If You Want Change, Win An Election

We won the House twice. In 2010 and 2012.

How stupid is he to throw out such a meaningless line like that? He needs a better script writer.

Stupid? NO!!
Childish and petulant? YES!!

President Obama could not have passed ACA by just winning the House

He had to win the Presidency and 60 seats in the Senate as well as defend a Supreme Court challenge

Now, When Republicans can match that they can repeal Obamacare

That is how our Constitution works

Everything you say in your post is valid, until you get to your reference to the Supreme Court.

When the previous Chief Justice died and Justice Scalia was not promoted to be Chief Justice, but a fresh faced quasi-liberal back-stabbing RINO was parachuted in a position he never earned, I knew that America was in big trouble.
Kindly explain why THIS President thinks that he doesn't have to make the same compromises that previous President made when THEY had to work with divided governments?

I'm baffled by the liberal notion that Barack Obama is somehow excused from the realities of politics.

The Democrats accepted the Republican's spending levels. Once that was off the table the Republicans had no other cards to play. They had nothing to negotiate WITH.

The following Rachel Maddow show on MSNBC illustrates quite well my point that the Democrats have not compromised AT ALL with the Republicans controlling the House. Maddow is smugly bragging about what the Republicans DIDN'T get and it's quite accurate. They didn't get ANYTHING that they wanted because this Administration and Harry Reid's Senate haven't compromised on anything.

The Rachel Maddow Show on msnbc

Why should they compromise, the handwriting on the wall predicts that the parasitic population will continue to grow and the democrats have that market cornered.

The Democrats accepted the Republican's spending levels. Once that was off the table the Republicans had no other cards to play. They had nothing to negotiate WITH.

The following Rachel Maddow show on MSNBC illustrates quite well my point that the Democrats have not compromised AT ALL with the Republicans controlling the House. Maddow is smugly bragging about what the Republicans DIDN'T get and it's quite accurate. They didn't get ANYTHING that they wanted because this Administration and Harry Reid's Senate haven't compromised on anything.

The Rachel Maddow Show on msnbc

Each of those was a DEMAND not a compromise. YOU give us this

What did the Republicans OFFER ?

Oh, so when the GOP asks for something it's a DEMAND? Interesting concept, Winger. I simply pointed out that long list of things that Maddow said the GOP was looking for and to which the President and the Democrats gave ZERO...NADA...ZIP! The truth is...the President and Harry Reid stand in front of the cameras and declare that they are ready to compromise with the GOP...but then they don't offer any compromises. Reid tables GOP bills in the Senate without ever bringing them to the floor while Obama threatens to veto any GOP bill that makes it to his desk. Where is the compromise?
Kindly explain why THIS President thinks that he doesn't have to make the same compromises that previous President made when THEY had to work with divided governments?

I'm baffled by the liberal notion that Barack Obama is somehow excused from the realities of politics.

Which compromises were the President offered?

I have yet to see anything coming out of the Republicans. Demands are not compromises

You throw the word around a lot, but I don't think you know what it means

Doesn't matter what you think any one else knows or doesn't. WE all know obama doesn't know what the word compromise means!!

He compromised on extending the Bush tax cuts

Your turn
Do Libs get special brownie points for using the Valerie Jarrett line "hostage"...

I know why Obama does it...He has to.
He is the puppet..
And Valerie Jarret is his puppet master.
We did win elections. That's why we have control of the House of Representatives. Because we won more federal elections than Democrats did.

Explain how you did that with less votes.


You compromise over legislation, not over paying the nations debts and doing their jobs (keeping the government functioning).

really, then why did Obama vote against when Bush asked?

and all THE Democrats did against Bush..they cared about paying the nations depts.didn't they?

Which compromises were the President offered?

I have yet to see anything coming out of the Republicans. Demands are not compromises

You throw the word around a lot, but I don't think you know what it means

Doesn't matter what you think any one else knows or doesn't. WE all know obama doesn't know what the word compromise means!!

He compromised on extending the Bush tax cuts

Your turn

He did that out of his own personal interest to keep the big money contributions coming. If he hadn't, he wouldn't have gotten elected to a second term!
You compromise over legislation, not over paying the nations debts and doing their jobs (keeping the government functioning).

really, then why did Obama vote against when Bush asked?

and all THE Democrats did against Bush..they cared about paying the nations depts.didn't they?


Not the same. They didn't shut down the government or even come close to threatening default. Valiant effort though.
"You don't like a particular policy or a particular president? Then argue for your position. Go out there and win an election," The president said. "But don't break it.”

Persuade voters with facts and sound arguments, not lies and demagoguery; don’t hold the country hostage in an attempt to force failed partisan dogma on the rest of the Nation, as republicans did recently.
Obama to GOP: 'Win an election' to change policies

President Barack Obama challenged the GOP to end political brinkmanship and said Republicans should "win an election" if they so badly wish to change his policies.

In his first extended remarks since the government reopened, Obama said that the public has grown "fed up" with its government and urged lawmakers to move past the conflict of the past few weeks.

"To all my friends in Congress, understand that how business is done in this town has to change," he said.

"You don't like a particular policy or a particular president? Then argue for your position. Go out there and win an election," The president said. "But don't break it.”

Obama to GOP: 'Win an election' to change policies - First Read

Good for the president!!! I guess he told them!!! :clap2:

the gop did win an election, you do realize that we have a bicameral chamber that IS elected, each with duties, responsibility etc. that they exercise at their will in their particular house...right?

apparently you don't....and neither does obama...

I have to say, I love how obama makes remarks about the folks being fed up with the government and Washington, as if hes just some bystander living outside the beltway...:rolleyes:
"You don't like a particular policy or a particular president? Then argue for your position. Go out there and win an election," The president said. "But don't break it.”

Persuade voters with facts and sound arguments, not lies and demagoguery; don’t hold the country hostage in an attempt to force failed partisan dogma on the rest of the Nation, as republicans did recently.

please get over yourself........obama when it comes to leadership/legislation and congress, has been MIA for years, to the point where they don't really want him involved:lol: ....and as far as using demagoguery, I mean please, your selectivity is beyond juvenile.
Or you could say "if you want change---be a freaking leader". So far all the Hussein administration has accomplished is a million word law and a social experiment that nobody understands including him. When the going gets tough in D.C. the president gets going somewhere else and hopes that the liberal media will cover his ass. All Americans expect is that the president leads, follows or gets the hell out of the way and so far Hussein has failed on every count.
Obama to GOP: 'Win an election' to change policies

President Barack Obama challenged the GOP to end political brinkmanship and said Republicans should "win an election" if they so badly wish to change his policies.

In his first extended remarks since the government reopened, Obama said that the public has grown "fed up" with its government and urged lawmakers to move past the conflict of the past few weeks.

"To all my friends in Congress, understand that how business is done in this town has to change," he said.

"You don't like a particular policy or a particular president? Then argue for your position. Go out there and win an election," The president said. "But don't break it.”

Obama to GOP: 'Win an election' to change policies - First Read

Good for the president!!! I guess he told them!!! :clap2:

the gop did win an election, you do realize that we have a bicameral chamber that IS elected, each with duties, responsibility etc. that they exercise at their will in their particular house...right?

apparently you don't....and neither does obama...

I have to say, I love how obama makes remarks about the folks being fed up with the government and Washington, as if hes just some bystander living outside the beltway...:rolleyes:

Nobody held a gun to the heads of the Republican housemembers; they could have stuck to their 'principles', kept the government shut down, and froze the debt ceiling.

You people act as though the poor babies got forced into making the choices they did.
Obama to GOP: 'Win an election' to change policies

President Barack Obama challenged the GOP to end political brinkmanship and said Republicans should "win an election" if they so badly wish to change his policies.

In his first extended remarks since the government reopened, Obama said that the public has grown "fed up" with its government and urged lawmakers to move past the conflict of the past few weeks.

"To all my friends in Congress, understand that how business is done in this town has to change," he said.

"You don't like a particular policy or a particular president? Then argue for your position. Go out there and win an election," The president said. "But don't break it.”

Obama to GOP: 'Win an election' to change policies - First Read

Good for the president!!! I guess he told them!!! :clap2:

the gop did win an election, you do realize that we have a bicameral chamber that IS elected, each with duties, responsibility etc. that they exercise at their will in their particular house...right?

apparently you don't....and neither does obama...

I have to say, I love how obama makes remarks about the folks being fed up with the government and Washington, as if hes just some bystander living outside the beltway...:rolleyes:

Nobody held a gun to the heads of the Republican housemembers; they could have stuck to their 'principles', kept the government shut down, and froze the debt ceiling.

You people act as though the poor babies got forced into making the choices they did.

why did you quote me?
Obama to GOP: 'Win an election' to change policies

President Barack Obama challenged the GOP to end political brinkmanship and said Republicans should "win an election" if they so badly wish to change his policies.

In his first extended remarks since the government reopened, Obama said that the public has grown "fed up" with its government and urged lawmakers to move past the conflict of the past few weeks.

"To all my friends in Congress, understand that how business is done in this town has to change," he said.

"You don't like a particular policy or a particular president? Then argue for your position. Go out there and win an election," The president said. "But don't break it.”

Obama to GOP: 'Win an election' to change policies - First Read

Good for the president!!! I guess he told them!!! :clap2:

the gop did win an election, you do realize that we have a bicameral chamber that IS elected, each with duties, responsibility etc. that they exercise at their will in their particular house...right?

apparently you don't....and neither does obama...

I have to say, I love how obama makes remarks about the folks being fed up with the government and Washington, as if hes just some bystander living outside the beltway...:rolleyes:

If he had any real talent as an actor, we might have been spared all this? ;)
Scene 1, act 247, .... Pyromaniac standing at building fire scene as the Police lines are coming up....Barry's line.... "Hey Officer, do you have a match?" ...... Director going ape shit at this point because Barry can't remember his line without a teleprompter. :banghead: :)
the gop did win an election, you do realize that we have a bicameral chamber that IS elected, each with duties, responsibility etc. that they exercise at their will in their particular house...right?

apparently you don't....and neither does obama...

I have to say, I love how obama makes remarks about the folks being fed up with the government and Washington, as if hes just some bystander living outside the beltway...:rolleyes:

Nobody held a gun to the heads of the Republican housemembers; they could have stuck to their 'principles', kept the government shut down, and froze the debt ceiling.

You people act as though the poor babies got forced into making the choices they did.

why did you quote me?

Because I find your easily induced episodes of bewilderment extremely entertaining.

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