If you want to be healthy...

In one way, I agree, but then again, a lot of people are stupid. Quite stupid. Sometimes they need a goo kick in the ass, which is why I say, Make Bullying Great Again.
I think that readily available medical care 'enables' people to neglect their health. Doctors have long since stopped giving their patients advise on healthy living. It's generally a lost cause.
I agree 100 %.
I haven't seen a doctor since my 2009 hernia surgery and quit smoking July 4th that year.
I quit drinking over a year ago (I only drank beer, and not very much) and since I have reached a new level of health.
Self diagnosis. Good luck with that.
I correctly diagnosed the reason for my wildly swinging blood pressure, which often required nitro pills to control. It was the blood pressure medication I was given (Lisinopril). I stopped taking it and in a short time my bp normalized and I haven't had any problems since.
I quit drinking over a year ago (I only drank beer, and not very much) and since I have reached a new level of health.
I quit smoking 2009, and stopped drinking in 2017. So, put it this way.....I'm 60, still married to the same woman for over 30 years and don't need any blue pills to get it up.

A good diet a few vitamins and generally healthy lifestyle.... plus we live in the country and we have our own very clean well water and grow some of our own food.

We only live once and you just have to make the best of it and don't take life for granted. That's my organic-cheesy advice for today .
My doctor told me to eat more salad..............

I can live with that!!!!

Good health should make these unnecessary. Labs are useful in ensuring that your health practices are working. Of course you need the medical profession if your health fails and you don't know why or can't reverse it. Your goal is to attain true health so you won't need them.
Good luck.
I need salad dressing to choke it down, which is way too salty, so I gave it up. It's also very expensive for the little nutrition you get from it.

Yeah, I actually gained weight eating salad. My doctor told me there's a lot of carbs in most of the salads people eat.

So I just went back to eating pizza.
Informed self-diagnosis is the key.
I have a lot of medical knowledge. I was actually getting paid to tutor nursing and medical students before I was even a teenager. I also have a hell of a lab for doing blood tests.

I self-diagnose but I also value a second opinion from my doctor. It's wise to get a second opinion.

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