If You Want Change, Win An Election

The way things have been going, I have to believe that by 2016 Republicans will have lost the House, even with all the advantages they have due to the way districts have been drawn to favor them. .

The way things are going , the democratic party will issue ID cards to its members which will allow the Parasites to enter any business and demand any freebie their heart desires. The sky is the limit.

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We did win elections. That's why we have control of the House of Representatives. Because we won more federal elections than Democrats did.

you left out the part where Dems got more votes. The GOP'ers held on because of redistricting :thup:

Republicans Win Congress as Democrats Get Most Votes - Bloomberg
A majority of Americans disapprove of the Republicans in Congress, yet the odds remain in the party’s favor that it will retain control of the House. One big reason the Republicans have this edge: their district boundaries are drawn so carefully that the only votes that often matter come from fellow Republicans.

You left out that is the way our system is designed. The commies gerrymander just like republicans.
We did win elections. That's why we have control of the House of Representatives. Because we won more federal elections than Democrats did.

The way things have been going, I have to believe that by 2016 Republicans will have lost the House, even with all the advantages they have due to the way districts have been drawn to favor them. Remember one thing; in 2012 you won substantially more seats in the House, but Republicans received less overall votes than Democrats in those congressional races. Had the districts been drawn to favor Democrats, Democrats would now control the House.

Republicans may lose the House next year. I wouldn't be surprised either way.

But the rest is just speculation. Even if the districts were completely fair (something I have no problem with doing since both parties are screwing the people over by doing what they are currently doing), you forget that Democrat safe districts are high populations areas that overwhelmingly support Democrats. While I have no doubt that you could redraw the districts to give Democrats more seats, having them drawn fairly could still end up with the same party controling the House.

Point is, you can't claim that as an excuse. More Republicans were still elected in National elections. Making excuses why doesn't really change the fact that elections happened.

BTW if anyone would like to have a Constitutional Amendment for non gerrymandered districts, I would happily join with you in support no matter what party you belong to. I think it's ridiculous.
We did win elections. That's why we have control of the House of Representatives. Because we won more federal elections than Democrats did.

The way things have been going, I have to believe that by 2016 Republicans will have lost the House, even with all the advantages they have due to the way districts have been drawn to favor them. Remember one thing; in 2012 you won substantially more seats in the House, but Republicans received less overall votes than Democrats in those congressional races. Had the districts been drawn to favor Democrats, Democrats would now control the House.

Only one BIG problem with your scenario, Auditor...by 2016 people will understand what they signed on for with ObamaCare and that is anything but good news for those Democrats running for political office. And if you think that sentiment is bad in 2016...then wait a few more years when the true costs kick in and either the deficit sky-rockets or the American people get hit with a tax to pay for it that will buckle their knees.
We did win elections. That's why we have control of the House of Representatives. Because we won more federal elections than Democrats did.

But you lost on the shutdown, and now the mainstream GOP is not going to let you do it again.

We never asked it to be shut down to begin with. We've been passing bills funding the government since day one. Had the Senate merely signed and the President signed, the shut down would have been completely avoided.
We did win elections. That's why we have control of the House of Representatives. Because we won more federal elections than Democrats did.

But you lost on the shutdown, and now the mainstream GOP is not going to let you do it again.

That will be seen in about 90 days, if your dear leader continues to refuse to negotiate on the budget after all his bluster, people will see you commies for the lying bastards you are.
We did win elections. That's why we have control of the House of Representatives. Because we won more federal elections than Democrats did.

But you lost on the shutdown, and now the mainstream GOP is not going to let you do it again.

The GOP didn't "lose" on the shutdown. Everyone would have lost if we'd defaulted so the GOP did the adult thing and postponed disaster for a few months. Nothing has changed however. We're still spending way too much, ObamaCare is still a train wreck and our President is still pretending to lead. That's not a win for anyone.
Obama to GOP: 'Win an election' to change policies

President Barack Obama challenged the GOP to end political brinkmanship and said Republicans should "win an election" if they so badly wish to change his policies.

In his first extended remarks since the government reopened, Obama said that the public has grown "fed up" with its government and urged lawmakers to move past the conflict of the past few weeks.

"To all my friends in Congress, understand that how business is done in this town has to change," he said.

"You don't like a particular policy or a particular president? Then argue for your position. Go out there and win an election," The president said. "But don't break it.”

Obama to GOP: 'Win an election' to change policies - First Read

Good for the president!!! I guess he told them!!! :clap2:

The republicans DID win an election that is why they control the House. Retard.
Well, this seemed to go over certain heads!!!! Big surprise.

Typical. Can't deal with the fact that your soundbyte is inaccurate since Republicans have been winning more Federal elections so you need to resort to insults.

One of these days, I would love to see you actually have a discussion to support your viewpoints instead of just resorting to insults

The president made a statement and I agreed completely. So I posted it and said so. What is wrong with that?? YOU are typical, not I. You saw my thread and started digging for something to criticize and came up with something ridiculous. The insults came at ME, not the other way around. I would love to see YOU actually be truthful in the posts you direct at me. I did state MY point of view. If you can't see that then you have a problem. And truthfully, I don't really care if you see it or not.

Let me explain something to you. Yes, Republicans won the house in the 2010 election. That was their opportunity to try and change things they were not happy with, right?? But what did they do?? All they did was plan to sabotage President Obama, planned the govt. shutdown, and spent the majority of their time trying to get rid of the Affordable Healthcare Act. So why did you say to me, " Republicans have been winning more Federal elections". So what?? They don't try to accomplish anything when elected. President Obama could not say that. Learn to read between the lines.

In 2011, after Republicans took control of the U.S. House, Congress passed just 90 bills into law. The only other year in which Congress failed to pass at least 125 laws was 1995.

These statistics make the 112th Congress, covering 2011-12, the least productive two-year gathering on Capitol Hill since the end of World War II. Not even the 80th Congress, which President Truman called the "do-nothing Congress" in 1948, passed as few laws as the current one, records show.

When Democrats controlled both chambers during the 111th Congress, 258 laws were enacted in 2010 and 125 in 2009, including President Obama's health care law.

Unproductive Congress

Fewer laws have been passed by this Congress than by any other in the last 65 years. Number of laws passed each year by Congress since 1947:
2012: 61; 2011: 90; 2010: 258; 2009: 125; 2008: 280; 2007: 180; 2006: 313; 2005: 169; 2004: 300; 2003: 198; 2002: 241; 2001: 136; 2000: 410; 1999: 170; 1998: 241; 1997: 153; 1996: 245; 1995: 88; 1994: 255; 1993: 210; 1992: 347; 1991: 243; 1990: 410; 1989: 240; 1988: 473; 1987: 240; 1986: 424; 1985: 240; 1984: 408; 1983: 215; 1982: 328; 1981: 145; 1980: 426; 1979: 187; 1978: 411; 1977: 223; 1976: 383; 1975: 205; 1974: 404; 1973: 245; 1972: 383; 1971: 224; 1970: 505; 1969: 190; 1968: 391; 1967: 391; 1966: 461; 1965: 349; 1964: 408; 1963: 258; 1962: 484; 1961: 401; 1960: 417; 1959: 383; 1958: 620; 1957: 316; 1956: 638; 1955: 390; 1954: 492; 1953: 288; 1952: 339; 1951: 255; 1950: 481; 1949: 440; 1948: 511; 1947: 395

Source: House Clerk's Office

This Congress could be least productive since 1947 ? USATODAY.com
Obama to GOP: 'Win an election' to change policies

President Barack Obama challenged the GOP to end political brinkmanship and said Republicans should "win an election" if they so badly wish to change his policies.

In his first extended remarks since the government reopened, Obama said that the public has grown "fed up" with its government and urged lawmakers to move past the conflict of the past few weeks.

"To all my friends in Congress, understand that how business is done in this town has to change," he said.

"You don't like a particular policy or a particular president? Then argue for your position. Go out there and win an election," The president said. "But don't break it.”

Obama to GOP: 'Win an election' to change policies - First Read

Good for the president!!! I guess he told them!!! :clap2:

The republicans DID win an election that is why they control the House. Retard.

You don't get it either. Read my post below. Damn!! You right wing crazies are slow!!!
Well, this seemed to go over certain heads!!!! Big surprise.

Typical. Can't deal with the fact that your soundbyte is inaccurate since Republicans have been winning more Federal elections so you need to resort to insults.

One of these days, I would love to see you actually have a discussion to support your viewpoints instead of just resorting to insults

The president made a statement and I agreed completely. So I posted it and said so. What is wrong with that?? YOU are typical, not I. You saw my thread and started digging for something to criticize and came up with something ridiculous. The insults came at ME, not the other way around. I would love to see YOU actually be truthful in the posts you direct at me. I did state MY point of view. If you can't see that then you have a problem. And truthfully, I don't really care if you see it or not.

Let me explain something to you. Yes, Republicans won the house in the 2010 election. That was their opportunity to try and change things they were not happy with, right?? But what did they do?? All they did was plan to sabotage President Obama, planned the govt. shutdown, and spent the majority of their time trying to get rid of the Affordable Healthcare Act. So why did you say to me, " Republicans have been winning more Federal elections". So what?? They don't try to accomplish anything when elected. President Obama could not say that. Learn to read between the lines.

In 2011, after Republicans took control of the U.S. House, Congress passed just 90 bills into law. The only other year in which Congress failed to pass at least 125 laws was 1995.

These statistics make the 112th Congress, covering 2011-12, the least productive two-year gathering on Capitol Hill since the end of World War II. Not even the 80th Congress, which President Truman called the "do-nothing Congress" in 1948, passed as few laws as the current one, records show.

When Democrats controlled both chambers during the 111th Congress, 258 laws were enacted in 2010 and 125 in 2009, including President Obama's health care law.

Unproductive Congress

Fewer laws have been passed by this Congress than by any other in the last 65 years. Number of laws passed each year by Congress since 1947:
2012: 61; 2011: 90; 2010: 258; 2009: 125; 2008: 280; 2007: 180; 2006: 313; 2005: 169; 2004: 300; 2003: 198; 2002: 241; 2001: 136; 2000: 410; 1999: 170; 1998: 241; 1997: 153; 1996: 245; 1995: 88; 1994: 255; 1993: 210; 1992: 347; 1991: 243; 1990: 410; 1989: 240; 1988: 473; 1987: 240; 1986: 424; 1985: 240; 1984: 408; 1983: 215; 1982: 328; 1981: 145; 1980: 426; 1979: 187; 1978: 411; 1977: 223; 1976: 383; 1975: 205; 1974: 404; 1973: 245; 1972: 383; 1971: 224; 1970: 505; 1969: 190; 1968: 391; 1967: 391; 1966: 461; 1965: 349; 1964: 408; 1963: 258; 1962: 484; 1961: 401; 1960: 417; 1959: 383; 1958: 620; 1957: 316; 1956: 638; 1955: 390; 1954: 492; 1953: 288; 1952: 339; 1951: 255; 1950: 481; 1949: 440; 1948: 511; 1947: 395

Source: House Clerk's Office

This Congress could be least productive since 1947 ? USATODAY.com

Thank God!!! The fewer laws the less bullshit we the people have to deal with. Yeah Congress. :clap2:
Well, this seemed to go over certain heads!!!! Big surprise.

Typical. Can't deal with the fact that your soundbyte is inaccurate since Republicans have been winning more Federal elections so you need to resort to insults.

One of these days, I would love to see you actually have a discussion to support your viewpoints instead of just resorting to insults

The president made a statement and I agreed completely. So I posted it and said so. What is wrong with that?? YOU are typical, not I. You saw my thread and started digging for something to criticize and came up with something ridiculous. The insults came at ME, not the other way around. I would love to see YOU actually be truthful in the posts you direct at me. I did state MY point of view. If you can't see that then you have a problem. And truthfully, I don't really care if you see it or not.

Let me explain something to you. Yes, Republicans won the house in the 2010 election. That was their opportunity to try and change things they were not happy with, right?? But what did they do?? All they did was plan to sabotage President Obama, planned the govt. shutdown, and spent the majority of their time trying to get rid of the Affordable Healthcare Act. So why did you say to me, " Republicans have been winning more Federal elections". So what?? They don't try to accomplish anything when elected. President Obama could not say that. Learn to read between the lines.

In 2011, after Republicans took control of the U.S. House, Congress passed just 90 bills into law. The only other year in which Congress failed to pass at least 125 laws was 1995.

These statistics make the 112th Congress, covering 2011-12, the least productive two-year gathering on Capitol Hill since the end of World War II. Not even the 80th Congress, which President Truman called the "do-nothing Congress" in 1948, passed as few laws as the current one, records show.

When Democrats controlled both chambers during the 111th Congress, 258 laws were enacted in 2010 and 125 in 2009, including President Obama's health care law.

Unproductive Congress

Fewer laws have been passed by this Congress than by any other in the last 65 years. Number of laws passed each year by Congress since 1947:
2012: 61; 2011: 90; 2010: 258; 2009: 125; 2008: 280; 2007: 180; 2006: 313; 2005: 169; 2004: 300; 2003: 198; 2002: 241; 2001: 136; 2000: 410; 1999: 170; 1998: 241; 1997: 153; 1996: 245; 1995: 88; 1994: 255; 1993: 210; 1992: 347; 1991: 243; 1990: 410; 1989: 240; 1988: 473; 1987: 240; 1986: 424; 1985: 240; 1984: 408; 1983: 215; 1982: 328; 1981: 145; 1980: 426; 1979: 187; 1978: 411; 1977: 223; 1976: 383; 1975: 205; 1974: 404; 1973: 245; 1972: 383; 1971: 224; 1970: 505; 1969: 190; 1968: 391; 1967: 391; 1966: 461; 1965: 349; 1964: 408; 1963: 258; 1962: 484; 1961: 401; 1960: 417; 1959: 383; 1958: 620; 1957: 316; 1956: 638; 1955: 390; 1954: 492; 1953: 288; 1952: 339; 1951: 255; 1950: 481; 1949: 440; 1948: 511; 1947: 395

Source: House Clerk's Office

This Congress could be least productive since 1947 ? USATODAY.com

You're incredibly oblivious to what's been going on in Washington, Rinata. The House can't pass bills by itself. It needs the Senate and the President. Harry Reid has been sitting on dozens of GOP sponsored bills that the House sent over to the Senate...refusing to let them come to the floor to even be discussed let alone voted on. He's been doing that since the 2010 mid-terms. That is a fact and that is WHY this Congress hasn't been "productive"!

So when Barack Obama goes on TV and gives his little spiel about how the Republicans need to "win" before they can get the changes they want? The Republicans DID win...they won HUGE in 2010! Only both Barack Obama and Harry Reid decided that election didn't matter. Both decided that their agenda was more important than honoring the people's wishes. Both decided that they wouldn't compromise on anything...and that's where we stand STILL...three years later!
Well, this seemed to go over certain heads!!!! Big surprise.

Typical. Can't deal with the fact that your soundbyte is inaccurate since Republicans have been winning more Federal elections so you need to resort to insults.

One of these days, I would love to see you actually have a discussion to support your viewpoints instead of just resorting to insults

The president made a statement and I agreed completely. So I posted it and said so. What is wrong with that?? YOU are typical, not I. You saw my thread and started digging for something to criticize and came up with something ridiculous. The insults came at ME, not the other way around. I would love to see YOU actually be truthful in the posts you direct at me. I did state MY point of view. If you can't see that then you have a problem. And truthfully, I don't really care if you see it or not.

Let me explain something to you. Yes, Republicans won the house in the 2010 election. That was their opportunity to try and change things they were not happy with, right?? But what did they do?? All they did was plan to sabotage President Obama, planned the govt. shutdown, and spent the majority of their time trying to get rid of the Affordable Healthcare Act. So why did you say to me, " Republicans have been winning more Federal elections". So what?? They don't try to accomplish anything when elected. President Obama could not say that. Learn to read between the lines.

In 2011, after Republicans took control of the U.S. House, Congress passed just 90 bills into law. The only other year in which Congress failed to pass at least 125 laws was 1995.

These statistics make the 112th Congress, covering 2011-12, the least productive two-year gathering on Capitol Hill since the end of World War II. Not even the 80th Congress, which President Truman called the "do-nothing Congress" in 1948, passed as few laws as the current one, records show.

When Democrats controlled both chambers during the 111th Congress, 258 laws were enacted in 2010 and 125 in 2009, including President Obama's health care law.

Unproductive Congress

Fewer laws have been passed by this Congress than by any other in the last 65 years. Number of laws passed each year by Congress since 1947:
2012: 61; 2011: 90; 2010: 258; 2009: 125; 2008: 280; 2007: 180; 2006: 313; 2005: 169; 2004: 300; 2003: 198; 2002: 241; 2001: 136; 2000: 410; 1999: 170; 1998: 241; 1997: 153; 1996: 245; 1995: 88; 1994: 255; 1993: 210; 1992: 347; 1991: 243; 1990: 410; 1989: 240; 1988: 473; 1987: 240; 1986: 424; 1985: 240; 1984: 408; 1983: 215; 1982: 328; 1981: 145; 1980: 426; 1979: 187; 1978: 411; 1977: 223; 1976: 383; 1975: 205; 1974: 404; 1973: 245; 1972: 383; 1971: 224; 1970: 505; 1969: 190; 1968: 391; 1967: 391; 1966: 461; 1965: 349; 1964: 408; 1963: 258; 1962: 484; 1961: 401; 1960: 417; 1959: 383; 1958: 620; 1957: 316; 1956: 638; 1955: 390; 1954: 492; 1953: 288; 1952: 339; 1951: 255; 1950: 481; 1949: 440; 1948: 511; 1947: 395

Source: House Clerk's Office

This Congress could be least productive since 1947 ? USATODAY.com

That is a rather wonky definition of productive though. The measure of bills that pass has nothing to do with how effective the congress has bee.

That is not to say that this congress has been effective but that the particular statistic you are using happens to be utterly worthless. As oldstyle pointed out as well, the government as a whole is not functioning and that is not due to a single entity. Part of the president’s job is to get the 2 sides working together. Obama is by far the most decisive president I have ever seen. Bush was bad at this and started us down such a path but Obama has taken it to new levels. They are all acting like children and the finger pointing by the water carriers is no better.
seems like the only meaningful elections are those the republicans win.

Both Barack Obama and Bill Clinton lost the House in the first mid-term of their Administrations. Clinton responded by moving to the center and working with the GOP. The result was a balanced budget and a thriving economy. Obama responded by not moving to the center at all and not working with the GOP House. The result has been political gridlock and a stagnant economy.

That isn't partisan hyperbole...that's a simple statement of fact. The reason that this country is mired in the mess we're in...is that the Democrats chose to ignore the mid-term elections of 2010 and do business like they still had super majorities in the House and Senate. I'm sorry, L.K. but Clinton played it correctly...and Obama did not.
We did win elections. That's why we have control of the House of Representatives. Because we won more federal elections than Democrats did.

Yes it is true. Thanks to the Tea Party. I laughed when O came out after the election, talking about the "shellacking" the Dems took.. He chose the perfect word to describe it, and in `14 he will be using it again, no doubt.
Well, this seemed to go over certain heads!!!! Big surprise.

Typical. Can't deal with the fact that your soundbyte is inaccurate since Republicans have been winning more Federal elections so you need to resort to insults.

One of these days, I would love to see you actually have a discussion to support your viewpoints instead of just resorting to insults

The president made a statement and I agreed completely. So I posted it and said so. What is wrong with that?? YOU are typical, not I. You saw my thread and started digging for something to criticize and came up with something ridiculous. The insults came at ME, not the other way around. I would love to see YOU actually be truthful in the posts you direct at me. I did state MY point of view. If you can't see that then you have a problem. And truthfully, I don't really care if you see it or not.

Let me explain something to you. Yes, Republicans won the house in the 2010 election. That was their opportunity to try and change things they were not happy with, right?? But what did they do?? All they did was plan to sabotage President Obama, planned the govt. shutdown, and spent the majority of their time trying to get rid of the Affordable Healthcare Act. So why did you say to me, " Republicans have been winning more Federal elections". So what?? They don't try to accomplish anything when elected. President Obama could not say that. Learn to read between the lines.

In 2011, after Republicans took control of the U.S. House, Congress passed just 90 bills into law. The only other year in which Congress failed to pass at least 125 laws was 1995.

These statistics make the 112th Congress, covering 2011-12, the least productive two-year gathering on Capitol Hill since the end of World War II. Not even the 80th Congress, which President Truman called the "do-nothing Congress" in 1948, passed as few laws as the current one, records show.

When Democrats controlled both chambers during the 111th Congress, 258 laws were enacted in 2010 and 125 in 2009, including President Obama's health care law.

Unproductive Congress

Fewer laws have been passed by this Congress than by any other in the last 65 years. Number of laws passed each year by Congress since 1947:
2012: 61; 2011: 90; 2010: 258; 2009: 125; 2008: 280; 2007: 180; 2006: 313; 2005: 169; 2004: 300; 2003: 198; 2002: 241; 2001: 136; 2000: 410; 1999: 170; 1998: 241; 1997: 153; 1996: 245; 1995: 88; 1994: 255; 1993: 210; 1992: 347; 1991: 243; 1990: 410; 1989: 240; 1988: 473; 1987: 240; 1986: 424; 1985: 240; 1984: 408; 1983: 215; 1982: 328; 1981: 145; 1980: 426; 1979: 187; 1978: 411; 1977: 223; 1976: 383; 1975: 205; 1974: 404; 1973: 245; 1972: 383; 1971: 224; 1970: 505; 1969: 190; 1968: 391; 1967: 391; 1966: 461; 1965: 349; 1964: 408; 1963: 258; 1962: 484; 1961: 401; 1960: 417; 1959: 383; 1958: 620; 1957: 316; 1956: 638; 1955: 390; 1954: 492; 1953: 288; 1952: 339; 1951: 255; 1950: 481; 1949: 440; 1948: 511; 1947: 395

Source: House Clerk's Office

This Congress could be least productive since 1947 ? USATODAY.com

I understand that the President made the statement and that you agreed. It doesn't change the fact that the statement is meaningless since Republicans did win more Federal Elections and yet neither you nor the President seem to think that changes anything.

Instead you are trying to claim you're a victim. Why? Because people point out where you are wrong? Welcome to reality. People tell me Im wrong all the time. Sometimes they are wrong and sometimes they are right and I am wrong. That doesn't make me a victim of them. Quite the contrary. Being challenged helps me reevaluate and verify if I am correct and helps me better articulate why I have a certain position.

Other board members have pointed out why the stats you are using for your analysis are wrong. Are you going to act like they are attacking you or are you going to reevaluate your position and come back and either explain why you think you are right for using them or admit you are wrong?

The only thing that stops us from comminicating and seeing eye to eye is our pride. I have no doubt that if we continue to honestly discuss and reevaluate our positions, examine our premises and discuss matters we could go eventually agree on alot of things.

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