If you want a better America, stop the hate

Disagreement is often incorrectly sold as hate
I don’t hate gays. I don’t want them hurt, deprived, persecuted, denied, belittled, etc BUT I don’t want them bringing to my family’s front door a forced embracement of their persuasion
That’s not hate,its exercise of ones rights
Hatred is really at the root of most of our problems. We can't really even talk anymore without hating upon one another. Has it ever occurred to anyone, for instance, that our hateful society is breeding the kids that go on shooting sprees? I posit that America's biggest problem is its hateful people.

That's an incredible oversimplification. Most people don't hate exactly.

What appears to be hate is more greed and paranoia. They fear so therefore they hate.

Many are redirecting anger caused by other people and factors in their life against people who they see as distant or defenseless. They are afraid to challenge the people that are really causing them to be angry.

Some just want to fit in - peer pressure - they get controlled by extremely assertive people in their social sphere and don't have the guts to contradict them. It's easier to just go along and be accepted in the social group.

I don't think that the hatred expressed in the politics of today is the cause of kids going on shooting sprees. I believe that this is being caused by an absolute lack of tolerance for bullying in the schools. The fact is that since the beginning of time their have been bullies. For some weird instinctual reason, some males are born bullies. They have a deep set need to dominate and scare other people.

Since, in recent years, schools suppress bullying, these natural born bullies have no outlet. Their need for bullying builds up until it becomes overwhelming and then they go on a shooting spree.
Hatred is really at the root of most of our problems. We can't really even talk anymore without hating upon one another. Has it ever occurred to anyone, for instance, that our hateful society is breeding the kids that go on shooting sprees? I posit that America's biggest problem is its hateful people.


Hatred is not the root of our problems. Ignorance is.

You LW loons have promoted brainwashing in schools instead of education, propaganda instead of reasoned and measured policies, ADHD drugs instead of healthy activities for boys, single motherhood as a career in place of two parent families, and Participation Trophies instead of Individual Responsibility and Accomplishment.

And then you let the SJW bullies loose to victimize mentally disturbed boys.
Hatred is really at the root of most of our problems. We can't really even talk anymore without hating upon one another. Has it ever occurred to anyone, for instance, that our hateful society is breeding the kids that go on shooting sprees? I posit that America's biggest problem is its hateful people.
when the dems want to dump the US constitution, directed hate is needed.
View attachment 196040
and he got shot.
So did George Wallace.
didn't die from it.
Meant to, though.
Hatred is really at the root of most of our problems. We can't really even talk anymore without hating upon one another. Has it ever occurred to anyone, for instance, that our hateful society is breeding the kids that go on shooting sprees? I posit that America's biggest problem is its hateful people.
Doormats Give Out Love

Hatred is healthy and natural; it is part of the Survival Instinct.
Disagreement is often incorrectly sold as hate
I don’t hate gays. I don’t want them hurt, deprived, persecuted, denied, belittled, etc BUT I don’t want them bringing to my family’s front door a forced embracement of their persuasion
That’s not hate,its exercise of ones rights
Haters: BLM, antifa, dems, libs, media pukes, NY times, the view, Hollywood, academia. the hate is 98% left wing based, because hate is their only campaign tactic, they have nothing else.
Yeah, we can just feel the love coming from you and the right.

The love of our country, the constitution, freedom, self determination. Yes, its quite obvious and used to come from all political sides. Now, you on the left seem to hate everything this country stands for as well as all of us who believe in this great country.
Haters: BLM, antifa, dems, libs, media pukes, NY times, the view, Hollywood, academia. the hate is 98% left wing based, because hate is their only campaign tactic, they have nothing else.
Yeah, we can just feel the love coming from you and the right.
Indeed, the hate comes from both ends of the spectrum like water from a fire house. And yet, somehow, each end has talked itself into believing that the "other" side is worse.

As if that forgives their own behaviors.

How proud both tribes must be, huh?

if you look at it realistically and listen to the rhetoric from both sides, it is quite obvious that there is much more hate coming from the left than from the right.

there is a tiny minority of far right haters, but the mainstream of the left consists of haters, that's the difference.
The real issue is that partisans spend time hating each other via messageboards and news outlets of choice ..

Whereas if you get up off your ass, youd see that its same shit, diff day and the vast majority is getting along same as it ever was.

Lighten the fuck up, this drama queening is beyond nauseating.

I disagree. The president's daughter being called a kunt on national TV is a first. We're going in the wrong direction.

Really? You think that's where it dissolved? (It was cable TV)

There have been a hell of a lot more "firsts" with Trump before a comedian called someone a c-word during a bit.
Haters: BLM, antifa, dems, libs, media pukes, NY times, the view, Hollywood, academia. the hate is 98% left wing based, because hate is their only campaign tactic, they have nothing else.
Yeah, we can just feel the love coming from you and the right.
Indeed, the hate comes from both ends of the spectrum like water from a fire house. And yet, somehow, each end has talked itself into believing that the "other" side is worse.

As if that forgives their own behaviors.

How proud both tribes must be, huh?

if you look at it realistically and listen to the rhetoric from both sides, it is quite obvious that there is much more hate coming from the left than from the right.

there is a tiny minority of far right haters, but the mainstream of the left consists of haters, that's the difference.
Could be, but regardless of the volume, each side should clean its own house before casting stones.

Having someone say "the other tribe is even more hateful and nasty than my tribe" doesn't present much opportunity for improvement, because all it effectively does is allow each tribe to ignore its own sins.
The real issue is that partisans spend time hating each other via messageboards and news outlets of choice ..

Whereas if you get up off your ass, youd see that its same shit, diff day and the vast majority is getting along same as it ever was.

Lighten the fuck up, this drama queening is beyond nauseating.

I disagree. The president's daughter being called a kunt on national TV is a first. We're going in the wrong direction.

Really? You think that's where it dissolved? (It was cable TV)

There have been a hell of a lot more "firsts" with Trump before a comedian called someone a c-word during a bit.

but you approve of Bill Clinton's actions with women and of Hillary trying to destroy his victims. Hypocrisy = liberal
Haters: BLM, antifa, dems, libs, media pukes, NY times, the view, Hollywood, academia. the hate is 98% left wing based, because hate is their only campaign tactic, they have nothing else.
Yeah, we can just feel the love coming from you and the right.
Indeed, the hate comes from both ends of the spectrum like water from a fire house. And yet, somehow, each end has talked itself into believing that the "other" side is worse.

As if that forgives their own behaviors.

How proud both tribes must be, huh?

if you look at it realistically and listen to the rhetoric from both sides, it is quite obvious that there is much more hate coming from the left than from the right.

there is a tiny minority of far right haters, but the mainstream of the left consists of haters, that's the difference.
Could be, but regardless of the volume, each side should clean its own house before casting stones.

Having someone say "the other tribe is even more hateful and nasty than my tribe" doesn't present much opportunity for improvement, because all it effectively does is allow each tribe to ignore its own sins.

True, and I guarantee that if the left wing media and the dems stopped preaching hate and lying about Trump 24/7/365, that it would stop from both sides. Remember, the left controls the media; print, social, and broadcast. The right does not have access to counter all of it.

I really blame the biased media more than the people on either side. In a free country, the media should not have a political agenda.
Hatred is really at the root of most of our problems. We can't really even talk anymore without hating upon one another. Has it ever occurred to anyone, for instance, that our hateful society is breeding the kids that go on shooting sprees? I posit that America's biggest problem is its hateful people.
Agreed. And even worse, we've been like this for so long that it appears we've literally lost the capacity to communicate effectively. That skill must be like a muscle - use it or it atrophies.

There are people who have a vested professional interest in keeping us angry and divided. We're letting them win.
Yup and almost all of them are filthy rich leftists. Their profits are taken directly from the social apps and media that peddle the hate.
The real issue is that partisans spend time hating each other via messageboards and news outlets of choice ..

Whereas if you get up off your ass, youd see that its same shit, diff day and the vast majority is getting along same as it ever was.

Lighten the fuck up, this drama queening is beyond nauseating.

I disagree. The president's daughter being called a kunt on national TV is a first. We're going in the wrong direction.

Really? You think that's where it dissolved? (It was cable TV)

There have been a hell of a lot more "firsts" with Trump before a comedian called someone a c-word during a bit.

but you approve of Bill Clinton's actions with women and of Hillary trying to destroy his victims. Hypocrisy = liberal

You should try living in a more fact based world.

Reality Check: Did Hillary Clinton attack her husband's accusers? - CNNPolitics

It is not for me to approve or disapprove of any consenting adults actions inside a bedroom or marriage.

Any other non sequitur silliness you would like to address?
The real issue is that partisans spend time hating each other via messageboards and news outlets of choice ..

Whereas if you get up off your ass, youd see that its same shit, diff day and the vast majority is getting along same as it ever was.

Lighten the fuck up, this drama queening is beyond nauseating.

I disagree. The president's daughter being called a kunt on national TV is a first. We're going in the wrong direction.

Really? You think that's where it dissolved? (It was cable TV)

There have been a hell of a lot more "firsts" with Trump before a comedian called someone a c-word during a bit.

but you approve of Bill Clinton's actions with women and of Hillary trying to destroy his victims. Hypocrisy = liberal

You should try living in a more fact based world.

Reality Check: Did Hillary Clinton attack her husband's accusers? - CNNPolitics

It is not for me to approve or disapprove of any consenting adults actions inside a bedroom or marriage.

Any other non sequitur silliness you would like to address?

LOLOLOLOL and you post something from CNN to try to support an invalid claim? sorry, but that dog wont hunt.

sure its not up to you or me, to approve of disapprove of what two consenting adults do in private, but it is up to us to condemn sexual attacks in the workplace, and especially the oval office of the USA. If any corporate CEO did with Clinton did, he would have been fired, charged, and convicted--------------and you know that, but refuse to acknowledge it.
Hatred is really at the root of most of our problems. We can't really even talk anymore without hating upon one another. Has it ever occurred to anyone, for instance, that our hateful society is breeding the kids that go on shooting sprees? I posit that America's biggest problem is its hateful people.
Agreed. And even worse, we've been like this for so long that it appears we've literally lost the capacity to communicate effectively. That skill must be like a muscle - use it or it atrophies.

There are people who have a vested professional interest in keeping us angry and divided. We're letting them win.

It's because we aren't operating from the same set of facts. Each "tribe" can live exclusively in a "media" bubble, feeding them only what they want to hear or feeding them actual conspiracy theories. It used to be we had just the news, the facts. We could disagree on the way to address the issue, but the issue itself wasn't in question.
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The real issue is that partisans spend time hating each other via messageboards and news outlets of choice ..

Whereas if you get up off your ass, youd see that its same shit, diff day and the vast majority is getting along same as it ever was.

Lighten the fuck up, this drama queening is beyond nauseating.

I disagree. The president's daughter being called a kunt on national TV is a first. We're going in the wrong direction.

Really? You think that's where it dissolved? (It was cable TV)

There have been a hell of a lot more "firsts" with Trump before a comedian called someone a c-word during a bit.

but you approve of Bill Clinton's actions with women and of Hillary trying to destroy his victims. Hypocrisy = liberal

You should try living in a more fact based world.

Reality Check: Did Hillary Clinton attack her husband's accusers? - CNNPolitics

It is not for me to approve or disapprove of any consenting adults actions inside a bedroom or marriage.

Any other non sequitur silliness you would like to address?

LOLOLOLOL and you post something from CNN to try to support an invalid claim? sorry, but that dog wont hunt.

sure its not up to you or me, to approve of disapprove of what two consenting adults do in private, but it is up to us to condemn sexual attacks in the workplace, and especially the oval office of the USA. If any corporate CEO did with Clinton did, he would have been fired, charged, and convicted--------------and you know that, but refuse to acknowledge it.

You just proved the point I was making to Mac. Thanks.

(Also, it's quite obvious that in 1993, most corporate CEOs were doing much worse than Clinton allegedly ever did...)
Ship out all the liberal assholes and the fake media would be a good start,they hate this Country anyway.
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