If You Want To Know Why We Have a Donald Trump


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
Let me preface this by saying that I'm a fan of AOS, Ace himself and Buck. JJ Sefton is also very good but CBD (Charlie Brown's Dildo) can kiss my goat-smelling ass. He banned me for saying something he later came back and screamed from high heaven was gospel.

This is from his Blog and it's insightful, IMO.

There's more but it wouldn't be right to clog up this site with it. Go read it. But do it soon. Ace stole his software from the East German Army right before they collapsed, so.....

THE MORNING RANT: Learn to Weld? What if Manufacturing Jobs Come Home but White Collar Jobs Get Offshored?​

—Buck Throckmorton​

Learn to Weld.JPG

Principled Free Traders* had a great run during the quarter century before Trump’s presidency. “Thought leaders” on both side of the political aisle agreed that exporting as many US manufacturing jobs as possible to developing countries was a desirable thing, as they sneered “learn to code” at the deplorable blue-collar workers who lost their livelihoods to offshoring.

(*Just a reminder regarding my animus toward “Principled Free Traders” - I am not necessarily opposed to genuine, reciprocal free trade, but it angers me when people advocating for unilateral surrender to foreign mercantilism falsely promote themselves as being highly principled “free traders,” especially when the foreign mercantilists are hostile countries that have abominable labor policies and are generally closed to US exports.)

Then Trump and his tariffs came along. So did Covid, and supply chain interruptions, and shipping backlogs, and port breakdowns, etc. The higher cost of US labor started looking a lot better compared to the cost of not receiving products that are stuck in a foreign port.

Meanwhile, the work-from-home era started during the Covid hysteria, and employers are still struggling to get employees back to the office. For better or worse, employers are realizing that if a job can be done at a kitchen table in suburban America, it can also probably be done in Bangalore or Moldova, but for much less. And unlike manufactured products that must be slowly shipped across the globe, the product the laptop class creates is digital, and can be shipped around the world in the blink of an eye.

This Google story broke last week, and although the number of Google employees losing their jobs is not huge, it had a significant impact because it really makes explicit that tech jobs are now being offshored, and that U.S. employers are dismissing white collar workers for the express purpose of replacing them with cheaper employees in places like India and Mexico. Learning to code won’t help the laid off employees. Maybe they need to learn to weld.

“Google lays off 200 workers, shifts jobs to Mexico and India in latest restructuring” [NY Post – 05/01/2024]

At least 50 of the roles were based at Google’s headquarters in Sunnyvale, Calif. Google is expected to hire replacement workers for the roles in Mexico and India, CNBC reported, citing a review of internal documents.
In just the first few months of 2024, about 60,000 employees have been laid off by tech companies.

“A comprehensive list of 2024 tech layoffs; From major layoffs at Tesla, Amazon and Microsoft to small fintech startups and apps” [TechCrunch – 5/03/2024]

The tech layoff wave is still going strong in 2024. Following significant workforce reductions in 2022 and 2023, this year has already seen 60,000 job cuts across 254 companies, according to independent layoffs tracker Layoffs.fyi. Companies like Tesla, Amazon, Google, TikTok, Snap and Microsoft have conducted sizable layoffs in the first months of 2024.
As Don Johnson notes, it was foolish for white collar workers to think their jobs couldn’t be offshored too.

Don Johnson Folly of Offshoring.JPG

But at the same time, while coding can be offshored and spreadsheets can be produced and sent from anywhere, there’s a growing appreciation for the value in locally manufactured products, which don’t have to sail through chokepoints which have a habit recently of getting choked off.
We don't have a Donald Trump, we have a mentally incompetent Joe Biden. Wouldn't it be refreshing if lefties faced reality for a while?
We don't have a Donald Trump, we have a mentally incompetent Joe Biden. Wouldn't it be refreshing if lefties faced reality for a while?
We do have a Donald Trump. He's in the news every day. More than any other American.

He addresses the loss of manufacturing jobs almost every day, he talks about the problems facing the "Deplorables" (me).

And because of the economy, he will President next year. People vote their pocketbooks and dimocraps FUCKED the economy. RINO's didn't help but they're so impotent they didn't have a lot of say in what happened. People like Bush 43 went along with the transfer of Blue Collar jobs overseas. And that's why he's hated by -- Everybody.
You, YOU, are why we have Donald Trump.

If you don't understand the article, I just can't help you.
You do bring up a legitimate problem in that jobs for the uneducated are disappearing in this country.

That was the whole reason for "Learn to Code" (Hillary was always fantastically tone deaf).

Donald Trump playing to white grievance without offering solutions isn't an answer.
My recollection is that the traditional media focused on Trump in 2016. They couldn't get enough of him in the debates. It was great for ratings. But then it backfired when he won.
That's why we have you. :)

I don't disagree. I'm not much of a wordsmith. At all.

My apologies.

I do hope you get what the post is about. If you do, maybe you can help make it more clear to the rest.
Sorry man. Got lost in your post.

Without being a total dick about it, I would recommend a simple edit or so.

State your main point in a straightforward declarative sentence.

Support that thesis with an argument based on the material you found somehow connected to it. (I’m not seeing the connection very well at present.)

We had Donald Trump as President because the lazy ass Dims ran Shrillary as though it was “her time.” Her screeching and cackling didn’t resonate well enough with the electorate for her to capture the Electoral College vote. Trump offered a saner alternative.

He still does. To her. To Brandon. To all of the Dims.
Sorry man. Got lost in your post.

Without being a total dick about it, I would recommend a simple edit or so.

State your main point in a straightforward declarative sentence.

Support that thesis with an argument based on the material you found somehow connected to it. (I’m not seeing the connection very well at present.)

We had Donald Trump as President because the lazy ass Dims ran Shrillary as though it was “her time.” Her screeching and cackling didn’t resonate well enough with the electorate for her to capture the Electoral College vote. Trump offered a saner alternative.

He still does. To her. To Brandon. To all of the Dims.
That's not why Trump won.. 2016 wasn't a vote for Prom King and Queen. 2016 was about America losing Manufacturing jobs by the thousands every day. 2016 was about government completely abandoning Small Towns and Rural areas.

2016 was about millions upon millions of Blue Collar jobs being shipped overseas. It was OMB's main talking point and still is.

C'mon, man!!
That's not why Trump won.. 2016 wasn't a vote for Prom King and Queen. 2016 was about America losing Manufacturing jobs by the thousands every day. 2016 was about government completely abandoning Small Towns and Rural areas.

2016 was about millions upon millions of Blue Collar jobs being shipped overseas. It was OMB's main talking point and still is.

C'mon, man!!
You are entitled to your view.

You have a by God right to be mistaken. 👍
You are entitled to your view.

You have a by God right to be mistaken. 👍
I look at things differently. I do think it was about the loss of jobs.

It's like Clause-baby said, "Amateurs think tactics, Professionals think logistics"
I look at things differently. I do think it was about the loss of jobs.

I think the loss of jobs was a factor but not the only factor and IMHO not even the most important one. There was a bigger problem in 2016 that led to DJT's presidency, which was basically a distrust and dislike for the status quo in gov't that frankly has continued to this day. There was a sense of 'nobody is listening to us or addressing our problems' that Trump used to appeal to everybody outside of the big cities. We were getting lip service from the democrats and a lot of distain, as in we know what's best for you more than you do. Trump tapped into that and got himself elected.
My recollection is that the traditional media focused on Trump in 2016. They couldn't get enough of him in the debates. It was great for ratings. But then it backfired when he won.
backfired? "the media" has always loved trump. and he loves them.

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