once in a while.

No one's "forcing" pregnancy on anyone, and I'm very tired of hearing bitter, self-loathing feminazis like you treating the female reproductive system as a terrible curse and birth defect you want to eradicate.

I get it. You hate that women get pregnant and give birth . . . or you're just resentful that no one's interested in including you in that process. Don't know, don't care. Please stop projecting your misogyny onto other women, and fighting for us to have the "right" to abhor our biology the way you do.

Easily done. Keep your state out of our private medical decisions.

Okay. Let's start by ending all government funding for Planned Parenthood, and you can privately pay for your private medical decisions. If they can't fund what they want to do solely on their private business behavior, too bad, because Coyote the Hypocrite has decreed that there's to be no state involved in private medical decisions.

Not only are you a lonely frustrated grotesque bitch you don't have a clue about Planned Parenthood. You don't know shit you filthy dumbass. Public health monies through Title X are made available. Planned Parenthood applies for these funds. Not one cent is spent on abortions you idiot.

I'm busy talking to a vitriolic idiot who at least manages a pretense of being a human. If I feel like downgrading to a vitriolic idiot who isn't even a primate, I'll call you.
Here is a video from Prager University......a teenage girl athlete who lost to boys pretending to be girls......brought to you by the democrat party and the hand puppet, joe biden...

What a stretch from that to misogynist. No, not a stretch. A fail.
Not really. Pandering to transwomen in sports means ciswomen aren't going to succeed.

What's your advice to ciswomen competing against transwomen? "Get gud"? "Learn to code"?

Two different issues.

One - that this is misogyny (it's not). It's a complicated issue.

Two - that I support transgender women participating as women. I don't. The biology is unfair.
One: Are you ever going to explain why it's not misogyny, or are you just going to continue saying it's not?

Two: I agree.

One: Definition of misogyny - dislike of, contempt for, or ingrained prejudice against women.

The argument about transgender rights in sports has nothing to do with like or dislike of women, but rather what constitutes a woman in sports and why men and women compete separately in sports.
The intent perhaps isn't misogynistic...but the results are.
No. The results are not either. The results are a clash of competing rights.

So you're saying when people opposed ratification of the 19th Amendment, that wasn't misogyny, but just a "clash of competing rights"? Why do I think you're not nearly so supportive of the "right" of men to marginalize women when they aren't men you can use as poster children to advance your personal agenda?
You are pretty confused if you are attempting to compare that to transgender issues.

Misogyny has a meaning, when you abuse to try and make a point, it just shows you are incapable of assembling a coherent argument.

You want to talk about the issue of transgender women playing as women in sports? Then do it. Hell, I’d probably agree with you...without pretending it’s misogyny.
If you voted for trump, you voted for women to endure forced pregnancy, and you never said how you were going to raise, care for, and pay for the babies they were forced to carry. And you never said how you were going to compensate these women for their physical pain, medical risks, and loss of jobs and income, much less how you are going to pay for the hospital bills.

When you come to the hospital to get these babies, what are you going to do with them?

If you believe that, you've read second-rate novels like "The Handmaid's Tale" too many times, and should try reading a well-written book once in a while.

No one's "forcing" pregnancy on anyone, and I'm very tired of hearing bitter, self-loathing feminazis like you treating the female reproductive system as a terrible curse and birth defect you want to eradicate.

I get it. You hate that women get pregnant and give birth . . . or you're just resentful that no one's interested in including you in that process. Don't know, don't care. Please stop projecting your misogyny onto other women, and fighting for us to have the "right" to abhor our biology the way you do.

Easily done. Keep your state out of our private medical decisions.

Okay. Let's start by ending all government funding for Planned Parenthood, and you can privately pay for your private medical decisions. If they can't fund what they want to do solely on their private business behavior, too bad, because Coyote the Hypocrite has decreed that there's to be no state involved in private medical decisions.

Not only are you a lonely frustrated grotesque bitch you don't have a clue about Planned Parenthood. You don't know shit you filthy dumbass. Public health monies through Title X are made available. Planned Parenthood applies for these funds. Not one cent is spent on abortions you idiot.

I'm busy talking to a vitriolic idiot who at least manages a pretense of being a human. If I feel like downgrading to a vitriolic idiot who isn't even a primate, I'll call you.
(Ithink you are projecting a tad).
If you voted for trump, you voted for women to endure forced pregnancy, and you never said how you were going to raise, care for, and pay for the babies they were forced to carry. And you never said how you were going to compensate these women for their physical pain, medical risks, and loss of jobs and income, much less how you are going to pay for the hospital bills.

When you come to the hospital to get these babies, what are you going to do with them?

If you believe that, you've read second-rate novels like "The Handmaid's Tale" too many times, and should try reading a well-written book once in a while.

No one's "forcing" pregnancy on anyone, and I'm very tired of hearing bitter, self-loathing feminazis like you treating the female reproductive system as a terrible curse and birth defect you want to eradicate.

I get it. You hate that women get pregnant and give birth . . . or you're just resentful that no one's interested in including you in that process. Don't know, don't care. Please stop projecting your misogyny onto other women, and fighting for us to have the "right" to abhor our biology the way you do.

Easily done. Keep your state out of our private medical decisions.
Stop demanding we underwrite what goes on in your bedroom.
Stop trying to make our personal medical decisions illegal.
Stop demanding the right to kill human beings because they're inconvenient.
Here is a video from Prager University......a teenage girl athlete who lost to boys pretending to be girls......brought to you by the democrat party and the hand puppet, joe biden...

What a stretch from that to misogynist. No, not a stretch. A fail.
Not really. Pandering to transwomen in sports means ciswomen aren't going to succeed.

What's your advice to ciswomen competing against transwomen? "Get gud"? "Learn to code"?

Two different issues.

One - that this is misogyny (it's not). It's a complicated issue.

Two - that I support transgender women participating as women. I don't. The biology is unfair.
One: Are you ever going to explain why it's not misogyny, or are you just going to continue saying it's not?

Two: I agree.

One: Definition of misogyny - dislike of, contempt for, or ingrained prejudice against women.

The argument about transgender rights in sports has nothing to do with like or dislike of women, but rather what constitutes a woman in sports and why men and women compete separately in sports.
The intent perhaps isn't misogynistic...but the results are.
No. The results are not either. The results are a clash of competing rights.
And we've seen which demographic the left has declared more important.

Sorry, girls. You have to compete with biological men now. Too bad.
If you voted for trump, you voted for women to endure forced pregnancy, and you never said how you were going to raise, care for, and pay for the babies they were forced to carry. And you never said how you were going to compensate these women for their physical pain, medical risks, and loss of jobs and income, much less how you are going to pay for the hospital bills.

When you come to the hospital to get these babies, what are you going to do with them?

If you believe that, you've read second-rate novels like "The Handmaid's Tale" too many times, and should try reading a well-written book once in a while.

No one's "forcing" pregnancy on anyone, and I'm very tired of hearing bitter, self-loathing feminazis like you treating the female reproductive system as a terrible curse and birth defect you want to eradicate.

I get it. You hate that women get pregnant and give birth . . . or you're just resentful that no one's interested in including you in that process. Don't know, don't care. Please stop projecting your misogyny onto other women, and fighting for us to have the "right" to abhor our biology the way you do.

Easily done. Keep your state out of our private medical decisions.
Stop demanding we underwrite what goes on in your bedroom.

Nobody has. Stop demanding that we underwrite what goes on in your church or your bedroom. The rest of the world does not live according to whatever choices that you, as an individual, make. Stop demanding this. We are all individuals who make our own choices.
Nobody has demanded we underwrite what goes on in their bedrooms?

Well, that's absolutely untrue.

It's so ridiculously easy to not get pregnant. Non-PIV sex is free. Abstinence is free.

What you want is the freedom from the consequences of your actions.

We do underwrite what people do in their bedrooms. We give tax breaks for every kid a couple produces and we provide these kids with a free education, even if they are the Duggars and screw like bunnies.

Your hatred and fear of female sexuality is obvious. You are oblivious to the fact that heterosexual women want to avoid unwanted pregnancies while having normal relationships and have wanted this from ancient times. You want to stop people from getting birth control, which would give them the freedom to decide what is right for them. You people even want to stop people from even talking about birth control and abortion. What ever happened to free speech? Why are these topics subject to gag rules? Yet the same "religious" types who push this crap always want tax exemptions and handouts from the taxpayers.

You clowns crack me up. I think that you voted for trump, a person known for his wild promiscuity and sexual assaults. Of course, you guys were all virgins until your wedding night, and you are busy raising all those kids who arrive annually. You must have a family as big as the Duggars and are happy to not have any sex unless your partner wants a baby. Or you don't like sex and don't have any.

The articles you linked to actually make good points.

Now go and learn how to mind your own business.
Goodness. Such a pile of bullshit. Angry, hateful bullshit.

And it's all wrong. And you're so smug about believing it.

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