If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor


Tea is the new Kool-Aid
Mar 12, 2014
If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor
You go first, sweetie.
The American Christian position.

^^^ The hypocritical moonbat position ^^^^

You morons always insist that others do things you are unwilling to do yourselves.
I'm not a Christian, and the one who did not ask, but told in this case, was your Lord and Savior I suspect? He's the one you'll have to deal with if you are right and very few of you will be in good standing. You screw unto others, not do unto others.
The American Christian position.

^^^ The hypocritical moonbat position ^^^^

You morons always insist that others do things you are unwilling to do yourselves.
I'm not a Christian, and the one who did not ask, but told in this case, was your Lord and Savior I suspect? He's the one you'll have to deal with if you are right and very few of you will be in good standing. You screw unto others, not do unto others.

Well, there you go again make an ignorant assumption. I'm not a Christian either.

One difference, among many, between us is that I don't expect others to do things I'm not willing to do myself. But as you are a galactic hypocrite, you do.


Keep Calm
Stay Stupid
PMH gets my nomination for Worst Noob of 2014.
If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor

When Christ made this statement He was talking to a man who was rich and thought he could "work" his way into Heaven. Christ knew that the man loved his possessions more than Him; thus, the bold statement. The rich man was unwilling to comply.

So, instead of trying to find fault in what Christ said it's better see the wisdom in the lesson.

At least Christ gave the man an option. Under Obama we're all forced to give everything we have.
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It is a bold statement, to a rich man who asked what he needed to do.

it was not a general commandment though. It's what the rich man needed to do. If Christ asks the rest of us to do so as well, we will need to do it. But until then it's about as applicable to the rest of us as the command to Noah to build the ark or the command to Abraham to sacrifice Isaac.

Let us instead be willing to follow the commands the Lord has given to us and if He asks for that, let us be prepared to do it. If He asks for something else, let us do that instead. We should be free with our property to the furthering of the work.
If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor

When Christ made this statement He was talking to a man who was rich and thought he could "work" his way into Heaven. Christ knew that the man loved his possessions more than Him; thus, the bold statement. The rich man was unwilling to comply.

So, instead of trying to find fault in what Christ said it's better see the wisdom in the lesson.

At least Christ gave the man an option. Under Obama we're all forced to give everything we have.

And that is the difference between Christ and the world. Christ changes our hearts and invites us to act. But wants us to do so voluntarily.

The world would use violence and coercion to force us to act with no concern for our hearts and minds.
It is a bold statement, to a rich man who asked what he needed to do.

it was not a general commandment though. It's what the rich man needed to do. If Christ asks the rest of us to do so as well, we will need to do it. But until then it's about as applicable to the rest of us as the command to Noah to build the ark or the command to Abraham to sacrifice Isaac.

Let us instead be willing to follow the commands the Lord has given to us and if He asks for that, let us be prepared to do it. If He asks for something else, let us do that instead. We should be free with our property to the furthering of the work.

I agree. And I think that when Jesus said "Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you and abuse you," He was talking to us.

Let's all start there.
If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor

When Christ made this statement He was talking to a man who was rich and thought he could "work" his way into Heaven. Christ knew that the man loved his possessions more than Him; thus, the bold statement. The rich man was unwilling to comply.

So, instead of trying to find fault in what Christ said it's better see the wisdom in the lesson.

At least Christ gave the man an option. Under Obama we're all forced to give everything we have.

Well, I was with you until your last sentence.
If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor

The LORD gave me a revelation to it years ago. Jesus was speaking to the rich young ruler. Do you know why Jesus told him to sell his possessions and give it to the poor and come and follow Him?

Because He knew he had lied, because He wanted to reveal his great mercy, because He knew the man didn't know his own heart, because He wanted to demonstrate that He will call who He will to become his disciple and it is not likely to be the person the world would consider.

Go back to the beginning of the story and see how the Rich Young Ruler tells Jesus he has kept both commandments since his boyhood - To Love God with all his heart, mind, soul and strength and to love his neighbor as himself.

Had he loved his less fortunate neighbors as much as he loved himself he would not have had vast wealth while they struggled for daily substance.

Had he loved God with all his heart, mind, soul and strength he would not have acquired such things of the world. His treasures would have been laid up in heaven. Not on the earth.

In the end the rich young ruler was confronted with himself. He went away exceedingly sorrowful. I bet he did.... He turned down the offer of a lifetime for filthy lucre.
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