If you want more ORLANDO STYLE MASSACRES, vote Hillary

In the next five years, without changes to our autopilot visa dispensations, the U.S. will permanently resettle a Muslim population larger than the entire population of Washington D.C.

Afghanistan Migration Surging into America; 99% Support Sharia Law - Breitbart

The media got on Trump for talking about suspending the Islamic flux. They seem to be okay with the lax "refugee" code word standards that cover up Islamic terrorist connections.

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and thinking something will change. If you want more blood baths, just vote Hillary and she'll do her "progressive" continuation of Obama Muslim immigration if not even increase it.

It should be easy enough to question perspective immigrants how they feel about gays and other possible triggers of our American lifestyle they feel are contradictory to their religion before allowing them access to being here.

I don't see how this is political really. Trump will never be able to change our immigration system just because he says so. Even if he is elected POTUS he isn't our King Or Dictator.

Just how do you thing Trump will grab all of the power to do the things he wants to do?

You people are pulling your desires out of your asses.

He can simply decree things like Obama, and then change the rules, criteria, direct focus etc. Not a big deal. Obama does it all the time. No need for Congress. That is one thing Obama has proven.

if you are talking about executive orders....you mean like Bush, Reagan, & Clinton have proven. via the Constitution.
No, let'talk about the fact that the NRA continues to buy repub congressman, blocking greater restrictions on nut cases like this to purchase an arsenal.

This nut case as you call him was a licensed armed security guard, he passed all the background checks you assholes are calling for, did a lot of good for the folks in FL, didn't they.

Him being a security guard meant nothing. I believe he was a guard for several years before he was being 'watched' by the FBI & he sure was after. And he as still able to buy firearms.

How the Orlando Killer Omar Mateen Got His Guns

Just before he launched the worst mass shooting in American history, Omar Mateen went to a gun store—again and again and again.

The source further reports that Mateen had purchased a Sig Sauer .221 caliber assault rifle at a firearms shop near his Florida home, St. Lucie Gun Sales, on June 4 and then a Glock 17 at the same store on June 5. Mateen had returned to the store a third time on June 9 to buy magazines for his weapons. The store is a federally licensed firearms dealer. Under law, the seller would have had to notify the Federal Bureau of Investigation of Mateen's purchase so that his name could be checked against the National Instant Criminal Background Check System, or NICS.

Mateen was actually listed on two federal watch lists, a U.S. official tells The Daily Beast: The Terrorist Identities Datamart Environment, which contains classified information, and the Terrorist Screening Database, which is the FBI's central watchlist. The gun background check would have run Mateen's name against that second database, but he had been removed from it in 2014. The sales were approved and early Sunday morning he used the weapons to fire round after round after round at defenseless people at the Pulse nightclub. Mateen left a third weapon, a revolver capable of firing only a mere six shots, in his van.

An FBI spokesman didn't respond to a request for comment about whether the gun seller made the required check. However, it's unlikely it would have raised any red flags.

Even if it had, Mateen still could have purchased the weapons legally. The U.S. official says that, at most, the FBI would be alerted that he was trying to buy the weapons and perhaps agents would have watched Mateen more closely.

How the Orlando Killer Omar Mateen Got His Guns

So what you're saying is he passed at least 3 background checks, one to become a security guard, a second the get the State CHL and the third the NICS instant check. Maybe if this regime wasn't so set on scrubbing terrorist ties from peoples records this wouldn't have been the case.

Good old libs scrubbing terrorists links so bad guys can get guns. You can't make this shit up. All done so when they turn the Muslim nut bags loose to murder people, they can cry crocodile tears and scream like little bitches for more gun control.

If the administration had done it's job he would never had access to weapons. The blood is on the hands of the administration.

And the

Him being a security guard meant nothing. I believe he was a guard for several years before he was being 'watched' by the FBI & he sure was after. And he was still able to buy firearms.

How the Orlando Killer Omar Mateen Got His Guns

Just before he launched the worst mass shooting in American history, Omar Mateen went to a gun store—again and again and again.

The source further reports that Mateen had purchased a Sig Sauer .221 caliber assault rifle at a firearms shop near his Florida home, St. Lucie Gun Sales, on June 4 and then a Glock 17 at the same store on June 5. Mateen had returned to the store a third time on June 9 to buy magazines for his weapons. The store is a federally licensed firearms dealer. Under law, the seller would have had to notify the Federal Bureau of Investigation of Mateen's purchase so that his name could be checked against the National Instant Criminal Background Check System, or NICS.

Mateen was actually listed on two federal watch lists, a U.S. official tells The Daily Beast: The Terrorist Identities Datamart Environment, which contains classified information, and the Terrorist Screening Database, which is the FBI's central watchlist. The gun background check would have run Mateen's name against that second database, but he had been removed from it in 2014. The sales were approved and early Sunday morning he used the weapons to fire round after round after round at defenseless people at the Pulse nightclub. Mateen left a third weapon, a revolver capable of firing only a mere six shots, in his van.

An FBI spokesman didn't respond to a request for comment about whether the gun seller made the required check. However, it's unlikely it would have raised any red flags.

Even if it had, Mateen still could have purchased the weapons legally. The U.S. official says that, at most, the FBI would be alerted that he was trying to buy the weapons and perhaps agents would have watched Mateen more closely.

How the Orlando Killer Omar Mateen Got His Guns

And the NRA will defend his right to purchase all the guns and ammo he wanted!

Just like the far left will defend his right to kill gays for his religion.

that doesn't even make sense. Christ, how stupid.

And the far left drone proves my point!
And the Repub congress won't even let the AMA study gun violence. They really look forward to their checks from the NRA. The NRA comes before the Country.

Now they have a Big Orange Boob carrying their bloody torch.

Lies, pure and simple.
1. Congress does not tell the AMA what they may or may not study.
2. The last study conducted by the CDC was released 3 years ago in 2013, it didn't produce the results you gun grabbing regressives wanted.

An article and links to the study here: CDC Releases Study on Gun Violence: Defensive gun use common, mass shootings not
Conservative Christians don't accept homosexuals either. Deport the fundies?

Some conservative Christians may not accept homosexuals as the norm, but they don't kill them. See how easy that was.

some would like to. that makes them only 99% fundie extremist...but who have no problems with muzlems doing it for them or supporting those who would kill them over in Africa.

Anti-Homosexuality Bill in Uganda

"Right now, you can't go to places that are crowded, because the mob can attack us or even burn us. We can't walk alone. We are ostracized by relatives. But if this bill passes, it will become impossible for me to live here at all. And that part hurts the most.”

(Frank Mugisha, in an interview with Saeed Ahmed for CNN)
Unlike the legalization of same-sex marriages in South Africa, government officials in Uganda on the other hand, have proposed a bill in opposition to homosexuality that suggest that there be more consequences to any Ugandan engaging in homosexual activity. David Bahati, the MP in Ugandan Parliament, is the driving force behind the Anti-Homosexuality Bill. Bahati believes that “aggregated homosexuality” should incur harsher punishment (i.e. homosexuals should be punished by death if they are repeat offenders, engage in a homosexual relationship if a partner is under the age of 18, and has a disability, and/or perhaps is HIV-positive.)
Homosexuality in Uganda

A group of American evangelical activists known for their anti-gay views gave a series of talks in Kampala, Uganda, as self proclaimed “experts in homosexuality” in March 2009, The New York Times reported in 2010. They met with lawmakers and language from their speeches is reportedly echoed within anti-gay legislation since then.

The World Congress of Families, founded in 1997, has hosted large international “pro-family” conferences – which, among other things, stressed the dangers of same-sex unions to society. The group has also hosted smaller events, including one in Nigeria in 2009. This year, the World Congress presented a lifetime achievement award to its Nigerian coordinator, Theresa Okafor, who has defended the Nigerian and Ugandan governments for wanting to “ban all forms of gravitation toward homosexual unions.”

Sharon Slater, president of Arizona-based Family Watch International, which often works with the World Congress, says her visits to Mozambique and Uganda were focused on children affected by AIDS and “at no time did we ever discuss LGBT issues.”

Nevertheless, copies of U.N.-oriented speeches she has made elsewhere show her lobbying against U.N. measures to encourage member states to legalize same-sex marriage and repeal laws against same-sex activities, prompting the Human Rights campaign to label Slater as an “exporter of hate” in a recent report.

The American Center for Law and Justice, a group started by the Christian Broadcasting Network’s Pat Robertson, whose religious television programs are commonly viewed in African homes, opened centers in Kenya and Zimbabwe in recent years. Robertson’s group has focused on lobbying African parliaments “to take the Christian’s views into consideration as they draft legislation and policies,” according to a 2012 report released by Political Research Associates. The law center did not respond to repeated requests for comment regarding its operations in Africa.

What's Driving Homophobia in Africa?

then of course is the good ol ' Rev. Swanson... one of Ted Cruz's buddies....

What is the most common cause of the spread of AIDS?

And you are asking that question...why? that's a messed up round about way to say somehow it's justified to kill gays. why don't you just say that instead? there's no other reason for you to bring AIDS up.

Wrong, it is countering your tirade against Christians opposed to same sex marriage in Africa.

tirade? i'm not accepting their reasons...ANY reason to execute gays.

are you are bringing up AIDS as a reason for those 'Christians' who oppose gay marriage in Africa, be allowed to punish them by death? sure looks like you are trying to make a case for it.
Its certainly true that the Repubs have now voted at least twice to arm known and suspected terrorists.


Are all leftwing douche bags such utterly shameless liars like you?

IOW, you wussed out on answering obvious question I asked you about your ridiculous claims that we should block "Islams" from coming into the US and that we should bomb them all.

You people are just stupid.

And none of you can deny that the Rs voted to give known and suspected terrorists on the no fly list the very same access I have to any gun they want. And they just repeated that same vote. Why do you RWNJ traitors and the GOP and the NRA want terrorists (and illegals, criminals and the mentally ill) to have guns?

I think I've made it quite plain that I think we should block them and bomb them into oblivion.

According to the Constitution, you can't deny people their Constitutional rights without due process. Some bureaucrat putting your name on a list is not due process. What you're saying is that you wipe your ass on the Constitution.

It's already illegal for illegals, criminals and the mentally ill to have guns.

in FLA, there is no mandatory waiting period for 'long rifles' ie the AR-15. That is why 50 people are dead today in Orlando, with probably more dying in the hospital.

Instead they would be dead the day after tomorrow.

Waiting periods are another totally moronic liberal solution that never works. It's downright comical that you think it would have made a difference.

ever hear about crimes of passion?
Good old libs scrubbing terrorists links so bad guys can get guns. You can't make this shit up. All done so when they turn the Muslim nut bags loose to murder people, they can cry crocodile tears and scream like little bitches for more gun control.

If the administration had done it's job he would never had access to weapons. The blood is on the hands of the administration.

scrubbing? hardly. it took me seconds to find. there is no mandatory waiting period for an AR-15 in FLA. know where i found that bit of info? right on the FLA gov. webite.

but but but he was still able to get those firearms real nice & easy. . so did adam lanza. so did the nut who shot up the black church members. so was the nut that shot up the PP clinic. by all means, let the loopholes & lax regs stay the same. you a bitch for the NRA? you sure sound like one. btw- I have several firearms in my home. I am not anti-gun by any means. but assault rifles are a different story.


None of those people used an assault rifle, you need a bit more self education. To you retards anything black and scary looking is an assault rifle, that's not the case.

an AR-15... albeit not fully automatic ( & I didn't say it was) can carry banana clips or drums with multiple rounds that are designed to fan spray & obliterate as many people as possible in as short amt of time as possible.

ya... like I said. assault rifle.

You poor child, thanks for the laugh. Bye!

so, that's rwnutter talk for ' I ain't got nuthin to refute'.

The AR-15 and the M-16 are identical in shape, style and operation, except for a key distinction: the M-16 is only automatic, said Frank Proctor, a performance shooting and law enforcement training weapons expert in Alabama. Because the two rifles are so similar, the AR-15 is essentially the semi-automatic version—one pull of the trigger, one shot—of the M-16, Proctor said.

Automatic AR-15s do exist, but the vast majority of Americans cannot buy them.

What are the AR-15’s technical specifications?

The weapon’s caliber is .223, meaning the bullet is .223 inches in diameter. While that is smaller than some rifles, it is comparable to an M-16’s caliber—long the U.S. military’s most popular rifle.

The weapon’s projectile velocity—how fast the bullet travels—is around 3,200 feet per second.

Why is the weapon popular with gun owners?

AR-15s are highly customizable, Proctor said. For all AR-15s, the shooting action is standard, “but it can go from there, however you want to accessorize it,” he said. He also said the gun is favored because of its low recoil.

While many AR-15s can be purchased for less than $1,000, sights, grips, stocks and other accessories can cost hundreds of dollars. This 100-round drum magazine costs $116.99.

It is also normally easy to purchase. For example, suspected Orlando shooter Omar Mateen did not have to wait to buy the weapon that slaughtered 50 people, as there is no waiting period for the AR-15 in Florida.[...]

What to Know About the Gun Used in the Orlando Shooting

ba-bye tiger dude.

the M-16 is only automatic, said Frank Proctor, a performance shooting and law enforcement training weapons expert in Alabama.

Your expert ain't much of an expert, the M-16 is selectable, it can be fired semi or full auto, it is not ONLY automatic. The M-16A2 fires three round bursts in the auto mode, it's more accurate and doesn't waste so much ammo.

Stop the hypocrisy.

Debunked far left religious narrative noted!

Really? Please tell us how it has been "debunked"...

Show how it is all true first..

Silly far left drones post known bunk and expect others to prove them wrong!

take your pick rwnutter:

republican convention no guns allowed - Google Search
scrubbing? hardly. it took me seconds to find. there is no mandatory waiting period for an AR-15 in FLA. know where i found that bit of info? right on the FLA gov. webite.

but but but he was still able to get those firearms real nice & easy. . so did adam lanza. so did the nut who shot up the black church members. so was the nut that shot up the PP clinic. by all means, let the loopholes & lax regs stay the same. you a bitch for the NRA? you sure sound like one. btw- I have several firearms in my home. I am not anti-gun by any means. but assault rifles are a different story.


None of those people used an assault rifle, you need a bit more self education. To you retards anything black and scary looking is an assault rifle, that's not the case.

an AR-15... albeit not fully automatic ( & I didn't say it was) can carry banana clips or drums with multiple rounds that are designed to fan spray & obliterate as many people as possible in as short amt of time as possible.

ya... like I said. assault rifle.

You poor child, thanks for the laugh. Bye!

so, that's rwnutter talk for ' I ain't got nuthin to refute'.

The AR-15 and the M-16 are identical in shape, style and operation, except for a key distinction: the M-16 is only automatic, said Frank Proctor, a performance shooting and law enforcement training weapons expert in Alabama. Because the two rifles are so similar, the AR-15 is essentially the semi-automatic version—one pull of the trigger, one shot—of the M-16, Proctor said.

Automatic AR-15s do exist, but the vast majority of Americans cannot buy them.

What are the AR-15’s technical specifications?

The weapon’s caliber is .223, meaning the bullet is .223 inches in diameter. While that is smaller than some rifles, it is comparable to an M-16’s caliber—long the U.S. military’s most popular rifle.

The weapon’s projectile velocity—how fast the bullet travels—is around 3,200 feet per second.

Why is the weapon popular with gun owners?

AR-15s are highly customizable, Proctor said. For all AR-15s, the shooting action is standard, “but it can go from there, however you want to accessorize it,” he said. He also said the gun is favored because of its low recoil.

While many AR-15s can be purchased for less than $1,000, sights, grips, stocks and other accessories can cost hundreds of dollars. This 100-round drum magazine costs $116.99.

It is also normally easy to purchase. For example, suspected Orlando shooter Omar Mateen did not have to wait to buy the weapon that slaughtered 50 people, as there is no waiting period for the AR-15 in Florida.[...]

What to Know About the Gun Used in the Orlando Shooting

ba-bye tiger dude.

the M-16 is only automatic, said Frank Proctor, a performance shooting and law enforcement training weapons expert in Alabama.

Your expert ain't much of an expert, the M-16 is selectable, it can be fired semi or full auto, it is not ONLY automatic. The M-16A2 fires three round bursts in the auto mode, it's more accurate and doesn't waste so much ammo.

'my' expert? lol... 1st of all, it matters not about the M-16. nobody is disputing the weapon that IS banned.

this is about the AR-15.

which is an assault rifle by the very definition of its capabilities independent of it's similarity or lack of to the M-16.

adam lanza got off 150 rounds in 5 minutes. that was one shot every 2 seconds.
Why would we start now? You've been avoiding the question ever since I put it on you.

I haven't avoided anything. I've told you in no uncertain terms that I don't intend to chase balls like a dog and get you a link. You on the other hand have repeatedly ignored the question that this thread is predicated upon (Who will import more terrorists; Trump or Clinton?).

Doooooooon't think so Hunior. The title of this thread was, and still is:

If you want more ORLANDO STYLE MASSACRES, vote Hillary

--- which you then attempted to bring the pus out of by advancing the claim that she "wants to import terrorists".

--- which I then challenged you to back up.

--- whereupon you ran away, and have been running ever since. Because you're a wimpo.

I think you have this faulty notion that I am obligated to prove anything and everything to (specifically) you. If you want to be a real poster and answer one simple question (who will import more terrorists; Trump or Clinton?) then I might be inclined to go into more detail. But if you're just gonna be a stupid sh** who doesn't want to present any semblance of a counter view or defend Hillary in any capacity, then I must conclude that you're not serious about the issue, and I'm thusly not inclined to play your games. Be a serious poster if you want serious replies.

trump may not 'import' anyone, but what he is doing is helping the self radicalizing of some right here at home with the ability to get a killing machine that can blow away scores of people in less than 5 minutes... all thanx to the 2nd amendment extremists, led by the NRA.

Yeah, that's right. Trump is responsible because he upset those poor bloodthirsty muzzie savages. Everyone knows that you have to be careful what you say about the muzzies because the slightest wrong word will cause them to murder 100 people.

his rhetorical tirades are certainly fueling them.
Are all leftwing douche bags such utterly shameless liars like you?

IOW, you wussed out on answering obvious question I asked you about your ridiculous claims that we should block "Islams" from coming into the US and that we should bomb them all.

You people are just stupid.

And none of you can deny that the Rs voted to give known and suspected terrorists on the no fly list the very same access I have to any gun they want. And they just repeated that same vote. Why do you RWNJ traitors and the GOP and the NRA want terrorists (and illegals, criminals and the mentally ill) to have guns?

I think I've made it quite plain that I think we should block them and bomb them into oblivion.

According to the Constitution, you can't deny people their Constitutional rights without due process. Some bureaucrat putting your name on a list is not due process. What you're saying is that you wipe your ass on the Constitution.

It's already illegal for illegals, criminals and the mentally ill to have guns.

in FLA, there is no mandatory waiting period for 'long rifles' ie the AR-15. That is why 50 people are dead today in Orlando, with probably more dying in the hospital.

Instead they would be dead the day after tomorrow.

Waiting periods are another totally moronic liberal solution that never works. It's downright comical that you think it would have made a difference.

ever hear about crimes of passion?

This wasn't one of those.
I haven't avoided anything. I've told you in no uncertain terms that I don't intend to chase balls like a dog and get you a link. You on the other hand have repeatedly ignored the question that this thread is predicated upon (Who will import more terrorists; Trump or Clinton?).

Doooooooon't think so Hunior. The title of this thread was, and still is:

If you want more ORLANDO STYLE MASSACRES, vote Hillary

--- which you then attempted to bring the pus out of by advancing the claim that she "wants to import terrorists".

--- which I then challenged you to back up.

--- whereupon you ran away, and have been running ever since. Because you're a wimpo.

I think you have this faulty notion that I am obligated to prove anything and everything to (specifically) you. If you want to be a real poster and answer one simple question (who will import more terrorists; Trump or Clinton?) then I might be inclined to go into more detail. But if you're just gonna be a stupid sh** who doesn't want to present any semblance of a counter view or defend Hillary in any capacity, then I must conclude that you're not serious about the issue, and I'm thusly not inclined to play your games. Be a serious poster if you want serious replies.

trump may not 'import' anyone, but what he is doing is helping the self radicalizing of some right here at home with the ability to get a killing machine that can blow away scores of people in less than 5 minutes... all thanx to the 2nd amendment extremists, led by the NRA.

Yeah, that's right. Trump is responsible because he upset those poor bloodthirsty muzzie savages. Everyone knows that you have to be careful what you say about the muzzies because the slightest wrong word will cause them to murder 100 people.

his rhetorical tirades are certainly fueling them.

You people have to understand, this is how they fight. We bomb them with tons of explosives,

they use propaganda to induce crazy people to kill some Americans here.

This war can go on forever.

President Obama tried to appeal and reach out to the Muslim world, released captured terrorists from Guantanamo Bay, withdrew our forces and held back on using military ground troops except for a select few as advisors ... and Hillary Clinton had a front row seat to the administrations' handling of foreign policy with Benghazi.
This nut case as you call him was a licensed armed security guard, he passed all the background checks you assholes are calling for, did a lot of good for the folks in FL, didn't they.

Him being a security guard meant nothing. I believe he was a guard for several years before he was being 'watched' by the FBI & he sure was after. And he as still able to buy firearms.

How the Orlando Killer Omar Mateen Got His Guns

Just before he launched the worst mass shooting in American history, Omar Mateen went to a gun store—again and again and again.

The source further reports that Mateen had purchased a Sig Sauer .221 caliber assault rifle at a firearms shop near his Florida home, St. Lucie Gun Sales, on June 4 and then a Glock 17 at the same store on June 5. Mateen had returned to the store a third time on June 9 to buy magazines for his weapons. The store is a federally licensed firearms dealer. Under law, the seller would have had to notify the Federal Bureau of Investigation of Mateen's purchase so that his name could be checked against the National Instant Criminal Background Check System, or NICS.

Mateen was actually listed on two federal watch lists, a U.S. official tells The Daily Beast: The Terrorist Identities Datamart Environment, which contains classified information, and the Terrorist Screening Database, which is the FBI's central watchlist. The gun background check would have run Mateen's name against that second database, but he had been removed from it in 2014. The sales were approved and early Sunday morning he used the weapons to fire round after round after round at defenseless people at the Pulse nightclub. Mateen left a third weapon, a revolver capable of firing only a mere six shots, in his van.

An FBI spokesman didn't respond to a request for comment about whether the gun seller made the required check. However, it's unlikely it would have raised any red flags.

Even if it had, Mateen still could have purchased the weapons legally. The U.S. official says that, at most, the FBI would be alerted that he was trying to buy the weapons and perhaps agents would have watched Mateen more closely.

How the Orlando Killer Omar Mateen Got His Guns

So what you're saying is he passed at least 3 background checks, one to become a security guard, a second the get the State CHL and the third the NICS instant check. Maybe if this regime wasn't so set on scrubbing terrorist ties from peoples records this wouldn't have been the case.

Good old libs scrubbing terrorists links so bad guys can get guns. You can't make this shit up. All done so when they turn the Muslim nut bags loose to murder people, they can cry crocodile tears and scream like little bitches for more gun control.

If the administration had done it's job he would never had access to weapons. The blood is on the hands of the administration.

And the
And the NRA will defend his right to purchase all the guns and ammo he wanted!

Just like the far left will defend his right to kill gays for his religion.

that doesn't even make sense. Christ, how stupid.

And the far left drone proves my point!
And the Repub congress won't even let the AMA study gun violence. They really look forward to their checks from the NRA. The NRA comes before the Country.

Now they have a Big Orange Boob carrying their bloody torch.

Lies, pure and simple.
1. Congress does not tell the AMA what they may or may not study.
2. The last study conducted by the CDC was released 3 years ago in 2013, it didn't produce the results you gun grabbing regressives wanted.

An article and links to the study here: CDC Releases Study on Gun Violence: Defensive gun use common, mass shootings not

the (R) congress critters tried like hell to squash obama's appointment of the surgeon general Murthy, because of his views on the easy availability to get guns & the destruction caused by them. Those same (R) congress critters were lobbied pretty heavily by the NRA.

Him being a security guard meant nothing. I believe he was a guard for several years before he was being 'watched' by the FBI & he sure was after. And he as still able to buy firearms.

How the Orlando Killer Omar Mateen Got His Guns

Just before he launched the worst mass shooting in American history, Omar Mateen went to a gun store—again and again and again.

The source further reports that Mateen had purchased a Sig Sauer .221 caliber assault rifle at a firearms shop near his Florida home, St. Lucie Gun Sales, on June 4 and then a Glock 17 at the same store on June 5. Mateen had returned to the store a third time on June 9 to buy magazines for his weapons. The store is a federally licensed firearms dealer. Under law, the seller would have had to notify the Federal Bureau of Investigation of Mateen's purchase so that his name could be checked against the National Instant Criminal Background Check System, or NICS.

Mateen was actually listed on two federal watch lists, a U.S. official tells The Daily Beast: The Terrorist Identities Datamart Environment, which contains classified information, and the Terrorist Screening Database, which is the FBI's central watchlist. The gun background check would have run Mateen's name against that second database, but he had been removed from it in 2014. The sales were approved and early Sunday morning he used the weapons to fire round after round after round at defenseless people at the Pulse nightclub. Mateen left a third weapon, a revolver capable of firing only a mere six shots, in his van.

An FBI spokesman didn't respond to a request for comment about whether the gun seller made the required check. However, it's unlikely it would have raised any red flags.

Even if it had, Mateen still could have purchased the weapons legally. The U.S. official says that, at most, the FBI would be alerted that he was trying to buy the weapons and perhaps agents would have watched Mateen more closely.

How the Orlando Killer Omar Mateen Got His Guns

So what you're saying is he passed at least 3 background checks, one to become a security guard, a second the get the State CHL and the third the NICS instant check. Maybe if this regime wasn't so set on scrubbing terrorist ties from peoples records this wouldn't have been the case.

Good old libs scrubbing terrorists links so bad guys can get guns. You can't make this shit up. All done so when they turn the Muslim nut bags loose to murder people, they can cry crocodile tears and scream like little bitches for more gun control.

If the administration had done it's job he would never had access to weapons. The blood is on the hands of the administration.

scrubbing? hardly. it took me seconds to find. there is no mandatory waiting period for an AR-15 in FLA. know where i found that bit of info? right on the FLA gov. webite.

but but but he was still able to get those firearms real nice & easy. . so did adam lanza. so did the nut who shot up the black church members. so was the nut that shot up the PP clinic. by all means, let the loopholes & lax regs stay the same. you a bitch for the NRA? you sure sound like one. btw- I have several firearms in my home. I am not anti-gun by any means. but assault rifles are a different story.


None of those people used an assault rifle, you need a bit more self education. To you retards anything black and scary looking is an assault rifle, that's not the case.

an AR-15... albeit not fully automatic ( & I didn't say it was) can carry banana clips or drums with multiple rounds that are designed to fan spray & obliterate as many people as possible in as short amt of time as possible.

ya... like I said. assault rifle.

What model AR15 uses clips? Just curious.
None of those people used an assault rifle, you need a bit more self education. To you retards anything black and scary looking is an assault rifle, that's not the case.

an AR-15... albeit not fully automatic ( & I didn't say it was) can carry banana clips or drums with multiple rounds that are designed to fan spray & obliterate as many people as possible in as short amt of time as possible.

ya... like I said. assault rifle.

You poor child, thanks for the laugh. Bye!

so, that's rwnutter talk for ' I ain't got nuthin to refute'.

The AR-15 and the M-16 are identical in shape, style and operation, except for a key distinction: the M-16 is only automatic, said Frank Proctor, a performance shooting and law enforcement training weapons expert in Alabama. Because the two rifles are so similar, the AR-15 is essentially the semi-automatic version—one pull of the trigger, one shot—of the M-16, Proctor said.

Automatic AR-15s do exist, but the vast majority of Americans cannot buy them.

What are the AR-15’s technical specifications?

The weapon’s caliber is .223, meaning the bullet is .223 inches in diameter. While that is smaller than some rifles, it is comparable to an M-16’s caliber—long the U.S. military’s most popular rifle.

The weapon’s projectile velocity—how fast the bullet travels—is around 3,200 feet per second.

Why is the weapon popular with gun owners?

AR-15s are highly customizable, Proctor said. For all AR-15s, the shooting action is standard, “but it can go from there, however you want to accessorize it,” he said. He also said the gun is favored because of its low recoil.

While many AR-15s can be purchased for less than $1,000, sights, grips, stocks and other accessories can cost hundreds of dollars. This 100-round drum magazine costs $116.99.

It is also normally easy to purchase. For example, suspected Orlando shooter Omar Mateen did not have to wait to buy the weapon that slaughtered 50 people, as there is no waiting period for the AR-15 in Florida.[...]

What to Know About the Gun Used in the Orlando Shooting

ba-bye tiger dude.

the M-16 is only automatic, said Frank Proctor, a performance shooting and law enforcement training weapons expert in Alabama.

Your expert ain't much of an expert, the M-16 is selectable, it can be fired semi or full auto, it is not ONLY automatic. The M-16A2 fires three round bursts in the auto mode, it's more accurate and doesn't waste so much ammo.

'my' expert? lol... 1st of all, it matters not about the M-16. nobody is disputing the weapon that IS banned.

this is about the AR-15.

which is an assault rifle by the very definition of its capabilities independent of it's similarity or lack of to the M-16.

adam lanza got off 150 rounds in 5 minutes. that was one shot every 2 seconds.

Yeah, cause they're scary looking and black, would you be more comfortable with one in pink?


Maybe you won't find this one so scary, poor thing.
So what you're saying is he passed at least 3 background checks, one to become a security guard, a second the get the State CHL and the third the NICS instant check. Maybe if this regime wasn't so set on scrubbing terrorist ties from peoples records this wouldn't have been the case.

Good old libs scrubbing terrorists links so bad guys can get guns. You can't make this shit up. All done so when they turn the Muslim nut bags loose to murder people, they can cry crocodile tears and scream like little bitches for more gun control.

If the administration had done it's job he would never had access to weapons. The blood is on the hands of the administration.

scrubbing? hardly. it took me seconds to find. there is no mandatory waiting period for an AR-15 in FLA. know where i found that bit of info? right on the FLA gov. webite.

but but but he was still able to get those firearms real nice & easy. . so did adam lanza. so did the nut who shot up the black church members. so was the nut that shot up the PP clinic. by all means, let the loopholes & lax regs stay the same. you a bitch for the NRA? you sure sound like one. btw- I have several firearms in my home. I am not anti-gun by any means. but assault rifles are a different story.


None of those people used an assault rifle, you need a bit more self education. To you retards anything black and scary looking is an assault rifle, that's not the case.

an AR-15... albeit not fully automatic ( & I didn't say it was) can carry banana clips or drums with multiple rounds that are designed to fan spray & obliterate as many people as possible in as short amt of time as possible.

ya... like I said. assault rifle.

What model AR15 uses clips? Just curious.

should I have said 'magazine' instead?

Him being a security guard meant nothing. I believe he was a guard for several years before he was being 'watched' by the FBI & he sure was after. And he as still able to buy firearms.

How the Orlando Killer Omar Mateen Got His Guns

Just before he launched the worst mass shooting in American history, Omar Mateen went to a gun store—again and again and again.

The source further reports that Mateen had purchased a Sig Sauer .221 caliber assault rifle at a firearms shop near his Florida home, St. Lucie Gun Sales, on June 4 and then a Glock 17 at the same store on June 5. Mateen had returned to the store a third time on June 9 to buy magazines for his weapons. The store is a federally licensed firearms dealer. Under law, the seller would have had to notify the Federal Bureau of Investigation of Mateen's purchase so that his name could be checked against the National Instant Criminal Background Check System, or NICS.

Mateen was actually listed on two federal watch lists, a U.S. official tells The Daily Beast: The Terrorist Identities Datamart Environment, which contains classified information, and the Terrorist Screening Database, which is the FBI's central watchlist. The gun background check would have run Mateen's name against that second database, but he had been removed from it in 2014. The sales were approved and early Sunday morning he used the weapons to fire round after round after round at defenseless people at the Pulse nightclub. Mateen left a third weapon, a revolver capable of firing only a mere six shots, in his van.

An FBI spokesman didn't respond to a request for comment about whether the gun seller made the required check. However, it's unlikely it would have raised any red flags.

Even if it had, Mateen still could have purchased the weapons legally. The U.S. official says that, at most, the FBI would be alerted that he was trying to buy the weapons and perhaps agents would have watched Mateen more closely.

How the Orlando Killer Omar Mateen Got His Guns

So what you're saying is he passed at least 3 background checks, one to become a security guard, a second the get the State CHL and the third the NICS instant check. Maybe if this regime wasn't so set on scrubbing terrorist ties from peoples records this wouldn't have been the case.

Good old libs scrubbing terrorists links so bad guys can get guns. You can't make this shit up. All done so when they turn the Muslim nut bags loose to murder people, they can cry crocodile tears and scream like little bitches for more gun control.

If the administration had done it's job he would never had access to weapons. The blood is on the hands of the administration.

And the
Just like the far left will defend his right to kill gays for his religion.

that doesn't even make sense. Christ, how stupid.

And the far left drone proves my point!
And the Repub congress won't even let the AMA study gun violence. They really look forward to their checks from the NRA. The NRA comes before the Country.

Now they have a Big Orange Boob carrying their bloody torch.

Lies, pure and simple.
1. Congress does not tell the AMA what they may or may not study.
2. The last study conducted by the CDC was released 3 years ago in 2013, it didn't produce the results you gun grabbing regressives wanted.

An article and links to the study here: CDC Releases Study on Gun Violence: Defensive gun use common, mass shootings not

the (R) congress critters tried like hell to squash obama's appointment of the surgeon general Murthy, because of his views on the easy availability to get guns & the destruction caused by them. Those same (R) congress critters were lobbied pretty heavily by the NRA.

It's all radical regressive conspiracy and propaganda. More people are killed by blunt objects and hammers than long guns of all types. When are you going to go on a rant about them?
I remember that if Obama wins, we would sure die!!

That was 2008. Maybe right wing fear tactics only embolden leftist.

Fort Hood
San Bernadino

That's not a very good argument for using "political correctness", and stepping back from allowing military ground forces to engage terrorists but rather keep them as mere advisors of foreign armies, as an "improvement" in making Americans feel safe.

Another repub advocating another ME war. Just in time for phrump...

Unfortunately we already know what we can expect from a Clinton in the White House.

1993 – The first World Trade Center bombing
1995 – Attempted crashing of plane on White House
1996 – Khobar Towers bombing – Saudi Arabia
1998 – U.S. Embassy bombings Kenya/Tanzania
2000 – USS Cole Bombing - Yemen

The best Hillary can offer is to blame the guns, rather than looking at those terrorist extremists who wishes to find ANY means they can to inflict massive casualties. All it took was a box cutter and a few hijacked planes, while all the gun regulations she can run her mouth on won't make a difference to a determined extremist looking to find a way to inflict devastation in this country.

You're lying about what Hillary Clinton said.

No .... At one of her campaign rallies Hillary did place blame for the Orlando terrorist attack on availability of guns and the need for stricter gun laws.

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