If You Want to Know What Q is About

He has too often claimed that big shit is coming, only to have nothing happen, for me to buy into his cryptic crap anymore.

That is a fair criticism and there are many. On the other hand, I don't see how it helps the Deep State to have millions of people thinking about how wars are for corporate profit, political assassinations, and Pizzagate. Those are the kinds of things you want to keep buried.

I've heard Trumpers sounding like they are well-versed, left-wing 9/11 truthers in bars, when 3 years ago a concept like "Deep State" would've drawn blank stares except from the kind of people who read Noam Chomsky. They see both parties are hopelessly corrupt now. That can only be a good thing.
That is a fair criticism and there are many. On the other hand, I don't see how it helps the Deep State to have millions of people thinking about endless wars for corporate profit, political assassinations, and Pizzagate. Those are the kinds of things you want to bury. I've heard Trumpers sounding like they are well-versed, left-wing 9/11 truthers in bars, when 3 years ago a concept like "Deep State" would've drawn blank stares. They see both parties are corrupt now. That can only be a good thing.
I don't want anything buried...I want all the scumbuckets exposed.

But Q keeps over promising and under delivering...Can't pay him an attention anymore.

When a critical mass believes a different world is possible, it will be. The criminals have run the world long enough. I have no more use for the Bushes than I do the Clintons. Different Mafia families, is all. One's Gambino, another's Bonanno. All stone killers.

They have kill people who make people think, like Lennon. Chapman came around not knowing where he was. Definite Manchurian, MK-Ultra. Someone like Lennon HAD to die.


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