If You Want Change, Win An Election

wining it all and having it all is why we are here in that obama reid and pelosi decided that half the country didn't count...

when you ram the an all en compassing huge legislative act in 50 years through on a party line vote, well, you reap what you sow.

You then suffer a massive defeat for the ages in one house and only by ineptitude of the challenging party keep the other, expecting the 'winning' party to lay down is ridiculous.

The electorate shifted, and in 2012 it did not shift back, obama may have won again, but alas, hes is not a King........and we are not a kingdom.

Republicans.......if you want to call the shots. Win some elections. That is what he Democrats did

There is another way to get what you want in Washington......be willing to compromise what the other guy wants

But Republicans can no longer play at card. Rightwing media won't let them

so, in your view the only way gov. is supposed to work is if one party has all of the power, Jesus Christ,:rolleyes:

wanna strike all of bills and accolades ala the Clinton admin.?

Given that compromise is now off the table......yes, the only way for government to work is for one side to have all the power
If you want change, win an election

Oh, that's what Democrats believe now?

I'm relieved to know that, next time the Republicans win the House, Senate, and Presidency (as they did in 2000), the Democrats will sit back and say, "There, now that's what we meant. Now that you've won, we won't complain or let out a peep. You can go ahead and repeal Obamacare, roll back the regulatory burdens of OSHA, the EPA, and the IRS, cut back on the entitlements that had driven debts through the roof, etc. etc. We'll be just fine with that, because you finally won an election as we said you should do."

Yep, I'm sure the Democrats will keep their word. They do believe, after all, that 51% of the vote makes whatever you want to do, right.

They've been telling us that since 2008, after all. Would they lie?


How many times did the Democrats shut down Government?

:lol: ignorant post of the year right here....:rolleyes:

I have posted back to you several of them, like shallow, you don't read or digest anything that is at odds with your ignorance.

example- the dems shut down the gov. over.....Abortion language ala medicaid funding....yup, over ABORTION...:lol: imagine for a moment if the gop had used a social issue, abortion to do same?

We both know, You and the 'rest of you', would be here kb dripping with spittle and righteousness indignation that they would use such a thing or do such a thing.....

we are close in age from what I gather, what were doing in the 70 and 80's, sleeping:rolleyes:
We did win elections. That's why we have control of the House of Representatives. Because we won more federal elections than Democrats did.

It’s the elections you lost in 2010 that matter: state-wide senatorial and gubernatorial elections from coast-to-coast.

You’re not going to make any progress winning elections in gerrymandered red districts appealing to voters who agree with you already.

You’ve got to appeal to voters of entire states and Nation-wide, many of whom won’t agree with you on many issues.

And right now with the GOP government shutdown and other TPM nonsense, you have very little appeal among voters as a whole.

The hilarious thing is that for all the bitter hatred and anger from the right we've seen this week (directed at their own party), 90+% of them will be re-elected due to the gerrymandering.

Probably, and 90+% of the Democrats will also be re-elected due to the gerrymandering. Your point is.........................
Republicans.......if you want to call the shots. Win some elections. That is what he Democrats did

There is another way to get what you want in Washington......be willing to compromise what the other guy wants

But Republicans can no longer play at card. Rightwing media won't let them

so, in your view the only way gov. is supposed to work is if one party has all of the power, Jesus Christ,:rolleyes:

wanna strike all of bills and accolades ala the Clinton admin.?

Given that compromise is now off the table......yes, the only way for government to work is for one side to have all the power

:lol: perfect. I have to book mark this....when the gop had the house and senate during the clinton years they got things done, oh but wait that was 'different' because...why again?

and you know, during the 2000's when the gop had the wh senate and house, you were all for that...right? :rolleyes:

During the Reagan years he had the senate 6 years , never the house, if you think o'neill laid down you're out of your mind. But, again, they got things done.

Compromise isn't off the table, Obama is just a lousy leader and doesn't know nor care about legislative compromise.
:lol: ignorant post of the year right here....:rolleyes:

I have posted back to you several of them, like shallow, you don't read or digest anything that is at odds with your ignorance.

example- the dems shut down the gov. over.....Abortion language ala medicaid funding....yup, over ABORTION...:lol: imagine for a moment if the gop had used a social issue, abortion to do same?

We both know, You and the 'rest of you', would be here kb dripping with spittle and righteousness indignation that they would use such a thing or do such a thing.....

we are close in age from what I gather, what were doing in the 70 and 80's, sleeping:rolleyes:

ummm..... its a 14th Amendment to the Constitution issue :eusa_whistle: :

Roe v. Wade - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Court ruled 7–2 that a right to privacy under the due process clause of the 14th Amendment extended to a woman's decision to have an abortion
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so, in your view the only way gov. is supposed to work is if one party has all of the power, Jesus Christ,:rolleyes:

wanna strike all of bills and accolades ala the Clinton admin.?

Given that compromise is now off the table......yes, the only way for government to work is for one side to have all the power

:lol: perfect. I have to book mark this....when the gop had the house and senate during the clinton years they got things done, oh but wait that was 'different' because...why again?

and you know, during the 2000's when the gop had the wh senate and house, you were all for that...right? :rolleyes:

During the Reagan years he had the senate 6 years , never the house, if you think o'neill laid down you're out of your mind. But, again, they got things done.

Compromise isn't off the table, Obama is just a lousy leader and doesn't know nor care about legislative compromise.

Compromise? :eusa_eh:

I'm paraphrasing here ;) : "We intend to make Obama a one-term President"~

Doesn't matter what you think any one else knows or doesn't. WE all know obama doesn't know what the word compromise means!!

He compromised on extending the Bush tax cuts

Your turn

Raising taxes during a recession is not an option any person in power would consider, so that can not be considered a compromise.

Try again.

Neither is slashing government payrolls.......but that didn't stop the republicans
How many times did the Democrats shut down Government?

:lol: ignorant post of the year right here....:rolleyes:

I have posted back to you several of them, like shallow, you don't read or digest anything that is at odds with your ignorance.

example- the dems shut down the gov. over.....Abortion language ala medicaid funding....yup, over ABORTION...:lol: imagine for a moment if the gop had used a social issue, abortion to do same?

We both know, You and the 'rest of you', would be here kb dripping with spittle and righteousness indignation that they would use such a thing or do such a thing.....

we are close in age from what I gather, what were doing in the 70 and 80's, sleeping:rolleyes:

ummm..... its a 14th Amendment to the Constitution issue :eusa_whistle: :

Roe v. Wade - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Court ruled 7–2 that a right to privacy under the due process clause of the 14th Amendment extended to a woman's decision to have an abortion

I have no idea why you posted that, its the thinnest form of mitigation, it doesn't even deserve the word....go back and read, why they had the fight and why they , a dem house, senate and pres. could not agree and shutdown the gov.

oh and, you don't get to pick and choose what reasons are justifiable in your opinion to shut down the gov. to justify your own view.....everyone thinks their cause is righteous, see how that works?
Given that compromise is now off the table......yes, the only way for government to work is for one side to have all the power

:lol: perfect. I have to book mark this....when the gop had the house and senate during the clinton years they got things done, oh but wait that was 'different' because...why again?

and you know, during the 2000's when the gop had the wh senate and house, you were all for that...right? :rolleyes:

During the Reagan years he had the senate 6 years , never the house, if you think o'neill laid down you're out of your mind. But, again, they got things done.

Compromise isn't off the table, Obama is just a lousy leader and doesn't know nor care about legislative compromise.

Compromise? :eusa_eh:

I'm paraphrasing here ;) : "We intend to make Obama a one-term President"~


no shit, becasue every opposition party wants the opposing party to continue in power....what an incredibly dumb thing to allude to.
so, in your view the only way gov. is supposed to work is if one party has all of the power, Jesus Christ,:rolleyes:

wanna strike all of bills and accolades ala the Clinton admin.?

Given that compromise is now off the table......yes, the only way for government to work is for one side to have all the power

:lol: perfect. I have to book mark this....when the gop had the house and senate during the clinton years they got things done, oh but wait that was 'different' because...why again?

and you know, during the 2000's when the gop had the wh senate and house, you were all for that...right? :rolleyes:

During the Reagan years he had the senate 6 years , never the house, if you think o'neill laid down you're out of your mind. But, again, they got things done.

Compromise isn't off the table, Obama is just a lousy leader and doesn't know nor care about legislative compromise.

That was a different breed of Republucans than we have now. Today's Republicans are afraid to compromise because it means the other side has to get something. Political suicide in the age of rightwing media
Ten good things about the Affordable Care Act....

1. The end of the Medicare doughnut hole.
2. Free Medicare preventive services.
3. Free preventive services for all women.
4. No denying health insurance because of a pre-existing medical condition.
5. Insurers can't gouge people with pre-existing conditions.
6. End of pre-existing restrictions on children's access to health insurance.
7. Adult children up to age 26 can now continue to get health insurance on their parents policy.
8. The law ends lifetime limits on insurance payouts.
9. Health insurers must spend at least 80 percent of their premium dollars on health care.
10. New standardized insurance coverage reports. This makes it easier to compare plans from different companies.

Three comments and I will quit.

Since the doughnut hole is part of Medicare Part D that was condemned by all Democrats as a Bush failed program, how can adding to the cost to government be a good thing?

Why do women get free preventive care and men do not? Sounds like sexist discrimination to me.

Why should I pay for health insurance for my adult children? I will gladly pay for it until they either leave home or graduate from college. At that point they are adults, and can pay for their own health insurance.
Given that compromise is now off the table......yes, the only way for government to work is for one side to have all the power

:lol: perfect. I have to book mark this....when the gop had the house and senate during the clinton years they got things done, oh but wait that was 'different' because...why again?

and you know, during the 2000's when the gop had the wh senate and house, you were all for that...right? :rolleyes:

During the Reagan years he had the senate 6 years , never the house, if you think o'neill laid down you're out of your mind. But, again, they got things done.

Compromise isn't off the table, Obama is just a lousy leader and doesn't know nor care about legislative compromise.

That was a different breed of Republucans than we have now. Today's Republicans are afraid to compromise because it means the other side has to get something. Political suicide in the age of rightwing media

:lol:whatever..... translation- we aren't getting our way so we need total power....you had it, you LOST it, hello, elections...right? :lol:
Hint to Republicans

You cannot repeal Obamacare.....you don't have the votes

Don't like it? make it better. Push for Tort Reform. Push for interstate insurance sales. Open up competition for doctors, hospitals and drugs. Advertise rates.

But Republicans can't do that. They are only capable of blocking legislation, not passing it

Since the Democrats shut down government 13 times that I documented, I see the Republicans have at least 12 more shots at getting rid of Obamacare.
:lol: ignorant post of the year right here....:rolleyes:

I have posted back to you several of them, like shallow, you don't read or digest anything that is at odds with your ignorance.

example- the dems shut down the gov. over.....Abortion language ala medicaid funding....yup, over ABORTION...:lol: imagine for a moment if the gop had used a social issue, abortion to do same?

We both know, You and the 'rest of you', would be here kb dripping with spittle and righteousness indignation that they would use such a thing or do such a thing.....

we are close in age from what I gather, what were doing in the 70 and 80's, sleeping:rolleyes:

ummm..... its a 14th Amendment to the Constitution issue :eusa_whistle: :

Roe v. Wade - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Court ruled 7–2 that a right to privacy under the due process clause of the 14th Amendment extended to a woman's decision to have an abortion

I have no idea why you posted that, its the thinnest form of mitigation, it doesn't even deserve the word....go back and read, why they had the fight and why they , a dem house, senate and pres. could not agree and shutdown the gov.

oh and, you don't get to pick and choose what reasons are justifiable in your opinion to shut down the gov. to justify your own view.....everyone thinks their cause is righteous, see how that works?

due process applies to the poor as well as the well-off. Medicaid, by its very name, is aimed at providing for those less well-off. Placing obstacles to access, based on income, seems just like a poll tax which is also illegal.
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the only decrease in government jobs that we have seen since 2009 have taken place at the state and local level, carbineer...the number of federal government employees has always been higher under obama than under george w. Bush.

State and local governments have lost jobs because unlike the feds...they can't simply print money to pay for their employees. Once the obama stimulus propping up local government jobs went away so did the jobs because the private sector was getting crushed and not producing the revenues at the state and local levels to support state and local government. It's what happens when your "stimulus" primarily helps keep government workers employed and does little to help private sector workers...which is exactly what the obama stimulus did. The following article from the ny times sums it up rather nicely.


overall government employment is at a historic low. Nyc was talking about how overall government employment has effected the unemployment levels. Unemployment could be a full percentage lower if local governments were at the same levels they were in 2008.

Federal employment has increased about 6% under president obama...now, would you like to take a guess in what areas the increases occurred?

government jobs don't grow the economy idiot!!!!!!!!!!!! Government job growth grows government debt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Government job growth increases beuracratic bullshit paperwork!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We need to keep reducing governement jobs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! At all levels!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Of course they do. You can't say jobs grow our economy in one breath and then say government jobs don't. That's illogical on its face. Jobs grow the economy period. Unemployment would be a full percentage point LOWER if local governments had maintained their 2008 levels. What part of that don't you understand? That's over 500,000 people not consuming in our consumer driven economy.
Hint to Republicans

You cannot repeal Obamacare.....you don't have the votes

Don't like it? make it better. Push for Tort Reform. Push for interstate insurance sales. Open up competition for doctors, hospitals and drugs. Advertise rates.

But Republicans can't do that. They are only capable of blocking legislation, not passing it

Since the Democrats shut down government 13 times that I documented, I see the Republicans have at least 12 more shots at getting rid of Obamacare.

:up: have at it. You see what the results were of the last Tea Party/Repub shutdown? Repubs caved & Tea Party/Repub's approval numbers took a nose dive.
ummm..... its a 14th Amendment to the Constitution issue :eusa_whistle: :

Roe v. Wade - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I have no idea why you posted that, its the thinnest form of mitigation, it doesn't even deserve the word....go back and read, why they had the fight and why they , a dem house, senate and pres. could not agree and shutdown the gov.

due porocess applies to the poor as well as the well-off. Medicaid, by its very name is aimed at providing for those less well-off. Placing obstacles to access based on income seems just like a poll tax which is also illegal.

thats not the topic.....your deflections as to why one shutdown was 'righteous' and the other isn't doesn't work.


oh and, you don't get to pick and choose what reasons are justifiable in your opinion to shut down the gov. to justify your own view.....everyone thinks their cause is righteous, see how that works?
Given that compromise is now off the table......yes, the only way for government to work is for one side to have all the power

:lol: perfect. I have to book mark this....when the gop had the house and senate during the clinton years they got things done, oh but wait that was 'different' because...why again?

and you know, during the 2000's when the gop had the wh senate and house, you were all for that...right? :rolleyes:

During the Reagan years he had the senate 6 years , never the house, if you think o'neill laid down you're out of your mind. But, again, they got things done.

Compromise isn't off the table, Obama is just a lousy leader and doesn't know nor care about legislative compromise.

That was a different breed of Republucans than we have now. Today's Republicans are afraid to compromise because it means the other side has to get something. Political suicide in the age of rightwing media

Yep, the Gipper would be seen as a moderate in today's Repub party. :wink_2:
overall government employment is at a historic low. Nyc was talking about how overall government employment has effected the unemployment levels. Unemployment could be a full percentage lower if local governments were at the same levels they were in 2008.

Federal employment has increased about 6% under president obama...now, would you like to take a guess in what areas the increases occurred?

government jobs don't grow the economy idiot!!!!!!!!!!!! Government job growth grows government debt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Government job growth increases beuracratic bullshit paperwork!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We need to keep reducing governement jobs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! At all levels!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Of course they do. You can't say jobs grow our economy in one breath and then say government jobs don't.

yes, actually you can.....the 'growth' isn't via free market wealth creation, its a transfer from the private sector to the gov. sector, if you pay 400 to satt a dmv office where 30 would be fine, then try that in a private sector firm, the waste would run the company down, see?

That's illogical on its face. Jobs grow the economy period. Unemployment would be a full percentage point LOWER if local governments had maintained their 2008 levels. What part of that don't you understand? That's over 500,000 people not consuming in our consumer driven economy.

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