If you want a better America, stop the hate

the Clintons get brought up to point out the hypocrisy of you liberals, sorry if that concept is beyond your mental abilities.

If the Clinton victims were lying why did they Clintons pay them off? You are hopelessly naïve. It doesn't matter if Lewinsky was a willing participant, the boss/employee relationship is the problem. Many CEOs have been fired for just that kind of workplace relationships.

In 1993 they were fired? Who, allegedly, did the Clintons “pay off”? Do you mean settlement agreements? Does a settlement agreement indicate guilt always? (If you say “yes”, Bill O’Reilly and Donald Trump are guilty) What do you want to fire Bill Clinton from? What does Bill Clinton have to do with the topic?

are you on drugs? smoking crack? living under a rock?

What do you think a settlement agreement is if not a pay off to either buy someone's silence, or keep the matter out of court. and yes, it appears that O'Reilly and Trump paid women to be quiet-------that is not illegal and happens every day.

Bill Clinton was "fired" impeached for lying under oath. I personally know of 2 CEOs that were fired for having sexual affairs with underlings, there have also been congressmen, senators, and governors who have lost their jobs for screwing employees. Probably some of them were women sexually harassing other women.

You are either very naïve or very uninformed if you are unaware of this.

None of those CEOs were fired in the 90s for doing what Clinton did. He had a consensual affair with an intern. There was nothing illegal about it, which is why they had to try to get him for lying about the BJ. not the BJ itself. Today, the behavior would be addressed differently than it was then.

If you believe a settlement is admission of guilt,then Trump is guilty of scamming people.

Judge finalizes $25 million Trump University settlement for students of 'sham university'

Good news and bad news Clinton was not "fired" for having an affair, he was impeached for committing perjury to a Grand Jury and Obstruction of Justice.
Slippery slope then. Sigh...
It's really the Conservative Christian hatred that is tainting the US.

Any stats to back your magical chart?
Is it hateful to state that blacks are seven times more likely than whites to commit murder?
It's hateful to carry because of the 13%, as you've said you do. Take the mote out of your own eye before removing the beam from your neighbour's. Stop hating your fellow citizens.

I hate no one. Obviously facts and statistics are triggers for you.
Its biggest problem is Democrats trying to fundamentally change it - to Socialism as they now openly admit - and the results of those changes.

The reaction of Americans to such nonsense should be no surprise.

Socialism is among the least of it.

The left wrong has long been promoting a culture of sexual depravity, parasitism, violence, and lawlessness. And then they accuse anyone who opposes this of “hate”. And too many otherwise good people have cravenly allowed themselves to be intimidated and shamed into playing along with what they clearly know is wrong, for fear of being accused of bigotry.

What other effect would you expect all of this to have on a society, than what we have seen in our own?
As soon as the tantrum over the election ends and as soon as the false narrative about police and white privledge ends then we will stop advising you of those facts you hate to receive
Facts, discipline and personal responsibility are Such Hateful messages and codes of conduct
playing hardball in business is not scamming, its business. Now, if you are interested in scamming people shall we discuss the Clinton foundation and Haiti? or the Clinton foundation and Uranium one? or maybe we can discuss Sharpton owing 4 million is back taxes.

You said a settlement is an admission of guilt. In your words, Trump is guilty of scamming people.

Judge finalizes $25 million Trump University settlement for students of 'sham university'

wrong, seabiscuit. I said it is EITHER an admission of guilt or a payment to keep the issue out of court and the media, sometimes both as in the case of Michael Jackson.

Whether Trump was personally responsible for the Trump university scam and payment is unknown to me. If you have evidence that he is personally responsible I am sure that CNN would give you a handsome payment for that information.

It seems to me that it was a business venture that went bad, as many do and the customers (students) were compensated. Nothing illegal or immoral about that.

So your standard applies to Bill Clinton. He paid a settlement to keep the issue out of the courts and the media.

Trump University scammed people and Trump paid a settlement. Since it was already in the courts and all over the media, the settlement, in your words, is an admission of guilt. Trump is a scam artist and you are being conned.

I know nothing about the Trump university deal, and neither do you. We both do know that Clinton abused women and took advantage of them for years and that Hillary then tried to destroy his victims to keep the Clinton crime family operational.

Your sig pic shows everyone exactly how biased and juvenile you are. Which one are you and which is your girlfriend? Why do you two get turned on dressing up like Trump? Seems kinda sick to me.

We do know. We know, in your words, Trump is guilty of scamming people. His foundation is crooked too.

Trump pays IRS a penalty for his foundation violating rules with gift to aid Florida attorney general

In fact, everything you all accused the Clintons of doing but could never prove, Trump is actually doing.

Oh look, pay to play...

If you want a better America, stop the hate

That's not gonna happen. Republicans are the party of hate.

They have an entire and barely changing list of those they hate:

1. Gays
2. Muslims
3. Blacks
4. Hispanics
5. Liberals
6. Jews
7. Women's rights
8. Sick and disabled
9. College professors
10. Scientists

Republicans on the USMB will say oh, but women's rights are people? Or they may say we don't hate scientists, we just don't believe them. But for the most part, they are pretty public in their hate.

Bannon tells French far-right: 'Let them call you racist'

Bannon encouraging populists to embrace ‘racist’ label confirms belief about the worldview he brought to the White House

more bullshit. those groups are not all the same politically. you on the left must always generalize and put people into categories. There are many conservatives in those 10 groups. your desperation and continued failure is making you more stupid every day.
In 1993 they were fired? Who, allegedly, did the Clintons “pay off”? Do you mean settlement agreements? Does a settlement agreement indicate guilt always? (If you say “yes”, Bill O’Reilly and Donald Trump are guilty) What do you want to fire Bill Clinton from? What does Bill Clinton have to do with the topic?

are you on drugs? smoking crack? living under a rock?

What do you think a settlement agreement is if not a pay off to either buy someone's silence, or keep the matter out of court. and yes, it appears that O'Reilly and Trump paid women to be quiet-------that is not illegal and happens every day.

Bill Clinton was "fired" impeached for lying under oath. I personally know of 2 CEOs that were fired for having sexual affairs with underlings, there have also been congressmen, senators, and governors who have lost their jobs for screwing employees. Probably some of them were women sexually harassing other women.

You are either very naïve or very uninformed if you are unaware of this.

None of those CEOs were fired in the 90s for doing what Clinton did. He had a consensual affair with an intern. There was nothing illegal about it, which is why they had to try to get him for lying about the BJ. not the BJ itself. Today, the behavior would be addressed differently than it was then.

If you believe a settlement is admission of guilt,then Trump is guilty of scamming people.

Judge finalizes $25 million Trump University settlement for students of 'sham university'

Good news and bad news Clinton was not "fired" for having an affair, he was impeached for committing perjury to a Grand Jury and Obstruction of Justice.
Slippery slope then. Sigh...
It's really the Conservative Christian hatred that is tainting the US.

Any stats to back your magical chart?

libs don't need facts, they just make up charts and post them claiming they represents facts. Liberalism is a mental disease.
Haters: BLM, antifa, dems, libs, media pukes, NY times, the view, Hollywood, academia. the hate is 98% left wing based, because hate is their only campaign tactic, they have nothing else.
Take the log out of your eye.
Hatred is really at the root of most of our problems. We can't really even talk anymore without hating upon one another. Has it ever occurred to anyone, for instance, that our hateful society is breeding the kids that go on shooting sprees? I posit that America's biggest problem is its hateful people.
Agreed. And even worse, we've been like this for so long that it appears we've literally lost the capacity to communicate effectively. That skill must be like a muscle - use if or it atrophies.

There are people who have a vested professional interest in keeping us angry and divided. We're letting them win.

we no longer have statesmen in DC. there are no Tip O'Neills, Newts, Reagans, Ikes, Being in congress has become such a lucrative position financially that these assholes will do or say anything to stay on the DC gravy train.
I think you hit it on the head. It isnt a partisan issue, we are seeing an erosion of civility and respect across the board and the formation of a new norm that refuses to recognize worthy opponents but rather classifies them as enemies. And we reward it by putting the nastiest on pedestals and voting for them.

Statesmen seems to have become equilent to traiter, RINO and DINO.
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The real issue is that partisans spend time hating each other via messageboards and news outlets of choice ..

Whereas if you get up off your ass, youd see that its same shit, diff day and the vast majority is getting along same as it ever was.

Lighten the fuck up, this drama queening is beyond nauseating.

I disagree. The president's daughter being called a kunt on national TV is a first. We're going in the wrong direction.
the president is a celebrity
the presidents daughter is a celebrity

celebrities have been called all sorts of dog shit for quite a long time

that's literally meaningless

Ok, so you're cool with it. I think it's wrong and I think it's bad for America.
Yes it is. Just like it was bad to refer to Obama's daughter as slutty, or Barron as autistic, or Clintons teenage daughter as the Whitehouse dog. That is particularly cruel. Adults can handle can handle these things, kids notzo much.
You said a settlement is an admission of guilt. In your words, Trump is guilty of scamming people.

Judge finalizes $25 million Trump University settlement for students of 'sham university'

wrong, seabiscuit. I said it is EITHER an admission of guilt or a payment to keep the issue out of court and the media, sometimes both as in the case of Michael Jackson.

Whether Trump was personally responsible for the Trump university scam and payment is unknown to me. If you have evidence that he is personally responsible I am sure that CNN would give you a handsome payment for that information.

It seems to me that it was a business venture that went bad, as many do and the customers (students) were compensated. Nothing illegal or immoral about that.

So your standard applies to Bill Clinton. He paid a settlement to keep the issue out of the courts and the media.

Trump University scammed people and Trump paid a settlement. Since it was already in the courts and all over the media, the settlement, in your words, is an admission of guilt. Trump is a scam artist and you are being conned.

I know nothing about the Trump university deal, and neither do you. We both do know that Clinton abused women and took advantage of them for years and that Hillary then tried to destroy his victims to keep the Clinton crime family operational.

Your sig pic shows everyone exactly how biased and juvenile you are. Which one are you and which is your girlfriend? Why do you two get turned on dressing up like Trump? Seems kinda sick to me.

We do know. We know, in your words, Trump is guilty of scamming people. His foundation is crooked too.

Trump pays IRS a penalty for his foundation violating rules with gift to aid Florida attorney general

In fact, everything you all accused the Clintons of doing but could never prove, Trump is actually doing.

Oh look, pay to play...


Nope, that's all true shit. Trump University...a con that paid a settlement. Trump's charitable foundation...scam that had to pay a fine. Trump's personal lawyer in a pay to play scheme and the Feds have all the goods.
We're more divided now than we've been since the 1920s, and that ended in the Great Depression. The time before that, the Civil War. Yeah, we're in trouble.
The problem isn't that we're "divided." The problem is that some of us are on the wrong side. If you're on the left, you're destroying the country.
wrong, seabiscuit. I said it is EITHER an admission of guilt or a payment to keep the issue out of court and the media, sometimes both as in the case of Michael Jackson.

Whether Trump was personally responsible for the Trump university scam and payment is unknown to me. If you have evidence that he is personally responsible I am sure that CNN would give you a handsome payment for that information.

It seems to me that it was a business venture that went bad, as many do and the customers (students) were compensated. Nothing illegal or immoral about that.

So your standard applies to Bill Clinton. He paid a settlement to keep the issue out of the courts and the media.

Trump University scammed people and Trump paid a settlement. Since it was already in the courts and all over the media, the settlement, in your words, is an admission of guilt. Trump is a scam artist and you are being conned.

I know nothing about the Trump university deal, and neither do you. We both do know that Clinton abused women and took advantage of them for years and that Hillary then tried to destroy his victims to keep the Clinton crime family operational.

Your sig pic shows everyone exactly how biased and juvenile you are. Which one are you and which is your girlfriend? Why do you two get turned on dressing up like Trump? Seems kinda sick to me.

We do know. We know, in your words, Trump is guilty of scamming people. His foundation is crooked too.

Trump pays IRS a penalty for his foundation violating rules with gift to aid Florida attorney general

In fact, everything you all accused the Clintons of doing but could never prove, Trump is actually doing.

Oh look, pay to play...


Nope, that's all true shit. Trump University...a con that paid a settlement. Trump's charitable foundation...scam that had to pay a fine. Trump's personal lawyer in a pay to play scheme and the Feds have all the goods.

Settling a lawsuit doesn't make you guilty of a con, douchebag. Trump's charity had to pay a fine? That is so sinister! "Pay for play" refers to taking bribes. There is no allegation that there is anything illegal about the money Trump's lawyer paid to the prositute. Nothing.

I love the way you sleazy lying snowflakes distort everything to support your narrative against Trump. Then you accuse Trump of being a liar. That is the ultimate hypocrisy.
The reason there is such volatile disagreement is that we as a society are polarly opposite as to what we think America should be. The one that the Constitution says we should be, or the European, Socialist model with the emphasis on importing refugees and their needs, over existing citizens.

Our Education system K through University, the Media, Government, Corporate America, the Democrats, and some Republicans want the European model. Government loves to grow. That is its real purpose.
In short, the U.S. is populated by patriots and douchebag traitors.
So your standard applies to Bill Clinton. He paid a settlement to keep the issue out of the courts and the media.

Trump University scammed people and Trump paid a settlement. Since it was already in the courts and all over the media, the settlement, in your words, is an admission of guilt. Trump is a scam artist and you are being conned.

I know nothing about the Trump university deal, and neither do you. We both do know that Clinton abused women and took advantage of them for years and that Hillary then tried to destroy his victims to keep the Clinton crime family operational.

Your sig pic shows everyone exactly how biased and juvenile you are. Which one are you and which is your girlfriend? Why do you two get turned on dressing up like Trump? Seems kinda sick to me.

We do know. We know, in your words, Trump is guilty of scamming people. His foundation is crooked too.

Trump pays IRS a penalty for his foundation violating rules with gift to aid Florida attorney general

In fact, everything you all accused the Clintons of doing but could never prove, Trump is actually doing.

Oh look, pay to play...


Nope, that's all true shit. Trump University...a con that paid a settlement. Trump's charitable foundation...scam that had to pay a fine. Trump's personal lawyer in a pay to play scheme and the Feds have all the goods.

Settling a lawsuit doesn't make you guilty of a con, douchebag. Trump's charity had to pay a fine? That is so sinister! "Pay for play" refers to taking bribes. There is no allegation that there is anything illegal about the money Trump's lawyer paid to the prositute. Nothing.

I love the way you sleazy lying snowflakes distort everything to support your narrative against Trump. Then you accuse Trump of being a liar. That is the ultimate hypocrisy.

sea bitch has proven to be a sleeze ball hypocritical libtardian for several months. I had her on ignore for a while and if she continues to post such liberal nonsense and lies, she will be back on my ignore list.

I don't think the lefties will ever get over Trump beating crooked Hillary. The were so emotionally invested in the lying bitch that they are unable to see the truth. Its quite pathetic.
wrong, seabiscuit. I said it is EITHER an admission of guilt or a payment to keep the issue out of court and the media, sometimes both as in the case of Michael Jackson.

Whether Trump was personally responsible for the Trump university scam and payment is unknown to me. If you have evidence that he is personally responsible I am sure that CNN would give you a handsome payment for that information.

It seems to me that it was a business venture that went bad, as many do and the customers (students) were compensated. Nothing illegal or immoral about that.

So your standard applies to Bill Clinton. He paid a settlement to keep the issue out of the courts and the media.

Trump University scammed people and Trump paid a settlement. Since it was already in the courts and all over the media, the settlement, in your words, is an admission of guilt. Trump is a scam artist and you are being conned.

I know nothing about the Trump university deal, and neither do you. We both do know that Clinton abused women and took advantage of them for years and that Hillary then tried to destroy his victims to keep the Clinton crime family operational.

Your sig pic shows everyone exactly how biased and juvenile you are. Which one are you and which is your girlfriend? Why do you two get turned on dressing up like Trump? Seems kinda sick to me.

We do know. We know, in your words, Trump is guilty of scamming people. His foundation is crooked too.

Trump pays IRS a penalty for his foundation violating rules with gift to aid Florida attorney general

In fact, everything you all accused the Clintons of doing but could never prove, Trump is actually doing.

Oh look, pay to play...


Nope, that's all true shit. Trump University...a con that paid a settlement. Trump's charitable foundation...scam that had to pay a fine. Trump's personal lawyer in a pay to play scheme and the Feds have all the goods.

where is the evidence of any illegality? exactly what "goods" do the feds have? You make such stupid statements because you cannot separate emotion from fact. You are emotionally tied to the Clinton crime family and are unable to accept that they are all criminals, and their criminality has been proven, but for some reason they are above the law. Why do you think that some people are not subject to the laws that apply to you and me?

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