If you want a better America, stop the hate

I'm sorry, but you justified it, then said it was not cool?

Do you know what Justify means?

I said why it's meaningless - I didnt say why it's ok....

There's a distinction there that I shouldn't really have to explain...aye yaye yaye

the president is a celebrity
the presidents daughter is a celebrity

celebrities have been called all sorts of dog shit for quite a long time

that's literally meaningless

The above is literally justifying the activity. Whether you later say you are not cool with it, the initial post indicates, quite clearly, that it should be cool.
Or, instead of extrapolating whatever you desire my point to have been...you could always have asked me to clarify...

or does it make more sense to you....that id be cool with it, and then an internet post later...be uncool with it.......just to troll pop23 who ill never know, meet or care about(sorry) ?

w/e dude no arguing that swellness.


Do you even know what that word means?

More justification to follow I guess.
yeah, it means that something happening that's always happened as a happenstance of being a celebrity is meaningless in speaking to where we are, as a culture as a whole

its a different sentence then saying..."this is nothing new, and ALSO i agree with it, too!"

quibbling over such nonsense is stopping here, poppa. im done with this bee ess neener quibbling, jesus fuck..go have secksss dude

Trying to have it both ways is exactly the damn problem. And you do that better than anyone!
Do you know what Justify means?

I said why it's meaningless - I didnt say why it's ok....

There's a distinction there that I shouldn't really have to explain...aye yaye yaye

the president is a celebrity
the presidents daughter is a celebrity

celebrities have been called all sorts of dog shit for quite a long time

that's literally meaningless

The above is literally justifying the activity. Whether you later say you are not cool with it, the initial post indicates, quite clearly, that it should be cool.
Or, instead of extrapolating whatever you desire my point to have been...you could always have asked me to clarify...

or does it make more sense to you....that id be cool with it, and then an internet post later...be uncool with it.......just to troll pop23 who ill never know, meet or care about(sorry) ?

w/e dude no arguing that swellness.


Do you even know what that word means?

More justification to follow I guess.
yeah, it means that something happening that's always happened as a happenstance of being a celebrity is meaningless in speaking to where we are, as a culture as a whole

its a different sentence then saying..."this is nothing new, and ALSO i agree with it, too!"

quibbling over such nonsense is stopping here, poppa. im done with this bee ess neener quibbling, jesus fuck..go have secksss dude

Trying to have it both ways is exactly the damn problem. And you do that better than anyone!
The above is literally justifying the activity. Whether you later say you are not cool with it, the initial post indicates, quite clearly, that it should be cool.
Or, instead of extrapolating whatever you desire my point to have been...you could always have asked me to clarify...

or does it make more sense to you....that id be cool with it, and then an internet post later...be uncool with it.......just to troll pop23 who ill never know, meet or care about(sorry) ?

w/e dude no arguing that swellness.


Do you even know what that word means?

More justification to follow I guess.
yeah, it means that something happening that's always happened as a happenstance of being a celebrity is meaningless in speaking to where we are, as a culture as a whole

its a different sentence then saying..."this is nothing new, and ALSO i agree with it, too!"

quibbling over such nonsense is stopping here, poppa. im done with this bee ess neener quibbling, jesus fuck..go have secksss dude

Trying to have it both ways is exactly the damn problem. And you do that better than anyone!

Your lack of outrage that a female be defined as her sexual organs........ Noted.
Hatred is really at the root of most of our problems. We can't really even talk anymore without hating upon one another. Has it ever occurred to anyone, for instance, that our hateful society is breeding the kids that go on shooting sprees? I posit that America's biggest problem is its hateful people.
"We?" I don't see a lot of hate irl. Don't judge everyone by this message board.

This is a red letter day. I agree with you. In real life there’s not a lot of actual hatred. I’ve even worn my MAGA hat numerous times and no one ever berated me. Blacks, whites, hispanics all go about our normal lives not judging others by skin color, not oppressing anyone, not raping or shooting anyone.

very true. the hate is driven by the media that cannot get over Trump beating crooked Hillary. THAT is what this is all about.
Or, instead of extrapolating whatever you desire my point to have been...you could always have asked me to clarify...

or does it make more sense to you....that id be cool with it, and then an internet post later...be uncool with it.......just to troll pop23 who ill never know, meet or care about(sorry) ?

w/e dude no arguing that swellness.


Do you even know what that word means?

More justification to follow I guess.
yeah, it means that something happening that's always happened as a happenstance of being a celebrity is meaningless in speaking to where we are, as a culture as a whole

its a different sentence then saying..."this is nothing new, and ALSO i agree with it, too!"

quibbling over such nonsense is stopping here, poppa. im done with this bee ess neener quibbling, jesus fuck..go have secksss dude

Trying to have it both ways is exactly the damn problem. And you do that better than anyone!

Your lack of outrage that a female be defined as her sexual organs........ Noted.
cool, bro. print it out and put it up on a refrigerator magnet
Hatred is really at the root of most of our problems. We can't really even talk anymore without hating upon one another. Has it ever occurred to anyone, for instance, that our hateful society is breeding the kids that go on shooting sprees? I posit that America's biggest problem is its hateful people.
"We?" I don't see a lot of hate irl. Don't judge everyone by this message board.

how about if we judge based on the media? CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC, NY times, DC Post, etc. The hate is coming mostly from them
It's not coming from the majors or the NYT; they publish the facts and offer opinions as is everyone's right. So turn off the tv and go to your local diner for a cuppa. It's a real world out there.

You can't see yourself in the mirror. The vitriol from the left to trump and trump supporters and you call it facts. You're delusional
"We?" I don't see a lot of hate irl. Don't judge everyone by this message board.

how about if we judge based on the media? CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC, NY times, DC Post, etc. The hate is coming mostly from them
It's not coming from the majors or the NYT; they publish the facts and offer opinions as is everyone's right. So turn off the tv and go to your local diner for a cuppa. It's a real world out there.

I do both, watch all media and spend time with locals. Please don't be such a pompous ass.

Do you really not consider the rhetoric of Madow, Whoopi, Behar, Mahr, antifa, BLM, etc to be hateful? Geez, you are out of touch
Please don't call me a pompous ass. I don't watch MADOW etc. and no, I don't regularly visit ANTIFA or BLM sites, either, since I am not an activist. It just seems to me you are out there looking for hate. If you don't like them, don't watch them? Why is that pompous?

I called you pompous because you were preaching to me about going to a local diner for a cuppa. Who exactly do you think you are that you can make assumptions about what others do?

and even though you may not watch the media haters, they still exist and many do watch them. Media should not be propaganda mongers for either party or any ideology, they should report the news accurately and concisely. the problem is that they don't. Most of the media has become the spokesperson for the dem/lib party and the ideology of socialism, Marxism, communism, and every other failed left wing "ism".

I like PBS Newshour but they're getting into the "commentary" thing, too. Like we can't figure it out for ourselves, we've got to have a "panel" of pundits to tell us what to think of the news that was just reported? I don't like that, either.
CSPAN and AP/Reuters are about the only places left that report straight facts. I miss Walter.
to the OP

if you want to stop the hate, you must condemn the haters no matter which side they are on. agree?

Roseanne gets cancelled but the view is allowed to continue to spew hate, do you condone that?
if you want to stop the hate, you must condemn the haters no matter which side they are on. agree?
Pure hypocrite gold right there. Sorry, I couldn't let it pass.
how about if we judge based on the media? CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC, NY times, DC Post, etc. The hate is coming mostly from them
It's not coming from the majors or the NYT; they publish the facts and offer opinions as is everyone's right. So turn off the tv and go to your local diner for a cuppa. It's a real world out there.

I do both, watch all media and spend time with locals. Please don't be such a pompous ass.

Do you really not consider the rhetoric of Madow, Whoopi, Behar, Mahr, antifa, BLM, etc to be hateful? Geez, you are out of touch
Please don't call me a pompous ass. I don't watch MADOW etc. and no, I don't regularly visit ANTIFA or BLM sites, either, since I am not an activist. It just seems to me you are out there looking for hate. If you don't like them, don't watch them? Why is that pompous?

I called you pompous because you were preaching to me about going to a local diner for a cuppa. Who exactly do you think you are that you can make assumptions about what others do?

and even though you may not watch the media haters, they still exist and many do watch them. Media should not be propaganda mongers for either party or any ideology, they should report the news accurately and concisely. the problem is that they don't. Most of the media has become the spokesperson for the dem/lib party and the ideology of socialism, Marxism, communism, and every other failed left wing "ism".

I like PBS Newshour but they're getting into the "commentary" thing, too. Like we can't figure it out for ourselves, we've got to have a "panel" of pundits to tell us what to think of the news that was just reported? I don't like that, either.
CSPAN and AP/Reuters are about the only places left that report straight facts. I miss Walter.

yeah, me too. Cronkite was a liberal but you would never know it from his newscasts. Sadly, even CSPAN has become a tool of the left. News should not be propaganda, that's what happens in Russia, China, Iran, and NK. Are we no better than them?
to the OP

if you want to stop the hate, you must condemn the haters no matter which side they are on. agree?

Roseanne gets cancelled but the view is allowed to continue to spew hate, do you condone that?
if you want to stop the hate, you must condemn the haters no matter which side they are on. agree?
Pure hypocrite gold right there. Sorry, I couldn't let it pass.

what exactly is hypocritical about "no matter which side they are on" ? My second sentence was to verify that condemnation is not applied equally.

reading comprehension not your strong suit, I see.
"We?" I don't see a lot of hate irl. Don't judge everyone by this message board.

how about if we judge based on the media? CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC, NY times, DC Post, etc. The hate is coming mostly from them
It's not coming from the majors or the NYT; they publish the facts and offer opinions as is everyone's right. So turn off the tv and go to your local diner for a cuppa. It's a real world out there.

I do both, watch all media and spend time with locals. Please don't be such a pompous ass.

Do you really not consider the rhetoric of Madow, Whoopi, Behar, Mahr, antifa, BLM, etc to be hateful? Geez, you are out of touch
Please don't call me a pompous ass. I don't watch MADOW etc. and no, I don't regularly visit ANTIFA or BLM sites, either, since I am not an activist. It just seems to me you are out there looking for hate. If you don't like them, don't watch them? Why is that pompous?

I called you pompous because you were preaching to me about going to a local diner for a cuppa. Who exactly do you think you are that you can make assumptions about what others do?

and even though you may not watch the media haters, they still exist and many do watch them. Media should not be propaganda mongers for either party or any ideology, they should report the news accurately and concisely. the problem is that they don't. Most of the media has become the spokesperson for the dem/lib party and the ideology of socialism, Marxism, communism, and every other failed left wing "ism".
Suggesting a cuppa is not PREACHNG. You ain't heard nuthin if you think that's preaching. Jimminy Crickets,
to the OP

if you want to stop the hate, you must condemn the haters no matter which side they are on. agree?

Roseanne gets cancelled but the view is allowed to continue to spew hate, do you condone that?
if you want to stop the hate, you must condemn the haters no matter which side they are on. agree?
Pure hypocrite gold right there. Sorry, I couldn't let it pass.

what exactly is hypocritical about "no matter which side they are on" ? My second sentence was to verify that condemnation is not applied equally.

reading comprehension not your strong suit, I see.
If you want to stop the hate, you have to pursue a policy of condemnation against the other side....which equates to feeding the division and the hate.
Pointing fingers and blaming has NEVER solved a problem. Ever.
to the OP

if you want to stop the hate, you must condemn the haters no matter which side they are on. agree?

Roseanne gets cancelled but the view is allowed to continue to spew hate, do you condone that?
if you want to stop the hate, you must condemn the haters no matter which side they are on. agree?
Pure hypocrite gold right there. Sorry, I couldn't let it pass.

what exactly is hypocritical about "no matter which side they are on" ? My second sentence was to verify that condemnation is not applied equally.

reading comprehension not your strong suit, I see.
If you want to stop the hate, you have to pursue a policy of condemnation against the other side....which equates to feeding the division and the hate.
Pointing fingers and blaming has NEVER solved a problem. Ever.

ignoring reality has never solved a problem. the hate is mostly one sided, if you cant see that, you are either blind or stupid.
how about if we judge based on the media? CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC, NY times, DC Post, etc. The hate is coming mostly from them
It's not coming from the majors or the NYT; they publish the facts and offer opinions as is everyone's right. So turn off the tv and go to your local diner for a cuppa. It's a real world out there.

I do both, watch all media and spend time with locals. Please don't be such a pompous ass.

Do you really not consider the rhetoric of Madow, Whoopi, Behar, Mahr, antifa, BLM, etc to be hateful? Geez, you are out of touch
Please don't call me a pompous ass. I don't watch MADOW etc. and no, I don't regularly visit ANTIFA or BLM sites, either, since I am not an activist. It just seems to me you are out there looking for hate. If you don't like them, don't watch them? Why is that pompous?

I called you pompous because you were preaching to me about going to a local diner for a cuppa. Who exactly do you think you are that you can make assumptions about what others do?

and even though you may not watch the media haters, they still exist and many do watch them. Media should not be propaganda mongers for either party or any ideology, they should report the news accurately and concisely. the problem is that they don't. Most of the media has become the spokesperson for the dem/lib party and the ideology of socialism, Marxism, communism, and every other failed left wing "ism".
Suggesting a cuppa is not PREACHNG. You ain't heard nuthin if you think that's preaching. Jimminy Crickets,

suggesting that I don't do that is preaching and displaying ignorance. reading comprehension, lady.
to the OP

if you want to stop the hate, you must condemn the haters no matter which side they are on. agree?

Roseanne gets cancelled but the view is allowed to continue to spew hate, do you condone that?
if you want to stop the hate, you must condemn the haters no matter which side they are on. agree?
Pure hypocrite gold right there. Sorry, I couldn't let it pass.

what exactly is hypocritical about "no matter which side they are on" ? My second sentence was to verify that condemnation is not applied equally.

reading comprehension not your strong suit, I see.
If you want to stop the hate, you have to pursue a policy of condemnation against the other side....which equates to feeding the division and the hate.
Pointing fingers and blaming has NEVER solved a problem. Ever.

ignoring reality has never solved a problem. the hate is mostly one sided, if you cant see that, you are either blind or stupid.
I feel the full blast of hatred from the right every day here, so don't whine to me. It's all a matter of where you are standing, redfish.
It's not coming from the majors or the NYT; they publish the facts and offer opinions as is everyone's right. So turn off the tv and go to your local diner for a cuppa. It's a real world out there.

I do both, watch all media and spend time with locals. Please don't be such a pompous ass.

Do you really not consider the rhetoric of Madow, Whoopi, Behar, Mahr, antifa, BLM, etc to be hateful? Geez, you are out of touch
Please don't call me a pompous ass. I don't watch MADOW etc. and no, I don't regularly visit ANTIFA or BLM sites, either, since I am not an activist. It just seems to me you are out there looking for hate. If you don't like them, don't watch them? Why is that pompous?

I called you pompous because you were preaching to me about going to a local diner for a cuppa. Who exactly do you think you are that you can make assumptions about what others do?

and even though you may not watch the media haters, they still exist and many do watch them. Media should not be propaganda mongers for either party or any ideology, they should report the news accurately and concisely. the problem is that they don't. Most of the media has become the spokesperson for the dem/lib party and the ideology of socialism, Marxism, communism, and every other failed left wing "ism".
Suggesting a cuppa is not PREACHNG. You ain't heard nuthin if you think that's preaching. Jimminy Crickets,

suggesting that I don't do that is preaching and displaying ignorance. reading comprehension, lady.
You're pulling out the personal insults = not gonna stop the hate, redfish
It boils down to wanting to attack the bad guys. Get rid of the bad guys. De-legitimize the bad guys. Who doesn't want to attack/de-legitimatize/get rid of the bad guys? No one!

But who are the bad guys?

Racists? Yep.
Criminals? Yep.
Anyone who oppresses you? Hell yes!
Anyone who wants to oppress you? You betcha.
Anyone who wants to take away your rights? Damn straight.
Anyone who wants to tell you how to live? Well, yea.
Anyone who tells you shouldn't be doing that? Yea, that's annoying when people do that.
Anyone who thinks something that you don't agree with? Well, i dunno, maybe?
Anyone who thinks something you don't agree with because it means they'll eventually become one of those i mentioned above because of that opinion? Well in that case, yea fuck that guy for having a different opinion than me cause that's going to make him a bad guy if it isn't already.
Last edited:
to the OP

if you want to stop the hate, you must condemn the haters no matter which side they are on. agree?

Roseanne gets cancelled but the view is allowed to continue to spew hate, do you condone that?
if you want to stop the hate, you must condemn the haters no matter which side they are on. agree?
Pure hypocrite gold right there. Sorry, I couldn't let it pass.

what exactly is hypocritical about "no matter which side they are on" ? My second sentence was to verify that condemnation is not applied equally.

reading comprehension not your strong suit, I see.
If you want to stop the hate, you have to pursue a policy of condemnation against the other side....which equates to feeding the division and the hate.
Pointing fingers and blaming has NEVER solved a problem. Ever.

ignoring reality has never solved a problem. the hate is mostly one sided, if you cant see that, you are either blind or stupid.
I feel the full blast of hatred from the right every day here, so don't whine to me. It's all a matter of where you are standing, redfish.

frustration is what you are seeing from conservatives, we see our constitution ignored, we see our borders violated, we see politicians commit illegal acts, and nothing is done about it. you need to understand the difference between frustration and hate. Hate is what is spewed daily on the view and CNN.
I do both, watch all media and spend time with locals. Please don't be such a pompous ass.

Do you really not consider the rhetoric of Madow, Whoopi, Behar, Mahr, antifa, BLM, etc to be hateful? Geez, you are out of touch
Please don't call me a pompous ass. I don't watch MADOW etc. and no, I don't regularly visit ANTIFA or BLM sites, either, since I am not an activist. It just seems to me you are out there looking for hate. If you don't like them, don't watch them? Why is that pompous?

I called you pompous because you were preaching to me about going to a local diner for a cuppa. Who exactly do you think you are that you can make assumptions about what others do?

and even though you may not watch the media haters, they still exist and many do watch them. Media should not be propaganda mongers for either party or any ideology, they should report the news accurately and concisely. the problem is that they don't. Most of the media has become the spokesperson for the dem/lib party and the ideology of socialism, Marxism, communism, and every other failed left wing "ism".
Suggesting a cuppa is not PREACHNG. You ain't heard nuthin if you think that's preaching. Jimminy Crickets,

suggesting that I don't do that is preaching and displaying ignorance. reading comprehension, lady.
You're pulling out the personal insults = not gonna stop the hate, redfish

pointing out your misreading of my posts is not an insult. just an observation. you are probably a nice person, I really have no way of knowing.
if you want to stop the hate, you must condemn the haters no matter which side they are on. agree?
Pure hypocrite gold right there. Sorry, I couldn't let it pass.

what exactly is hypocritical about "no matter which side they are on" ? My second sentence was to verify that condemnation is not applied equally.

reading comprehension not your strong suit, I see.
If you want to stop the hate, you have to pursue a policy of condemnation against the other side....which equates to feeding the division and the hate.
Pointing fingers and blaming has NEVER solved a problem. Ever.

ignoring reality has never solved a problem. the hate is mostly one sided, if you cant see that, you are either blind or stupid.
I feel the full blast of hatred from the right every day here, so don't whine to me. It's all a matter of where you are standing, redfish.

frustration is what you are seeing from conservatives, we see our constitution ignored, we see our borders violated, we see politicians commit illegal acts, and nothing is done about it. you need to understand the difference between frustration and hate. Hate is what is spewed daily on the view and CNN.

I used to love Hannity and Colmes on TV. You had two guys willing to discuss the differing opinions, and the audience was left to make up their own minds. That is extremely rare these days.

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