If You Want Change, Win An Election

If you'll remember, Winger....Barry wanted to let those expire because he ran for office on doing away with the Bush tax cuts. Let's be honest here...it was Democrats in the House and Senate who pulled the plug on that...they were forced to explain to our "economically challenged" President that doing so would devastate an already weak economy and NONE of them would get re-elected. I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall while Larry Summers and Christina Romer tried to get that lesson across. I have a feeling that at some point both were looking across the table and thinking to themselves "Jeez, how did this guy ever get elected to this job...he's clueless!"

You have a fascinating view of history... As if the Dems from tip to toe would not have wanted to do away with those tax cuts. You're not even close.

Bush tax cuts - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It is a fascinating, Candy. It's fascinating how liberals ranted about how "evil" the Bush Tax cuts were for most of the time Bush was in office...yet when push came to shove they had to admit that the tax cuts really DID help the economy and doing away with them would be political suicide.

Surely you can quote those admissions. One has to wonder why you haven't already....:eusa_think:
We did win elections. That's why we have control of the House of Representatives. Because we won more federal elections than Democrats did.

It’s the elections you lost in 2010 that matter: state-wide senatorial and gubernatorial elections from coast-to-coast.

You’re not going to make any progress winning elections in gerrymandered red districts appealing to voters who agree with you already.

You’ve got to appeal to voters of entire states and Nation-wide, many of whom won’t agree with you on many issues.

And right now with the GOP government shutdown and other TPM nonsense, you have very little appeal among voters as a whole.
We did win elections. That's why we have control of the House of Representatives. Because we won more federal elections than Democrats did.

It’s the elections you lost in 2010 that matter: state-wide senatorial and gubernatorial elections from coast-to-coast.

You’re not going to make any progress winning elections in gerrymandered red districts appealing to voters who agree with you already.

You’ve got to appeal to voters of entire states and Nation-wide, many of whom won’t agree with you on many issues.

And right now with the GOP government shutdown and other TPM nonsense, you have very little appeal among voters as a whole.

The hilarious thing is that for all the bitter hatred and anger from the right we've seen this week (directed at their own party), 90+% of them will be re-elected due to the gerrymandering.
We did win elections. That's why we have control of the House of Representatives. Because we won more federal elections than Democrats did.

It’s the elections you lost in 2010 that matter: state-wide senatorial and gubernatorial elections from coast-to-coast.

You’re not going to make any progress winning elections in gerrymandered red districts appealing to voters who agree with you already.

You’ve got to appeal to voters of entire states and Nation-wide, many of whom won’t agree with you on many issues.

And right now with the GOP government shutdown and other TPM nonsense, you have very little appeal among voters as a whole.

The hilarious thing is that for all the bitter hatred and anger from the right we've seen this week (directed at their own party), 90+% of them will be re-elected due to the gerrymandering.

Oh the battle is just beginning. By all means bring your popcorn. :lol:

Not only am I going to love every minute of it. I intend to help drive it.
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We did win elections. That's why we have control of the House of Representatives. Because we won more federal elections than Democrats did.

It’s the elections you lost in 2010 that matter: state-wide senatorial and gubernatorial elections from coast-to-coast.

You’re not going to make any progress winning elections in gerrymandered red districts appealing to voters who agree with you already.

You’ve got to appeal to voters of entire states and Nation-wide, many of whom won’t agree with you on many issues.

And right now with the GOP government shutdown and other TPM nonsense, you have very little appeal among voters as a whole.

You know what amuses me, Clayton? When Barack Obama and the Democrats won in a landslide in 2008 there was talk here about the GOP being a "Party in Exile" that was about to go the way of the Whigs or Whale oil lamps. Yet less than two years later the Republicans won the single biggest swing of seats in the House than any election in modern political times.

Now you HAVE indeed managed to re-elect a President who proved rather conclusively that he wasn't up for the job in the first place and you HAVE thwarted the efforts of the GOP to get rid of ObamaCare but at the end of the day you're still left with a President who's not a leader...and a healthcare law that the American people don't like and never wanted in the first place.

The good news for you is that you still have the main stream media going to bat for you and I don't think that will be changing any time soon. The bad news is your progressive agenda doesn't work...never has worked and never WILL work...something that becomes increasingly apparent whenever a hopeful populace gives you folks the "reins" of power.

At some point that is going to be so blatantly obvious that even the Kool Aid drinkers at MSNBC and The New York Times are going to be embarrassed trying to spin it to be something it isn't. When we reach THAT point, Liberalism is going to fade away for a long time...long enough for people to forget it's track record.
Wow...and we still have Obama care. Enjoy your "victory"

I'm curious, Candy...have you gone on line and checked what the rates are for a middle class American on the exchanges? ObamaCare was supposed to be healthcare "reform" to bring down the cost. Instead it was turned into yet another entitlement that will benefit the people who don't pay Federal taxes and will totally screw those that do.

Oh the horror:eek:

It is horrific. The American people begged for something to be done about soaring healthcare costs and instead you progressives gave them even higher costs coupled with lower quality care.
If you want change, win an election.

That's the point. Republicans can't win an election.

So the Republicans on the Supreme Court passed Citizens United to allow unlimited secret campaign contributions, and Republicans in the states are doing everything they can to block the vote.
Ten good things about the Affordable Care Act....

1. The end of the Medicare doughnut hole.
2. Free Medicare preventive services.
3. Free preventive services for all women.
4. No denying health insurance because of a pre-existing medical condition.
5. Insurers can't gouge people with pre-existing conditions.
6. End of pre-existing restrictions on children's access to health insurance.
7. Adult children up to age 26 can now continue to get health insurance on their parents policy.
8. The law ends lifetime limits on insurance payouts.
9. Health insurers must spend at least 80 percent of their premium dollars on health care.
10. New standardized insurance coverage reports. This makes it easier to compare plans from different companies.
We did win elections. That's why we have control of the House of Representatives. Because we won more federal elections than Democrats did.

It’s the elections you lost in 2010 that matter: state-wide senatorial and gubernatorial elections from coast-to-coast.

You’re not going to make any progress winning elections in gerrymandered red districts appealing to voters who agree with you already.

You’ve got to appeal to voters of entire states and Nation-wide, many of whom won’t agree with you on many issues.

And right now with the GOP government shutdown and other TPM nonsense, you have very little appeal among voters as a whole.

That's the rub with Republicans

They win a Gerrymandered House and think they have a mandate. Democrats had to win the House, 60 Seats in the Senate, the White House and a Supreme Court Decision to pass Obamacare

Do that Republicans and you have a mandate
Republicans won many elections, enough to control the House of Representatives, in fact.

If Obama wants carte blanche, the Democrats need to take the House of Representatives.

I do wish he'd stop whining.
It’s the elections you lost in 2010 that matter: state-wide senatorial and gubernatorial elections from coast-to-coast.

You’re not going to make any progress winning elections in gerrymandered red districts appealing to voters who agree with you already.

You’ve got to appeal to voters of entire states and Nation-wide, many of whom won’t agree with you on many issues.

And right now with the GOP government shutdown and other TPM nonsense, you have very little appeal among voters as a whole.

The hilarious thing is that for all the bitter hatred and anger from the right we've seen this week (directed at their own party), 90+% of them will be re-elected due to the gerrymandering.

Whats with you people? You really believe the shit they spill you. Now I've just been having the most fabulous day hunting down Norwegian graveyards and found an awesome one.

But your fuck ups trying to desperately trying to nuke conservatives is just hysterical.

Stop trying.

Wanna bet that McConnell will keep his Senate Seat. If he wins, you leave the board. If he loses, I leave the board.

Your move.
If you want change, win an election.

That's the point. Republicans can't win an election.

So the Republicans on the Supreme Court passed Citizens United to allow unlimited secret campaign contributions, and Republicans in the states are doing everything they can to block the vote.

This may have been the wake-up call. There is a difference between "can't" and "haven't". Also there is going to be a lot of Obama fatigue with the voters. The Dems will be forever grateful if the GOP nominated anyone other than Christie (at this moment anyway)
Republicans won many elections, enough to control the House of Representatives, in fact.

If Obama wants carte blanche, the Democrats need to take the House of Representatives.

I do wish he'd stop whining.

Republicans want to repeal Obamacare....EARN IT

Win the House, Senate and Whitehouse and you too get to call the shots

But holding our government and our economy hostage is not earning it
Republicans won many elections, enough to control the House of Representatives, in fact.

If Obama wants carte blanche, the Democrats need to take the House of Representatives.

I do wish he'd stop whining.

Republicans want to repeal Obamacare....EARN IT

Win the House, Senate and Whitehouse and you too get to call the shots

But holding our government and our economy hostage is not earning it

Yeah...nominate Ted Cruz...that ought to do it!
There is another way to get what you want in Washington.......but it doesn't apply to Republicans

Republicans won many elections, enough to control the House of Representatives, in fact.

If Obama wants carte blanche, the Democrats need to take the House of Representatives.

I do wish he'd stop whining.

Republicans want to repeal Obamacare....EARN IT

Win the House, Senate and Whitehouse and you too get to call the shots

But holding our government and our economy hostage is not earning it

Let's examine what's happened since the Democrats "EARNED IT"!

The Democrats got a "mandate" for change back in 2008 because the main stream media convinced America that the Republicans were to blame for the financial collapse. So the voters elected Barack Obama...a Junior Senator with little political experience to lead us out of the recession...basing that choice on a vague promise of "Hope & Change".

But as soon as Obama took office it quickly became apparent that his number one priority WASN'T the economy and the millions of Americans who were unemployed. His number one priority was implementing government run health care, despite the fact that doing so would be politically divisive as well as harmful to to the economy. In the words of his Chief of Staff, Rahm Emanuel, they were not going to let a crisis go to waste! The financial crisis was what had gotten Democrats super majorities in the House and Senate because they had promised the American people that THEY were the answer to that financial crisis. Once Democrats had that power however, the Progressive Wing of the Democratic Party used it not to fix the economy and put people back to work...oh, no...they used their new found power to go after the liberal "Holy Grail"...government run healthcare. The economy and the millions of unemployed were pushed to the back burner by the Democrats while they declared that fixing health care would be their number one priority! They used the "stimulus" to prop up the public sector while they let the private sector twist in the wind thus giving us the worst recovery from a recession since the Great Depression.

That is the REALITY of what's happened since 2008...this notion that it's the Republicans that held America "hostage" is laughable. The truth is...Progressives chose to drive a massive wedge between the two parties in the form of ObamaCare rather than work to fix the country's problems. Five years later the result is political gridlock.
Republicans won many elections, enough to control the House of Representatives, in fact.

If Obama wants carte blanche, the Democrats need to take the House of Representatives.

I do wish he'd stop whining.

Republicans want to repeal Obamacare....EARN IT

Win the House, Senate and Whitehouse and you too get to call the shots

But holding our government and our economy hostage is not earning it

No, doing what you were elected to do is not holding the government hostage. For some reason, democrats believe that because Obama won the presidency, the One should be given anything he wants.

Sorry, boys and girls, it just doesn't work that way.

If Obama had had the coat tails to swing the House, things would be different. He didn't and they aren't.

Do stop whining.
Republicans won many elections, enough to control the House of Representatives, in fact.

If Obama wants carte blanche, the Democrats need to take the House of Representatives.

I do wish he'd stop whining.

Republicans want to repeal Obamacare....EARN IT

Win the House, Senate and Whitehouse and you too get to call the shots

But holding our government and our economy hostage is not earning it

No, doing what you were elected to do is not holding the government hostage. For some reason, democrats believe that because Obama won the presidency, the One should be given anything he wants.

Sorry, boys and girls, it just doesn't work that way.

If Obama had had the coat tails to swing the House, things would be different. He didn't and they aren't.

Do stop whining.

Shutting down the government because you don't have the votes legislatively for your agenda is not the way our system of government operates.
Republicans won many elections, enough to control the House of Representatives, in fact.

If Obama wants carte blanche, the Democrats need to take the House of Representatives.

I do wish he'd stop whining.

Republicans want to repeal Obamacare....EARN IT

Win the House, Senate and Whitehouse and you too get to call the shots

But holding our government and our economy hostage is not earning it

Let's examine what's happened since the Democrats "EARNED IT"!

The Democrats got a "mandate" for change back in 2008 because the main stream media convinced America that the Republicans were to blame for the financial collapse. So the voters elected Barack Obama...a Junior Senator with little political experience to lead us out of the recession...basing that choice on a vague promise of "Hope & Change".

But as soon as Obama took office it quickly became apparent that his number one priority WASN'T the economy and the millions of Americans who were unemployed. His number one priority was implementing government run health care, despite the fact that doing so would be politically divisive as well as harmful to to the economy. In the words of his Chief of Staff, Rahm Emanuel, they were not going to let a crisis go to waste! The financial crisis was what had gotten Democrats super majorities in the House and Senate because they had promised the American people that THEY were the answer to that financial crisis. Once Democrats had that power however, the Progressive Wing of the Democratic Party used it not to fix the economy and put people back to work...oh, no...they used their new found power to go after the liberal "Holy Grail"...government run healthcare. The economy and the millions of unemployed were pushed to the back burner by the Democrats while they declared that fixing health care would be their number one priority! They used the "stimulus" to prop up the public sector while they let the private sector twist in the wind thus giving us the worst recovery from a recession since the Great Depression.

That is the REALITY of what's happened since 2008...this notion that it's the Republicans that held America "hostage" is laughable. The truth is...Progressives chose to drive a massive wedge between the two parties in the form of ObamaCare rather than work to fix the country's problems. Five years later the result is political gridlock.

Rightwing whining

Obamas first priority was fixing the economy that Republicans crashed. He passed the Stimulus, he saved the auto companies and the banks, he implemented new financial regulations and credit card laws. He prevented a Depression
His second priority was two wars that Bush pushed us into and poorly executed. Obama quickly wrapped up Iraq and redirected his efforts to salvaging Afghanistan which Bush had abandoned
His third priority was redirecting the war on terrorism to hunt down the scum wherever they were hiding. Afganistan, Pakistan, Yemen. terrorist leaders were hunted down and killed. Want to talk about bin Laden?
His fourth priority, which he was elected to do was pass a national Healthcare program. he was the first president in 100 years of trying to succeed at passing a universal healthcare program

Not bad for a community organizer and "junior" senator
Republicans won many elections, enough to control the House of Representatives, in fact.

If Obama wants carte blanche, the Democrats need to take the House of Representatives.

I do wish he'd stop whining.

Republicans want to repeal Obamacare....EARN IT

Win the House, Senate and Whitehouse and you too get to call the shots

But holding our government and our economy hostage is not earning it

No, doing what you were elected to do is not holding the government hostage. For some reason, democrats believe that because Obama won the presidency, the One should be given anything he wants.

Sorry, boys and girls, it just doesn't work that way.

If Obama had had the coat tails to swing the House, things would be different. He didn't and they aren't.

Do stop whining.

Republicans LIED to get elected. They promised what they knew they could never deliver.....a repeal of Obamacare

They shut down the government and threatened default to cover up for their shameful LIES

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