If you want 1- 2% economic growth for the next 4- 8 years then....

1 to 2% growth:lmao:
Talk about Setting the bar low

Sure beats the recession from the last republican pres. He threw away a balanced budget and put us in recession. Oh, and he gave tax breaks like Trump is proposing. Will you guys ever learn?
Only a fucked up fool would think that 1-2% is even close to acceptable. What are you retarded fucked up socialist? because they would only be happy with them fucked up shitty numbers… LOL

Again, trump wants to cut taxes like bush. The result with bush was huge debt increase and recession. How dumb are you to think it will work this time?
We are in a overtaxed society... fact
Because of overly large federal government does not make life better, maybe to a lemming. Lol

You dodged the question again. You just keep trying to put the square peg in the round hole. Bush gave tax cuts and they resulted in huge debt and a recession. Trump wants to do the same thing. Expect the same result.
1 to 2% growth:lmao:
Talk about Setting the bar low

Sure beats the recession from the last republican pres. He threw away a balanced budget and put us in recession. Oh, and he gave tax breaks like Trump is proposing. Will you guys ever learn?
Only a fucked up fool would think that 1-2% is even close to acceptable. What are you retarded fucked up socialist? because they would only be happy with them fucked up shitty numbers… LOL

Again, trump wants to cut taxes like bush. The result with bush was huge debt increase and recession. How dumb are you to think it will work this time?
We are in a overtaxed society... fact
Because of overly large federal government does not make life better, maybe to a lemming. Lol

You dodged the question again. You just keep trying to put the square peg in the round hole. Bush gave tax cuts and they resulted in huge debt and a recession. Trump wants to do the same thing. Expect the same result.
You keep on forgetting dumbass I'm a libertarian I don't trust any career politician certainly not a bush...
Tax cuts keep the federal government more honest if that's even possible, and it puts money where money belongs in the peoples hands because the government fucks up everything up they touch. Lol
Sure beats the recession from the last republican pres. He threw away a balanced budget and put us in recession. Oh, and he gave tax breaks like Trump is proposing. Will you guys ever learn?
Only a fucked up fool would think that 1-2% is even close to acceptable. What are you retarded fucked up socialist? because they would only be happy with them fucked up shitty numbers… LOL

Again, trump wants to cut taxes like bush. The result with bush was huge debt increase and recession. How dumb are you to think it will work this time?
We are in a overtaxed society... fact
Because of overly large federal government does not make life better, maybe to a lemming. Lol

You dodged the question again. You just keep trying to put the square peg in the round hole. Bush gave tax cuts and they resulted in huge debt and a recession. Trump wants to do the same thing. Expect the same result.
You keep on forgetting dumbass I'm a libertarian I don't trust any career politician certainly not a bush...
Tax cuts keep the federal government more honest if that's even possible, and it puts money where money belongs in the peoples hands because the government fucks up everything up they touch. Lol
And grows debt and puts us in recession. Ah a libertarian, that is cute. So you believe in theories that don't work in the real world.
Only a fucked up fool would think that 1-2% is even close to acceptable. What are you retarded fucked up socialist? because they would only be happy with them fucked up shitty numbers… LOL

Again, trump wants to cut taxes like bush. The result with bush was huge debt increase and recession. How dumb are you to think it will work this time?
We are in a overtaxed society... fact
Because of overly large federal government does not make life better, maybe to a lemming. Lol

You dodged the question again. You just keep trying to put the square peg in the round hole. Bush gave tax cuts and they resulted in huge debt and a recession. Trump wants to do the same thing. Expect the same result.
You keep on forgetting dumbass I'm a libertarian I don't trust any career politician certainly not a bush...
Tax cuts keep the federal government more honest if that's even possible, and it puts money where money belongs in the peoples hands because the government fucks up everything up they touch. Lol
And grows debt and puts us in recession. Ah a libertarian, that is cute. So you believe in theories that don't work in the real world.
Sayes the socialist... :lmao:
Again, trump wants to cut taxes like bush. The result with bush was huge debt increase and recession. How dumb are you to think it will work this time?
We are in a overtaxed society... fact
Because of overly large federal government does not make life better, maybe to a lemming. Lol

You dodged the question again. You just keep trying to put the square peg in the round hole. Bush gave tax cuts and they resulted in huge debt and a recession. Trump wants to do the same thing. Expect the same result.
You keep on forgetting dumbass I'm a libertarian I don't trust any career politician certainly not a bush...
Tax cuts keep the federal government more honest if that's even possible, and it puts money where money belongs in the peoples hands because the government fucks up everything up they touch. Lol
And grows debt and puts us in recession. Ah a libertarian, that is cute. So you believe in theories that don't work in the real world.
Sayes the socialist... :lmao:

Says recent history. Clearly you aren't smart enough to learn from history. You keep pushing that square peg in the round hole. Dumbass.
We are in a overtaxed society... fact
Because of overly large federal government does not make life better, maybe to a lemming. Lol

You dodged the question again. You just keep trying to put the square peg in the round hole. Bush gave tax cuts and they resulted in huge debt and a recession. Trump wants to do the same thing. Expect the same result.
You keep on forgetting dumbass I'm a libertarian I don't trust any career politician certainly not a bush...
Tax cuts keep the federal government more honest if that's even possible, and it puts money where money belongs in the peoples hands because the government fucks up everything up they touch. Lol
And grows debt and puts us in recession. Ah a libertarian, that is cute. So you believe in theories that don't work in the real world.
Sayes the socialist... :lmao:

Says recent history. Clearly you aren't smart enough to learn from history. You keep pushing that square peg in the round hole. Dumbass.
Socialism has never worked in the history of the world - :redface:long-term, are you stupid in the head?:itsok:
We are in a overtaxed society... fact
Non fact!
Only the middle class wage earner is overtaxed. The poor and the wealthy tycoons like Trump pay no taxes.
The income tax needs to be replaced with a wealth tax.
You dodged the question again. You just keep trying to put the square peg in the round hole. Bush gave tax cuts and they resulted in huge debt and a recession. Trump wants to do the same thing. Expect the same result.
You keep on forgetting dumbass I'm a libertarian I don't trust any career politician certainly not a bush...
Tax cuts keep the federal government more honest if that's even possible, and it puts money where money belongs in the peoples hands because the government fucks up everything up they touch. Lol
And grows debt and puts us in recession. Ah a libertarian, that is cute. So you believe in theories that don't work in the real world.
Sayes the socialist... :lmao:

Says recent history. Clearly you aren't smart enough to learn from history. You keep pushing that square peg in the round hole. Dumbass.
Socialism has never worked in the history of the world - :redface:long-term, are you stupid in the head?:itsok:

I'm a capitalist. When did I say anything about socialism?
We are in a overtaxed society... fact
Non fact!
Only the middle class wage earner is overtaxed. The poor and the wealthy tycoons like Trump pay no taxes.
The income tax needs to be replaced with a wealth tax.
Yes the income tax needs to be shit canned, A luxury tax would work much better. That way drug dealers, illegal aliens, foreigners, professors, career politicians, etc. all would pay some type of tax.
1 to 2% growth:lmao:
Talk about Setting the bar low

Sure beats the recession from the last republican pres. He threw away a balanced budget and put us in recession. Oh, and he gave tax breaks like Trump is proposing. Will you guys ever learn?
Only a fucked up fool would think that 1-2% is even close to acceptable. What are you retarded fucked up socialist? because they would only be happy with them fucked up shitty numbers… LOL

Again, trump wants to cut taxes like bush. The result with bush was huge debt increase and recession. How dumb are you to think it will work this time?
We are in a overtaxed society... fact
Because of overly large federal government does not make life better, maybe to a lemming. Lol
We are taxed because Ronnie Raygun tripled the national debt, Shrub daddy doubled it again in only four years, and Shrub Jr. doubled it again with tax cut welfare for millionaires, wasted another $5 trillion on the stupid Iraq/Afghan wars, and destroyed the whole U.S. and global economies. Cons don't like paying their debts, so they whine. Wah!
If you want 1- 2% economic growth for the next 4- 8 years then....

Really? Where is your "credible" proof? How would Trump do any better?

That's not the point. We tried the other way for the past 8 years. Hope is not a strategy. Time for Change.
Get real. In the last eight years the stock market has quadrupled, 200,000 jobs created every month, wages have increased, and the economy has been pulled out of the collapse the republicans put us in. No going back to that shit.
TEPID Economic growth for 78 straight months. Republicans call that a disaster.
fixed it for you you paid- Dim poster :thup:
Even that is better than the BOOM & BUST economy tycoons like Trump want, where they overheat the economy and then crash it so they can pick up assets for $.10 on the dollar.
Sooo you're perfectly happy w/ this tepid economy? Then, by all means, vote for hiLIARy
... by all means, vote for the crony Establ Dim candidate- hiLIARy

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Beats the recession trump would start with his tariffs. Tariffs do not work and have never worked.
Why a Flat Tariff on All U.S. Imports Would Work | Huffington Post
One Thing Donald Trump Is Actually Right About When It Comes to America's Economic Problems

Worked for over 100 years.

So you think a 25-30% tax on all imported goods would be a good thing? So now people are paying more for things. Pay more for your tv and you have less to spend on other things. And how about our exports? Now all the parts and raw materials imported cost more, making our goods more expensive. When did repubs start thinking increased taxes are good?
Everybody losses when trade is restricted by tariffs. When you put duties on our imports you decrease our access to higher quality lower price goods. The nations producing those goods will invariably put duties on our exports reducing our sales. The end result is everybody pays more and get's less. Free trade allows each nation to produce what it can produce best.
For some reason 2% GDP growth is bad, which I should remind all you economic illiterates, is widely considered a healthy standard for a developed country.
1 to 2% growth:lmao:
Talk about Setting the bar low

Sure beats the recession from the last republican pres. He threw away a balanced budget and put us in recession. Oh, and he gave tax breaks like Trump is proposing. Will you guys ever learn?
Only a fucked up fool would think that 1-2% is even close to acceptable. What are you retarded fucked up socialist? because they would only be happy with them fucked up shitty numbers… LOL

Again, trump wants to cut taxes like bush. The result with bush was huge debt increase and recession. How dumb are you to think it will work this time?
We are in a overtaxed society... fact
Because of overly large federal government does not make life better, maybe to a lemming. Lol
We are taxed because Ronnie Raygun tripled the national debt, Shrub daddy doubled it again in only four years, and Shrub Jr. doubled it again with tax cut welfare for millionaires, wasted another $5 trillion on the stupid Iraq/Afghan wars, and destroyed the whole U.S. and global economies. Cons don't like paying their debts, so they whine. Wah!
good point. Raygun started it all. Frank57 will be happy to know that
If you want 1- 2% economic growth for the next 4- 8 years then....

Really? Where is your "credible" proof? How would Trump do any better?
He doesnt jave a confiscatory tax plan like hiLIARy you Dim drone Lakhota

Sent from my VS415PP using Tapatalk

In other words - you have no "credible" proof. Thanks for playing...
Where is your proof that Trump would do worse.
Credible proof, not huffington post type of proof.

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