If you want more ORLANDO STYLE MASSACRES, vote Hillary

Fixed the mistake. Should we talk about that over the next six pages or are you gonna be novel and engage the point of the thread for a change?

Who will import more terrorists; Clinton or Trump?

Why would we start now? You've been avoiding the question ever since I put it on you.

I haven't avoided anything. I've told you in no uncertain terms that I don't intend to chase balls like a dog and get you a link. You on the other hand have repeatedly ignored the question that this thread is predicated upon (Who will import more terrorists; Trump or Clinton?).

Doooooooon't think so Hunior. The title of this thread was, and still is:

If you want more ORLANDO STYLE MASSACRES, vote Hillary

--- which you then attempted to bring the pus out of by advancing the claim that she "wants to import terrorists".

--- which I then challenged you to back up.

--- whereupon you ran away, and have been running ever since. Because you're a wimpo.

I think you have this faulty notion that I am obligated to prove anything and everything to (specifically) you. If you want to be a real poster and answer one simple question (who will import more terrorists; Trump or Clinton?) then I might be inclined to go into more detail. But if you're just gonna be a stupid sh** who doesn't want to present any semblance of a counter view or defend Hillary in any capacity, then I must conclude that you're not serious about the issue, and I'm thusly not inclined to play your games. Be a serious poster if you want serious replies.

trump may not 'import' anyone, but what he is doing is helping the self radicalizing of some right here at home with the ability to get a killing machine that can blow away scores of people in less than 5 minutes... all thanx to the 2nd amendment extremists, led by the NRA.

Islam teaches this sh** straight up. You can pretend they don't if you want; it won't change the reality.
Afghanistan Migration Surging into America; 99% Support Sharia Law - Breitbart

The media got on Trump for talking about suspending the Islamic flux. They seem to be okay with the lax "refugee" code word standards that cover up Islamic terrorist connections.

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and thinking something will change. If you want more blood baths, just vote Hillary and she'll do her "progressive" continuation of Obama Muslim immigration if not even increase it.

This guy was a citizen. He was not an immigrant. If the FBI was investigating him, how did he buy all these weapons?

You think Donnie can stop mass shootings? Will he set up Internment camps for citizens who are Muslims?

So, you want to talk about the incompetence of the Obama regime for knowing about this guy and not stopping it? That's fine.

No, let'talk about the fact that the NRA continues to buy repub congressman, blocking greater restrictions on nut cases like this to purchase an arsenal.

This nut case as you call him was a licensed armed security guard, he passed all the background checks you assholes are calling for, did a lot of good for the folks in FL, didn't they.

Him being a security guard meant nothing. I believe he was a guard for several years before he was being 'watched' by the FBI & he sure was after. And he was still able to buy firearms.

How the Orlando Killer Omar Mateen Got His Guns

Just before he launched the worst mass shooting in American history, Omar Mateen went to a gun store—again and again and again.

The source further reports that Mateen had purchased a Sig Sauer .221 caliber assault rifle at a firearms shop near his Florida home, St. Lucie Gun Sales, on June 4 and then a Glock 17 at the same store on June 5. Mateen had returned to the store a third time on June 9 to buy magazines for his weapons. The store is a federally licensed firearms dealer. Under law, the seller would have had to notify the Federal Bureau of Investigation of Mateen's purchase so that his name could be checked against the National Instant Criminal Background Check System, or NICS.

Mateen was actually listed on two federal watch lists, a U.S. official tells The Daily Beast: The Terrorist Identities Datamart Environment, which contains classified information, and the Terrorist Screening Database, which is the FBI's central watchlist. The gun background check would have run Mateen's name against that second database, but he had been removed from it in 2014. The sales were approved and early Sunday morning he used the weapons to fire round after round after round at defenseless people at the Pulse nightclub. Mateen left a third weapon, a revolver capable of firing only a mere six shots, in his van.

An FBI spokesman didn't respond to a request for comment about whether the gun seller made the required check. However, it's unlikely it would have raised any red flags.

Even if it had, Mateen still could have purchased the weapons legally. The U.S. official says that, at most, the FBI would be alerted that he was trying to buy the weapons and perhaps agents would have watched Mateen more closely.

How the Orlando Killer Omar Mateen Got His Guns

And where was the police/security when this deuche started blasting away? Maybe, people want their guns cos as the old adage goes, you can count on only one person to take care of you: yourself.
You poor child, thanks for the laugh. Bye!

so, that's rwnutter talk for ' I ain't got nuthin to refute'.

The AR-15 and the M-16 are identical in shape, style and operation, except for a key distinction: the M-16 is only automatic, said Frank Proctor, a performance shooting and law enforcement training weapons expert in Alabama. Because the two rifles are so similar, the AR-15 is essentially the semi-automatic version—one pull of the trigger, one shot—of the M-16, Proctor said.

Automatic AR-15s do exist, but the vast majority of Americans cannot buy them.

What are the AR-15’s technical specifications?

The weapon’s caliber is .223, meaning the bullet is .223 inches in diameter. While that is smaller than some rifles, it is comparable to an M-16’s caliber—long the U.S. military’s most popular rifle.

The weapon’s projectile velocity—how fast the bullet travels—is around 3,200 feet per second.

Why is the weapon popular with gun owners?

AR-15s are highly customizable, Proctor said. For all AR-15s, the shooting action is standard, “but it can go from there, however you want to accessorize it,” he said. He also said the gun is favored because of its low recoil.

While many AR-15s can be purchased for less than $1,000, sights, grips, stocks and other accessories can cost hundreds of dollars. This 100-round drum magazine costs $116.99.

It is also normally easy to purchase. For example, suspected Orlando shooter Omar Mateen did not have to wait to buy the weapon that slaughtered 50 people, as there is no waiting period for the AR-15 in Florida.[...]

What to Know About the Gun Used in the Orlando Shooting

ba-bye tiger dude.

the M-16 is only automatic, said Frank Proctor, a performance shooting and law enforcement training weapons expert in Alabama.

Your expert ain't much of an expert, the M-16 is selectable, it can be fired semi or full auto, it is not ONLY automatic. The M-16A2 fires three round bursts in the auto mode, it's more accurate and doesn't waste so much ammo.

'my' expert? lol... 1st of all, it matters not about the M-16. nobody is disputing the weapon that IS banned.

this is about the AR-15.

which is an assault rifle by the very definition of its capabilities independent of it's similarity or lack of to the M-16.

adam lanza got off 150 rounds in 5 minutes. that was one shot every 2 seconds.

Yeah, cause they're scary looking and black, would you be more comfortable with one in pink?

View attachment 78030

Maybe you won't find this one so scary, poor thing.

i'm thinking you would still wet yourself if you were on the receiving end of that though, wouldn't you, little kitty? :lmao:
Do all guns scare you playtime? Do you want to ban all, and I use this term loosely, long guns?
This guy was a citizen. He was not an immigrant. If the FBI was investigating him, how did he buy all these weapons?

You think Donnie can stop mass shootings? Will he set up Internment camps for citizens who are Muslims?

So, you want to talk about the incompetence of the Obama regime for knowing about this guy and not stopping it? That's fine.

No, let'talk about the fact that the NRA continues to buy repub congressman, blocking greater restrictions on nut cases like this to purchase an arsenal.

This nut case as you call him was a licensed armed security guard, he passed all the background checks you assholes are calling for, did a lot of good for the folks in FL, didn't they.

Him being a security guard meant nothing. I believe he was a guard for several years before he was being 'watched' by the FBI & he sure was after. And he was still able to buy firearms.

How the Orlando Killer Omar Mateen Got His Guns

Just before he launched the worst mass shooting in American history, Omar Mateen went to a gun store—again and again and again.

The source further reports that Mateen had purchased a Sig Sauer .221 caliber assault rifle at a firearms shop near his Florida home, St. Lucie Gun Sales, on June 4 and then a Glock 17 at the same store on June 5. Mateen had returned to the store a third time on June 9 to buy magazines for his weapons. The store is a federally licensed firearms dealer. Under law, the seller would have had to notify the Federal Bureau of Investigation of Mateen's purchase so that his name could be checked against the National Instant Criminal Background Check System, or NICS.

Mateen was actually listed on two federal watch lists, a U.S. official tells The Daily Beast: The Terrorist Identities Datamart Environment, which contains classified information, and the Terrorist Screening Database, which is the FBI's central watchlist. The gun background check would have run Mateen's name against that second database, but he had been removed from it in 2014. The sales were approved and early Sunday morning he used the weapons to fire round after round after round at defenseless people at the Pulse nightclub. Mateen left a third weapon, a revolver capable of firing only a mere six shots, in his van.

An FBI spokesman didn't respond to a request for comment about whether the gun seller made the required check. However, it's unlikely it would have raised any red flags.

Even if it had, Mateen still could have purchased the weapons legally. The U.S. official says that, at most, the FBI would be alerted that he was trying to buy the weapons and perhaps agents would have watched Mateen more closely.

How the Orlando Killer Omar Mateen Got His Guns

And where was the police/security when this deuche started blasting away? Maybe, people want their guns cos as the old adage goes, you can count on only one person to take care of you: yourself.
Many LEO's including my neighbor encourage citizens to arm and defend themselves. They freely admit they show up after the majority of damage has been done.
EVERYONE should be armed at the GOP convention, unless you are weenies...
So, you want to talk about the incompetence of the Obama regime for knowing about this guy and not stopping it? That's fine.

No, let'talk about the fact that the NRA continues to buy repub congressman, blocking greater restrictions on nut cases like this to purchase an arsenal.

This nut case as you call him was a licensed armed security guard, he passed all the background checks you assholes are calling for, did a lot of good for the folks in FL, didn't they.

Him being a security guard meant nothing. I believe he was a guard for several years before he was being 'watched' by the FBI & he sure was after. And he was still able to buy firearms.

How the Orlando Killer Omar Mateen Got His Guns

Just before he launched the worst mass shooting in American history, Omar Mateen went to a gun store—again and again and again.

The source further reports that Mateen had purchased a Sig Sauer .221 caliber assault rifle at a firearms shop near his Florida home, St. Lucie Gun Sales, on June 4 and then a Glock 17 at the same store on June 5. Mateen had returned to the store a third time on June 9 to buy magazines for his weapons. The store is a federally licensed firearms dealer. Under law, the seller would have had to notify the Federal Bureau of Investigation of Mateen's purchase so that his name could be checked against the National Instant Criminal Background Check System, or NICS.

Mateen was actually listed on two federal watch lists, a U.S. official tells The Daily Beast: The Terrorist Identities Datamart Environment, which contains classified information, and the Terrorist Screening Database, which is the FBI's central watchlist. The gun background check would have run Mateen's name against that second database, but he had been removed from it in 2014. The sales were approved and early Sunday morning he used the weapons to fire round after round after round at defenseless people at the Pulse nightclub. Mateen left a third weapon, a revolver capable of firing only a mere six shots, in his van.

An FBI spokesman didn't respond to a request for comment about whether the gun seller made the required check. However, it's unlikely it would have raised any red flags.

Even if it had, Mateen still could have purchased the weapons legally. The U.S. official says that, at most, the FBI would be alerted that he was trying to buy the weapons and perhaps agents would have watched Mateen more closely.

How the Orlando Killer Omar Mateen Got His Guns

And where was the police/security when this deuche started blasting away? Maybe, people want their guns cos as the old adage goes, you can count on only one person to take care of you: yourself.
Many LEO's including my neighbor encourage citizens to arm and defend themselves. They freely admit they show up after the majority of damage has been done.

Yep, the cops are only minutes away when seconds count, but hey they got plenty of chalk and crime scene tape.
99% of Muslims in America don't want to kill homosexuals either.

I bet that stat sounded ever so wonderful in your mind when you were making it up.

Upwards of 51 percent of American Muslims would like homosexuality punishable by death given that that is what Sharia Law calls for.

In some Muslim countries, that number is in 90's percentiles. But how kind of you to the LGBT to want to import these murderers.


LOL!!! see what you did there? you state that "Upwards of 51 percent of American Muslims would like homosexuality punishable by death given that that is what Sharia Law calls for.".... then post a reputable PEW RC survey to make your case. You are relying on the poorly educated to think what you spewed was fact.

there are several things that just won't fly with educated thinking individuals who don't blindly take the word of any poster, politician, or reality tv 'star' as fact. it's quite obvious that you...however.... swallow real hard, don't you? :slap:

1) it was extremely easy to find that survey chart (that was dated back several years)
2) no where on that chart does it say anything about Muslims living in America.
3) no where on the PEW website says "Upwards of 51 percent of American Muslims would like homosexuality punishable by death given that that is what Sharia Law calls for."
Muslims and Islam: Key findings in the U.S. and around the world

4) I did, however find where you got that
"Upwards of 51 percent of American Muslims would like homosexuality punishable by death given that that is what Sharia Law calls for." bullshit.

Donald Trump turned to polling data to justify his proposal to temporarily ban all Muslims from entering the United States.

"According to Pew Research, among others, there is great hatred towards Americans by large segments of the Muslim population," the Republican presidential candidate said in a Dec. 7 statement. "Most recently, a poll from the Center for Security Policy released data showing 25 percent of those polled agreed that violence against Americans here in the United States is justified as a part of the global jihad, and 51 percent of those polled agreed that Muslims in America should have the choice of being governed according to shariah."
There are several important problems with the survey that call into question whether the results are representative of the entire U.S. Muslim population.

Trump’s poll

The Center for Security Policy, a hawkish think tank, surveyed 600 Muslims and released findings in June under the headline, "Poll of U.S. Muslims Reveals Ominous Levels Of Support For Islamic Supremacists’ Doctrine of Shariah, Jihad."
The first problem with the Center for Security policy poll has to do with methodology. It was an online, opt-in survey, which tend to produce less reliable samples because respondents choose to participate. In traditional polling methods, everyone in a population has a chance of being selected for the survey, meaning the results generally reflect the country’s demographics.
It’s also worth noting that the head of the Center for Security Policy, Frank Gaffney, has articulated a variety of theories about Muslim extremists that verge on conspiracy, such as the idea that the Muslim Brotherhood has infiltrated the United States government and the false narrative that President Barack Obama is Muslim.

Our ruling
We rate Trump’s claim Mostly False.


so this is about the time, where the poorly educated trump supporters stick their fingers in their ears & go :lalala: which is exactly why trump loves you so much.
Isn't it cute how liberals continue to demand others to their work for them but, when sent a rate card, fall silent? Yeah, having to pay.....well that's NOT "Free Stuff".

For me, Don't demand links on obvious, sh**. I will never do it. The contrast between Trump and Hillary's Islamic immigration plans are well known. I won't play their games.

oh i'm calling :bsflag:you should WANT to prove you're right. what a transparent joke you are.

You can call what you want. I'm pretty consistent about not putting links for sh** that people ought to know or can easily find out with in a quick search.

sure sweety. you don't post links that have faulty/skewed info or out right lies with the hopes that nobody will search it out & reveal the :bs1:you like to spew.

kinda like i exposed the dung you tried peddling with that PEW chart in the post above this.
Why would we start now? You've been avoiding the question ever since I put it on you.

I haven't avoided anything. I've told you in no uncertain terms that I don't intend to chase balls like a dog and get you a link. You on the other hand have repeatedly ignored the question that this thread is predicated upon (Who will import more terrorists; Trump or Clinton?).

Doooooooon't think so Hunior. The title of this thread was, and still is:

If you want more ORLANDO STYLE MASSACRES, vote Hillary

--- which you then attempted to bring the pus out of by advancing the claim that she "wants to import terrorists".

--- which I then challenged you to back up.

--- whereupon you ran away, and have been running ever since. Because you're a wimpo.

I think you have this faulty notion that I am obligated to prove anything and everything to (specifically) you. If you want to be a real poster and answer one simple question (who will import more terrorists; Trump or Clinton?) then I might be inclined to go into more detail. But if you're just gonna be a stupid sh** who doesn't want to present any semblance of a counter view or defend Hillary in any capacity, then I must conclude that you're not serious about the issue, and I'm thusly not inclined to play your games. Be a serious poster if you want serious replies.

trump may not 'import' anyone, but what he is doing is helping the self radicalizing of some right here at home with the ability to get a killing machine that can blow away scores of people in less than 5 minutes... all thanx to the 2nd amendment extremists, led by the NRA.

Islam teaches this sh** straight up. You can pretend they don't if you want; it won't change the reality.

you mean what the extremists teach. & trump is helping to give them the fodder. why are they using him in propaganda videos if not to fuel that extremism?
This guy was a citizen. He was not an immigrant. If the FBI was investigating him, how did he buy all these weapons?

You think Donnie can stop mass shootings? Will he set up Internment camps for citizens who are Muslims?

So, you want to talk about the incompetence of the Obama regime for knowing about this guy and not stopping it? That's fine.

No, let'talk about the fact that the NRA continues to buy repub congressman, blocking greater restrictions on nut cases like this to purchase an arsenal.

This nut case as you call him was a licensed armed security guard, he passed all the background checks you assholes are calling for, did a lot of good for the folks in FL, didn't they.

Him being a security guard meant nothing. I believe he was a guard for several years before he was being 'watched' by the FBI & he sure was after. And he was still able to buy firearms.

How the Orlando Killer Omar Mateen Got His Guns

Just before he launched the worst mass shooting in American history, Omar Mateen went to a gun store—again and again and again.

The source further reports that Mateen had purchased a Sig Sauer .221 caliber assault rifle at a firearms shop near his Florida home, St. Lucie Gun Sales, on June 4 and then a Glock 17 at the same store on June 5. Mateen had returned to the store a third time on June 9 to buy magazines for his weapons. The store is a federally licensed firearms dealer. Under law, the seller would have had to notify the Federal Bureau of Investigation of Mateen's purchase so that his name could be checked against the National Instant Criminal Background Check System, or NICS.

Mateen was actually listed on two federal watch lists, a U.S. official tells The Daily Beast: The Terrorist Identities Datamart Environment, which contains classified information, and the Terrorist Screening Database, which is the FBI's central watchlist. The gun background check would have run Mateen's name against that second database, but he had been removed from it in 2014. The sales were approved and early Sunday morning he used the weapons to fire round after round after round at defenseless people at the Pulse nightclub. Mateen left a third weapon, a revolver capable of firing only a mere six shots, in his van.

An FBI spokesman didn't respond to a request for comment about whether the gun seller made the required check. However, it's unlikely it would have raised any red flags.

Even if it had, Mateen still could have purchased the weapons legally. The U.S. official says that, at most, the FBI would be alerted that he was trying to buy the weapons and perhaps agents would have watched Mateen more closely.

How the Orlando Killer Omar Mateen Got His Guns

And where was the police/security when this deuche started blasting away? Maybe, people want their guns cos as the old adage goes, you can count on only one person to take care of you: yourself.

lol. so why weren't all the patrons armed in a very lax state where the availability to purchase guns are as common as buying a pack of gum?

what do you think would have happened in that dark nightclub ( or the Colorado movie theatre where the same nutters as you were claiming the same thing?)

you seriously think there would have been LESS casualties? what a moron.
so, that's rwnutter talk for ' I ain't got nuthin to refute'.

The AR-15 and the M-16 are identical in shape, style and operation, except for a key distinction: the M-16 is only automatic, said Frank Proctor, a performance shooting and law enforcement training weapons expert in Alabama. Because the two rifles are so similar, the AR-15 is essentially the semi-automatic version—one pull of the trigger, one shot—of the M-16, Proctor said.

Automatic AR-15s do exist, but the vast majority of Americans cannot buy them.

What are the AR-15’s technical specifications?

The weapon’s caliber is .223, meaning the bullet is .223 inches in diameter. While that is smaller than some rifles, it is comparable to an M-16’s caliber—long the U.S. military’s most popular rifle.

The weapon’s projectile velocity—how fast the bullet travels—is around 3,200 feet per second.

Why is the weapon popular with gun owners?

AR-15s are highly customizable, Proctor said. For all AR-15s, the shooting action is standard, “but it can go from there, however you want to accessorize it,” he said. He also said the gun is favored because of its low recoil.

While many AR-15s can be purchased for less than $1,000, sights, grips, stocks and other accessories can cost hundreds of dollars. This 100-round drum magazine costs $116.99.

It is also normally easy to purchase. For example, suspected Orlando shooter Omar Mateen did not have to wait to buy the weapon that slaughtered 50 people, as there is no waiting period for the AR-15 in Florida.[...]

What to Know About the Gun Used in the Orlando Shooting

ba-bye tiger dude.

the M-16 is only automatic, said Frank Proctor, a performance shooting and law enforcement training weapons expert in Alabama.

Your expert ain't much of an expert, the M-16 is selectable, it can be fired semi or full auto, it is not ONLY automatic. The M-16A2 fires three round bursts in the auto mode, it's more accurate and doesn't waste so much ammo.

'my' expert? lol... 1st of all, it matters not about the M-16. nobody is disputing the weapon that IS banned.

this is about the AR-15.

which is an assault rifle by the very definition of its capabilities independent of it's similarity or lack of to the M-16.

adam lanza got off 150 rounds in 5 minutes. that was one shot every 2 seconds.

Yeah, cause they're scary looking and black, would you be more comfortable with one in pink?

View attachment 78030

Maybe you won't find this one so scary, poor thing.

i'm thinking you would still wet yourself if you were on the receiving end of that though, wouldn't you, little kitty? :lmao:
Do all guns scare you playtime? Do you want to ban all, and I use this term loosely, long guns?

of course ALL guns 'scare' me. that's called healthy thinking. however, if you are asking if I am anti-gun or anti 'long gun' ( an outdated term still used for loophole purposes) then you are mistaken. I've answered that already in this thread. I have several firearms in my home (including 'long guns' ) & believe in the 2nd amendment. within reason. GASP! bet you thought otherwise 'eh? btw... i do know the difference between a clip, magazine, & a drum. i wrote the wrong word was all. & i am from CT. i know what went down at sandy hook, probably more than most (if not all) the posters on this thread.
Some conservative Christians may not accept homosexuals as the norm, but they don't kill them. See how easy that was.

some would like to. that makes them only 99% fundie extremist...but who have no problems with muzlems doing it for them or supporting those who would kill them over in Africa.

Anti-Homosexuality Bill in Uganda

"Right now, you can't go to places that are crowded, because the mob can attack us or even burn us. We can't walk alone. We are ostracized by relatives. But if this bill passes, it will become impossible for me to live here at all. And that part hurts the most.”

(Frank Mugisha, in an interview with Saeed Ahmed for CNN)
Unlike the legalization of same-sex marriages in South Africa, government officials in Uganda on the other hand, have proposed a bill in opposition to homosexuality that suggest that there be more consequences to any Ugandan engaging in homosexual activity. David Bahati, the MP in Ugandan Parliament, is the driving force behind the Anti-Homosexuality Bill. Bahati believes that “aggregated homosexuality” should incur harsher punishment (i.e. homosexuals should be punished by death if they are repeat offenders, engage in a homosexual relationship if a partner is under the age of 18, and has a disability, and/or perhaps is HIV-positive.)
Homosexuality in Uganda

A group of American evangelical activists known for their anti-gay views gave a series of talks in Kampala, Uganda, as self proclaimed “experts in homosexuality” in March 2009, The New York Times reported in 2010. They met with lawmakers and language from their speeches is reportedly echoed within anti-gay legislation since then.

The World Congress of Families, founded in 1997, has hosted large international “pro-family” conferences – which, among other things, stressed the dangers of same-sex unions to society. The group has also hosted smaller events, including one in Nigeria in 2009. This year, the World Congress presented a lifetime achievement award to its Nigerian coordinator, Theresa Okafor, who has defended the Nigerian and Ugandan governments for wanting to “ban all forms of gravitation toward homosexual unions.”

Sharon Slater, president of Arizona-based Family Watch International, which often works with the World Congress, says her visits to Mozambique and Uganda were focused on children affected by AIDS and “at no time did we ever discuss LGBT issues.”

Nevertheless, copies of U.N.-oriented speeches she has made elsewhere show her lobbying against U.N. measures to encourage member states to legalize same-sex marriage and repeal laws against same-sex activities, prompting the Human Rights campaign to label Slater as an “exporter of hate” in a recent report.

The American Center for Law and Justice, a group started by the Christian Broadcasting Network’s Pat Robertson, whose religious television programs are commonly viewed in African homes, opened centers in Kenya and Zimbabwe in recent years. Robertson’s group has focused on lobbying African parliaments “to take the Christian’s views into consideration as they draft legislation and policies,” according to a 2012 report released by Political Research Associates. The law center did not respond to repeated requests for comment regarding its operations in Africa.

What's Driving Homophobia in Africa?

then of course is the good ol ' Rev. Swanson... one of Ted Cruz's buddies....

What is the most common cause of the spread of AIDS?

And you are asking that question...why? that's a messed up round about way to say somehow it's justified to kill gays. why don't you just say that instead? there's no other reason for you to bring AIDS up.

Wrong, it is countering your tirade against Christians opposed to same sex marriage in Africa.

tirade? i'm not accepting their reasons...ANY reason to execute gays.

are you are bringing up AIDS as a reason for those 'Christians' who oppose gay marriage in Africa, be allowed to punish them by death? sure looks like you are trying to make a case for it.

The only ones mentioning punishment by death were African leaders. If you can post a link to a so-called Christian preacher that preaches death to all gays, I will condemn him along with you.

"Sub-Saharan Africa. Sub-Saharan Africa, the hardest hit region, is home to 70% of people living with HIV but only about 13% of the world’s population.1, 8 Most children with HIV live in this region (88%) Almost all of the region’s nations have generalized HIV epidemics—that is, their national HIV prevalence rate is greater than 1%. In 9 countries, 10% or more of adults are estimated to be HIV-positive. South Africa has the highest number of people living with HIV in the world (6.8 million). Swaziland has the highest prevalence rate in the world (27.7%). Recent data offer promising signs, with national HIV prevalence and/or incidence stabilizing or even declining in many countries in the region."

George Bush is a Christian and gave hundreds of millions to African nations to cure HIV/Aids and conduct programs to help prevent the spread of AIDS.
As a matter of fact I didn't know that. The only ones I have read about are those that KILL gays by throwing them off of buildings. I have several gay neighbors that I talk to on a weekly basis and I would not like to see any of them killed.
Just out of curiosity, do you have any Muslims as friends?

Five Muslim countries do no criminalize homosexuality.

Yes, I have Muslim friends and they are fine with my being gay. It comes from being an American Muslim. Culture makes all the difference in religions....ALL religions.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

May I hope none of your Muslim friends become radicalized like the two who were relatively normal in San Bernadino and now Orlando.

I hope the same thing for my Christian friends not getting radicalized like the guy in Charleston or the Planned Parenthood guy. Cult behavior manifests itself in all religions.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Once again the far left shows they do not understand what a true Christian is.

"164 Jihad Verses in the Koran -- Passages in the Quran about Islamic Holy War" compiled by Yoel Natan

All the "kill the gays" pastors are 100% certain that they are "true Christians".

From the persecuted side of a religion, I can't tell one extremist from the other.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I don't know any "kill the gays" pastors, but will condemn them as non-Christians if they actually said that.
You don't get anything. The Muslim culture does not accept homosexuals. The LGBT folks still want more of them to immigrate to the US. I call that stupid.

Conservative Christians don't accept homosexuals either. Deport the fundies?

Some conservative Christians may not accept homosexuals as the norm, but they don't kill them. See how easy that was.

some would like to. that makes them only 99% fundie extremist...but who have no problems with muzlems doing it for them or supporting those who would kill them over in Africa.

Anti-Homosexuality Bill in Uganda

"Right now, you can't go to places that are crowded, because the mob can attack us or even burn us. We can't walk alone. We are ostracized by relatives. But if this bill passes, it will become impossible for me to live here at all. And that part hurts the most.”

(Frank Mugisha, in an interview with Saeed Ahmed for CNN)
Unlike the legalization of same-sex marriages in South Africa, government officials in Uganda on the other hand, have proposed a bill in opposition to homosexuality that suggest that there be more consequences to any Ugandan engaging in homosexual activity. David Bahati, the MP in Ugandan Parliament, is the driving force behind the Anti-Homosexuality Bill. Bahati believes that “aggregated homosexuality” should incur harsher punishment (i.e. homosexuals should be punished by death if they are repeat offenders, engage in a homosexual relationship if a partner is under the age of 18, and has a disability, and/or perhaps is HIV-positive.)
Homosexuality in Uganda

A group of American evangelical activists known for their anti-gay views gave a series of talks in Kampala, Uganda, as self proclaimed “experts in homosexuality” in March 2009, The New York Times reported in 2010. They met with lawmakers and language from their speeches is reportedly echoed within anti-gay legislation since then.

The World Congress of Families, founded in 1997, has hosted large international “pro-family” conferences – which, among other things, stressed the dangers of same-sex unions to society. The group has also hosted smaller events, including one in Nigeria in 2009. This year, the World Congress presented a lifetime achievement award to its Nigerian coordinator, Theresa Okafor, who has defended the Nigerian and Ugandan governments for wanting to “ban all forms of gravitation toward homosexual unions.”

Sharon Slater, president of Arizona-based Family Watch International, which often works with the World Congress, says her visits to Mozambique and Uganda were focused on children affected by AIDS and “at no time did we ever discuss LGBT issues.”

Nevertheless, copies of U.N.-oriented speeches she has made elsewhere show her lobbying against U.N. measures to encourage member states to legalize same-sex marriage and repeal laws against same-sex activities, prompting the Human Rights campaign to label Slater as an “exporter of hate” in a recent report.

The American Center for Law and Justice, a group started by the Christian Broadcasting Network’s Pat Robertson, whose religious television programs are commonly viewed in African homes, opened centers in Kenya and Zimbabwe in recent years. Robertson’s group has focused on lobbying African parliaments “to take the Christian’s views into consideration as they draft legislation and policies,” according to a 2012 report released by Political Research Associates. The law center did not respond to repeated requests for comment regarding its operations in Africa.

What's Driving Homophobia in Africa?

then of course is the good ol ' Rev. Swanson... one of Ted Cruz's buddies....

What is the most common cause of the spread of AIDS?

Heterosexual sex.

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"People who are at higher risk of becoming infected with HIV include:

  • men who have had unprotected sex with men
  • women who have had sex without a condom with men who have sex with men
  • people who have had sex without a condom with a person who has lived or travelled in Africa
  • people who inject drugs
  • people who have had sex without a condom with somebody who has injected drugs
  • people who have caught another sexually transmitted infection
  • people who have received a blood transfusion while in Africa, eastern Europe, the countries of the former Soviet Union, Asia or central and southern America/"

HIV and AIDS - Causes - NHS Choices
some would like to. that makes them only 99% fundie extremist...but who have no problems with muzlems doing it for them or supporting those who would kill them over in Africa.

Anti-Homosexuality Bill in Uganda

"Right now, you can't go to places that are crowded, because the mob can attack us or even burn us. We can't walk alone. We are ostracized by relatives. But if this bill passes, it will become impossible for me to live here at all. And that part hurts the most.”

(Frank Mugisha, in an interview with Saeed Ahmed for CNN)
Unlike the legalization of same-sex marriages in South Africa, government officials in Uganda on the other hand, have proposed a bill in opposition to homosexuality that suggest that there be more consequences to any Ugandan engaging in homosexual activity. David Bahati, the MP in Ugandan Parliament, is the driving force behind the Anti-Homosexuality Bill. Bahati believes that “aggregated homosexuality” should incur harsher punishment (i.e. homosexuals should be punished by death if they are repeat offenders, engage in a homosexual relationship if a partner is under the age of 18, and has a disability, and/or perhaps is HIV-positive.)
Homosexuality in Uganda

A group of American evangelical activists known for their anti-gay views gave a series of talks in Kampala, Uganda, as self proclaimed “experts in homosexuality” in March 2009, The New York Times reported in 2010. They met with lawmakers and language from their speeches is reportedly echoed within anti-gay legislation since then.

The World Congress of Families, founded in 1997, has hosted large international “pro-family” conferences – which, among other things, stressed the dangers of same-sex unions to society. The group has also hosted smaller events, including one in Nigeria in 2009. This year, the World Congress presented a lifetime achievement award to its Nigerian coordinator, Theresa Okafor, who has defended the Nigerian and Ugandan governments for wanting to “ban all forms of gravitation toward homosexual unions.”

Sharon Slater, president of Arizona-based Family Watch International, which often works with the World Congress, says her visits to Mozambique and Uganda were focused on children affected by AIDS and “at no time did we ever discuss LGBT issues.”

Nevertheless, copies of U.N.-oriented speeches she has made elsewhere show her lobbying against U.N. measures to encourage member states to legalize same-sex marriage and repeal laws against same-sex activities, prompting the Human Rights campaign to label Slater as an “exporter of hate” in a recent report.

The American Center for Law and Justice, a group started by the Christian Broadcasting Network’s Pat Robertson, whose religious television programs are commonly viewed in African homes, opened centers in Kenya and Zimbabwe in recent years. Robertson’s group has focused on lobbying African parliaments “to take the Christian’s views into consideration as they draft legislation and policies,” according to a 2012 report released by Political Research Associates. The law center did not respond to repeated requests for comment regarding its operations in Africa.

What's Driving Homophobia in Africa?

then of course is the good ol ' Rev. Swanson... one of Ted Cruz's buddies....

What is the most common cause of the spread of AIDS?

And you are asking that question...why? that's a messed up round about way to say somehow it's justified to kill gays. why don't you just say that instead? there's no other reason for you to bring AIDS up.

Wrong, it is countering your tirade against Christians opposed to same sex marriage in Africa.

tirade? i'm not accepting their reasons...ANY reason to execute gays.

are you are bringing up AIDS as a reason for those 'Christians' who oppose gay marriage in Africa, be allowed to punish them by death? sure looks like you are trying to make a case for it.

The only ones mentioning punishment by death were African leaders. If you can post a link to a so-called Christian preacher that preaches death to all gays, I will condemn him along with you.

"Sub-Saharan Africa. Sub-Saharan Africa, the hardest hit region, is home to 70% of people living with HIV but only about 13% of the world’s population.1, 8 Most children with HIV live in this region (88%) Almost all of the region’s nations have generalized HIV epidemics—that is, their national HIV prevalence rate is greater than 1%. In 9 countries, 10% or more of adults are estimated to be HIV-positive. South Africa has the highest number of people living with HIV in the world (6.8 million). Swaziland has the highest prevalence rate in the world (27.7%). Recent data offer promising signs, with national HIV prevalence and/or incidence stabilizing or even declining in many countries in the region."

George Bush is a Christian and gave hundreds of millions to African nations to cure HIV/Aids and conduct programs to help prevent the spread of AIDS.
some would like to. that makes them only 99% fundie extremist...but who have no problems with muzlems doing it for them or supporting those who would kill them over in Africa.

Anti-Homosexuality Bill in Uganda

"Right now, you can't go to places that are crowded, because the mob can attack us or even burn us. We can't walk alone. We are ostracized by relatives. But if this bill passes, it will become impossible for me to live here at all. And that part hurts the most.”

(Frank Mugisha, in an interview with Saeed Ahmed for CNN)
Unlike the legalization of same-sex marriages in South Africa, government officials in Uganda on the other hand, have proposed a bill in opposition to homosexuality that suggest that there be more consequences to any Ugandan engaging in homosexual activity. David Bahati, the MP in Ugandan Parliament, is the driving force behind the Anti-Homosexuality Bill. Bahati believes that “aggregated homosexuality” should incur harsher punishment (i.e. homosexuals should be punished by death if they are repeat offenders, engage in a homosexual relationship if a partner is under the age of 18, and has a disability, and/or perhaps is HIV-positive.)
Homosexuality in Uganda

A group of American evangelical activists known for their anti-gay views gave a series of talks in Kampala, Uganda, as self proclaimed “experts in homosexuality” in March 2009, The New York Times reported in 2010. They met with lawmakers and language from their speeches is reportedly echoed within anti-gay legislation since then.

The World Congress of Families, founded in 1997, has hosted large international “pro-family” conferences – which, among other things, stressed the dangers of same-sex unions to society. The group has also hosted smaller events, including one in Nigeria in 2009. This year, the World Congress presented a lifetime achievement award to its Nigerian coordinator, Theresa Okafor, who has defended the Nigerian and Ugandan governments for wanting to “ban all forms of gravitation toward homosexual unions.”

Sharon Slater, president of Arizona-based Family Watch International, which often works with the World Congress, says her visits to Mozambique and Uganda were focused on children affected by AIDS and “at no time did we ever discuss LGBT issues.”

Nevertheless, copies of U.N.-oriented speeches she has made elsewhere show her lobbying against U.N. measures to encourage member states to legalize same-sex marriage and repeal laws against same-sex activities, prompting the Human Rights campaign to label Slater as an “exporter of hate” in a recent report.

The American Center for Law and Justice, a group started by the Christian Broadcasting Network’s Pat Robertson, whose religious television programs are commonly viewed in African homes, opened centers in Kenya and Zimbabwe in recent years. Robertson’s group has focused on lobbying African parliaments “to take the Christian’s views into consideration as they draft legislation and policies,” according to a 2012 report released by Political Research Associates. The law center did not respond to repeated requests for comment regarding its operations in Africa.

What's Driving Homophobia in Africa?

then of course is the good ol ' Rev. Swanson... one of Ted Cruz's buddies....

What is the most common cause of the spread of AIDS?

And you are asking that question...why? that's a messed up round about way to say somehow it's justified to kill gays. why don't you just say that instead? there's no other reason for you to bring AIDS up.

Wrong, it is countering your tirade against Christians opposed to same sex marriage in Africa.

tirade? i'm not accepting their reasons...ANY reason to execute gays.

are you are bringing up AIDS as a reason for those 'Christians' who oppose gay marriage in Africa, be allowed to punish them by death? sure looks like you are trying to make a case for it.

The only ones mentioning punishment by death were African leaders. If you can post a link to a so-called Christian preacher that preaches death to all gays, I will condemn him along with you.

"Sub-Saharan Africa. Sub-Saharan Africa, the hardest hit region, is home to 70% of people living with HIV but only about 13% of the world’s population.1, 8 Most children with HIV live in this region (88%) Almost all of the region’s nations have generalized HIV epidemics—that is, their national HIV prevalence rate is greater than 1%. In 9 countries, 10% or more of adults are estimated to be HIV-positive. South Africa has the highest number of people living with HIV in the world (6.8 million). Swaziland has the highest prevalence rate in the world (27.7%). Recent data offer promising signs, with national HIV prevalence and/or incidence stabilizing or even declining in many countries in the region."

George Bush is a Christian and gave hundreds of millions to African nations to cure HIV/Aids and conduct programs to help prevent the spread of AIDS.

well the good Rev Pat Robertson who blames earthquakes & hurricanes on the homogays, had an agenda by having his minions go into Africa to influence those same leaders; & never let on exactly what that agenda was to any press outlet.

George W. certainly deserves credit for his compassion & outreach work concerning AIDS in Africa. Too bad the drugs that helped save lives & were available at rock bottom cost to Africans was not also available at rock bottom cost right here at home. instead the astronomical mark-up of those same drugs were denied to many... too many.... Americans. And they died because they simply couldn't afford them.
So, you want to talk about the incompetence of the Obama regime for knowing about this guy and not stopping it? That's fine.

No, let'talk about the fact that the NRA continues to buy repub congressman, blocking greater restrictions on nut cases like this to purchase an arsenal.

This nut case as you call him was a licensed armed security guard, he passed all the background checks you assholes are calling for, did a lot of good for the folks in FL, didn't they.

Him being a security guard meant nothing. I believe he was a guard for several years before he was being 'watched' by the FBI & he sure was after. And he was still able to buy firearms.

How the Orlando Killer Omar Mateen Got His Guns

Just before he launched the worst mass shooting in American history, Omar Mateen went to a gun store—again and again and again.

The source further reports that Mateen had purchased a Sig Sauer .221 caliber assault rifle at a firearms shop near his Florida home, St. Lucie Gun Sales, on June 4 and then a Glock 17 at the same store on June 5. Mateen had returned to the store a third time on June 9 to buy magazines for his weapons. The store is a federally licensed firearms dealer. Under law, the seller would have had to notify the Federal Bureau of Investigation of Mateen's purchase so that his name could be checked against the National Instant Criminal Background Check System, or NICS.

Mateen was actually listed on two federal watch lists, a U.S. official tells The Daily Beast: The Terrorist Identities Datamart Environment, which contains classified information, and the Terrorist Screening Database, which is the FBI's central watchlist. The gun background check would have run Mateen's name against that second database, but he had been removed from it in 2014. The sales were approved and early Sunday morning he used the weapons to fire round after round after round at defenseless people at the Pulse nightclub. Mateen left a third weapon, a revolver capable of firing only a mere six shots, in his van.

An FBI spokesman didn't respond to a request for comment about whether the gun seller made the required check. However, it's unlikely it would have raised any red flags.

Even if it had, Mateen still could have purchased the weapons legally. The U.S. official says that, at most, the FBI would be alerted that he was trying to buy the weapons and perhaps agents would have watched Mateen more closely.

How the Orlando Killer Omar Mateen Got His Guns

And where was the police/security when this deuche started blasting away? Maybe, people want their guns cos as the old adage goes, you can count on only one person to take care of you: yourself.

lol. so why weren't all the patrons armed in a very lax state where the availability to purchase guns are as common as buying a pack of gum?

what do you think would have happened in that dark nightclub ( or the Colorado movie theatre where the same nutters as you were claiming the same thing?)

you seriously think there would have been LESS casualties? what a moron.

Idiot. They patted the bulk of the patrons for guns. They didn't for the killer. And where were the police with their guns? Do you realize how long it took them to respond?
Five Muslim countries do no criminalize homosexuality.

Yes, I have Muslim friends and they are fine with my being gay. It comes from being an American Muslim. Culture makes all the difference in religions....ALL religions.

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May I hope none of your Muslim friends become radicalized like the two who were relatively normal in San Bernadino and now Orlando.

I hope the same thing for my Christian friends not getting radicalized like the guy in Charleston or the Planned Parenthood guy. Cult behavior manifests itself in all religions.

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Once again the far left shows they do not understand what a true Christian is.

"164 Jihad Verses in the Koran -- Passages in the Quran about Islamic Holy War" compiled by Yoel Natan

All the "kill the gays" pastors are 100% certain that they are "true Christians".

From the persecuted side of a religion, I can't tell one extremist from the other.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I don't know any "kill the gays" pastors, but will condemn them as non-Christians if they actually said that.

You don't think they exist?

No, let'talk about the fact that the NRA continues to buy repub congressman, blocking greater restrictions on nut cases like this to purchase an arsenal.

This nut case as you call him was a licensed armed security guard, he passed all the background checks you assholes are calling for, did a lot of good for the folks in FL, didn't they.

Him being a security guard meant nothing. I believe he was a guard for several years before he was being 'watched' by the FBI & he sure was after. And he was still able to buy firearms.

How the Orlando Killer Omar Mateen Got His Guns

Just before he launched the worst mass shooting in American history, Omar Mateen went to a gun store—again and again and again.

The source further reports that Mateen had purchased a Sig Sauer .221 caliber assault rifle at a firearms shop near his Florida home, St. Lucie Gun Sales, on June 4 and then a Glock 17 at the same store on June 5. Mateen had returned to the store a third time on June 9 to buy magazines for his weapons. The store is a federally licensed firearms dealer. Under law, the seller would have had to notify the Federal Bureau of Investigation of Mateen's purchase so that his name could be checked against the National Instant Criminal Background Check System, or NICS.

Mateen was actually listed on two federal watch lists, a U.S. official tells The Daily Beast: The Terrorist Identities Datamart Environment, which contains classified information, and the Terrorist Screening Database, which is the FBI's central watchlist. The gun background check would have run Mateen's name against that second database, but he had been removed from it in 2014. The sales were approved and early Sunday morning he used the weapons to fire round after round after round at defenseless people at the Pulse nightclub. Mateen left a third weapon, a revolver capable of firing only a mere six shots, in his van.

An FBI spokesman didn't respond to a request for comment about whether the gun seller made the required check. However, it's unlikely it would have raised any red flags.

Even if it had, Mateen still could have purchased the weapons legally. The U.S. official says that, at most, the FBI would be alerted that he was trying to buy the weapons and perhaps agents would have watched Mateen more closely.

How the Orlando Killer Omar Mateen Got His Guns

And where was the police/security when this deuche started blasting away? Maybe, people want their guns cos as the old adage goes, you can count on only one person to take care of you: yourself.

lol. so why weren't all the patrons armed in a very lax state where the availability to purchase guns are as common as buying a pack of gum?

what do you think would have happened in that dark nightclub ( or the Colorado movie theatre where the same nutters as you were claiming the same thing?)

you seriously think there would have been LESS casualties? what a moron.

Idiot. They patted the bulk of the patrons for guns. They didn't for the killer. And where were the police with their guns? Do you realize how long it took them to respond?

sorry sweety, but I can find NOTHING to support your assertion that they were 'patted down'. so you are talking out of your ass.... yet again. you see, sweety... with a rapid fire weapon, response time doesn't matter.
Five Muslim countries do no criminalize homosexuality.

Yes, I have Muslim friends and they are fine with my being gay. It comes from being an American Muslim. Culture makes all the difference in religions....ALL religions.

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May I hope none of your Muslim friends become radicalized like the two who were relatively normal in San Bernadino and now Orlando.

I hope the same thing for my Christian friends not getting radicalized like the guy in Charleston or the Planned Parenthood guy. Cult behavior manifests itself in all religions.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Once again the far left shows they do not understand what a true Christian is.

"164 Jihad Verses in the Koran -- Passages in the Quran about Islamic Holy War" compiled by Yoel Natan

All the "kill the gays" pastors are 100% certain that they are "true Christians".

From the persecuted side of a religion, I can't tell one extremist from the other.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I don't know any "kill the gays" pastors, but will condemn them as non-Christians if they actually said that.

And Muslims condemn the "kill all the infidels" extremist in their religion. They say they "aren't real Muslims" just like you say Pastor Kevin Swanson and his ilk aren't "real Christians". Still seems same/same to me.

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