If You Want to Know the Truth About Charter Schools, Follow the Money to the..


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
If You Want to Know the Truth About Charter Schools, Follow the Money to the Hedge Funds

n abundance of evidence reveals charter schools are largely a sham that benefits the white ruling elite while destroying the public education that has been the foundation of this nation.

Add a June 4 Washington Post column entitled, "Why Hedge Funds Love Charter Schools," to the journalistic case of the people vs. charter schools. Overall, the commentary adds to the larger charge that charter schools are making a lot of people a lot of money. However, it emphasizes that the radioactive sector of the runaway financial sector, hedge funds, are in on profiting from the charter school racket. Washington Post journalist Valerie Strauss cites an analysis by Alan Singer, a teacher who works with the Department of Teaching, Literacy and Leadership at Hofstra University in Long Island, New York:

Obscure laws can have a very big impact on social policy, including obscure changes in the United States federal tax code. The 2001 Consolidated Appropriations Act, passed by Congress and signed into law by President Clinton, included provisions from the Community Renewal Tax Relief Act of 2000. The law provided tax incentives for seven years to businesses that locate and hire residents in economically depressed urban and rural areas. The tax credits were reauthorized for 2008-2009, 2010-2011, and 2012-2013.

As a result of this change to the tax code, banks and equity funds that invest in charter schools in underserved areas can take advantage of a very generous tax credit. They are permitted to combine this tax credit with other tax breaks while they also collect interest on any money they lend out. According to one analyst, the credit allows them to double the money they invested in seven years.

This is part of the answer to the question that Strauss poses at the beginning of her column: "One of the features of corporate school reform is the interest that Wall Street has shown in supporting charter schools. Why?"

Well, there are more financial beneficiaries to be listed in the answer to that question:

The real estate industry, which already receives huge tax breaks as it gentrifies communities, also stands to benefit by promoting charter schools and helping them buy up property, or rent, in inner city communities. One real estate company, Eminent Properties Trust, boasts on its website:

"Our investment portfolio of nearly $3 billion includes megaplex movie theatres and adjacent retail, public charter schools, and other destination recreational and specialty investments. This portfolio includes over 160 locations spread across 34 states with over 200 tenants."

The Charter management group Charter Schools USA recommends that rental costs should not exceed 20 percent of a school’s budget. However the Miami Heraldreported that in 2011, 19 charter schools in Miami-Dade and Broward exceeded this figure and one in Miami Gardens paid 43 percent. The Herald called south Florida charter schools a “$400-million-a-year powerhouse backed by real-estate developers and promoted by politicians, but with little oversight.” Its report found charters paying exorbitant fees to management companies and that many of the highest rents were paid to landlords with ties to the management companies running the schools.

It does not take long to see a trend here: charter schools are a Trojan horse that allows the private market to turn a public education system into a large financial stream of profit - and at an increased cost to the taxpayer in many cases.

That brings us to the topic of Strauss's article – hedge funds:

Read the rest here:
If You Want to Know the Truth About Charter Schools, Follow the Money to the Hedge Funds
So you're complaining that wealthy people support schools on their own accord, above and beyond the other taxes they pay.

What a douche.
And guess what..the kids are better educated in charter schools as well.

No, they aren't. The only douche here is you.

You're upset because charter schools are better funded and provide better education to our youth.

I can understand your dismay.
Except they don't. That's the problem.
I'm going to need more than Zinsmeister says so especially when we are dealing with the charter schools problems in regards to the NYC BS

You didn't have anything before and you damn sure don't have it now.
What Zinsmeister says, based on performance stats.

You're complaining that they're doing well.

What Zinsmeister says, based on performance stats.

You're complaining that they're doing well.


No, performance wise most perform worse or even. Now, don't you have to go clean your double wide?
No, performance wise they perform the same or better.

Which is what the study referenced in the article shows.
No. And I've posted the Standford 2009 and the followup multiple times. But, hey, thanks for playing.
Nope, that study is referenced in my article. It was not representative as the charter system was just getting underway.

It has since been tweaked and honed, and the incredibly fast turnaround from dead heat to pulling ahead substantially is amazing..and the gap is anticipated to continue to widen. Proving, yet again, that community/privately-controlled schooling is so much better than our current system provides as to be in a different ballpark, altogether.
Do the charter schools HAVE to accept the behaviorally and emotionally disabled? If not, there should be a mandate that they have to. Then let's compare. Where I live the public schools test out higher than the charter schools.
Yes, they are. They have to meet the same federal guidelines that traditional schools do.
Nope, that study is referenced in my article. It was not representative as the charter system was just getting underway.

It has since been tweaked and honed, and the incredibly fast turnaround from dead heat to pulling ahead substantially is amazing..and the gap is anticipated to continue to widen. Proving, yet again, that community/privately-controlled schooling is so much better than our current system provides as to be in a different ballpark, altogether.

Ok. You're flat out lying. Why do you lie?
Do the charter schools HAVE to accept the behaviorally and emotionally disabled? If not, there should be a mandate that they have to. Then let's compare. Where I live the public schools test out higher than the charter schools.

They are supposed to but most of them don't or have limited special education help. Most states don't hold them accountable. These kids are the first to get bounced. Like this: http://articles.sun-sentinel.com/20...1_school-voucher-public-school-private-school
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Do the charter schools HAVE to accept the behaviorally and emotionally disabled? If not, there should be a mandate that they have to. Then let's compare. Where I live the public schools test out higher than the charter schools.

They are supposed to but most of them don't or have limited special education help. Most states don't hold them accountable. These kids are the first to get bounced. Like this: In Palm Beach County, 1,232 children receive $8.5 million in state voucher money. How much they get depends on on the severity of their disabilities, with amounts ranging from $4,125 to $19,829. - Sun Sentinel

I've been following this debate. A california billionaire was successful in influencing a decision for getting rid of tenure for teachers in california. Another step towards privatizing schools strictly for profit.

California teacher tenure is struck down: Expect years of appeals*-*Los Angeles Times
Why don't we look at the results before we get all pissy about what you think the purpose is.

The kids are getting a better education.

Excellent! It's working!
Why don't we look at the results before we get all pissy about what you think the purpose is.

The kids are getting a better education.

Excellent! It's working!

We've done this before. You have to pull your head out first.

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