If You Want Change, Win An Election

Republicans won many elections, enough to control the House of Representatives, in fact.

If Obama wants carte blanche, the Democrats need to take the House of Representatives.

I do wish he'd stop whining.

You and others on the right need to stop believing in the 2010 midterm myth you’ve contrived and start living in the present.

In 2010 you failed to win the Senate and failed to prevail in the governors’ races in California and New York, two large, representative states.

In 2012 you again failed to win the Senate, failed to win the WH, and lost seats in both Houses of Congress; had it not been for gerrymandered districts in red states you would have lost the House as well.

Now November 2014 is just over a year away and GOP approval ratings are in the toilet, you’ve seriously damaged the Party with the republican government shutdown, and GOP moderates are at war with TPM extremists.

Again, stop living in the past and start dealing with the dire problem facing your party.
Obama to GOP: 'Win an election' to change policies

President Barack Obama challenged the GOP to end political brinkmanship and said Republicans should "win an election" if they so badly wish to change his policies.

In his first extended remarks since the government reopened, Obama said that the public has grown "fed up" with its government and urged lawmakers to move past the conflict of the past few weeks.

"To all my friends in Congress, understand that how business is done in this town has to change," he said.

"You don't like a particular policy or a particular president? Then argue for your position. Go out there and win an election," The president said. "But don't break it.”

Obama to GOP: 'Win an election' to change policies - First Read

Good for the president!!! I guess he told them!!! :clap2:

We won the House, I guess that don't count when you'e a Dick-tater
Go and look at those unemployment numbers from 2008 to 2010 and tell me again how "successful" Barack Obama's stimulus was.

I see unemployment numbers that have dropped from 10.2 to 7.3 percent

What do you see?

Not too bad for a community organizer

5 years of 7%+ Unemployment

What did you expect from a guy who called the private sector "Behind enemy lines"
Obama to GOP: 'Win an election' to change policies

President Barack Obama challenged the GOP to end political brinkmanship and said Republicans should "win an election" if they so badly wish to change his policies.

In his first extended remarks since the government reopened, Obama said that the public has grown "fed up" with its government and urged lawmakers to move past the conflict of the past few weeks.

"To all my friends in Congress, understand that how business is done in this town has to change," he said.

"You don't like a particular policy or a particular president? Then argue for your position. Go out there and win an election," The president said. "But don't break it.”

Obama to GOP: 'Win an election' to change policies - First Read

Good for the president!!! I guess he told them!!! :clap2:

I guess they don't teach the term "checks and balances" in Kenyan schools.......... :thup:
Go and look at those unemployment numbers from 2008 to 2010 and tell me again how "successful" Barack Obama's stimulus was.

I see unemployment numbers that have dropped from 10.2 to 7.3 percent

What do you see?

Not too bad for a community organizer

The rest of us that don't have our heads up the community organizers ass see the lowest labor participation rate since the 1970's being used to prop up that phony 7.3% number........
[Oduma is the worst President in our proud nations history, he and his fellow democratic congressman have run up a tab that my grandchildren will be paying. EVEN WORSE THAN GW!!!! Heres the proof!!

Chart 4.12: Government Debt as Percent of GDP


  • $usgs_chart4p12.png
    2.8 KB · Views: 78
Go and look at those unemployment numbers from 2008 to 2010 and tell me again how "successful" Barack Obama's stimulus was.

I see unemployment numbers that have dropped from 10.2 to 7.3 percent

What do you see?

Not too bad for a community organizer

You should take this comedy act on stage, Winger! When Obama took office the unemployment rate stood at 7.8%. After spending trillions of dollars in multiple stimulus plans and after years of quantitative easing Barry has managed to get unemployment down to 7.3%...which is awful enough by itself but if you examine the number of people who have simply given up and dropped out of the workforce it's even worse than awful...it's HORRENDOUS!

I'm sorry to rain on your "Obama parade" but the fact is...Barack Obama has overseen the worst recovery from a recession in modern political history. He's clueless when it comes to economics and how the Private Sector functions. You can tell things have gone bad for "Team Obama" by how quickly the crew has abandoned ship. Larry Summers is gone...Christina Romer is gone...Austen Goolsby is gone...and I think the only reason that Timmy Geithner hung around as long as he did is that nobody in the Private Sector was willing to hire him. Those people didn't jump ship because the Obama economic plan was such a rousing success! They left because it WASN'T!
We won the House twice. In 2010 and 2012.

How stupid is he to throw out such a meaningless line like that? He needs a better script writer.

But did you win the Senate and POTUS? No you didn't so you don't get to hold the gov't hostage if you don't get your way.

well, yes they do, but the good news is the people know who did it to America.
We won the House twice. In 2010 and 2012.

How stupid is he to throw out such a meaningless line like that? He needs a better script writer.

But did you win the Senate and POTUS? No you didn't so you don't get to hold the gov't hostage if you don't get your way.

well, yes they do, but the good news is the people know who did it to America.

Did what? Give us the worst recovery from a recession in modern political history because their progressive agenda was so anti-job? There are millions of Americans who have been out of work for so long under this President that they've simply given up looking. That isn't the GOP's fault. They weren't the ones who passed ObamaCare or a stimulus that didn't stimulate the Private Sector. They aren't the ones who threatened Cap & Trade legislation, Card Check legislation and let the EPA propose new standards on "green house gas emissions". That would be Barry, Harry and Nancy that gave us all THOSE job killers, Shintao.
Go and look at those unemployment numbers from 2008 to 2010 and tell me again how "successful" Barack Obama's stimulus was.

I see unemployment numbers that have dropped from 10.2 to 7.3 percent

What do you see?

Not too bad for a community organizer

You should take this comedy act on stage, Winger! When Obama took office the unemployment rate stood at 7.8%. After spending trillions of dollars in multiple stimulus plans and after years of quantitative easing Barry has managed to get unemployment down to 7.3%...which is awful enough by itself but if you examine the number of people who have simply given up and dropped out of the workforce it's even worse than awful...it's HORRENDOUS!

I'm sorry to rain on your "Obama parade" but the fact is...Barack Obama has overseen the worst recovery from a recession in modern political history. He's clueless when it comes to economics and how the Private Sector functions. You can tell things have gone bad for "Team Obama" by how quickly the crew has abandoned ship. Larry Summers is gone...Christina Romer is gone...Austen Goolsby is gone...and I think the only reason that Timmy Geithner hung around as long as he did is that nobody in the Private Sector was willing to hire him. Those people didn't jump ship because the Obama economic plan was such a rousing success! They left because it WASN'T!

The unemployment rate is a reflection of job gains and job losses. That 7.8% you brag about included LOSING 700,000 jobs a month. You are correct, Obama didn't magically turn losing 700,000 jobs a month overnight. But he quickly cut the losses in half and had positive employment numbers within four months
That s what is called stopping another Republican Depression
But did you win the Senate and POTUS? No you didn't so you don't get to hold the gov't hostage if you don't get your way.

well, yes they do, but the good news is the people know who did it to America.

Did what? Give us the worst recovery from a recession in modern political history because their progressive agenda was so anti-job? There are millions of Americans who have been out of work for so long under this President that they've simply given up looking. That isn't the GOP's fault. They weren't the ones who passed ObamaCare or a stimulus that didn't stimulate the Private Sector. They aren't the ones who threatened Cap & Trade legislation, Card Check legislation and let the EPA propose new standards on "green house gas emissions". That would be Barry, Harry and Nancy that gave us all THOSE job killers, Shintao.

The biggest difference in this recovery and past ones is that we have seen a massive DECREASE in government jobs.

That is what you conservatives wanted; that is what you got. Now we are living the effects of that.

As some of us told you years ago, whatever good comes from smaller government...

...job creation isn't part of it.
well, yes they do, but the good news is the people know who did it to America.

Did what? Give us the worst recovery from a recession in modern political history because their progressive agenda was so anti-job? There are millions of Americans who have been out of work for so long under this President that they've simply given up looking. That isn't the GOP's fault. They weren't the ones who passed ObamaCare or a stimulus that didn't stimulate the Private Sector. They aren't the ones who threatened Cap & Trade legislation, Card Check legislation and let the EPA propose new standards on "green house gas emissions". That would be Barry, Harry and Nancy that gave us all THOSE job killers, Shintao.

The biggest difference in this recovery and past ones is that we have seen a massive DECREASE in government jobs.

That is what you conservatives wanted; that is what you got. Now we are living the effects of that.

As some of us told you years ago, whatever good comes from smaller government...

...job creation isn't part of it.


I see unemployment numbers that have dropped from 10.2 to 7.3 percent

What do you see?

Not too bad for a community organizer

You should take this comedy act on stage, Winger! When Obama took office the unemployment rate stood at 7.8%. After spending trillions of dollars in multiple stimulus plans and after years of quantitative easing Barry has managed to get unemployment down to 7.3%...which is awful enough by itself but if you examine the number of people who have simply given up and dropped out of the workforce it's even worse than awful...it's HORRENDOUS!

I'm sorry to rain on your "Obama parade" but the fact is...Barack Obama has overseen the worst recovery from a recession in modern political history. He's clueless when it comes to economics and how the Private Sector functions. You can tell things have gone bad for "Team Obama" by how quickly the crew has abandoned ship. Larry Summers is gone...Christina Romer is gone...Austen Goolsby is gone...and I think the only reason that Timmy Geithner hung around as long as he did is that nobody in the Private Sector was willing to hire him. Those people didn't jump ship because the Obama economic plan was such a rousing success! They left because it WASN'T!

The unemployment rate is a reflection of job gains and job losses. That 7.8% you brag about included LOSING 700,000 jobs a month. You are correct, Obama didn't magically turn losing 700,000 jobs a month overnight. But he quickly cut the losses in half and had positive employment numbers within four months
That s what is called stopping another Republican Depression

YOU ARE A MORON WINGER!! Do you swallow every little tidbit of information ODUMA administration spews?? The unemployment rate did not start falling until they quit extending the amount of time you could collect unemployment benefits. So don't feed that line of bullshit that job growth has resulted in a lower unemployment rate!! To be counted as unemployed, the jobless have to meet three conditions:

1) They have no job now

2) They are available to work now

3) They have actively looked for work in the past four weeks.

Simply losing a job, the common-sense definition of unemployment, does not make one count as unemployed. Worse, once an individual stops looking for work — even temporarily — that individual is no longer counted as unemployed, even if he or she may have every intention to resume looking. The government’s most widely publicized unemployment rate takes into account only those who are collecting unemployment benefits and actively looking for work. It does not take into account those whose unemployment benefits have run out, those who have given up seeking work, or those who are underemployed – desiring full time work but forced to work part time.

If you account for these factors, as many non-government agencies report, the statistic jumps to near 10%. Dept of Labor numbers are manipulated by politicians to fit their political needs, always have been, always will.
You should take this comedy act on stage, Winger! When Obama took office the unemployment rate stood at 7.8%. After spending trillions of dollars in multiple stimulus plans and after years of quantitative easing Barry has managed to get unemployment down to 7.3%...which is awful enough by itself but if you examine the number of people who have simply given up and dropped out of the workforce it's even worse than awful...it's HORRENDOUS!

I'm sorry to rain on your "Obama parade" but the fact is...Barack Obama has overseen the worst recovery from a recession in modern political history. He's clueless when it comes to economics and how the Private Sector functions. You can tell things have gone bad for "Team Obama" by how quickly the crew has abandoned ship. Larry Summers is gone...Christina Romer is gone...Austen Goolsby is gone...and I think the only reason that Timmy Geithner hung around as long as he did is that nobody in the Private Sector was willing to hire him. Those people didn't jump ship because the Obama economic plan was such a rousing success! They left because it WASN'T!

The unemployment rate is a reflection of job gains and job losses. That 7.8% you brag about included LOSING 700,000 jobs a month. You are correct, Obama didn't magically turn losing 700,000 jobs a month overnight. But he quickly cut the losses in half and had positive employment numbers within four months
That s what is called stopping another Republican Depression

YOU ARE A MORON WINGER!! Do you swallow every little tidbit of information ODUMA administration spews?? The unemployment rate did not start falling until they quit extending the amount of time you could collect unemployment benefits. So don't feed that line of bullshit that job growth has resulted in a lower unemployment rate!! To be counted as unemployed, the jobless have to meet three conditions:

1) They have no job now

2) They are available to work now

3) They have actively looked for work in the past four weeks.

Simply losing a job, the common-sense definition of unemployment, does not make one count as unemployed. Worse, once an individual stops looking for work — even temporarily — that individual is no longer counted as unemployed, even if he or she may have every intention to resume looking. The government’s most widely publicized unemployment rate takes into account only those who are collecting unemployment benefits and actively looking for work. It does not take into account those whose unemployment benefits have run out, those who have given up seeking work, or those who are underemployed – desiring full time work but forced to work part time.

If you account for these factors, as many non-government agencies report, the statistic jumps to near 10%. Dept of Labor numbers are manipulated by politicians to fit their political needs, always have been, always will.

The Reporting of the unemployment rate is the same as it has always been. Even President Bush.

The jobs numbers are facts. Employment numbers reversed shortly after the Stimulus was passed. You can't change history
The unemployment rate is a reflection of job gains and job losses. That 7.8% you brag about included LOSING 700,000 jobs a month. You are correct, Obama didn't magically turn losing 700,000 jobs a month overnight. But he quickly cut the losses in half and had positive employment numbers within four months
That s what is called stopping another Republican Depression

YOU ARE A MORON WINGER!! Do you swallow every little tidbit of information ODUMA administration spews?? The unemployment rate did not start falling until they quit extending the amount of time you could collect unemployment benefits. So don't feed that line of bullshit that job growth has resulted in a lower unemployment rate!! To be counted as unemployed, the jobless have to meet three conditions:

1) They have no job now

2) They are available to work now

3) They have actively looked for work in the past four weeks.

Simply losing a job, the common-sense definition of unemployment, does not make one count as unemployed. Worse, once an individual stops looking for work — even temporarily — that individual is no longer counted as unemployed, even if he or she may have every intention to resume looking. The government’s most widely publicized unemployment rate takes into account only those who are collecting unemployment benefits and actively looking for work. It does not take into account those whose unemployment benefits have run out, those who have given up seeking work, or those who are underemployed – desiring full time work but forced to work part time.

If you account for these factors, as many non-government agencies report, the statistic jumps to near 10%. Dept of Labor numbers are manipulated by politicians to fit their political needs, always have been, always will.

The Reporting of the unemployment rate is the same as it has always been. Even President Bush.

The jobs numbers are facts. Employment numbers reversed shortly after the Stimulus was passed. You can't change history

You can't change history, Winger...which is why your contention that unemployment numbers reversed shortly after the stimulus was passed is total bullshit. If you'll recall...Obama Chief Economist Christina Romer declared that if they WERE given the stimulus that unemployment wouldn't go above 8% only to have to eat those words when the unemployment numbers went to over 10% AFTER the stimulus.

Perhaps the following will refresh your memory?

Barack Obama's Stimulus Plan: Failing by Its Own Measure - TIME

Economist Christina Romer regrets saying jobless rate would stay below 8 percent


Video: Romer spins the unemployment rise « Hot Air

The FACT is, Winger...you don't create bullshit statistics like "Jobs Created or Saved" if your stimulus WORKS!!! You create that kind of nonsense when it DOESN'T!
well, yes they do, but the good news is the people know who did it to America.

Did what? Give us the worst recovery from a recession in modern political history because their progressive agenda was so anti-job? There are millions of Americans who have been out of work for so long under this President that they've simply given up looking. That isn't the GOP's fault. They weren't the ones who passed ObamaCare or a stimulus that didn't stimulate the Private Sector. They aren't the ones who threatened Cap & Trade legislation, Card Check legislation and let the EPA propose new standards on "green house gas emissions". That would be Barry, Harry and Nancy that gave us all THOSE job killers, Shintao.

The biggest difference in this recovery and past ones is that we have seen a massive DECREASE in government jobs.

That is what you conservatives wanted; that is what you got. Now we are living the effects of that.

As some of us told you years ago, whatever good comes from smaller government...

...job creation isn't part of it.

The only decrease in government jobs that we have seen since 2009 have taken place at the State and local level, Carbineer...the number of Federal Government employees has always been higher under Obama than under George W. Bush.

State and local governments have lost jobs because unlike the Feds...they can't simply print money to pay for their employees. Once the Obama stimulus propping up local government jobs went away so did the jobs because the private sector was getting crushed and not producing the revenues at the State and local levels to support State and local government. It's what happens when your "stimulus" primarily helps keep government workers employed and does little to help private sector workers...which is EXACTLY what the Obama stimulus did. The following article from the NY Times sums it up rather nicely.

The unemployment rate is a reflection of job gains and job losses. That 7.8% you brag about included LOSING 700,000 jobs a month. You are correct, Obama didn't magically turn losing 700,000 jobs a month overnight. But he quickly cut the losses in half and had positive employment numbers within four months
That s what is called stopping another Republican Depression

YOU ARE A MORON WINGER!! Do you swallow every little tidbit of information ODUMA administration spews?? The unemployment rate did not start falling until they quit extending the amount of time you could collect unemployment benefits. So don't feed that line of bullshit that job growth has resulted in a lower unemployment rate!! To be counted as unemployed, the jobless have to meet three conditions:

1) They have no job now

2) They are available to work now

3) They have actively looked for work in the past four weeks.

Simply losing a job, the common-sense definition of unemployment, does not make one count as unemployed. Worse, once an individual stops looking for work — even temporarily — that individual is no longer counted as unemployed, even if he or she may have every intention to resume looking. The government’s most widely publicized unemployment rate takes into account only those who are collecting unemployment benefits and actively looking for work. It does not take into account those whose unemployment benefits have run out, those who have given up seeking work, or those who are underemployed – desiring full time work but forced to work part time.

If you account for these factors, as many non-government agencies report, the statistic jumps to near 10%. Dept of Labor numbers are manipulated by politicians to fit their political needs, always have been, always will.

The Reporting of the unemployment rate is the same as it has always been. Even President Bush.

The jobs numbers are facts. Employment numbers reversed shortly after the Stimulus was passed. You can't change history

dumbasses like yourself is how this worthless excuse of a president was elected for a second time. MARK MY WORD, it will take at least 20 years of fiscal responsibility from our government to undo the wrath he and his dumbocratic companions have brought upon us.

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