If You Want Change, Win An Election

Republicans want to repeal Obamacare....EARN IT

Win the House, Senate and Whitehouse and you too get to call the shots

But holding our government and our economy hostage is not earning it

Let's examine what's happened since the Democrats "EARNED IT"!

The Democrats got a "mandate" for change back in 2008 because the main stream media convinced America that the Republicans were to blame for the financial collapse. So the voters elected Barack Obama...a Junior Senator with little political experience to lead us out of the recession...basing that choice on a vague promise of "Hope & Change".

But as soon as Obama took office it quickly became apparent that his number one priority WASN'T the economy and the millions of Americans who were unemployed. His number one priority was implementing government run health care, despite the fact that doing so would be politically divisive as well as harmful to to the economy. In the words of his Chief of Staff, Rahm Emanuel, they were not going to let a crisis go to waste! The financial crisis was what had gotten Democrats super majorities in the House and Senate because they had promised the American people that THEY were the answer to that financial crisis. Once Democrats had that power however, the Progressive Wing of the Democratic Party used it not to fix the economy and put people back to work...oh, no...they used their new found power to go after the liberal "Holy Grail"...government run healthcare. The economy and the millions of unemployed were pushed to the back burner by the Democrats while they declared that fixing health care would be their number one priority! They used the "stimulus" to prop up the public sector while they let the private sector twist in the wind thus giving us the worst recovery from a recession since the Great Depression.

That is the REALITY of what's happened since 2008...this notion that it's the Republicans that held America "hostage" is laughable. The truth is...Progressives chose to drive a massive wedge between the two parties in the form of ObamaCare rather than work to fix the country's problems. Five years later the result is political gridlock.

Rightwing whining

Obamas first priority was fixing the economy that Republicans crashed. He passed the Stimulus, he saved the auto companies and the banks, he implemented new financial regulations and credit card laws. He prevented a Depression
His second priority was two wars that Bush pushed us into and poorly executed. Obama quickly wrapped up Iraq and redirected his efforts to salvaging Afghanistan which Bush had abandoned
His third priority was redirecting the war on terrorism to hunt down the scum wherever they were hiding. Afganistan, Pakistan, Yemen. terrorist leaders were hunted down and killed. Want to talk about bin Laden?
His fourth priority, which he was elected to do was pass a national Healthcare program. he was the first president in 100 years of trying to succeed at passing a universal healthcare program

Not bad for a community organizer and "junior" senator

So ObamaCare was his fourth priority, Winger? LOL Nice try but that's total bullshit and you know it.
The banks were saved because of TARP which was a Bush program...Obama simply continued it. You can tell it was a Bush program because we got repaid. Contrast that with the big Obama TARP program...bailing out his buddies over at the UAW. We're still out billions on that deal to "save" the auto industry.
Obama to GOP: 'Win an election' to change policies

President Barack Obama challenged the GOP to end political brinkmanship and said Republicans should "win an election" if they so badly wish to change his policies.

In his first extended remarks since the government reopened, Obama said that the public has grown "fed up" with its government and urged lawmakers to move past the conflict of the past few weeks.

"To all my friends in Congress, understand that how business is done in this town has to change," he said.

"You don't like a particular policy or a particular president? Then argue for your position. Go out there and win an election," The president said. "But don't break it.”

Obama to GOP: 'Win an election' to change policies - First Read

Good for the president!!! I guess he told them!!! :clap2:

Does this mean that when you win an election, YOU run roughshod over everyone commrade?

Dissention NOT allowed? Really?

YOU are an idiot.

You completely distort what I said and then have the nerve to call ME an idiot?? That's what the right wing lunatics on this site do when they have nothing of value to say.

I've decided I will not deal with the likes of you. From now on I will not respond to people that call me names. Nice talking to you.
You want to talk about Bin Laden? Love to, Winger! Because the fact is...without information from enhanced interrogations under the Bush Administration, they don't find Osama bin Laden.
Obama to GOP: 'Win an election' to change policies

President Barack Obama challenged the GOP to end political brinkmanship and said Republicans should "win an election" if they so badly wish to change his policies.

In his first extended remarks since the government reopened, Obama said that the public has grown "fed up" with its government and urged lawmakers to move past the conflict of the past few weeks.

"To all my friends in Congress, understand that how business is done in this town has to change," he said.

"You don't like a particular policy or a particular president? Then argue for your position. Go out there and win an election," The president said. "But don't break it.”

Obama to GOP: 'Win an election' to change policies - First Read

Good for the president!!! I guess he told them!!! :clap2:

Does this mean that when you win an election, YOU run roughshod over everyone commrade?

Dissention NOT allowed? Really?

YOU are an idiot.

You completely distort what I said and then have the nerve to call ME an idiot?? That's what the right wing lunatics on this site do when they have nothing of value to say.

I've decided I will not deal with the likes of you. From now on I will not respond to people that call me names. Nice talking to you.

When you post idiotic things...chances are someone will refer to you as an idiot...just saying.
We did win elections. That's why we have control of the House of Representatives. Because we won more federal elections than Democrats did.

In an election in which tens of millions of fewer voters participated than they did in 2008 and 2012.

The 2010 election was not in any way representative of what most Americans want. Liberals & Democrats made the mistake of not voting in greater numbers than they did two years earlier. That's the only mistake they made. There was no policy mistake that they made that deserved their losing control of the House.

The GOP then took advantage of their victories to gerrymander the House as much as possible, allowing them to keep their phony , illegitimate House majority.

Every bill that is past by the House has the stain of gerrymandered illegitimacy on it.
Let's examine what's happened since the Democrats "EARNED IT"!

The Democrats got a "mandate" for change back in 2008 because the main stream media convinced America that the Republicans were to blame for the financial collapse. So the voters elected Barack Obama...a Junior Senator with little political experience to lead us out of the recession...basing that choice on a vague promise of "Hope & Change".

But as soon as Obama took office it quickly became apparent that his number one priority WASN'T the economy and the millions of Americans who were unemployed. His number one priority was implementing government run health care, despite the fact that doing so would be politically divisive as well as harmful to to the economy. In the words of his Chief of Staff, Rahm Emanuel, they were not going to let a crisis go to waste! The financial crisis was what had gotten Democrats super majorities in the House and Senate because they had promised the American people that THEY were the answer to that financial crisis. Once Democrats had that power however, the Progressive Wing of the Democratic Party used it not to fix the economy and put people back to work...oh, no...they used their new found power to go after the liberal "Holy Grail"...government run healthcare. The economy and the millions of unemployed were pushed to the back burner by the Democrats while they declared that fixing health care would be their number one priority! They used the "stimulus" to prop up the public sector while they let the private sector twist in the wind thus giving us the worst recovery from a recession since the Great Depression.

That is the REALITY of what's happened since 2008...this notion that it's the Republicans that held America "hostage" is laughable. The truth is...Progressives chose to drive a massive wedge between the two parties in the form of ObamaCare rather than work to fix the country's problems. Five years later the result is political gridlock.

Rightwing whining

Obamas first priority was fixing the economy that Republicans crashed. He passed the Stimulus, he saved the auto companies and the banks, he implemented new financial regulations and credit card laws. He prevented a Depression
His second priority was two wars that Bush pushed us into and poorly executed. Obama quickly wrapped up Iraq and redirected his efforts to salvaging Afghanistan which Bush had abandoned
His third priority was redirecting the war on terrorism to hunt down the scum wherever they were hiding. Afganistan, Pakistan, Yemen. terrorist leaders were hunted down and killed. Want to talk about bin Laden?
His fourth priority, which he was elected to do was pass a national Healthcare program. he was the first president in 100 years of trying to succeed at passing a universal healthcare program

Not bad for a community organizer and "junior" senator

So ObamaCare was his fourth priority, Winger? LOL Nice try but that's total bullshit and you know it.

Obamacare was not passed for over a year into his presidency. Everything else took place beforehand.

Look I know the rightwing propaganda machine pumps out the community organizer, unprepared for the presidency........Obama is the worst President in History nonsense. But by any objective evaluation, Obamas first two years as president were among the most productive in History
Not only did the republicans win an election they won 240 in the House of representatives.

So what?? Did they accomplish anything?? They need to win and work on issues important to the people. But no, their goal was to sabotage President Obama. The president won 2 elections fair and square!!! They need to get over it.
You want to talk about Bin Laden? Love to, Winger! Because the fact is...without information from enhanced interrogations under the Bush Administration, they don't find Osama bin Laden.

Totally debunked

Outside the rightwing echo chamber
The banks were saved because of TARP which was a Bush program...Obama simply continued it. You can tell it was a Bush program because we got repaid. Contrast that with the big Obama TARP program...bailing out his buddies over at the UAW. We're still out billions on that deal to "save" the auto industry.

It was not till the final months of the Bush presidency when all was lost and Bush worried about his legacy that Bush stopped listening to Cheney and started listening to Paulson
Bush TARP was a good start but ineffective. So ineffective that the banks and auto companies had to beg Obama for more money once he came in

The difference with Obama was that unlike Bush, he did not just hand out money. He demanded accountability and repayment. he demanded a restructuring of the auto companies and labor contracts

Under Obama, TARP worked
Rightwing whining

Obamas first priority was fixing the economy that Republicans crashed. He passed the Stimulus, he saved the auto companies and the banks, he implemented new financial regulations and credit card laws. He prevented a Depression
His second priority was two wars that Bush pushed us into and poorly executed. Obama quickly wrapped up Iraq and redirected his efforts to salvaging Afghanistan which Bush had abandoned
His third priority was redirecting the war on terrorism to hunt down the scum wherever they were hiding. Afganistan, Pakistan, Yemen. terrorist leaders were hunted down and killed. Want to talk about bin Laden?
His fourth priority, which he was elected to do was pass a national Healthcare program. he was the first president in 100 years of trying to succeed at passing a universal healthcare program

Not bad for a community organizer and "junior" senator

So ObamaCare was his fourth priority, Winger? LOL Nice try but that's total bullshit and you know it.

Obamacare was not passed for over a year into his presidency. Everything else took place beforehand.

Look I know the rightwing propaganda machine pumps out the community organizer, unprepared for the presidency........Obama is the worst President in History nonsense. But by any objective evaluation, Obamas first two years as president were among the most productive in History

You get more ridiculous with each passing post, Winger! Obama's first two years were among the most productive in history? Did you really just make that statement? In what way? Bush saved the banks and kept us out of a depression with TARP...Obama used TARP to save benefits for his friends in the UAW instead of simply letting GM and Chrysler reorganize under chapter 11 bankruptcy something that cost the US taxpayers billions of dollars they'll probably never see again. The debt that Obama amassed in his first two years was so staggering that the US suffered it's first credit downgrade in US history. The following is a chart of the unemployment levels from 2008 to 2010. How is THAT in any way productive?

United States Unemployment Rate | Actual Data | Forecasts | Calendar
The banks were saved because of TARP which was a Bush program...Obama simply continued it. You can tell it was a Bush program because we got repaid. Contrast that with the big Obama TARP program...bailing out his buddies over at the UAW. We're still out billions on that deal to "save" the auto industry.

It was not till the final months of the Bush presidency when all was lost and Bush worried about his legacy that Bush stopped listening to Cheney and started listening to Paulson
Bush TARP was a good start but ineffective. So ineffective that the banks and auto companies had to beg Obama for more money once he came in

The difference with Obama was that unlike Bush, he did not just hand out money. He demanded accountability and repayment. he demanded a restructuring of the auto companies and labor contracts

Under Obama, TARP worked

LOL...now THAT is hilarious, Winger! The money that Bush paid to the banks under TARP has all been repaid to the American people with interest. The money that Obama gave to the auto industry to save benefits for his UAW pals has not been repaid. We're still out billions of dollars on that.

Why do you even try to come here with this bullshit?
So ObamaCare was his fourth priority, Winger? LOL Nice try but that's total bullshit and you know it.

Obamacare was not passed for over a year into his presidency. Everything else took place beforehand.

Look I know the rightwing propaganda machine pumps out the community organizer, unprepared for the presidency........Obama is the worst President in History nonsense. But by any objective evaluation, Obamas first two years as president were among the most productive in History

You get more ridiculous with each passing post, Winger! Obama's first two years were among the most productive in history? Did you really just make that statement? In what way? Bush saved the banks and kept us out of a depression with TARP...Obama used TARP to save benefits for his friends in the UAW instead of simply letting GM and Chrysler reorganize under chapter 11 bankruptcy something that cost the US taxpayers billions of dollars they'll probably never see again. The debt that Obama amassed in his first two years was so staggering that the US suffered it's first credit downgrade in US history. The following is a chart of the unemployment levels from 2008 to 2010. How is THAT in any way productive?

United States Unemployment Rate | Actual Data | Forecasts | Calendar

Unfortunately, economic numbers don't support you. The economy was in free fall when Obama took office. Stock Market dropped 7000 points, five quarters of negative GDP, economy losing over 700,000 jobs a month
Nothing Bush did reversed that. Within weeks of Obama directed Stimulus and TARP bailouts the market reversed, GDP went positive, unemployment reversed

The economic indicators do not support your theory that it was all Bush
Obamacare was not passed for over a year into his presidency. Everything else took place beforehand.

Look I know the rightwing propaganda machine pumps out the community organizer, unprepared for the presidency........Obama is the worst President in History nonsense. But by any objective evaluation, Obamas first two years as president were among the most productive in History

You get more ridiculous with each passing post, Winger! Obama's first two years were among the most productive in history? Did you really just make that statement? In what way? Bush saved the banks and kept us out of a depression with TARP...Obama used TARP to save benefits for his friends in the UAW instead of simply letting GM and Chrysler reorganize under chapter 11 bankruptcy something that cost the US taxpayers billions of dollars they'll probably never see again. The debt that Obama amassed in his first two years was so staggering that the US suffered it's first credit downgrade in US history. The following is a chart of the unemployment levels from 2008 to 2010. How is THAT in any way productive?

United States Unemployment Rate | Actual Data | Forecasts | Calendar

Unfortunately, economic numbers don't support you. The economy was in free fall when Obama took office. Stock Market dropped 7000 points, five quarters of negative GDP, economy losing over 700,000 jobs a month
Nothing Bush did reversed that. Within weeks of Obama directed Stimulus and TARP bailouts the market reversed, GDP went positive, unemployment reversed

The economic indicators do not support your theory that it was all Bush

Unemployment reversed within weeks of Obama taking office? Are you smoking crack this morning? Seriously, Dude...get a freaking grip! Unemployment went through the roof under Obama because his "stimulus" propped up the public sector and did NOTHING for the private sector other than provide unemployment extensions.

You give Obama credit for "reversing" the recession when the fact is he oversaw the worst recovery from a recession since the Great Depression. We're still mired in an abysmally slow economy with record levels of long term unemployment BECAUSE of the policies of this President.
The stock market has bounced back because of non-stop quantitative easing. Every time that the Fed even HINTS at stopping that...the market goes into a free fall.
Go and look at those unemployment numbers from 2008 to 2010 and tell me again how "successful" Barack Obama's stimulus was.
Go and look at those unemployment numbers from 2008 to 2010 and tell me again how "successful" Barack Obama's stimulus was.

I see unemployment numbers that have dropped from 10.2 to 7.3 percent

What do you see?

Not too bad for a community organizer
We did win elections. That's why we have control of the House of Representatives. Because we won more federal elections than Democrats did.

It’s the elections you lost in 2010 that matter: state-wide senatorial and gubernatorial elections from coast-to-coast.

You’re not going to make any progress winning elections in gerrymandered red districts appealing to voters who agree with you already.

You’ve got to appeal to voters of entire states and Nation-wide, many of whom won’t agree with you on many issues.

And right now with the GOP government shutdown and other TPM nonsense, you have very little appeal among voters as a whole.

It’s the elections you lost in 2010 that matter: state-wide senatorial and gubernatorial elections from coast-to-coast.

you are so full of garbage,:lol:....

my god, do you think before you post, at all? Do you want to take a pass or do I need to embarrass you?

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