If You Want Change, Win An Election

Did what? Give us the worst recovery from a recession in modern political history because their progressive agenda was so anti-job? There are millions of Americans who have been out of work for so long under this President that they've simply given up looking. That isn't the GOP's fault. They weren't the ones who passed ObamaCare or a stimulus that didn't stimulate the Private Sector. They aren't the ones who threatened Cap & Trade legislation, Card Check legislation and let the EPA propose new standards on "green house gas emissions". That would be Barry, Harry and Nancy that gave us all THOSE job killers, Shintao.

The biggest difference in this recovery and past ones is that we have seen a massive DECREASE in government jobs.

That is what you conservatives wanted; that is what you got. Now we are living the effects of that.

As some of us told you years ago, whatever good comes from smaller government...

...job creation isn't part of it.

The only decrease in government jobs that we have seen since 2009 have taken place at the State and local level, Carbineer...the number of Federal Government employees has always been higher under Obama than under George W. Bush.

State and local governments have lost jobs because unlike the Feds...they can't simply print money to pay for their employees. Once the Obama stimulus propping up local government jobs went away so did the jobs because the private sector was getting crushed and not producing the revenues at the State and local levels to support State and local government. It's what happens when your "stimulus" primarily helps keep government workers employed and does little to help private sector workers...which is EXACTLY what the Obama stimulus did. The following article from the NY Times sums it up rather nicely.


Overall government employment is at a historic low. NYC was talking about how overall government employment has effected the unemployment levels. Unemployment could be a full percentage lower if local governments were at the same levels they were in 2008.

Federal employment has increased about 6% under President Obama...now, would you like to take a guess in what areas the increases occurred?
the biggest difference in this recovery and past ones is that we have seen a massive decrease in government jobs.

That is what you conservatives wanted; that is what you got. Now we are living the effects of that.

As some of us told you years ago, whatever good comes from smaller government...

...job creation isn't part of it.

the only decrease in government jobs that we have seen since 2009 have taken place at the state and local level, carbineer...the number of federal government employees has always been higher under obama than under george w. Bush.

State and local governments have lost jobs because unlike the feds...they can't simply print money to pay for their employees. Once the obama stimulus propping up local government jobs went away so did the jobs because the private sector was getting crushed and not producing the revenues at the state and local levels to support state and local government. It's what happens when your "stimulus" primarily helps keep government workers employed and does little to help private sector workers...which is exactly what the obama stimulus did. The following article from the ny times sums it up rather nicely.


overall government employment is at a historic low. Nyc was talking about how overall government employment has effected the unemployment levels. Unemployment could be a full percentage lower if local governments were at the same levels they were in 2008.

Federal employment has increased about 6% under president obama...now, would you like to take a guess in what areas the increases occurred?

government jobs don't grow the economy idiot!!!!!!!!!!!! Government job growth grows government debt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Government job growth increases beuracratic bullshit paperwork!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We need to keep reducing governement jobs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! At all levels!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the only decrease in government jobs that we have seen since 2009 have taken place at the state and local level, carbineer...the number of federal government employees has always been higher under obama than under george w. Bush.

State and local governments have lost jobs because unlike the feds...they can't simply print money to pay for their employees. Once the obama stimulus propping up local government jobs went away so did the jobs because the private sector was getting crushed and not producing the revenues at the state and local levels to support state and local government. It's what happens when your "stimulus" primarily helps keep government workers employed and does little to help private sector workers...which is exactly what the obama stimulus did. The following article from the ny times sums it up rather nicely.


overall government employment is at a historic low. Nyc was talking about how overall government employment has effected the unemployment levels. Unemployment could be a full percentage lower if local governments were at the same levels they were in 2008.

Federal employment has increased about 6% under president obama...now, would you like to take a guess in what areas the increases occurred?

government jobs don't grow the economy idiot!!!!!!!!!!!! Government job growth grows government debt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Government job growth increases beuracratic bullshit paperwork!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We need to keep reducing governement jobs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! At all levels!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Defense spending is one of the major cornerstones of our economy.

Thanks Government
Republicans won many elections, enough to control the House of Representatives, in fact.

If Obama wants carte blanche, the Democrats need to take the House of Representatives.

I do wish he'd stop whining.

You and others on the right need to stop believing in the 2010 midterm myth you’ve contrived and start living in the present.

In 2010 you failed to win the Senate and failed to prevail in the governors’ races in California and New York, two large, representative states.

In 2012 you again failed to win the Senate, failed to win the WH, and lost seats in both Houses of Congress; had it not been for gerrymandered districts in red states you would have lost the House as well.

Now November 2014 is just over a year away and GOP approval ratings are in the toilet, you’ve seriously damaged the Party with the republican government shutdown, and GOP moderates are at war with TPM extremists.

Again, stop living in the past and start dealing with the dire problem facing your party.

Seriously? 2010 was the election year that the GOP seen the largest shift from blue to red in this nation’s history as far as I know. The GOP lost on the national level (though STILL retained the house) but won sweeping victories all across the nation. Then you point to two EXTREMELY liberal bastions that the right did not take and claim that as a negative for the GOP? I guess when you view local government as nothing more than extensions of the federal government than local elections don’t matter. The reality is quite different though.

The brand is hurting right now because they are terrible with the narrative and having an internal battle with the tea party. That will lead to dem victories in the near future but personally I think that the party will be far better off for it. The republicans right now are not a whole lot different than the dems are and neither represent the majority of Americans. There is no one to represent the majority anymore.
Did what? Give us the worst recovery from a recession in modern political history because their progressive agenda was so anti-job? There are millions of Americans who have been out of work for so long under this President that they've simply given up looking. That isn't the GOP's fault. They weren't the ones who passed ObamaCare or a stimulus that didn't stimulate the Private Sector. They aren't the ones who threatened Cap & Trade legislation, Card Check legislation and let the EPA propose new standards on "green house gas emissions". That would be Barry, Harry and Nancy that gave us all THOSE job killers, Shintao.

The biggest difference in this recovery and past ones is that we have seen a massive DECREASE in government jobs.

That is what you conservatives wanted; that is what you got. Now we are living the effects of that.

As some of us told you years ago, whatever good comes from smaller government...

...job creation isn't part of it.

The only decrease in government jobs that we have seen since 2009 have taken place at the State and local level, Carbineer...the number of Federal Government employees has always been higher under Obama than under George W. Bush.

State and local governments have lost jobs because unlike the Feds...they can't simply print money to pay for their employees. Once the Obama stimulus propping up local government jobs went away so did the jobs because the private sector was getting crushed and not producing the revenues at the State and local levels to support State and local government. It's what happens when your "stimulus" primarily helps keep government workers employed and does little to help private sector workers...which is EXACTLY what the Obama stimulus did. The following article from the NY Times sums it up rather nicely.


And if we'd lost federal jobs comparable to state and local the jobless recovery would be even more jobless.
Go and look at those unemployment numbers from 2008 to 2010 and tell me again how "successful" Barack Obama's stimulus was.

I see unemployment numbers that have dropped from 10.2 to 7.3 percent

What do you see?

Not too bad for a community organizer

thats a perfect example of head in the sand horse hockey, see: low information yada yada.

a primary reason for the rate drop is not do to net jobs increasing, its due to massive drop in the lpr.
The biggest difference in this recovery and past ones is that we have seen a massive DECREASE in government jobs.

That is what you conservatives wanted; that is what you got. Now we are living the effects of that.

As some of us told you years ago, whatever good comes from smaller government...

...job creation isn't part of it.

The only decrease in government jobs that we have seen since 2009 have taken place at the State and local level, Carbineer...the number of Federal Government employees has always been higher under Obama than under George W. Bush.

State and local governments have lost jobs because unlike the Feds...they can't simply print money to pay for their employees. Once the Obama stimulus propping up local government jobs went away so did the jobs because the private sector was getting crushed and not producing the revenues at the State and local levels to support State and local government. It's what happens when your "stimulus" primarily helps keep government workers employed and does little to help private sector workers...which is EXACTLY what the Obama stimulus did. The following article from the NY Times sums it up rather nicely.


And if we'd lost federal jobs comparable to state and local the jobless recovery would be even more jobless.

right becasue what creates wealth and drives a free market econ. is fed and state jobs :lol:

oh did yo go back an explain my episode ?
The biggest difference in this recovery and past ones is that we have seen a massive DECREASE in government jobs.

That is what you conservatives wanted; that is what you got. Now we are living the effects of that.

As some of us told you years ago, whatever good comes from smaller government...

...job creation isn't part of it.

The only decrease in government jobs that we have seen since 2009 have taken place at the State and local level, Carbineer...the number of Federal Government employees has always been higher under Obama than under George W. Bush.

State and local governments have lost jobs because unlike the Feds...they can't simply print money to pay for their employees. Once the Obama stimulus propping up local government jobs went away so did the jobs because the private sector was getting crushed and not producing the revenues at the State and local levels to support State and local government. It's what happens when your "stimulus" primarily helps keep government workers employed and does little to help private sector workers...which is EXACTLY what the Obama stimulus did. The following article from the NY Times sums it up rather nicely.


Overall government employment is at a historic low. NYC was talking about how overall government employment has effected the unemployment levels. Unemployment could be a full percentage lower if local governments were at the same levels they were in 2008.

Federal employment has increased about 6% under President Obama...now, would you like to take a guess in what areas the increases occurred?

I'm amused by the progressive claim that Obama deserves "credit" for shrinking the size of government employees, Seawytch. The number of Federal employees has gone up. Why? Because unlike the States and local governments, the Federal government doesn't have the constraint of having to achieve a balanced budget. State and local government employee numbers have gone down because our economy is stagnant and isn't producing enough revenue to fund State and local employment. THAT is a direct consequence of the poorly planned and managed stimulus.

The truth of the matter is that the Obama Stimulus propped up State and local governments at the expense of the private sector. Obama and the Democrats took care of "their own" with the stimulus...pumping billions into keeping public sector workers employed while ignoring the plight of those in the private sector other than extending unemployment compensation to placate the masses. The problem with that strategy is that if the private sector is contracting then there IS no revenue to keep those State and local public sector workers employed. That's why Barry came back looking for MORE stimulus money.

The proper use of stimulus would have been to let a bloated government downsize...which it desperately needed to do anyways...while stimulating the private sector with something that would have immediately gone to Main Street to be spent. A tax rebate delivered directly to the American people would have accomplished that but then Barry, Harry and Nancy wouldn't have been able to play "Santa Claus" with our money if we'd gone that route.
The biggest difference in this recovery and past ones is that we have seen a massive DECREASE in government jobs.

That is what you conservatives wanted; that is what you got. Now we are living the effects of that.

As some of us told you years ago, whatever good comes from smaller government...

...job creation isn't part of it.

The only decrease in government jobs that we have seen since 2009 have taken place at the State and local level, Carbineer...the number of Federal Government employees has always been higher under Obama than under George W. Bush.

State and local governments have lost jobs because unlike the Feds...they can't simply print money to pay for their employees. Once the Obama stimulus propping up local government jobs went away so did the jobs because the private sector was getting crushed and not producing the revenues at the State and local levels to support State and local government. It's what happens when your "stimulus" primarily helps keep government workers employed and does little to help private sector workers...which is EXACTLY what the Obama stimulus did. The following article from the NY Times sums it up rather nicely.


And if we'd lost federal jobs comparable to state and local the jobless recovery would be even more jobless.

The so-called "recovery" is jobless because it didn't take place in the private sector. The money needed to employ government workers HAS to be diverted from the private sector...something that liberals can't seem to grasp. Barack Obama propped up his unemployment numbers by putting the US trillions in debt so that we wouldn't lay off anyone from bloated government workforces while he let private sector workers get laid off by the millions.
Republicans won many elections, enough to control the House of Representatives, in fact.

If Obama wants carte blanche, the Democrats need to take the House of Representatives.

I do wish he'd stop whining.

Republicans want to repeal Obamacare....EARN IT

Win the House, Senate and Whitehouse and you too get to call the shots

But holding our government and our economy hostage is not earning it

wining it all and having it all is why we are here in that obama reid and pelosi decided that half the country didn't count...

when you ram the an all en compassing huge legislative act in 50 years through on a party line vote, well, you reap what you sow.

You then suffer a massive defeat for the ages in one house and only by ineptitude of the challenging party keep the other, expecting the 'winning' party to lay down is ridiculous.

The electorate shifted, and in 2012 it did not shift back, obama may have won again, but alas, hes is not a King........and we are not a kingdom.
overall government employment is at a historic low. Nyc was talking about how overall government employment has effected the unemployment levels. Unemployment could be a full percentage lower if local governments were at the same levels they were in 2008.

Federal employment has increased about 6% under president obama...now, would you like to take a guess in what areas the increases occurred?

government jobs don't grow the economy idiot!!!!!!!!!!!! Government job growth grows government debt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Government job growth increases beuracratic bullshit paperwork!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We need to keep reducing governement jobs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! At all levels!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Defense spending is one of the major cornerstones of our economy.

Thanks Government

one of the major cornerstones of both party's pork but moreso w/ the Repubs :wink_2:
Republicans won many elections, enough to control the House of Representatives, in fact.

If Obama wants carte blanche, the Democrats need to take the House of Representatives.

I do wish he'd stop whining.

Republicans want to repeal Obamacare....EARN IT

Win the House, Senate and Whitehouse and you too get to call the shots

But holding our government and our economy hostage is not earning it

wining it all and having it all is why we are here in that obama reid and pelosi decided that half the country didn't count...

when you ram the an all en compassing huge legislative act in 50 years through on a party line vote, well, you reap what you sow.

You then suffer a massive defeat for the ages in one house and only by ineptitude of the challenging party keep the other, expecting the 'winning' party to lay down is ridiculous.

The electorate shifted, and in 2012 it did not shift back, obama may have won again, but alas, hes is not a King........and we are not a kingdom.

Republicans.......if you want to call the shots. Win some elections. That is what he Democrats did

There is another way to get what you want in Washington......be willing to compromise what the other guy wants

But Republicans can no longer play at card. Rightwing media won't let them
The biggest difference in this recovery and past ones is that we have seen a massive DECREASE in government jobs.

That is what you conservatives wanted; that is what you got. Now we are living the effects of that.

As some of us told you years ago, whatever good comes from smaller government...

...job creation isn't part of it.

The only decrease in government jobs that we have seen since 2009 have taken place at the State and local level, Carbineer...the number of Federal Government employees has always been higher under Obama than under George W. Bush.

State and local governments have lost jobs because unlike the Feds...they can't simply print money to pay for their employees. Once the Obama stimulus propping up local government jobs went away so did the jobs because the private sector was getting crushed and not producing the revenues at the State and local levels to support State and local government. It's what happens when your "stimulus" primarily helps keep government workers employed and does little to help private sector workers...which is EXACTLY what the Obama stimulus did. The following article from the NY Times sums it up rather nicely.


Overall government employment is at a historic low. NYC was talking about how overall government employment has effected the unemployment levels. Unemployment could be a full percentage lower if local governments were at the same levels they were in 2008.

Federal employment has increased about 6% under President Obama...now, would you like to take a guess in what areas the increases occurred?

it may be at a 'historic' low, BUT the cost to carry the past, as in pensions, benefits etc. that has to be paid today and ion the out years is squeezing budgets till they wail.....

here at the UC they have made us start to pay 5% of our pension costs, here to fore it was zero, you should have heard the wailing and gnashing of teeth, to funny. I have no issue with it, but then again, I worked in the private sector for the majority of my life and get it.....and this is even after getting contracted raise that covered the contributions, so in effect we were out zero form our paychecks as the cost of the pension contributors was covered....didn't matter, bunch of spoiled brats.

ANY cost- was to much, and thats exactly what the dem. party in DC stands, any drop in present spending or spending in the out years is to be fought to the death.....no matter the wreckage it causes and kicking the can as in unfunded liabilities etc..... obama has been a complete fail kin dealing with this and you know it.

Once it was unpatriotic, now? hes in the WH, its all good.
Republicans want to repeal Obamacare....EARN IT

Win the House, Senate and Whitehouse and you too get to call the shots

But holding our government and our economy hostage is not earning it

wining it all and having it all is why we are here in that obama reid and pelosi decided that half the country didn't count...

when you ram the an all en compassing huge legislative act in 50 years through on a party line vote, well, you reap what you sow.

You then suffer a massive defeat for the ages in one house and only by ineptitude of the challenging party keep the other, expecting the 'winning' party to lay down is ridiculous.

The electorate shifted, and in 2012 it did not shift back, obama may have won again, but alas, hes is not a King........and we are not a kingdom.

Republicans.......if you want to call the shots. Win some elections. That is what he Democrats did

There is another way to get what you want in Washington......be willing to compromise what the other guy wants

But Republicans can no longer play at card. Rightwing media won't let them

so, in your view the only way gov. is supposed to work is if one party has all of the power, Jesus Christ,:rolleyes:

wanna strike all of bills and accolades ala the Clinton admin.?
If you want change, win an election

Oh, that's what Democrats believe now?

I'm relieved to know that, next time the Republicans win the House, Senate, and Presidency (as they did in 2000), the Democrats will sit back and say, "There, now that's what we meant. Now that you've won, we won't complain or let out a peep. You can go ahead and repeal Obamacare, roll back the regulatory burdens of OSHA, the EPA, and the IRS, cut back on the entitlements that had driven debts through the roof, etc. etc. We'll be just fine with that, because you finally won an election as we said you should do."

Yep, I'm sure the Democrats will keep their word. They do believe, after all, that 51% of the vote makes whatever you want to do, right.

They've been telling us that since 2008, after all. Would they lie?


How many times did the Democrats shut down Government?

I didn't check any further than this:

The government shut down seven times when O'Neill was speaker and Reagan was president. And they were real shutdowns, too, given that they occurred after Jimmy Carter's attorney general, Benjamin Civiletti, issued opinions in 1980 and 1981 saying that funding gaps had to lead to at least partial shutdowns of government functions. Five quasi-shutdowns happened before those opinions under O'Neill's watch, with Carter as president. And one more shutdown happened under Reagan and O'Neill's successor as speaker, Jim Wright.

That makes 13 under Democrats, and I got tired of checking.
First George Bush's SEC let Wall Street run a derivatives based Ponzi scheme the destroyed the world economy in 2008.

Then Republicans on the Supreme Court voted to allow unlimited secret campaign contributions in the Citizens United decision.

Then Republicans in the House shut down the government to try to defund the Affordable Care Act and threatened the country with default.

Why would anyone vote for a party that hates government and continually tries to damage our country?
Hint to Republicans

You cannot repeal Obamacare.....you don't have the votes

Don't like it? make it better. Push for Tort Reform. Push for interstate insurance sales. Open up competition for doctors, hospitals and drugs. Advertise rates.

But Republicans can't do that. They are only capable of blocking legislation, not passing it
Which compromises were the President offered?

I have yet to see anything coming out of the Republicans. Demands are not compromises

You throw the word around a lot, but I don't think you know what it means

Doesn't matter what you think any one else knows or doesn't. WE all know obama doesn't know what the word compromise means!!

He compromised on extending the Bush tax cuts

Your turn

Raising taxes during a recession is not an option any person in power would consider, so that can not be considered a compromise.

Try again.
So those that are living in the here and now during the Obama regime....
You do realize that Obama is president... right?

Anyway living in the here and now are politicians...who have won elections.. who want to prevent something they feel strongly about.

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