If you want 1- 2% economic growth for the next 4- 8 years then....

Really? Where is your "credible" proof? How would Trump do any better?
He doesnt jave a confiscatory tax plan like hiLIARy you Dim drone Lakhota

Sent from my VS415PP using Tapatalk

In other words - you have no "credible" proof. Thanks for playing...
Where is your proof that Trump would do worse.
Credible proof, not huffington post type of proof.
Atlantic City Casinos run by Trump.
Maybe his Casinos would have done better had it not been for a trashed economy brought on by the democrats.
Trump couldn't make money with his NJ casinos during the booming 1990s with a Republican as NJ's governor!!!
But every time the Right fails miserably, it is always the Democrats fault. :cuckoo:
Sure beats the recession from the last republican pres. He threw away a balanced budget and put us in recession. Oh, and he gave tax breaks like Trump is proposing. Will you guys ever learn?
Only a fucked up fool would think that 1-2% is even close to acceptable. What are you retarded fucked up socialist? because they would only be happy with them fucked up shitty numbers… LOL

Again, trump wants to cut taxes like bush. The result with bush was huge debt increase and recession. How dumb are you to think it will work this time?
We are in a overtaxed society... fact
Because of overly large federal government does not make life better, maybe to a lemming. Lol
We are taxed because Ronnie Raygun tripled the national debt, Shrub daddy doubled it again in only four years, and Shrub Jr. doubled it again with tax cut welfare for millionaires, wasted another $5 trillion on the stupid Iraq/Afghan wars, and destroyed the whole U.S. and global economies. Cons don't like paying their debts, so they whine. Wah!
And Barry one upped them all... lol
The fiscal year 2008 budget was signed by Shrub Jr. before Obama took office. Shrub left office with a $1.2 trillion annual deficit and a totally wrecked economy. Obama has cut the annual deficit in half since then.
Only a fucked up fool would think that 1-2% is even close to acceptable. What are you retarded fucked up socialist? because they would only be happy with them fucked up shitty numbers… LOL

Again, trump wants to cut taxes like bush. The result with bush was huge debt increase and recession. How dumb are you to think it will work this time?
We are in a overtaxed society... fact
Because of overly large federal government does not make life better, maybe to a lemming. Lol
We are taxed because Ronnie Raygun tripled the national debt, Shrub daddy doubled it again in only four years, and Shrub Jr. doubled it again with tax cut welfare for millionaires, wasted another $5 trillion on the stupid Iraq/Afghan wars, and destroyed the whole U.S. and global economies. Cons don't like paying their debts, so they whine. Wah!
And Barry one upped them all... lol
The fiscal year 2008 budget was signed by Shrub Jr. before Obama took office. Shrub left office with a $1.2 trillion annual deficit and a totally wrecked economy. Obama has cut the annual deficit in half since then.
The deficit means nothing one way or another it's just delusional math, the debt, the debt, the debt, the debt has only went up that's all that matters the federal government has been in the red for decades. fact

It sounds like you been listening to Al Gore with his lockbox or something...
Please get an education above gradeschool... dip shit
If you want 1- 2% economic growth for the next 4- 8 years then....

Really? Where is your "credible" proof? How would Trump do any better?
He doesnt jave a confiscatory tax plan like hiLIARy you Dim drone Lakhota

Sent from my VS415PP using Tapatalk

In other words - you have no "credible" proof. Thanks for playing...
Where is your proof that Trump would do worse.
Credible proof, not huffington post type of proof.
Atlantic City Casinos run by Trump.
he invested in real estate he didnt run the casinos dummy
Really? Where is your "credible" proof? How would Trump do any better?
He doesnt jave a confiscatory tax plan like hiLIARy you Dim drone Lakhota

Sent from my VS415PP using Tapatalk

In other words - you have no "credible" proof. Thanks for playing...
Where is your proof that Trump would do worse.
Credible proof, not huffington post type of proof.
Atlantic City Casinos run by Trump.
he invested in real estate he didnt run the casinos dummy
liberals dont understand these things. They still think KFC is run by some old ex military guy with a white beard and that all profits from McDonalds go in to some red headed clowns bank account.
Anything under 5% is beyond shitty numbers, a "solid 2.9%" what are you some type of jackass that doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground? Lol
Please punch yourself in the face for being so stupid

Sure beats the recession we got from republicans. Trump wants to put us in another one.
Bush may have run as a republican but he was certainly not a conservative.
His liberal actions were why I left the republican party.
But that does make me curious, If hillary was running as a republican, Would the left still be kissing her ass like they are now?
I mean, I left the republican party because a liberal was elected by them.
I wonder if the left votes party no matter what without actually looking at the candidate. I suspect that to be the case. There is just no way anyone supporting hillary can be explained in a rational way
Anything under 5% is beyond shitty numbers, a "solid 2.9%" what are you some type of jackass that doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground? Lol
Please punch yourself in the face for being so stupid

Sure beats the recession we got from republicans. Trump wants to put us in another one.
Bush may have run as a republican but he was certainly not a conservative.
His liberal actions were why I left the republican party.
But that does make me curious, If hillary was running as a republican, Would the left still be kissing her ass like they are now?
I mean, I left the republican party because a liberal was elected by them.
I wonder if the left votes party no matter what without actually looking at the candidate. I suspect that to be the case. There is just no way anyone supporting hillary can be explained in a rational way

The explaination is she is running against trump. Trump wants to give Tax breaks while we are deeply in debt and rebuild the military. Sounds like the same debt disaster as bush to me. Also no serious economist would call tariffs a good idea. They don't work and never have. Many believe they caused the Great Depression. I'm an independent who would have supported Kasich over Clinton. But no way am I voting for the con man. Do you think Trump is conservative?
Anything under 5% is beyond shitty numbers, a "solid 2.9%" what are you some type of jackass that doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground? Lol
Please punch yourself in the face for being so stupid

Sure beats the recession we got from republicans. Trump wants to put us in another one.
Bush may have run as a republican but he was certainly not a conservative.
His liberal actions were why I left the republican party.
But that does make me curious, If hillary was running as a republican, Would the left still be kissing her ass like they are now?
I mean, I left the republican party because a liberal was elected by them.
I wonder if the left votes party no matter what without actually looking at the candidate. I suspect that to be the case. There is just no way anyone supporting hillary can be explained in a rational way

The explaination is she is running against trump. Trump wants to give Tax breaks while we are deeply in debt and rebuild the military. Sounds like the same debt disaster as bush to me. Also no serious economist would call tariffs a good idea. They don't work and never have. Many believe they caused the Great Depression. I'm an independent who would have supported Kasich over Clinton. But no way am I voting for the con man. Do you think Trump is conservative?
and hillary wants to cut back on the military at the same time that she is instigating Russia to go to war with us, she wants to open the borders to the middle east at a time when we are under attack from their terrorists, she wants to make 14 million illegals legal, and give them government assistance at a time that we are already going broke. She has already proven that she can not be trusted with the security of this country and has sided with our enemies more than she has sided with our ally's. She wants to continue these trade agreements that keep us on the losing end financially, she wants to increase business tax when we can already see our jobs leaving the country as business leaders choose leave in search of more favorable locations.
She points out something Donald Trump said that was sexist yet has no problem with the proven on hands actions of her husband.
She has nothing of value to give this country. She has nothing of value to give anyone since she has not personal value or worth herself.
And I have to tell you, had it been Bernie instead of her, I would be seriously considering Bernie as my choice. I didnt like his ideas that much, but I have never been able to say anything about his loyalty to the country and to his supporters. He just saw the country differently, and I think a good congress could have kept him in line.
Anything under 5% is beyond shitty numbers, a "solid 2.9%" what are you some type of jackass that doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground? Lol
Please punch yourself in the face for being so stupid

Sure beats the recession we got from republicans. Trump wants to put us in another one.
Bush may have run as a republican but he was certainly not a conservative.
His liberal actions were why I left the republican party.
But that does make me curious, If hillary was running as a republican, Would the left still be kissing her ass like they are now?
I mean, I left the republican party because a liberal was elected by them.
I wonder if the left votes party no matter what without actually looking at the candidate. I suspect that to be the case. There is just no way anyone supporting hillary can be explained in a rational way

The explaination is she is running against trump. Trump wants to give Tax breaks while we are deeply in debt and rebuild the military. Sounds like the same debt disaster as bush to me. Also no serious economist would call tariffs a good idea. They don't work and never have. Many believe they caused the Great Depression. I'm an independent who would have supported Kasich over Clinton. But no way am I voting for the con man. Do you think Trump is conservative?
and hillary wants to cut back on the military at the same time that she is instigating Russia to go to war with us, she wants to open the borders to the middle east at a time when we are under attack from their terrorists, she wants to make 14 million illegals legal, and give them government assistance at a time that we are already going broke. She has already proven that she can not be trusted with the security of this country and has sided with our enemies more than she has sided with our ally's. She wants to continue these trade agreements that keep us on the losing end financially, she wants to increase business tax when we can already see our jobs leaving the country as business leaders choose leave in search of more favorable locations.
She points out something Donald Trump said that was sexist yet has no problem with the proven on hands actions of her husband.
She has nothing of value to give this country. She has nothing of value to give anyone since she has not personal value or worth herself.
And I have to tell you, had it been Bernie instead of her, I would be seriously considering Bernie as my choice. I didnt like his ideas that much, but I have never been able to say anything about his loyalty to the country and to his supporters. He just saw the country differently, and I think a good congress could have kept him in line.

I disagree on just about everything's except Bernie. Very likeable guy even though i too do not agree with everything he says.

We already spend more on the military than the next 10 countries combined. The debt will take us down long before a foreign military.

Why do you think these trade agreements are the problem? I've seen 0 evidence.

Why do you think immigrants are a problem?
Anything under 5% is beyond shitty numbers, a "solid 2.9%" what are you some type of jackass that doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground? Lol
Please punch yourself in the face for being so stupid

Sure beats the recession we got from republicans. Trump wants to put us in another one.
Bush may have run as a republican but he was certainly not a conservative.
His liberal actions were why I left the republican party.
But that does make me curious, If hillary was running as a republican, Would the left still be kissing her ass like they are now?
I mean, I left the republican party because a liberal was elected by them.
I wonder if the left votes party no matter what without actually looking at the candidate. I suspect that to be the case. There is just no way anyone supporting hillary can be explained in a rational way

The explaination is she is running against trump. Trump wants to give Tax breaks while we are deeply in debt and rebuild the military. Sounds like the same debt disaster as bush to me. Also no serious economist would call tariffs a good idea. They don't work and never have. Many believe they caused the Great Depression. I'm an independent who would have supported Kasich over Clinton. But no way am I voting for the con man. Do you think Trump is conservative?
and hillary wants to cut back on the military at the same time that she is instigating Russia to go to war with us, she wants to open the borders to the middle east at a time when we are under attack from their terrorists, she wants to make 14 million illegals legal, and give them government assistance at a time that we are already going broke. She has already proven that she can not be trusted with the security of this country and has sided with our enemies more than she has sided with our ally's. She wants to continue these trade agreements that keep us on the losing end financially, she wants to increase business tax when we can already see our jobs leaving the country as business leaders choose leave in search of more favorable locations.
She points out something Donald Trump said that was sexist yet has no problem with the proven on hands actions of her husband.
She has nothing of value to give this country. She has nothing of value to give anyone since she has not personal value or worth herself.
And I have to tell you, had it been Bernie instead of her, I would be seriously considering Bernie as my choice. I didnt like his ideas that much, but I have never been able to say anything about his loyalty to the country and to his supporters. He just saw the country differently, and I think a good congress could have kept him in line.

I disagree on just about everything's except Bernie. Very likeable guy even though i too do not agree with everything he says.

We already spend more on the military than the next 10 countries combined. The debt will take us down long before a foreign military.

Why do you think these trade agreements are the problem? I've seen 0 evidence.

Why do you think immigrants are a problem?
you responded like a true liberal.
I dont think Bernie is a likeable guy, I think Bernie is honest, he is not saying something that he does not plan to do. Its his honesty that causes me to look at him seriously. certainly not what he wants to see this country become.
Our military has to be stronger, for instance, what if Russia did decide to go after the U.S ? we would not have to beat just Russia, we would have to be ready for China, Venezuela, Cuba (ok, not sure cuba is that big a threat) that little crazy bastard in North Korea. We would be fighting a much larger war than just Russia can bring. We need to have that coverage.
And what if we were at war somewhere that was burning up our resources? somebody would be free to just walk in across our border and take over. We need to be able to protect our own borders at the same time we are fighting elsewhere.
And the military expense is something covered in the constitution.

The trade agreements are no good for this country. We end up sending more money out than we take in. That is not a sustainable way to do business, Trump realizes this and thats why he wants to get manufacturing back to our own country. The money for products does not leave and at the same time jobs are created.

Immigrants are a big problem, even without going into their tendency to commit crime as Ive seen personally living in a sanctuary state/city, they are using government assistance, they cost our schools millions because we now have to cater to non english speaking students, they take jobs that should be done by Americans. Example, around here all of the fast food establishments are filled with illegals, these are jobs that the high school kids would take in past years.
They expect us to make literature available in their language, The crowd our local hospital ER. At a time when the U.S is struggling with a debt like we have, unemployment, our school rating dropping, our health care issues, we dont have the resources to adopt millions of uneducated individuals that are going to make our problems worse.

The things I mentioned arent made up, these are things easily seen by anyone unfortunate enough to live around them. They are a drain on our society with no return on investment to come. And although its not a world stopping problem, it really pisses me off when I call somewhere and have to push 1 or 2 for english.
I called sears the other day and the pick 1 or 2 instruction period when their machine first answers was in Spanish. SPANISH, I had to listen to some third world message before pressing two in order to speak human.
I paid a little more and bought my washer and dryer at a different store.
Sure beats the recession we got from republicans. Trump wants to put us in another one.
Bush may have run as a republican but he was certainly not a conservative.
His liberal actions were why I left the republican party.
But that does make me curious, If hillary was running as a republican, Would the left still be kissing her ass like they are now?
I mean, I left the republican party because a liberal was elected by them.
I wonder if the left votes party no matter what without actually looking at the candidate. I suspect that to be the case. There is just no way anyone supporting hillary can be explained in a rational way

The explaination is she is running against trump. Trump wants to give Tax breaks while we are deeply in debt and rebuild the military. Sounds like the same debt disaster as bush to me. Also no serious economist would call tariffs a good idea. They don't work and never have. Many believe they caused the Great Depression. I'm an independent who would have supported Kasich over Clinton. But no way am I voting for the con man. Do you think Trump is conservative?
and hillary wants to cut back on the military at the same time that she is instigating Russia to go to war with us, she wants to open the borders to the middle east at a time when we are under attack from their terrorists, she wants to make 14 million illegals legal, and give them government assistance at a time that we are already going broke. She has already proven that she can not be trusted with the security of this country and has sided with our enemies more than she has sided with our ally's. She wants to continue these trade agreements that keep us on the losing end financially, she wants to increase business tax when we can already see our jobs leaving the country as business leaders choose leave in search of more favorable locations.
She points out something Donald Trump said that was sexist yet has no problem with the proven on hands actions of her husband.
She has nothing of value to give this country. She has nothing of value to give anyone since she has not personal value or worth herself.
And I have to tell you, had it been Bernie instead of her, I would be seriously considering Bernie as my choice. I didnt like his ideas that much, but I have never been able to say anything about his loyalty to the country and to his supporters. He just saw the country differently, and I think a good congress could have kept him in line.

I disagree on just about everything's except Bernie. Very likeable guy even though i too do not agree with everything he says.

We already spend more on the military than the next 10 countries combined. The debt will take us down long before a foreign military.

Why do you think these trade agreements are the problem? I've seen 0 evidence.

Why do you think immigrants are a problem?
you responded like a true liberal.
I dont think Bernie is a likeable guy, I think Bernie is honest, he is not saying something that he does not plan to do. Its his honesty that causes me to look at him seriously. certainly not what he wants to see this country become.
Our military has to be stronger, for instance, what if Russia did decide to go after the U.S ? we would not have to beat just Russia, we would have to be ready for China, Venezuela, Cuba (ok, not sure cuba is that big a threat) that little crazy bastard in North Korea. We would be fighting a much larger war than just Russia can bring. We need to have that coverage.
And what if we were at war somewhere that was burning up our resources? somebody would be free to just walk in across our border and take over. We need to be able to protect our own borders at the same time we are fighting elsewhere.
And the military expense is something covered in the constitution.

The trade agreements are no good for this country. We end up sending more money out than we take in. That is not a sustainable way to do business, Trump realizes this and thats why he wants to get manufacturing back to our own country. The money for products does not leave and at the same time jobs are created.

Immigrants are a big problem, even without going into their tendency to commit crime as Ive seen personally living in a sanctuary state/city, they are using government assistance, they cost our schools millions because we now have to cater to non english speaking students, they take jobs that should be done by Americans. Example, around here all of the fast food establishments are filled with illegals, these are jobs that the high school kids would take in past years.
They expect us to make literature available in their language, The crowd our local hospital ER. At a time when the U.S is struggling with a debt like we have, unemployment, our school rating dropping, our health care issues, we dont have the resources to adopt millions of uneducated individuals that are going to make our problems worse.

The things I mentioned arent made up, these are things easily seen by anyone unfortunate enough to live around them. They are a drain on our society with no return on investment to come. And although its not a world stopping problem, it really pisses me off when I call somewhere and have to push 1 or 2 for english.
I called sears the other day and the pick 1 or 2 instruction period when their machine first answers was in Spanish. SPANISH, I had to listen to some third world message before pressing two in order to speak human.
I paid a little more and bought my washer and dryer at a different store.

Not a liberal.

We already have the strongest military in the world by far. You are aware we have allies? Ever hear of NATO?

Tariffs will not help. They are simply a new tax that hurts the poor more than the wealthy. A new tax will slow the economy. The increased costs will kill our exports. Just look at what tariffs have historically done. They don't work like that.

Show me some studies/numbers on why immigration is bad. I'm very lawful so I am fine sending illegals back, but I'm not sold they are a huge problem. Many industries need the cheap labor.
Last edited:
Anything under 5% is beyond shitty numbers, a "solid 2.9%" what are you some type of jackass that doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground? Lol
Please punch yourself in the face for being so stupid

Sure beats the recession we got from republicans. Trump wants to put us in another one.
Shit for brains, there are no sides in Washington DC. One party rule, the progressive party.
You need to quit sucking dick of every career politician you know of... lol
Anything under 5% is beyond shitty numbers, a "solid 2.9%" what are you some type of jackass that doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground? Lol
Please punch yourself in the face for being so stupid

Sure beats the recession we got from republicans. Trump wants to put us in another one.
Shit for brains, there are no sides in Washington DC. One party rule, the progressive party.
You need to quit sucking dick of every career politician you know of... lol

The stupidity of your comments is always amazing.
Anything under 5% is beyond shitty numbers, a "solid 2.9%" what are you some type of jackass that doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground? Lol
Please punch yourself in the face for being so stupid

Sure beats the recession we got from republicans. Trump wants to put us in another one.
Forcing banks to loan $$$ to people for houses they couldn't afford it was a Repub idea?

Anything under 5% is beyond shitty numbers, a "solid 2.9%" what are you some type of jackass that doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground? Lol
Please punch yourself in the face for being so stupid

Sure beats the recession we got from republicans. Trump wants to put us in another one.
Forcing banks to loan $$$ to people for houses they couldn't afford it was a Repub idea?


Increasing low income family home ownership has been the goal of many presidents, including Roosevelt, Reagan, Clinton, and George W. Bush.
Anything under 5% is beyond shitty numbers, a "solid 2.9%" what are you some type of jackass that doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground? Lol
Please punch yourself in the face for being so stupid

Sure beats the recession we got from republicans. Trump wants to put us in another one.
Forcing banks to loan $$$ to people for houses they couldn't afford it was a Repub idea?

Straight from G W Bush.

It was Bush's Dec 2003 American Dream Downpayment Initiative (ADDI) that changed the rules to allow no downpayment loans for more than the house was worth to people with bad credit who could not keep up with the payments and who were at least 20% below the standard of living for the neighborhood they were buying into.

The ADDI was passed in Dec 2003 and everything in housing started to go bad in 2004.

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