If You Want Change, Win An Election

What I said holds true for the Presidency of the United States just as it holds true for any job. If the person who follows you at a job you once held is the greatest thing since sliced bread then you will suffer by comparison. If the person who follows you is incapable of doing the job then you will look great by comparison.

We're in the "common sense" realm here...so I don't expect many progressives here to grasp the concept...
Hence why Bush looks so terrible in comparison to Obama. Everyone -- at least those who don't take advice from their own voices -- already knew that. So what are you complaining about?
Rightwing whining

Obamas first priority was fixing the economy that Republicans crashed. He passed the Stimulus, he saved the auto companies and the banks, he implemented new financial regulations and credit card laws. He prevented a Depression
His second priority was two wars that Bush pushed us into and poorly executed. Obama quickly wrapped up Iraq and redirected his efforts to salvaging Afghanistan which Bush had abandoned
His third priority was redirecting the war on terrorism to hunt down the scum wherever they were hiding. Afganistan, Pakistan, Yemen. terrorist leaders were hunted down and killed. Want to talk about bin Laden?
His fourth priority, which he was elected to do was pass a national Healthcare program. he was the first president in 100 years of trying to succeed at passing a universal healthcare program

Not bad for a community organizer and "junior" senator

So ObamaCare was his fourth priority, Winger? LOL Nice try but that's total bullshit and you know it.

Obamacare was not passed for over a year into his presidency. Everything else took place beforehand.

Look I know the rightwing propaganda machine pumps out the community organizer, unprepared for the presidency........Obama is the worst President in History nonsense. But by any objective evaluation, Obamas first two years as president were among the most productive in History

The Obama so-called fix to the economy that is still barely surviving was explained to you in a previous post.

I see ACA as the very first thing that was on Obama's agenda. Everything else took place later. Dates don't lie, so you can shove your left wing propaganda where the sun don't shine.

The ACA was signed into law in March, 2010.

Obama tripled the number of troops in Afghanistan beginning in Dec, 2010 and promised a competed withdrawal in 18 months. Didn''t happen.

The last American troops left Iraq in Dec, 2011 after Obama honored the Status of Forces Agreement Bush had already signed. The only thing left was to negotiate the conditions to leave some Spec ops troops in country to help prevent exactly what is happening now. Obama sent Joe Biden and he failed to get an agreement.
Hence why Bush looks so terrible in comparison to Obama. Everyone -- at least those who don't take advice from their own voices -- already knew that. So what are you complaining about?

How, pray tell, does ANYONE look terrible in comparison to Obama, Mamooth? The economy is STILL grinding along five years after he took office. The number of people on long term unemployment is at a record level. His foreign policy is so confused our enemies are amused by us and our allies no longer trust us. His Administration is awash in scandals...which the "most transparent administration in history" (eye-roll) continues to stone-wall. And worst of all he's created an atmosphere of partisan gridlock unseen before in Washington.

With Truman the buck always stopped on Harry's desk. With Obama the buck always stops on the desk of someone else. That's what historians will be looking at years from now...what were the challenges that Obama faced and how did he fare facing them? Very few historians are going to go with a narrative about how great a President Barack Obama could have been. They will be forced to report on how ineffective he WAS!
April 5, 2008

History News Network’s poll of 109 historians found that 61 percent of them rank Bush as “worst ever” among U.S. presidents. Bush’s key competition comes from Buchanan, apparently, and a further 2 percent of the sample puts Bush right behind Buchanan as runner-up for “worst ever.” 96 percent of the respondents place the Bush presidency in the bottom tier of American presidencies. And was his presidency (it’s a bit wishful to speak of his presidency in the past tense–after all there are several more months left to go) a success or failure? On that score the numbers are still more resounding: 98 percent label it a “failure.”

Here are some of the comments that the historians furnished:

“It would be difficult to identify a President who, facing major international and domestic crises, has failed in both as clearly as President Bush,” concluded one respondent. “His domestic policies,” another noted, “have had the cumulative effect of shoring up a semi-permanent aristocracy of capital that dwarfs the aristocracy of land against which the founding fathers rebelled; of encouraging a mindless retreat from science and rationalism; and of crippling the nation’s economic base.”

“No individual president can compare to the second Bush,” wrote one. “Glib, contemptuous, ignorant, incurious, a dupe of anyone who humors his deluded belief in his heroic self, he has bankrupted the country with his disastrous war and his tax breaks for the rich, trampled on the Bill of Rights, appointed foxes in every henhouse, compounded the terrorist threat, turned a blind eye to torture and corruption and a looming ecological disaster, and squandered the rest of the world’s goodwill. In short, no other president’s faults have had so deleterious an effect on not only the country but the world at large.”

“With his unprovoked and disastrous war of aggression in Iraq and his monstrous deficits, Bush has set this country on a course that will take decades to correct,” said another historian. “When future historians look back to identify the moment at which the United States began to lose its position of world leadership, they will point—rightly—to the Bush presidency. Thanks to his policies, it is now easy to see America losing out to its competitors in any number of areas: China is rapidly becoming the manufacturing powerhouse of the next century, India the high tech and services leader, and Europe the region with the best quality of life.”

Worst. President. Ever. | Harper's Magazine
I sincerely doubt that Barack Obama will ever be considered to be in the same class as George W. Bush. Dream about it because it will never happen.

Gee, liberal historians hate W...what a shocker!!! Here's a hint for you, Rinata...how historians view Presidents evolves over time. At the end of Bush's second term he was seen as a terrible President by quite a few people, many of which declared here that he was the worst of all time. I made the statement then...and I'll repeat it now...that Bush in many ways will be judged by the success or failure of the President who comes after him. If Barack Obama is successful then Bush will be viewed as a goat...If Obama falls on his face then Bush will be viewed in a much more favorable light.

As of right now, Barack Obama is the best thing that could have EVER happened to George W. Bush and quite frankly I don't see Obama making any changes in his last three years to alter that perception. Obama makes Bush look good because Obama isn't a good President.

Oh, please. Nice try.

GW Bush's job approval rating was 43.7% in his 19th quarter.

PRINCETON, NJ -- President Barack Obama averaged a 44.5% job approval rating during his 19th quarter in office, a decline of more than three percentage points from his 18th quarter. That is one of the largest quarter-to-quarter declines of his presidency, behind a nine-point drop in his third quarter and a six-point drop in his 11th quarter.

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Gee, liberal historians hate W...what a shocker!!! Here's a hint for you, Rinata...how historians view Presidents evolves over time. At the end of Bush's second term he was seen as a terrible President by quite a few people, many of which declared here that he was the worst of all time. I made the statement then...and I'll repeat it now...that Bush in many ways will be judged by the success or failure of the President who comes after him. If Barack Obama is successful then Bush will be viewed as a goat...If Obama falls on his face then Bush will be viewed in a much more favorable light.

As of right now, Barack Obama is the best thing that could have EVER happened to George W. Bush and quite frankly I don't see Obama making any changes in his last three years to alter that perception. Obama makes Bush look good because Obama isn't a good President.

Oh, please. Nice try.

GW Bush's job approval rating was 43.7% in his 19th quarter.

PRINCETON, NJ -- President Barack Obama averaged a 44.5% job approval rating during his 19th quarter in office, a decline of more than three percentage points from his 18th quarter. That is one of the largest quarter-to-quarter declines of his presidency, behind a nine-point drop in his third quarter and a six-point drop in his 11th quarter.

Obama's Job Approval Declines to 44.5% in 19th Quarter

From an approval rating that was once in the 80% range and on its way down to 26%
Approval ratings are directly influenced by media coverage. If the main stream media hates you...as they did W....then your ratings will suffer. If the main stream media adores you...as they do Obama...then your ratings will not.

A fawning media does not however make you a great President. At the end of the day, Barack Obama will be judged by historians on how well he answered the challenges that he faced as President. Blaming others might work in the short term if you have a compliant media but in the long term your record as a Chief Executive is what will be examined.
Hence why Bush looks so terrible in comparison to Obama. Everyone -- at least those who don't take advice from their own voices -- already knew that. So what are you complaining about?

I disliked Bush......greatly, and I'd take him back over Obama in a heartbeat. He's a walking clusterfuck.
How, pray tell, does ANYONE look terrible in comparison to Obama, Mamooth?

If you'd take a step out of the partisan echo chamber you've isolated yourself in, you could answer that for yourself. I won't be able to help you until you attain some independence of thought.

I suggest baby steps at first. What does Occam's Razor say is more likely to be the case?

1. There really is a secret vast global socialist conspiracy to back Obama.


2. You've been badly misinformed.

Until you admit that #2 is more likely, there won't be any way to help you.
How, pray tell, does ANYONE look terrible in comparison to Obama, Mamooth?

If you'd take a step out of the partisan echo chamber you've isolated yourself in, you could answer that for yourself. I won't be able to help you until you attain some independence of thought.

I suggest baby steps at first. What does Occam's Razor say is more likely to be the case?

1. There really is a secret vast global socialist conspiracy to back Obama.


2. You've been badly misinformed.

Until you admit that #2 is more likely, there won't be any way to help you.

Pot, kettle, black.
How, pray tell, does ANYONE look terrible in comparison to Obama, Mamooth?

If you'd take a step out of the partisan echo chamber you've isolated yourself in, you could answer that for yourself. I won't be able to help you until you attain some independence of thought.

I suggest baby steps at first. What does Occam's Razor say is more likely to be the case?

1. There really is a secret vast global socialist conspiracy to back Obama.


2. You've been badly misinformed.

Until you admit that #2 is more likely, there won't be any way to help you.

Occam's Razor would say that Obama looks terrible in comparison with other Presidents because he's not a very good President.

The global conspiracy to back Obama wasn't secret...heck, you idiots gave the guy a Nobel Peace Prize simply for showing up for his first day of work. It's been amusing, quite frankly to watch the "myth" of Barack Obama collide head on with the "reality" of Barack Obama.

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