if you voted for the puppet joe biden, you voted to end women's sports.....you are a misogynist.

If you voted for trump, you voted for women to endure forced pregnancy, and you never said how you were going to raise, care for, and pay for the babies they were forced to carry. And you never said how you were going to compensate these women for their physical pain, medical risks, and loss of jobs and income, much less how you are going to pay for the hospital bills.

When you come to the hospital to get these babies, what are you going to do with them?

If you believe that, you've read second-rate novels like "The Handmaid's Tale" too many times, and should try reading a well-written book once in a while.

No one's "forcing" pregnancy on anyone, and I'm very tired of hearing bitter, self-loathing feminazis like you treating the female reproductive system as a terrible curse and birth defect you want to eradicate.

I get it. You hate that women get pregnant and give birth . . . or you're just resentful that no one's interested in including you in that process. Don't know, don't care. Please stop projecting your misogyny onto other women, and fighting for us to have the "right" to abhor our biology the way you do.
Democrats believe women are nothing more than their genitals, interested only in abortion and free birth control.

Democrat women support this view.

You never see Democrat women protesting wearing brain costumes.

View attachment 418443

Republicans believe women are nothing more than breasts and vaginas created to conceive.

Got anything better?
Some few do indeed believe that. But pointing to your own bigotry against Republicans as proof of your claims proves only that you're a bigot.

Exactly. No apply that same standard to democrats.
All I have to do is point to how the Democratic Party treats women. How it frames women's interests in issues.

It always revolves around sex.
Here is a video from Prager University......a teenage girl athlete who lost to boys pretending to be girls......brought to you by the democrat party and the hand puppet, joe biden...

What a stretch from that to misogynist. No, not a stretch. A fail.
Not really. Pandering to transwomen in sports means ciswomen aren't going to succeed.

What's your advice to ciswomen competing against transwomen? "Get gud"? "Learn to code"?

Two different issues.

One - that this is misogyny (it's not). It's a complicated issue.

Two - that I support transgender women participating as women. I don't. The biology is unfair.
One: Are you ever going to explain why it's not misogyny, or are you just going to continue saying it's not?

Two: I agree.
Here is a video from Prager University......a teenage girl athlete who lost to boys pretending to be girls......brought to you by the democrat party and the hand puppet, joe biden...

My crazed leftist sister brought this subject up the other night - because she literally cannot stop herself from injecting her political rants into social events - and was giving us the "I'm wonderful and compassionate for telling men they can be women, and you're horrible and primitive for disagreeing" leftist line on the topic. My husband looked her in the eye and calmly said, "I'm really glad the transgender movement came along, because now women will have no spaces or activities of their own, and will be relegated back to second-class citizenship where they belong. We can finally stop hearing about all this feminist nonsense." She just stared at him for a moment, utterly speechless, and then changed the subject. Despite the fact that he was obviously being satirical, he was also completely correct about what transgender activism boils down to and the effects that it will have, and she knew it.
In all seriousness, when all the records for male athletics are held by biological men, all the records for female athletics are held by biological men, all the top male professional athletes are biological men and all the top female professional athletes are biological men, what would be the point of telling little girls they can play sports? "Go for it, Suzie, just remember that no matter what you try to do, a boy is going to beat you at it". Way to go, libs!

Ever notice that only men who want to be women compete against their chosen gender? Nowhere to women who want to be men compete against other men. When you reason out why that is, you'll understand why biological women are getting a raw deal.

Ever since crazed transgender activism became a thing, I have referred to it as "the new patriarchy". And the longer it goes on, the more apparent it becomes that I was correct.
If you voted for trump, you voted for women to endure forced pregnancy, and you never said how you were going to raise, care for, and pay for the babies they were forced to carry. And you never said how you were going to compensate these women for their physical pain, medical risks, and loss of jobs and income, much less how you are going to pay for the hospital bills.

When you come to the hospital to get these babies, what are you going to do with them?

What forced pregnancy..... we just don't want women to commit murder. Any woman can give up an unwanted human being to adoption...you dumb shit. Compensate? If they choose to have sex, sometimes you make a baby....that is their choice. In adoptions, a lot of the cost can be born by the people adopting the human being.
If you voted for trump, you voted for women to endure forced pregnancy, and you never said how you were going to raise, care for, and pay for the babies they were forced to carry. And you never said how you were going to compensate these women for their physical pain, medical risks, and loss of jobs and income, much less how you are going to pay for the hospital bills.

When you come to the hospital to get these babies, what are you going to do with them?

If you believe that, you've read second-rate novels like "The Handmaid's Tale" too many times, and should try reading a well-written book once in a while.

No one's "forcing" pregnancy on anyone, and I'm very tired of hearing bitter, self-loathing feminazis like you treating the female reproductive system as a terrible curse and birth defect you want to eradicate.

I get it. You hate that women get pregnant and give birth . . . or you're just resentful that no one's interested in including you in that process. Don't know, don't care. Please stop projecting your misogyny onto other women, and fighting for us to have the "right" to abhor our biology the way you do.

They are mad because if the woman keeps the baby, they can be put in jail if they don't pay child support.....
Here is a video from Prager University......a teenage girl athlete who lost to boys pretending to be girls......brought to you by the democrat party and the hand puppet, joe biden...

What a stretch from that to misogynist. No, not a stretch. A fail.

No stretch at all, if you're intellectually honest and not carefully balancing your cognitive dissonance.

The reality is that you can't support feminism and transgender activism at the same time without contradicting yourself.

Have you looked up the definition misogynist?

I suggest you do that before you dig yourself deep into the misinformation hole you are occupying.

That's like saying you can't support family values and feminism at the same time. You can.
If you voted for trump, you voted for women to endure forced pregnancy, and you never said how you were going to raise, care for, and pay for the babies they were forced to carry. And you never said how you were going to compensate these women for their physical pain, medical risks, and loss of jobs and income, much less how you are going to pay for the hospital bills.

When you come to the hospital to get these babies, what are you going to do with them?

What forced pregnancy..... we just don't want women to commit murder. Any woman can give up an unwanted human being to adoption...you dumb shit. Compensate? If they choose to have sex, sometimes you make a baby....that is their choice. In adoptions, a lot of the cost can be born by the people adopting the human being.

You want to prohibit the most reliable forms of contraceptives available to women because they *might* prevent the implantation of a fertilized egg.

That's close enough to forced pregnancies.

Do adoptions cover job loss? Health risks? Dropping out of school? No health insurance? Doubtful.
Here is a video from Prager University......a teenage girl athlete who lost to boys pretending to be girls......brought to you by the democrat party and the hand puppet, joe biden...

What a stretch from that to misogynist. No, not a stretch. A fail.
Not really. Pandering to transwomen in sports means ciswomen aren't going to succeed.

What's your advice to ciswomen competing against transwomen? "Get gud"? "Learn to code"?

Two different issues.

One - that this is misogyny (it's not). It's a complicated issue.

Two - that I support transgender women participating as women. I don't. The biology is unfair.
One: Are you ever going to explain why it's not misogyny, or are you just going to continue saying it's not?

Two: I agree.

One: Definition of misogyny - dislike of, contempt for, or ingrained prejudice against women.

The argument about transgender rights in sports has nothing to do with like or dislike of women, but rather what constitutes a woman in sports and why men and women compete separately in sports.
If you voted for trump, you voted for women to endure forced pregnancy, and you never said how you were going to raise, care for, and pay for the babies they were forced to carry. And you never said how you were going to compensate these women for their physical pain, medical risks, and loss of jobs and income, much less how you are going to pay for the hospital bills.

When you come to the hospital to get these babies, what are you going to do with them?

If you believe that, you've read second-rate novels like "The Handmaid's Tale" too many times, and should try reading a well-written book once in a while.

No one's "forcing" pregnancy on anyone, and I'm very tired of hearing bitter, self-loathing feminazis like you treating the female reproductive system as a terrible curse and birth defect you want to eradicate.

I get it. You hate that women get pregnant and give birth . . . or you're just resentful that no one's interested in including you in that process. Don't know, don't care. Please stop projecting your misogyny onto other women, and fighting for us to have the "right" to abhor our biology the way you do.

Easily done. Keep your state out of our private medical decisions.
If you voted for trump, you voted for women to endure forced pregnancy, and you never said how you were going to raise, care for, and pay for the babies they were forced to carry. And you never said how you were going to compensate these women for their physical pain, medical risks, and loss of jobs and income, much less how you are going to pay for the hospital bills.

When you come to the hospital to get these babies, what are you going to do with them?

If you believe that, you've read second-rate novels like "The Handmaid's Tale" too many times, and should try reading a well-written book once in a while.

No one's "forcing" pregnancy on anyone, and I'm very tired of hearing bitter, self-loathing feminazis like you treating the female reproductive system as a terrible curse and birth defect you want to eradicate.

I get it. You hate that women get pregnant and give birth . . . or you're just resentful that no one's interested in including you in that process. Don't know, don't care. Please stop projecting your misogyny onto other women, and fighting for us to have the "right" to abhor our biology the way you do.

They are mad because if the woman keeps the baby, they can be put in jail if they don't pay child support.....

I believe Lice is technically, biologically female. That's why I called her "bitter and self-loathing".
Here is a video from Prager University......a teenage girl athlete who lost to boys pretending to be girls......brought to you by the democrat party and the hand puppet, joe biden...

What a stretch from that to misogynist. No, not a stretch. A fail.

No stretch at all, if you're intellectually honest and not carefully balancing your cognitive dissonance.

The reality is that you can't support feminism and transgender activism at the same time without contradicting yourself.

Have you looked up the definition misogynist?

I suggest you do that before you dig yourself deep into the misinformation hole you are occupying.

That's like saying you can't support family values and feminism at the same time. You can.


  1. a person who dislikes, despises, or is strongly prejudiced against women.

That is the definition, and that is also exactly what was meant. I suggest you stop flattering yourself that you're qualified to lecture me on word usage based on, "I don't like what you're saying, and I want to redefine words to suit myself."

And if you think transgenderism is just like family values in relation to feminism, I think YOU need to go spend some time with the dictionary before you drown in the sea of ignorance and humiliation you're sinking into.
If you voted for trump, you voted for women to endure forced pregnancy, and you never said how you were going to raise, care for, and pay for the babies they were forced to carry. And you never said how you were going to compensate these women for their physical pain, medical risks, and loss of jobs and income, much less how you are going to pay for the hospital bills.

When you come to the hospital to get these babies, what are you going to do with them?

What forced pregnancy..... we just don't want women to commit murder. Any woman can give up an unwanted human being to adoption...you dumb shit. Compensate? If they choose to have sex, sometimes you make a baby....that is their choice. In adoptions, a lot of the cost can be born by the people adopting the human being.

You want to prohibit the most reliable forms of contraceptives available to women because they *might* prevent the implantation of a fertilized egg.

That's close enough to forced pregnancies.

Do adoptions cover job loss? Health risks? Dropping out of school? No health insurance? Doubtful.

Really? How do you know 2aguy wants to prohibit any sort of contraception at all?

Sounds very much to me like you think any time that a woman gets pregnant without signing an affidavit, in triplicate, stating that she actually wants to have a baby at this moment, it's a "forced pregnancy".

All I'm hearing is another one who hates being female, resents the female reproductive system, and considers it a horrible, tragic curse to give birth.
Here is a video from Prager University......a teenage girl athlete who lost to boys pretending to be girls......brought to you by the democrat party and the hand puppet, joe biden...

What a stretch from that to misogynist. No, not a stretch. A fail.
Not really. Pandering to transwomen in sports means ciswomen aren't going to succeed.

What's your advice to ciswomen competing against transwomen? "Get gud"? "Learn to code"?

Two different issues.

One - that this is misogyny (it's not). It's a complicated issue.

Two - that I support transgender women participating as women. I don't. The biology is unfair.
One: Are you ever going to explain why it's not misogyny, or are you just going to continue saying it's not?

Two: I agree.

One: Definition of misogyny - dislike of, contempt for, or ingrained prejudice against women.

The argument about transgender rights in sports has nothing to do with like or dislike of women, but rather what constitutes a woman in sports and why men and women compete separately in sports.

Nice cognitive dissonance. "There's nothing misogynistic about demanding that men be allowed to compete in women's sports, it's just that we need to talk about why men and women don't compete against each other in sports."

Way to deny what you're saying, while continuing to say it as proof that you're not saying it. It's a miracle your head doesn't explode.
If you voted for trump, you voted for women to endure forced pregnancy, and you never said how you were going to raise, care for, and pay for the babies they were forced to carry. And you never said how you were going to compensate these women for their physical pain, medical risks, and loss of jobs and income, much less how you are going to pay for the hospital bills.

When you come to the hospital to get these babies, what are you going to do with them?

If you believe that, you've read second-rate novels like "The Handmaid's Tale" too many times, and should try reading a well-written book once in a while.

No one's "forcing" pregnancy on anyone, and I'm very tired of hearing bitter, self-loathing feminazis like you treating the female reproductive system as a terrible curse and birth defect you want to eradicate.

I get it. You hate that women get pregnant and give birth . . . or you're just resentful that no one's interested in including you in that process. Don't know, don't care. Please stop projecting your misogyny onto other women, and fighting for us to have the "right" to abhor our biology the way you do.

Easily done. Keep your state out of our private medical decisions.

Okay. Let's start by ending all government funding for Planned Parenthood, and you can privately pay for your private medical decisions. If they can't fund what they want to do solely on their private business behavior, too bad, because Coyote the Hypocrite has decreed that there's to be no state involved in private medical decisions.
If you voted for trump, you voted for women to endure forced pregnancy, and you never said how you were going to raise, care for, and pay for the babies they were forced to carry. And you never said how you were going to compensate these women for their physical pain, medical risks, and loss of jobs and income, much less how you are going to pay for the hospital bills.

When you come to the hospital to get these babies, what are you going to do with them?

If you believe that, you've read second-rate novels like "The Handmaid's Tale" too many times, and should try reading a well-written book once in a while.

No one's "forcing" pregnancy on anyone, and I'm very tired of hearing bitter, self-loathing feminazis like you treating the female reproductive system as a terrible curse and birth defect you want to eradicate.

I get it. You hate that women get pregnant and give birth . . . or you're just resentful that no one's interested in including you in that process. Don't know, don't care. Please stop projecting your misogyny onto other women, and fighting for us to have the "right" to abhor our biology the way you do.

Easily done. Keep your state out of our private medical decisions.

Okay. Let's start by ending all government funding for Planned Parenthood, and you can privately pay for your private medical decisions. If they can't fund what they want to do solely on their private business behavior, too bad, because Coyote the Hypocrite has decreed that there's to be no state involved in private medical decisions.

Remind me...how does government funding of clinics involve the government in my personal medical choices...made between myself and my doctor? For some odd reason it only seems to involve women and reproduction.
Here is a video from Prager University......a teenage girl athlete who lost to boys pretending to be girls......brought to you by the democrat party and the hand puppet, joe biden...

What a stretch from that to misogynist. No, not a stretch. A fail.
Not really. Pandering to transwomen in sports means ciswomen aren't going to succeed.

What's your advice to ciswomen competing against transwomen? "Get gud"? "Learn to code"?

Two different issues.

One - that this is misogyny (it's not). It's a complicated issue.

Two - that I support transgender women participating as women. I don't. The biology is unfair.
One: Are you ever going to explain why it's not misogyny, or are you just going to continue saying it's not?

Two: I agree.

One: Definition of misogyny - dislike of, contempt for, or ingrained prejudice against women.

The argument about transgender rights in sports has nothing to do with like or dislike of women, but rather what constitutes a woman in sports and why men and women compete separately in sports.

Nice cognitive dissonance. "There's nothing misogynistic about demanding that men be allowed to compete in women's sports, it's just that we need to talk about why men and women don't compete against each other in sports."

Way to deny what you're saying, while continuing to say it as proof that you're not saying it. It's a miracle your head doesn't explode.

Repeat, since it doesn't seem to have sunk in:

One: Definition of misogyny - dislike of, contempt for, or ingrained prejudice against women.
If you voted for trump, you voted for women to endure forced pregnancy, and you never said how you were going to raise, care for, and pay for the babies they were forced to carry. And you never said how you were going to compensate these women for their physical pain, medical risks, and loss of jobs and income, much less how you are going to pay for the hospital bills.

When you come to the hospital to get these babies, what are you going to do with them?

What forced pregnancy..... we just don't want women to commit murder. Any woman can give up an unwanted human being to adoption...you dumb shit. Compensate? If they choose to have sex, sometimes you make a baby....that is their choice. In adoptions, a lot of the cost can be born by the people adopting the human being.

It's not murder.
If you voted for trump, you voted for women to endure forced pregnancy, and you never said how you were going to raise, care for, and pay for the babies they were forced to carry. And you never said how you were going to compensate these women for their physical pain, medical risks, and loss of jobs and income, much less how you are going to pay for the hospital bills.

When you come to the hospital to get these babies, what are you going to do with them?

If you believe that, you've read second-rate novels like "The Handmaid's Tale" too many times, and should try reading a well-written book once in a while.

No one's "forcing" pregnancy on anyone, and I'm very tired of hearing bitter, self-loathing feminazis like you treating the female reproductive system as a terrible curse and birth defect you want to eradicate.

I get it. You hate that women get pregnant and give birth . . . or you're just resentful that no one's interested in including you in that process. Don't know, don't care. Please stop projecting your misogyny onto other women, and fighting for us to have the "right" to abhor our biology the way you do.

What a steaming pile of bullshit. You don't know what I read.

I don't give a shit what you are "tired of." The most that I have ever said about the female reproductive system is that a person who has one is in charge of it and what she says about it goes. there is no "misogyny" involved. Politicians and foreign "religious" leaders should not have any standing in the matter.

It is beyond me where you get this "misogyny", hating women, hating pregnancy and giving birth, abhoring our biology thing.

Now back to my questions. What are you going to do?

BTW: I have never read the Handmaid's Tale, nor seen the movie. My all-time faves are Tolkien, Anne Rice, James Hilton, Jane Austin, Ian Fleming, D.H. Lawrence, and James Hilton.
Here is a video from Prager University......a teenage girl athlete who lost to boys pretending to be girls......brought to you by the democrat party and the hand puppet, joe biden...

What a stretch from that to misogynist. No, not a stretch. A fail.
Not really. Pandering to transwomen in sports means ciswomen aren't going to succeed.

What's your advice to ciswomen competing against transwomen? "Get gud"? "Learn to code"?

Two different issues.

One - that this is misogyny (it's not). It's a complicated issue.

Two - that I support transgender women participating as women. I don't. The biology is unfair.
One: Are you ever going to explain why it's not misogyny, or are you just going to continue saying it's not?

Two: I agree.

One: Definition of misogyny - dislike of, contempt for, or ingrained prejudice against women.

The argument about transgender rights in sports has nothing to do with like or dislike of women, but rather what constitutes a woman in sports and why men and women compete separately in sports.
The intent perhaps isn't misogynistic...but the results are.

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