If You Want Change, Win An Election

Do Libs get special brownie points for using the Valerie Jarrett line "hostage"...

I know why Obama does it...He has to.
He is the puppet..
And Valerie Jarret is his puppet master.

And did you know that she was born in Kenya too. That's rght. Susan Rice as well. And they all swore an allegiance to Karl Marx in the first grade right after finger painting when they were eating cookies, COMMUNIST cookies.
Nobody held a gun to the heads of the Republican housemembers; they could have stuck to their 'principles', kept the government shut down, and froze the debt ceiling.

You people act as though the poor babies got forced into making the choices they did.

why did you quote me?

Because I find your easily induced episodes of bewilderment extremely entertaining.

I find most Government Employees getting paid for not doing their jobs pretty entertaining. ;) The only upside is the suffering spared the unsuspecting when that happens.
Nobody held a gun to the heads of the Republican housemembers; they could have stuck to their 'principles', kept the government shut down, and froze the debt ceiling.

You people act as though the poor babies got forced into making the choices they did.

why did you quote me?

Because I find your easily induced episodes of bewilderment extremely entertaining.

then tell me what does your comment have to do with what I said?
Typical. Can't deal with the fact that your soundbyte is inaccurate since Republicans have been winning more Federal elections so you need to resort to insults.

One of these days, I would love to see you actually have a discussion to support your viewpoints instead of just resorting to insults

The president made a statement and I agreed completely. So I posted it and said so. What is wrong with that?? YOU are typical, not I. You saw my thread and started digging for something to criticize and came up with something ridiculous. The insults came at ME, not the other way around. I would love to see YOU actually be truthful in the posts you direct at me. I did state MY point of view. If you can't see that then you have a problem. And truthfully, I don't really care if you see it or not.

Let me explain something to you. Yes, Republicans won the house in the 2010 election. That was their opportunity to try and change things they were not happy with, right?? But what did they do?? All they did was plan to sabotage President Obama, planned the govt. shutdown, and spent the majority of their time trying to get rid of the Affordable Healthcare Act. So why did you say to me, " Republicans have been winning more Federal elections". So what?? They don't try to accomplish anything when elected. President Obama could not say that. Learn to read between the lines.

In 2011, after Republicans took control of the U.S. House, Congress passed just 90 bills into law. The only other year in which Congress failed to pass at least 125 laws was 1995.

These statistics make the 112th Congress, covering 2011-12, the least productive two-year gathering on Capitol Hill since the end of World War II. Not even the 80th Congress, which President Truman called the "do-nothing Congress" in 1948, passed as few laws as the current one, records show.

When Democrats controlled both chambers during the 111th Congress, 258 laws were enacted in 2010 and 125 in 2009, including President Obama's health care law.

Unproductive Congress

Fewer laws have been passed by this Congress than by any other in the last 65 years. Number of laws passed each year by Congress since 1947:
2012: 61; 2011: 90; 2010: 258; 2009: 125; 2008: 280; 2007: 180; 2006: 313; 2005: 169; 2004: 300; 2003: 198; 2002: 241; 2001: 136; 2000: 410; 1999: 170; 1998: 241; 1997: 153; 1996: 245; 1995: 88; 1994: 255; 1993: 210; 1992: 347; 1991: 243; 1990: 410; 1989: 240; 1988: 473; 1987: 240; 1986: 424; 1985: 240; 1984: 408; 1983: 215; 1982: 328; 1981: 145; 1980: 426; 1979: 187; 1978: 411; 1977: 223; 1976: 383; 1975: 205; 1974: 404; 1973: 245; 1972: 383; 1971: 224; 1970: 505; 1969: 190; 1968: 391; 1967: 391; 1966: 461; 1965: 349; 1964: 408; 1963: 258; 1962: 484; 1961: 401; 1960: 417; 1959: 383; 1958: 620; 1957: 316; 1956: 638; 1955: 390; 1954: 492; 1953: 288; 1952: 339; 1951: 255; 1950: 481; 1949: 440; 1948: 511; 1947: 395

Source: House Clerk's Office

This Congress could be least productive since 1947 ? USATODAY.com

I understand that the President made the statement and that you agreed. It doesn't change the fact that the statement is meaningless since Republicans did win more Federal Elections and yet neither you nor the President seem to think that changes anything.

Instead you are trying to claim you're a victim. Why? Because people point out where you are wrong? Welcome to reality. People tell me Im wrong all the time. Sometimes they are wrong and sometimes they are right and I am wrong. That doesn't make me a victim of them. Quite the contrary. Being challenged helps me reevaluate and verify if I am correct and helps me better articulate why I have a certain position.

Other board members have pointed out why the stats you are using for your analysis are wrong. Are you going to act like they are attacking you or are you going to reevaluate your position and come back and either explain why you think you are right for using them or admit you are wrong?

The only thing that stops us from comminicating and seeing eye to eye is our pride. I have no doubt that if we continue to honestly discuss and reevaluate our positions, examine our premises and discuss matters we could go eventually agree on alot of things.

A victim?? Not me!!! I never have been and never will be anyone's victim!!! I find most of your comments in this post pretty misinformed. However, I do like your last paragraph. It's kind of nice. I hope you're right. Thanks. :)
You compromise over legislation, not over paying the nations debts and doing their jobs (keeping the government functioning).

really, then why did Obama vote against when Bush asked?

and all THE Democrats did against Bush..they cared about paying the nations depts.didn't they?


Not the same. They didn't shut down the government or even come close to threatening default. Valiant effort though.

yeah but they could of, so don't say it's not the same...Obama and Democrats had a hand in all this too, all Republicans were asking was to postpone the individual mandate for ONE FRIKKEN year...but Obama saw dollars he wouldn't be able to get from the people in this country to pay for this scam of his and decided to play politics instead of thinking of the people of this country
Obama to GOP: 'Win an election' to change policies

President Barack Obama challenged the GOP to end political brinkmanship and said Republicans should "win an election" if they so badly wish to change his policies.

In his first extended remarks since the government reopened, Obama said that the public has grown "fed up" with its government and urged lawmakers to move past the conflict of the past few weeks.

"To all my friends in Congress, understand that how business is done in this town has to change," he said.

"You don't like a particular policy or a particular president? Then argue for your position. Go out there and win an election," The president said. "But don't break it.”

Obama to GOP: 'Win an election' to change policies - First Read

Good for the president!!! I guess he told them!!! :clap2:

Does this mean that when you win an election, YOU run roughshod over everyone commrade?

Dissention NOT allowed? Really?

YOU are an idiot.
Which compromises were the President offered?

I have yet to see anything coming out of the Republicans. Demands are not compromises

You throw the word around a lot, but I don't think you know what it means

Doesn't matter what you think any one else knows or doesn't. WE all know obama doesn't know what the word compromise means!!

He compromised on extending the Bush tax cuts

Your turn

If you'll remember, Winger....Barry wanted to let those expire because he ran for office on doing away with the Bush tax cuts. Let's be honest here...it was Democrats in the House and Senate who pulled the plug on that...they were forced to explain to our "economically challenged" President that doing so would devastate an already weak economy and NONE of them would get re-elected. I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall while Larry Summers and Christina Romer tried to get that lesson across. I have a feeling that at some point both were looking across the table and thinking to themselves "Jeez, how did this guy ever get elected to this job...he's clueless!"
Obama to GOP: 'Win an election' to change policies

President Barack Obama challenged the GOP to end political brinkmanship and said Republicans should "win an election" if they so badly wish to change his policies.

In his first extended remarks since the government reopened, Obama said that the public has grown "fed up" with its government and urged lawmakers to move past the conflict of the past few weeks.

"To all my friends in Congress, understand that how business is done in this town has to change," he said.

"You don't like a particular policy or a particular president? Then argue for your position. Go out there and win an election," The president said. "But don't break it.”

Obama to GOP: 'Win an election' to change policies - First Read

Good for the president!!! I guess he told them!!! :clap2:

Getting a plurality of people to vote for you is divisive... Just watch; that'll be the argument from the neanderthals on the right.
Obama to GOP: 'Win an election' to change policies

President Barack Obama challenged the GOP to end political brinkmanship and said Republicans should "win an election" if they so badly wish to change his policies.

In his first extended remarks since the government reopened, Obama said that the public has grown "fed up" with its government and urged lawmakers to move past the conflict of the past few weeks.

"To all my friends in Congress, understand that how business is done in this town has to change," he said.

"You don't like a particular policy or a particular president? Then argue for your position. Go out there and win an election," The president said. "But don't break it.”

Obama to GOP: 'Win an election' to change policies - First Read

Good for the president!!! I guess he told them!!! :clap2:

the gop did win an election, you do realize that we have a bicameral chamber that IS elected, each with duties, responsibility etc. that they exercise at their will in their particular house...right?

apparently you don't....and neither does obama...

I have to say, I love how obama makes remarks about the folks being fed up with the government and Washington, as if hes just some bystander living outside the beltway...:rolleyes:

Nobody held a gun to the heads of the Republican housemembers; they could have stuck to their 'principles', kept the government shut down, and froze the debt ceiling.

You people act as though the poor babies got forced into making the choices they did.

Ever ask yourself why in 7, going on eight years, there hasn't been one approved budget with Oduma as Pres? He's like a 4 year old that holds his breath unless he get exactly what he wants! The only thing he's managed to accomplish is his "signature" legislation, ACHA, which by the way has a 60% disapproval rating!!!! He has no clue what real leadership is. He is the one that is unwilling to concede anything to the Republicans, won't negotiate to find the happy medium, that takes our government to the brink of fiscal default. Thank God the Republicans are mature enough to at least keep raising the debt ceiling for this irresponsible farce of a President so the whole country and world don't go into an economic meltdown.
Doesn't matter what you think any one else knows or doesn't. WE all know obama doesn't know what the word compromise means!!

He compromised on extending the Bush tax cuts

Your turn

If you'll remember, Winger....Barry wanted to let those expire because he ran for office on doing away with the Bush tax cuts. Let's be honest here...it was Democrats in the House and Senate who pulled the plug on that...they were forced to explain to our "economically challenged" President that doing so would devastate an already weak economy and NONE of them would get re-elected. I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall while Larry Summers and Christina Romer tried to get that lesson across. I have a feeling that at some point both were looking across the table and thinking to themselves "Jeez, how did this guy ever get elected to this job...he's clueless!"

You have a fascinating view of history... As if the Dems from tip to toe would not have wanted to do away with those tax cuts. You're not even close.

Bush tax cuts - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I can't wait to do McConnell. I am clearing my plate. I want to see him shrivel and die before my eyes.

Now lets talk when someone and I really am getting tired of this, will form a party and give it.
He compromised on extending the Bush tax cuts

Your turn

If you'll remember, Winger....Barry wanted to let those expire because he ran for office on doing away with the Bush tax cuts. Let's be honest here...it was Democrats in the House and Senate who pulled the plug on that...they were forced to explain to our "economically challenged" President that doing so would devastate an already weak economy and NONE of them would get re-elected. I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall while Larry Summers and Christina Romer tried to get that lesson across. I have a feeling that at some point both were looking across the table and thinking to themselves "Jeez, how did this guy ever get elected to this job...he's clueless!"

You have a fascinating view of history... As if the Dems from tip to toe would not have wanted to do away with those tax cuts. You're not even close.

Bush tax cuts - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It is a fascinating, Candy. It's fascinating how liberals ranted about how "evil" the Bush Tax cuts were for most of the time Bush was in office...yet when push came to shove they had to admit that the tax cuts really DID help the economy and doing away with them would be political suicide.
Not only did the republicans win an election they won 240 in the House of representatives.

Wow...and we still have Obama care. Enjoy your "victory"

I'm curious, Candy...have you gone on line and checked what the rates are for a middle class American on the exchanges? ObamaCare was supposed to be healthcare "reform" to bring down the cost. Instead it was turned into yet another entitlement that will benefit the people who don't pay Federal taxes and will totally screw those that do.
Not only did the republicans win an election they won 240 in the House of representatives.

Wow...and we still have Obama care. Enjoy your "victory"

I'm curious, Candy...have you gone on line and checked what the rates are for a middle class American on the exchanges? ObamaCare was supposed to be healthcare "reform" to bring down the cost. Instead it was turned into yet another entitlement that will benefit the people who don't pay Federal taxes and will totally screw those that do.

Oh the horror:eek:

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